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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 350x300, amazon_crave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
962152 No.962152 [Reply] [Original]

so i've been wondering after seeing all these amazon wish list threads

are most of you guys who post your wish lists just poor or what
and i'm confused because some people say help a poorfag out and then they say they'll buy someone else a book
why don't you buy yourself something first before you go spending your money on someone else who is half way across the country from you

>> No.962160

Lots of times people want a book now, but don't have cash. So, they'll pay it forward when they get their paycheck.
Of course we also get freeloaders, but that's okay. They still give their appreciation.

>> No.962167

>implying the english major-fags of /lit/ have critical thinking skills

>> No.962168

it's about community and togetherness. besides it's more fun getting the book as a gift than buying it yourself.

>> No.962178

fucking this.
also, i'm quite poor. someone bought me 2 books in one of those threads. i checked my bank account, it had 8 bucks in it. i bought someone a vonnegut for 7.95.

>> No.962180

begging anonymously. you guys really are poorfags.

>> No.962181

i still don't understand what would possess someone who has under 10 dollars in their bank account to buy someone who he doesn't even know a book
why would you even be on the internet if you're that poor

>> No.962182

That's just irresponsible.

>> No.962187

like any of you fags would be complaining if anon bought you a shiny new book too.

ITT: bawww nobody never bought me nuttin

>> No.962188



>> No.962192

Protip: whoever says they'll buy someone else a book is lying, or expecting to get a $25 book, and buying someone else a $3 book.

Also, if you don't live in the US, these threads come off as a major fuck you.

>> No.962193
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i'm sorry what

>> No.962202


Why can't you anons just appreciate the good things in life, why the hell would you complain about someone else getting another person a gift anonymously, what's it to you?

Maybe some people just want to add some good to the world for a change, world is pretty fucked up as it is.

>> No.962203
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so, what's your point here?

>> No.962206

As a former lover of buying a shittona books, I can tell you after a while you wish you didn't spend 50 dollars on a ridiculously popular book. I read my books on my computer, or check them out from a library... if I can't find them on the webs or a library, THEN I buy the book, but by that time my wishlist of 30 has gone down to 2 or 3.

At a ridiculously cheap 10 dollars a book, that cuts 300 dollars to 20 or 30. and thats if they're really, really cheap.

>> No.962208


Opinion: Wrong.

I've already brought numerous britfags books. I earn shitloads in sales and when I saw that we britfags get no love I decided to start gifting on the sly.
Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

>> No.962211

anon's bought me books and i'm complaining
that is my point

>> No.962212

I just received a copy of Seven Pillars of Wisdom by TE Lawrence courtesy of a kind anon.

I'll probably post pictures later, but I just wanted to express my thanks again in case that anon is lurking.

>> No.962213

I think you're lying anyways.
Shipping cost like $3-4 so that would be over your $8 limit.

>> No.962214

So you live in a world where there's nothing outside America and the UK or what.

>> No.962215

man I always get to these threads late, there will be about 100 posts on those wishlists thread by the time I post, I'm gonna make a wishlist now.

>> No.962217

will anyone buy me the Logic of Worlds by Alain Badiou?

I want it. I need it.

>> No.962225

Typical libertarian can't understand an act of random kindness.

>> No.962228

Because generosity being returned and shared is what makes this a true community.

You can troll your terrible philosophies all the fuck you want, everyone is still nice enough to make this a fun and interesting way to get new books.

>> No.962230

>implying Stag is libertarian and not an emotionally crippled child

>> No.962231

to poor to afford a book.
to poor to afford a book.

>> No.962234

>implying false dichotomy

>> No.962235

Let's not delude ourselves here.

Everyone defending buying books for others is doing so out of self-interest.

>> No.962232 [DELETED] 



>> No.962240

Absolutely. Almost everything is done, according to its most arbitrary definition, out of self-interest. Why shouldn't I do somehting if I have the means and I believe the benefits will outweigh the costs? Have you ever purchased something for someone here? It feels great.

>> No.962242


WTF how the fuck is a novel worth 150 dollars?? What is this? An 8000 page graphic novel?

>> No.962245

if you're into that sort of thing, then check out paperbackswap, it's a website where people mail books to each other

>> No.962246

I meant to post that on /a/, but yes. It's ridiculous.

