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9623416 No.9623416 [Reply] [Original]

Books that convey this picture of how tough it is to be an atheist in America?

>> No.9623423

There aren't any. Because it isn't.

>> No.9623439


>> No.9623462
File: 108 KB, 810x1013, wutson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how tough it is to be an atheist in America

Can't tell if this is bait or just immensely stupid.

>> No.9623469

(You) are immensely fucking stupid

>> No.9623477


Do you mean in 1800 or 2017?

From 1800-1900 you'd probably be shunned by your community if you lived in a small town. After WWI, it became so prevalent that nobody would really give a fuck.

>> No.9623484


It is tough to be an atheist, not because of persecution or of some mental challenge, but because of the same reason why it is tough to live blind.
Just imagine the mental anguish and turmoil such a lifestyle entails, rejecting God is just that painful. Hell is real people, and by being an atheist you step right into it.

>> No.9623501
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yeah your so oppressed man

>> No.9623512
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>> No.9623521
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Stupidity confirmed.

Now you're elaborating, but I still don't think that's valid. Atheist generally think of themselves as the ones with eyes, and the religious as the blind.

Not to mention OP's "in America", impling persecution.

>> No.9623637
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But it's not. Also literally no one gives a fuck as long as your not Jihading people in the streets.

>> No.9623690

I like this

This is stupid. The only way its hard to be an atheist is if you are a crusader against faith in the media which really isnt your business any more than yours is theres ala Sam Harris. You arent going to have any problems day to day unless you are one of those snowflakes who get triggered by everything, at which point you should kys.

>> No.9623702
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Fuckin lol

>> No.9623861
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nigga, just dont be amerifag

>> No.9623895

>"Being blind and being an atheist is equally hard!"
Retarded af, my man.

>> No.9623901

misquoting somebody that you are responding to is quite obvious, you know

>> No.9624012

1. That kinda looks like Zizek from the thumbnail.

2. Gervais is nowhere nearly as funny as Zizek.

>> No.9624029

its tough to see life as meaningful if you think god doesnt exist?

>> No.9624034

It isn't nearly hard enough. I've been sending letters to my Congressman demanding that we strip atheists of citizenship for years now.

>> No.9624086

>uses nigger speak
>says anything else is retarded

>> No.9624193
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 1493550959462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not op but, is everyone on this board christfags?
I'm new here and i'm starting think this is some elaborate meme.

>> No.9624206

absolutely not. this board is full of scumsucking atheist liberals who think obama was the greatest president in existence, think blacks and women can write, and believe in women's rights, while ironically hailing their favorite author, Tolstoy, a known serial slave rapist.

>> No.9624224

>Tolstoy, a known serial slave rapist.

and a heretic

>> No.9624465

well that's a bit better.

>> No.9624474

Some of us are merely interested in philosophy, a large portion of which has been written by Christians over the centuries. Some of us are merely LARPing as Christians in our endless desire to be contrarian, now that the mainstream of our generation has trended towards the secular. Some of us are genuine, unironic Christians.

Who's who? There's no way of knowing, and that's part of the fun.

>> No.9624477

>how tough it is to be an atheist in America?
It must be tough having your mom wake you up at 8AM on Sundays for church.

>> No.9624479

You mean a godly man of peace?
t. minority opinion

>> No.9624481

Newfag leave, this is a Christian board amd lying is bad

>> No.9624510

It's not like most were ever theist to begin with. They were already unknowingly atheist to begin with. They never had a relationship with God, and they probably had never thought to...

>> No.9624516

Protestants are heretics too.

>> No.9624528

Well, duh.

>> No.9624532

Despite OPs bait, I raise his ridiculous statement with a truthful one.

The west is so enamoured with its minorities, regardless of their culture, that it's safer for Islamists in the West than it is for apostates of Islam.

>> No.9624536

Mary is/was not God. Neither are the saints.

>> No.9624551

I agree completely.

>> No.9624600

Sorry, I didnt understand, is it told you in your singing circles, that the true Church is polytheists?

