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9623318 No.9623318 [Reply] [Original]

Is Brandon Sanderson the best writing teacher whose courses are freely available?

>> No.9623343

idk gimme a quick rundown

>> No.9623360

Huge fantasy author, has a lot of lectures online, focuses mostly on plotting and some world-building, dresses like an autist.

>> No.9623369

sounds like a waste of time t bh

>> No.9623377


eww lad

>> No.9624017
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>> No.9624071

Isn't that shirt a little too tight?..or do fat americans really dress like this?

>> No.9624148

I wrote down note from his 2014 lectures but my notes don't make much sense if you didn't watch the thing in the first place.

>> No.9624153

It's a fantasy author. This is the kind of people you see at D&D roundtable. Not exactly trend setters.

>> No.9624156

I mean, at least get rid of the hat

>> No.9624158

>low testosterone

It's like the poster boy for nu males.

>> No.9624163


Are we sure this isn't one of Chris-chan's personas?

>> No.9624181

He's wearing glasses, too, so that's four for four.

>> No.9624233


>> No.9625253

The guy can't spell to save his life lol

>> No.9625267

Writes some damn good books though.

>> No.9625437


They do have an uncanny resemblance to one another. Both of them are also hardcore conservatives

>> No.9625486

>dresses like an autist
Well yes, we could easily see that one from the OP picture. This is also exactly what I picture when I think of a fantasy author.

I'm not sure why anyone would want to take lessons from a guy that looks like he just crawled out of a week-long D&D session in his grandmothers basement, but it would be unfair to criticize him without having watched any of his lectures.

>> No.9625555
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>> No.9625878

Hat indoors = bald
Would share a bag of cheetos with

>> No.9625954

Is his class specifically about how to write fantasy?

>> No.9625985
File: 149 KB, 1050x700, ourguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy writing class with some practical advice about plotting, writing genre fiction, worldbuilding, the business side of authorship, etc. Nothing essential, other than perhaps the episodes about agents, editors, publishing companies etc. but a pretty well presented creative writing class with focus on fantasy/sf.

>> No.9625995

Did the villains stop being comically one-dimensional once he took over the Wheel of Time?

>> No.9626338


>tfw my university doesn't allow creative writing majors to take novel writing courses until grad school, whichi s extremely competitive
>tfw he's probably right that if you want to write novels, you should just write novels instead of spending all of your time writing short fiction

>> No.9626436
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Is that a Paolini book back there?

>> No.9626642

Is he 10?

>> No.9626657
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>tfw my best friend, whom I've known since elementary school, is 5/5, and also spends lots of money on anime and cartoon toys
>tfw I just realized he probably goes to Reddit too

>> No.9626688

IMO, they're very good in a no-nonsense way and are useful for writers in any genre. His podcast (Writing Excuses) is very good too most of the time. I have never read any of his books, but because of these, I probably will at some point.

>> No.9626690

wtf is wrong with dinosaurs and sharks?

>> No.9626707

>not being good enough to get into an MFA program.
His advice is probably practical, but getting into a good MFA program can actually be very useful for your writing career. If you want to write novels because it's a fun hobby, don't bother, but if you want to hone your writing to be like MFA writing so you can write lit novels, think of the short fiction as a way to get your foot in the door.

>> No.9627011

His waifu got his style under control in the 2016 videos. Fedora is out, goofy t-shirts and sport coats are in. It's getting better.

>> No.9627125

>Huge fantasy author
Immediately dropped

>> No.9627140

Yeah, check out >>9625985 , that's what he looks like these days.

He's actually not all that bad looking, all things considered. I mean he does have a nice, healthy head of hair.

>> No.9627280

His target audience is

>> No.9627329

It's magnificent.

I'm going to systematically redirect every single genre fiction retard to this course whenever some hobo shows up from /tg/, /qst/, /sffg/, /v/, /co/, Reddit or whichever other community that would mistake /lit/ for refugee volunteer workers.

There's always the hope some of them take the 'business' part seriously enough to fuck off for a sufficiently long time.

I couldn't have asked for more. Beautiful.

>> No.9627394

This. Didn't the dinosaurs found what we now call Western thought? And that sharks embody the human fear of the endless deep and the yawning vast?

The very human question and condition permeates in and from our ancient leviathan friends and our many-toothed foes.

Sanderson is /ourguy/ to point of Omega. He has destroyed all of literature by perfecting it.

Sing in him Muses, Jaws and Land Before Time alike, and through him tell the tales of creatures talented in all ways contending...

>> No.9627397

There's also a book about the alphabet and a pop-up book, I'm guessing that part of the shelf is for his kids or something.