>> No.962253
File: 130 KB, 500x375, 218967426596334149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Story line:AMAZING! its about a young man who is trying to cope with his otakuness (btw an otaku is a shut-in who does nothing but fufill his/her hobby) but is being tempted by lolicon(child p0rn) and hides in bushes taking pictures of elementary school girls' panties...

>> No.962255

I started the whole trend of wish-list buying on here

Got promoted to Sales Strategies Team Leader at Amazon, thanks guys :)

And a big thanks from everyone at Amazon

>> No.962262

Hey man, no problem. Congratulations on your promotion.

>> No.962264

>implying i am an emotionally crippled child

>> No.962265

buy me books

>> No.962267


>implying you're not.

>> No.962272

I'd like to direct you all to this post, maybe you guys will appreciate the thought.

>> No.962275

I don't have an ereader and I'm not going to read books on my laptop.

>> No.962276

Fair enough. I thought alot of you guys would have PSP's or iPhones though.

>> No.962281

Nope. I enjoy good old paper books, but I'll probably get an Ereader when the price falls.

>> No.962282

lol e-readers

>> No.962284

oh, i forgot. you still think you are trolling this thread?

>> No.962285
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>> No.962290

you still think i think i am trolling these boards?

>> No.962294

Start a thread here to find out /lit/'s /mu/sical tastes Stagolee.

>> No.962297

no u

>> No.962300

I like giving. And yes I'm poor. Yes, I could just buy myself book, but that isn't the point of the wishlist threads. It's fun to gift and be gifted alike. To give and brighten someone's day and then receive in return.

If people don't like it, then don't participate

>> No.962306

you better thread starter

>> No.962320


Oh hey, that was me. Uh, you're welcome. I hope you enjoy "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom."

Make sure to pay it forward when you can.

>> No.962328

I'm sick of these fucking threads.

I have no problem gifting books, but to deserving people.

Like I don't know, underprivileged children at children's homes.

All of you are pretentious trolls.

>Bawww I'm poor.

You don't know what poverty is.

>> No.962332


>could spend time helping underprivileged children
>posts on 4chan
>moral high ground

>> No.962338

8/10. this is gonna get some people.

>> No.962342


Oh yes. I must devote all my time to helping the children.

Give me a break.

Enjoy your gift. Hope it makes you feel good.

>> No.962356


This, forever this.

You're all undeserving trolls.

>> No.962366


i've never got one, but I condone the motivation.
it's not like we're buying each other super-soakers and marijuana. this is constructive for society

>> No.962374

Americans don't understand the concept of charity.

>> No.962375
File: 76 KB, 350x218, .1275435642357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.962392

Maybe we should consider supersoaker and pot gifting threads.

>> No.962410


Charity usually implies a deserving and needy recipient.

If you give a friend a gift, is that charity?

>> No.962436

all for pot say high

>> No.962442

Yes it is.

>> No.962448


i'd prefer a super soaker

>> No.962457

Im pretty poor, but I wont be for long! Just got a job!

>> No.962467

Fuck the needy. I help out my /lit/ bros because they're my bros.

>> No.962471

oh boy now you can experience being poor with a little more money

>> No.962914

Most of the people I have bought books for probably have more financial means than I do. It isn't about "helping the poor". It's about knowing that at 3:15pm, on some unremarkable Wednesday, /lit/izen X went out to their mailbox and received a gift from someone they don't know. Most of the time, the thanks threads say something like "I was having a bad day until..." or that they were "absolutely surprised" at the act. And that's good enough for me. Why read any more into it? I don't need a few extra bucks in the bank any more than that person needs an extra book. I think I speak for a lot of the gifters when I say that it wasn't a book that was sent. It was simply a long distance smile, and hopefully the realization that somewhere--even in a place like 4chan--strangers can be kind to strangers.

I try to do this at odd hours to get to as many people from different places as I can. Several times, I have paid more in shipping than the actual item costs. Don't listen to people who say that only people in the states are in the game because I have sent several things to people in many different countries. If I could send something to each one of you, I would. And I am still trying, so please relax and enjoy it for what it is. Anonymous can be an Altruist when he wants.

>> No.962918

You, sir, are amazing

>> No.962919


altruism makes the world go round

>> No.962923

jp is the Beric Dondarrion of /lit/

>> No.962928

You should always pay more in shipping than the actual price of the book itself

Protip: Buy used books on Amazon for 1 penny.