>> No.9624640

If you're referring to the Roman Catholic Curch, then yes.

>> No.9624645

Don't listen to this man, he is a heretic.

>> No.9624663

They are heretics too. So protestants are heretics of latin heresy. And I'm talking about Orthodoxy.

>> No.9624668

Unironically Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9624669

I'm sorry, WHICH Church is founded by Christ Himself in the Gospel of Matthew? It surely isn't the Church that was only started up later by Andrew.

>> No.9624683
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That word means nothing when it's uttered by a subordinate peon of a dilapidated institution that has a long history of making poor decisions and is governed by an idolized puppet that is either too blind or weak to purge his own theocratic territory of child-molesting degenerates.
Oh, and you call her your Virgin Mother without any shame of this irony. I am sure a mother would be pleased of what her children do to eachother. It really makes everyone around wonder...

>> No.9624696

Do you know something about apostolic succession?

>> No.9624719

New here too and yes thee really are tru believers and lot of them are fire & brimstone dweebs.

being an atheist is Reddit.

>> No.9624729

Are you a normal atheist that doesn't believe or care about religion enough to talk about it. Or are you one of those losers who makes it their identity to be an atheist who constantly wants to debate and talk down to spiritual people? I only ask because if it's the latter nothing will help you, you've doomed yourself by being an obnoxious cunt. Nobody gives a shit that you are an atheist unless you live in an Amish community.

>> No.9624734

I do. But I also know that not just every Apostle got his name changed, nor was every apostle told by Christ, "I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven."

So, then, the one true Church must be a Church that recognizes the leadership of Peter--and, thanks to apostolic succession, by Peter's heirs.

>> No.9624739

tough? hahahah no
try being atheist in Africa or some other shithole

>> No.9624750

A hearty kek. I am a "fire & brimstone dweeb".

>> No.9624783

Reddit is gay tho

>> No.9624790

The Holy Spirit fell upon every apostle. And "Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
The dogma of the supremacy of Peter is political ambitions of Rome. Why did they insist on this only after 1000 years?

>> No.9624810

Will Christianity unite itself, or will it continue with the pointless bickering and traditional disputes?

>> No.9624821

Paзличиe нe тoлькo в тpaдиции.

>> No.9624829

The difference is not only in tradition.
Sorry. =)

>> No.9624841

The latter. Unless the rapture happens and it turned out that, you know, atleast two denominations are acceptable in the eyes of Jesus.

>> No.9624843

I would say the majority of Christians on this board are cultural.
There are some actual apostolic and proddy posters though.

>> No.9624865


>> No.9624870

Just fixed.

>> No.9624880

I know, it was my attempt at humor.

>> No.9624884

you must be that weirdo that made that ladder thread some time ago

>> No.9624906

Though to understanding, I'm not english-speaker, as you might have noticed.
I'm here for the first time.

>> No.9624907

I have hope for the Third Nicene Council in 2025.

>> No.9624990

Welcome to /lit/ komrade!

>> No.9625015

Oh, I will not be long, now I have too little time to read books. And the english-skill is not enough.
It is interesting that there is no religion-section on 4chan.

>> No.9625019

What about /x/?

>> No.9625036

/x/ is generally disdainful of Christianity, which is hilarious, really.

>> No.9625045

Lol, some blasphemy, in my opinion.

>> No.9625092

>how tough it is to be an athiest in america
Must be real tough living in those coastal states where a majority of the population is athiest/religious pretenders. Even in the mid-west with high religious populations I doubt anyone would care that you're an athiest. You might have a few bros trying to convert you, but that's about as far as it would go.

The Athiest movement is very played out now. Nobody cares anymore. Every athiest opinion has already been said countless times. As I Catholic I do wish that the church would regain a lot of the power that they have lost over the past few centuries, but I know that that will not happen unless there is some huge event that causes a cultural shift away from progressivism.

