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9624459 No.9624459 [Reply] [Original]

Just turned 18.
What are some books that one should read (or you wish that you had read) as a young man/child?

>> No.9624466

Get the audiobook version of the exegesis of Philip K Dick. Listened to it while on a job building barbed wire fences on a ranch in Montana when I was 19 completely changed my life. Opens you up

>> No.9624468

Hitler's Mein Kampf
Schopenhauer's On Women
Culture of Critique Series by McDonald
Bell Curve

Would've made me wake up earlier instead of believing for such a long time that I'm not superior to 99% of the world's populaiton

>> No.9624469
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Your biggest problem is that you can't come up with this yourself.

>> No.9624475

I built barbed wire fences in E. Washington when I was 19-20. Weird.
Why do you think you are superior, citing those books?
>inb4 you haven't actually read them

>> No.9624523

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

>> No.9624530


>> No.9624565

>books to read as a young man (well rounded,if fairly basic bitch edition)
Fight Club
Leaves of Grass
Neruda poetry in general
A Good Man Is Hard To Find
Sea of Fertility Tetrology
Master and Margarita

>> No.9624597

Ive read m&m why do you think it's a good book for a young guy?

>> No.9624599

Anna Karenina
War and Peace
The Cossacks
The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.9624601

I wish I read plato and aristotle at 18.

>> No.9624607

I wish I had gotten into animorphs before I was too old to enjoy them. There a few things I enjoy more than traumatized children fighting monsters.

>> No.9624619

I chose those books because they're all interesting, fairly straightforward, and give a decent introduction to literature from across the canon.
Fight Club is in there because it's fun and something every 15-21 year old guy should read, both as something enjoyable but light, and also as a satire.
M&M in particular is suitable because the central conceit: The Devil Comes To Moscow, is handled in a way that non-Russian people with even a slight knowledge of christianity will find different and new.

>> No.9624688


Iron John. I wish I read it when I was 15-16. It would have made me a lot more comfortable being a young man. When I was that age I hated men and only found friends who were girls or other weak boys. Men were distant, abrasive, and scary. I wasn't gay but I wasn't comfortable in my masculinity. It wasn't until my late 20's that I began to be comfortable in my own skin as a man.

>> No.9624697


There's a book out there that I haven't read (it's really damn expensive) that claims that M&M is secretly Christian apologetics presented in a very clandestine manner. Would you agree with that assertion?

>> No.9624775

people have already cited some good ones, bukowski women and 1984 are some good ones either

>> No.9624784

if you have no problems with lengthy books i recommend proust

>> No.9624786

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

>> No.9624863

Anything that connects you with the reality that the world and your own body is a sacred place filled with light and love that will sometimes make love with you for hours upon end if you wake up to it. The classic Western canon has some of this, but its articulated more effectively to bring about a change of consciousness in other places.

but to speak occidentally: honestly just read the practice of the presence of god by brother lawrence. if you take it seriously its literally that simple.

>> No.9624952

The Creature from Jeckyll Island

>> No.9625012

It's not clandestine in the slightest.

>> No.9625106

All the starter kit shit, Kerouac, Vonnegut, you have a short window in which you will reliably enjoy reading them. Genre fic. I can't read genre fic anymore because I know the writing is empty and serves no purpose other than just trying to make things sound cool, so it's boring to read. Get it all in before you get old and cynical, op.

>> No.9625107

What is the name of the book?? Id be very interested in reading it

>> No.9625144

Daodejing, The Meditations, The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.9625199

>The first word you see describes you