I would say use the library but I like having a shelf of my books, it makes me feel smart and I can lend them out to people I like.

>> No.962930


>> No.962931


he's like JJ Starbuck

>> No.962934


Enjoy wasting your money on trolls.

>> No.962939

lol JJ Starbuck was a billionaire. jp is definately not.

>> No.962958

I appreciate your sincere concern for my personal pleasure. I will do as you advise and enjoy it, wise one.

>> No.963005

I used to wonder why /lit/ got excited whenever jp posted. That was until I posted my list and got 2 books later that week with a note that just said Enjoy, jp. There was a weird culture that followed him in which anon immediately posted their wishlist link whenever he said anything. You can see evidence of that in this very thread.

Thanks for the books man. I have since bought over 10 for others. It is a trade in kindness I would not like to see die here. And thanks to the others as well for.

I have since toyed with the idea of setting up a dedicated website that allows people to send anonymous gifts to one another. It would need to track who has given and who has received, I think. Like a social networking site of sorts, but with physical value.

>> No.963023

LOL you broke the 2nd rule: If you post a wishlist, you better have a shipping address entered.

BTW, the first rule is: You only post your wishlist when asked.

>> No.963034




>> No.963041

> I have since toyed with the idea of setting up a dedicated website that allows people to send anonymous gifts to one another

I am a member of bookmooch ... you post a list of books you no longer want, people request them. You get credits for sending books and can use them to request ones you want.

>> No.963060


i had no idea there were rules.

i thought this was about human connection

>> No.963065

I bought 35 books for fellow anons expecting some kindness in return.

You know what I got? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

So yeah, fuck /lit/.

>> No.963068


You actually thought there was reciprocity going on?

There is a group of naive and seemingly stupid people who are doing the majority of the buying, and the rest of /lit/ claims they will spread the kindness, but they don't.

Keep being idiots and buying shit for undeserving assholes.

>> No.963070


this is exactly the kind of attitude that would ruin the project. it's fantastic that you would give so much, but if you weren't prepared to do it on goodwill, why did you do it?

>> No.963073

Because I'm a naive moron?

>> No.963084

I post my wishlist because I am an unemployedfag. I hope for that to change soon though, as I have an interview to be a warehouse order filler on Monday morning.

>> No.963101

This can't be serious.

>> No.963114

samefag. 5/10 - some will fall for it.

>> No.963115

I'm buying some bros some books on tuesday. it's the least I can do since I've gotten some books from kindanons out there.

/lit/ love. <3

>> No.963130

/lit/ loves each other. i've never seen anything like it. i love this place.

>> No.963134

You can't go in it expecting reciprocity. At least as it is. Anon tracked me down from a few things I said and when I once posted my wishlist. It was expected, and I didn't fight it much. My employment history was posted along with my home address. I was mildly surprised when the following threads demanded that my info was taken down. And it was. You can't go into these threads expecting that someone will wash the other hand. You do it because you want to, not for some personal expectation that somebody will do for you what you've done for them. It's almost like that ridiculous custom we have of holding a door open for someone. It is something done without anticipation of payment and often with the understanding that a "thank you" isn't part of the bargain. You do it because you'd think that one day, someone would hold a symbolic door open for you. And 99 times out of 100 they wont, but that one time they do, you'll be glad of it. Maybe not for the rest of your life...we cant think that way...but for that one minute, for that one moment, for that one time in your life you'd really need a single hand holding a single door welcoming you in, you might understand that it's all we ask of each other. A little hospitality. A little kindness. And on the one day you need it most, a little shelter.

>> No.963135



Nice try though.

I feel bad for that anon though if he is telling the truth.

35 books and not one in return.

>> No.963142

This is water.

>> No.963143


What a load of bullshit.

Quit being a naive moron.

>> No.963149

Hi, you must be new to lit and it's denizens. Feel free to leave.

>> No.963164


I've been here since day one.

So no, I will not leave.

>> No.963173

Then kindly shut your 14 year old mouth and read 1984 as your remedial english teacher assigned while others absorb the message.

>> No.963174

>it's denizens

>> No.963180

How do I add address to wish list?

>> No.963187

angry samefag is samefag

>> No.963188


Is it far fetched to guess this person bought you a book(s).

Have fun being a moocher.