>> No.9625119

Disgusting you want a bunch of old pedophiles running your life? Tsk look at this bitch ass nigga

>> No.9625125

There doesn't need to be a huge event to cause a cultural shift, in my opinion the process has already started. Gen Z is already more conservative than their parents, 4chan is edgy conservative now instead of just edgy, Trump and Brexit has happened.
People now laugh at >>9625119 instead of laughing with them.

>> No.9625210

As an atheist I can agree with you that no one really cares anymore. Especially in america for the most part. What makes this country so great is that your allowed to go to any church that you want too. And I don't have too. Man i love this place.

>> No.9625249

Yes, the joys of American liberty. You aren't even obligated to correctly write in your residing country's language.

>> No.9625301


it's a sign of degeneracy. if you've bought into the whole conspiracy that trump and brexit actually represent victories of the people against the globalist jew conspiracy then i have nothing more to say to you, except that you should read some nietzsche (he should be edgy enough to catch your attention) and grow the fuck up. you're an idiot plebeian with your mouth agape at the prospect of having your resentment consummated. so what if internet feminists are fucking idiots - do you think someone like augustine spent his life arguing with the dumbest heathen morons he could find, just to stoke a sense of smug superiority? better yourself, faggot. nobody cares if you've bought into the "right" side of the culture wars.

>> No.9625312

the only self identifying ahteists are ex-christians, once you realise why nobody gives a shit

i am so bored of atheists. grow up and move on. you dont get a prize for not being in a church, you will die like everyone else.

>> No.9625321

Wait a minute... that's Ricky Gervais, isn't it? Jesus Christ.

>> No.9625337

What does this rabid personal attack have to do with anything? What's a sign of "degeneracy", is it a seeming return to more traditional values?
Frankly, your post is quite incoherent, all I got from it was that your posturing is indicative of the "smug superiority" you seem to be accusing me of.

>> No.9625390

I laughed, but at the same time became sad when I remembered that most people who make it through highschool can barely even write by the end of it. I graduated only three years ago and it already seems like it has gotten a lot worse. Just a century ago people could write proper English and even some Latin by the time they finished primary school. Now the idea of proper English is just laughed at by youths.

>Shifting back towards more traditional values is a sign of degeneracy.
Wew lad, you sure have been indoctrinated. The irony of the post is that you sound like the most plebeian person here. Trump being elected and brexit happening are very much victories of people who are tired of hyper-globalization and progressive values being shoved down our throats.

>> No.9625429

Failure of modern school system. I hate it so much.

>> No.9625434


lurk moar

>> No.9625440

>I laughed, but at the same time became sad when I remembered that most people who make it through highschool can barely even write by the end of it. I graduated only three years ago and it already seems like it has gotten a lot worse. Just a century ago people could write proper English and even some Latin by the time they finished primary school. Now the idea of proper English is just laughed at by youths.

you're completely delusional

>> No.9625444

why would anyone want to lurk /x/? That's where all the crazies are

>> No.9625447

>Now the idea of proper English is just laughed at by youths.

stop hanging out with blacks and trump voters

>> No.9625473

I fail to see how. Everything I said is an easily observable fact. The writing ability of 99% of people coming out of highschool today is absolutely atrocious. Hell, even on this board people have grievous grammatical errors every sentence.

Ah, yes. Of course it's those pesky trump voters that do not know how to write well.

>> No.9625776

Catholic here, Christianity goes hand in hand with love of literature
>both imply love of Western culture and tradition
>both imply interest of history
>both imply interest in philosophy and theology
So if you get enough literature lovers in one place, Christians will inevitably appear

>> No.9625784

I guess Christians and, well in my case at least, atheists have a lot in common. Thanks for this.

>> No.9625785

atheists on suicide watch

>> No.9625790

>no one gives a fuck as long as your not Jihading people in the streets.
And if you are, move to Europe and they won't care about that, either.

>> No.9625810
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>> No.9625835

Quite the religious shitstorm in here. I also believe that it's not particularly hard to live as an atheist, certainly not in America of all places. The only drawback I can think is no free sip of wine at your family member's communions.

>> No.9626183

the only downside is occasionally being called a pseud on the internet

>> No.9626192



>> No.9626228
