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/lit/ - Literature

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9623868 No.9623868 [Reply] [Original]

So I've got social anxiety disorder according to my therapist.

Can anyone rec some literature on social anxiety? No self-help stuff, I mean actual literature

>> No.9623899


>> No.9623920

I'm not looking for treatment/guidelines/therapy, I've got those already

I'm looking for literature, a story I can identify with

>> No.9623925


basically...all of the great /lit/ you've been told about

>> No.9623980

this picture is fucking me up

>> No.9624019

It's some guys fb profile pic I came across. Something about his pose, his clothes and the contrast with everything around him is just fantastic

>> No.9624203


>> No.9624217

Stop watching pornography, but you don't need a forum or a website, just stop watching it and treat it like any other addiction.

>> No.9624394

dostoyevsky's the double

>> No.9624410

>sometimes feel awkward hen talking to people
>'doc please tell me I'm a special snowflake and gib me drugs'
yeah quit being a pussy

>> No.9624419

>start browsing /pol/
>let the autism seep into everything i do

>> No.9624430

This. Although I think you've overstated the point.

>> No.9624436

Hey, why didn't you ask your fucking therapist this question?

>> No.9624509

You know what will help you? Not a book but confronting your fears. I still have social anxiety but it's become better since I work in event management. In this kind of business you simply HAVE to deal with new people every fucking day.

Instead of locking yourself up in your room, willingly and consciously expose yourself to the outside. It helped me and I'd recommend it to anyone.

>> No.9625418

No it's just that guy, on vacation, in some uncanny pose, completely unaltered

>> No.9625465

Good advice, sure, but why give it to me?

>Muh bootstraps
But what do I do after I've cleaned my room mr. Peterson?

>> No.9625485

sartres novels are full of social anxiety, nausea in particular is just one long paranoid anxiety episode

>> No.9625502
File: 61 KB, 600x602, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like this then

>> No.9625511

Yeah agree with you completely here, I'm not some locked-in autismo. I go to parties, I have friends, it's just that I still experience plenty of anxiety in the professional part of my life. And with certified help I'll be able to go through the whole process a lot easier (also my insurance pays for it and it's a fairly low key arrangement).

I'm not asking for books as some way to save my soul, I just enjoy reading things I identify with.