>> No.963208

Actually, it is. But then again, I have never posted a wishlist. Have fun being a person that says "have fun" and "enjoy". While you're at it, use a few more played out words like "fail" and "epic" as the rest of the world acknowledges your social weariness. Raise the Roof and Who Let The Dogs OUt are sayings you might adopt as well.

>> No.963217


Aren't we easily worked up.

Raise the roof.

Enjoy being a pretentious prick.

>> No.963218

>How do I add address to wish list?

Click your wish list, select Manage wish list, then add shipping address.

>> No.963221

Enjoy letting the dogs out, you socially inept preteen motherfucker

>> No.963226


there's no option for this :/

>> No.963227

Epic Fail!
Enjoy X
Enjoy X
Who let the dogs out?


>> No.963229


Language, language.

Why are you so angry? How do you figure I'm socially inept? I think the pot may be calling the kettle black on this one.

>> No.963230

Why yes, there is.

>> No.963236



edit list name
change privacy settings
delete list

no more :s

>> No.963243

Hi. I called you socially inept. In fact, you are more than that. You're socially unaware. I am a different person than the one who criticized you for your use of an over-used troll phrase that has worked it's way into mainstream culture. "Feel free" to understand that there is more than one person deriding you for your "epic fail" of "letting the dogs out" while "raising the roof" as "the roof is on fire".

>> No.963245


Such hypocrisy.

>> No.963250


such irony

>> No.963251

Update this list's profile

It should be on the upper right under your name when you click your wish list

>> No.963256

Fuck off, maybe some people are genuinely nice.

>> No.963270


thanks anon!

>> No.963281

If I see a book I've enjoyed on someones list, I will usually buy it for them. It's just a nice feeling to give someone the pleasure you got from it. I've gifted a few times, but never recieved anything in return. ah well.

>> No.963317


that did the trick, thanks

>> No.963328
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>> No.963333


>> No.963335

These threads have changed me a lot. I used to feel guilty about taking books when I really didn't have any intention of reciprocating, but now that I know you can return items for Amazon credit I am freaking *shameless*.

Still trying to figure out the best way to maximize my gains, seems like it is better to ask for a whole lot of cheap books (more likely that 4 people will send $5 books than 1 person sending a $20 book).

No one is forcing anyone to gift, so don't feel guilty if they want to waste some disposable income--I sure don't. :3

>> No.963344

I agree! Yet as a gifter, when someone refuses a shipment, I get credited and the gifted get nothing! And since I keep a list of all those I send to, and never more than once, it makes for a great list of people whose information I can post who try!

>> No.963349

So how can you stay anonymous while doing this?

>> No.963350

That was pretty incoherent, can you try again in English this time?

>> No.963351


wow, that's awesome anon!

I only just set up my wishlist, what a great system.
I hope you get something from yours, from me or other people as kind as you.
once more many thanks!

>> No.963359

Yes, I'll do it in simpleton english, just for you. When you attempt to return a gifted item, the purchaser is credited, not the consignee. In addition, the purchaser has the ability to report credit fraud, which immediately makes the act a felony since it crosses state lines and/or international lines.

>> No.963365

jp is the only one that could have done that. Especially considering the town.

>> No.963374

How was that incoherent?

>> No.963376

I don't return them, simpleton, I sell them on Amazon marketplace. Book smarts are no match for street smarts.

>> No.963380

You have much to learn about the ferocity of creditors.

>> No.963396

Oh so "fencing". You do realize that this is an admission of illegal activity and that 4chan is known to hand over evidence of illegal activity to authorities? MODFLAGGED and I seriously hope you find some very unwelcoming police at your door (or most likely the door or your mother) very soon.

>> No.963401


Bullshit, prove it. I've given many more books than I've received, but I've got my fair share. I have a hard time believing you're that unlucky.

>> No.963402

I see it this way:
I can't afford a book now, so I beg on /lit/. Some kind stranger buys me some random item and I'm happy. When I do get money I return the favor by buying someone something from their wishlist. Equivalent exchange.


>> No.963421


Haha, that's stupid. What a patient scheme. God I can't believe some people are pitiful enough to waste their time running a game on 4chan. For $5 books no less.

>> No.963432
File: 54 KB, 785x525, untitled 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught me. Heading to bed anon. Stop bickering.

>> No.963463

Flagged as Illegal content, right? I just did it.

>> No.963471

This. Because of that, I use Amazon threads mainly as a recommendation hub.

>> No.963477


hugh laurie? ...really?

>> No.963485

Same here, I'm not expecting anyone to gift me since Amazon international shipping is terrible for books. Other stores (specially music-related) have unified shipping rates that aren't higher than 7USD for everything, regardless of weight in some cases. So yeah, I just use it as a reference list for whenever I go to buy books at a store.
I could still gift though, since I don't really care much about the shipping, but I can see how other would be worried.

>> No.963509



>> No.963517

Oh I think we are all well aware by now that most of the wishlist purchase claims are lies. And most likely the ones that say they will buy something for someone else when they get "paid" is an absolute lie. There are some kindanons, and they seem savvy enough to know when they are being farmed for their generosity as it is. As to the troll saying he fences what he gets, Amazon does fire off some interesting emails on the status of shipments. If he is selling his ill-gotten goods blackmarket, I do not worry. amazon sends me a confirmation on purchase and one on shipment. I never send something to someone who I have already purchased for, and when I see the same list pop up in wish list threads, I bellyache about how said person has already gotten a shipment from me. Maybe making a centralized wish list site like one anon proposed would cut this idea down considerably.

International commerce fraud is not something left to local police.

>> No.963528

They have a wishlist feature, just doesn't work for adding/hiding your address.

>> No.963534

See, the weird thing is Bookdepository allows you to have a wishlist but nobody seems to be able to explain how to add things to it or allow others to see it.

>> No.963550

And here we see jp's hold-the-door theory fall apart. He purchased for 2 anons, with only one saying thank you. This is the world as it is today.

>> No.963557


>> No.963560

This was written by a flaccid, pink, virgin penis.

>> No.963562

"Save Item"

>> No.963564

>International commerce fraud is not something left to local police.
Wait, what exactly is fraudulent about reselling a gift? You gave him the book, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it.

>> No.963575

Not through Amazon.

>> No.963576

I was the guy who was talking about setting up a website with wishlist tracking. But I really didn't want to make it something limited to only books. I suppose I would have to design this with major market sites. I don't know how I would go about this honestly and it was only a passing thought. But I've been to sites like kiva.org where you give money to people with interest. I was more interested in the idea of creating a place where items themselves could be gifted free of strings. Lofty, I know.

>> No.963578


>> No.963584

I post mine because, at the moment, I'm completely, 100% broke. I'm unemployed and if I get a job I'll lose my health and dental. I'm about to apply for student loans and begin an internship. My bank account is closed, and I have but a few pennies on my desk. I won't forget the favor a stranger did for me, another stranger, though. When I am able, I'll return the favor.

I prefer to save the sad story and just post my wishlist, though.

>> No.963586



>> No.963593

He may have left, thinking his list would be overlooked as per always. But yes, I think jp's heart is in the right place and I smile thinking that someone's is.

>> No.963628

You mean this list? I think you confirmed it once you deleted the delivery address. I have picked through this and added many books I would like to read based on many you've added.

>> No.963630

what the fuck
did this turn into a wish list thread?

>> No.963632 [DELETED] 

oops forgot the link

>> No.963637

That would be him. Remove it jackass.

>> No.963648

sorry sorry. Gone I hope.

>> No.963650

nah. a debate

>> No.963686

A sad one at that. What debate can anyone have against kindness? Other than arguing the value of money but we truly don't take anything with us when we die so who cares what people give each other?

>> No.963716

I hereby argue that nothing is free. By free, I mean without payment.

>> No.963779

Like most other anons, I post my list because I'm broke, after a round of layoffs.

Why object to something that brings a little joy into people lives at such a small cost with bascially no ill effects? Does the fact that people are happy (either through gifting or receiving) really bother you that much?


>> No.963786

Fucking capitalist.

>> No.963802

this isn't a wish list thread
it never was
so fuck off

>> No.963808


hey aren't you the dipshit who bought that tranny camwhore books? you should stfu.

>> No.963812

my reasons for buying someone a book on here have nothing to do with this thread.
i'm saying don't post your wish list here because you're poorer than fucking raskolnikov and expect people to buy something for you.
this isn't even a wish list thread so take that shit somewhere else.

>> No.963822

> So I would throw up my
hands and assign them a project on a
real, historical black person. My favorite
was Marcus Garvey. They had never
heard of him, and I would tell them to
research him, but most of them never did. They
didn’t care and they didn’t want to do
any work.

The children of today and the generation that has preceded them think of anything involving thought as "work". We have raised at least 2 generations as pussies who should only look forward to paper shuffling and reply e-mails as work. Nobody born before 1985 has any concept of labor and thus no concept of reward. Gifts mean nothing to them. Gifts are expected. The current crop of adults are nothing more than tit-weaned zombies who expect that getting a job as an engineer or chemist will make the same money that it does today. A legion of graduates stand at their backs, rattling their swords and taking in sequence less pay to have their crumbling positions. It is the new dark ages. Expect their wood houses to crumble, their bright paints and papers to fade, their futures crumble as they always have, daughters to marry sons they shun, names to be forgotten, and nothing scratched in the dirt to tell you they ever lived. The uniformity they crave begets the forgettability they fostered amongst themselves.

>> No.963828

We don't need another engineer. We need a thinker. And for the last 30 years, nothing we have given them will develop that. Nothing will develop the notion of the trailblazers we once had. We will only see a parade of uniform chickens, happy for weekends off and vacation pay so they can raise chicks and bantys to be the same. We have lost our culture in trying to absorb all others. We;ve lost our individuality for the sake of pursuing the norm. We are just fish. We feel a current and we know we should struggle against it. And be a breadwinner just here. And to provide just here. And to worry about nothing but the fear that pushes us back to the same place no matter how we struggle.

And we offer each other a book. And it is nice. But what we really want...the thing we have been trained for...is to swim in place. To not only make it our aim, but the goal of our own children. Yet here is a book. Swim. But stay in place.

>> No.963830


choke on cock, you hipster turdsack.

>> No.963841


what on earth are you talking about? surely your point is that young people are herp derp badder than they used to be, but you say no one born before 1985 has any concept of labour thus no concept of reward. Why 1985? what happened that suddenly gave the world a concept of labour thus reward? was it synth pop? was that it?

>> No.963843


>> No.963848

I was going to gift you, but I saw "Montreal" and my heart was filled with visions of Elodie Librearbitre and her roommate Annique. And then I compared their lists to yours and realized that they were the exact same. So for my own humility, I could not buy you books, but only approach you with scorn and a developed sense of mistrust. Forgive my insistence, lady, but until you can provide my brothers and me with a picture, involving your gentle breasts and face, I fear that this trade is at a stalemate.

>> No.963852

>hates everything about people under 30
You're an all-encompassing faggot teeny

>> No.963868

1985 is a generalization, to be sure. But answer me this: Do you dream of being a farmer? Were you raised under the belief that you should learn the art of welding? Did someone tell you that you should learn shipwrighting? I will wager no on all. Because your generation has banked so hard on a college education as some sort of holy grail. It might have been true in the 1950s when 1 out of 100 adults were college learned, but now when 1 out of 4 is a college graduate, you're faced with a choice that your counselor never foresaw: you are more worthless than manual labor--a field which dries out by the day. So study. Learn. Read Orwell. Millions have done it this year and millions and millions more tomorrow. You're just the new crop that we will call "laborers". And your spoiled taint will perfume those of us who made better choices, as the past has always demonstrated.

>> No.963872

WTF has this thread mutated into?

>> No.963884 [DELETED] 

Tonight alone, I have made couplings for 400 missle housings. They have 1/1000 inch specifications

>> No.963889


jesus who are you? jethro tull?

my family comes from a rural background. My grandmother grew up on a farm just down the road from where I live. Both my parents are public servants of many years, and i have no idea what i'm going to do with my life, thanks, although you seem to have a good idea.

why would the generation of the 50s or 60s or whatever you're going on about rail against the growth in college education?

>> No.963902

Tonight alone, I have made couplings for 40 missile housings. They have 3/1000 inch specifications and anything less could cause the firing mechanisms to buckle. The average thickness of a piece of paper is around 4/1000 of an inch. The thickness of the life of one missile loader and his very life rests in my eyes. When that missile decides to explode is my eyes as well.

>> No.963906

Simple. Because the value of the education you are paying for rises but the amount you are being taught has not.

>> No.963910


>> No.963918




>> No.963921

Sorry to upset you assholes, but I see no flaw in this. We have become the only valuable commodity of America. How the fuck did we get on this topic?

>> No.964158

jp is the Roose Bolton of /lit/

>> No.964159


He skins people alive?

>> No.964231

go to the library you fat stupid hick