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/lit/ - Literature

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9620170 No.9620170 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Works that despite being valuable and interesting have been misunderstood by the masses.

>> No.9620234
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>> No.9620236
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i'm still in awe that pic related happened. people are so stupid

>> No.9620241

This is exactly what I had in mind.

>> No.9620246

>Infinite Jest
>Harry Potter (as in the story has some deeper significance than it does. No, it's just about a wand waving autismo)
>Voynich Manuscript

>> No.9620257
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Was just going to post that.

>"Gosh why are we paying attention to a book written over 2000 years ago by hetero-racist white males"


Most people don't even understand what makes the state in 1984 so terrifying, things like Newspeak, double-think, the propaganda and surveillance are just means to an end: The destruction of any individualism and the subjugation of the collective masses towards a political entity.

Microsoft or Amazon collecting your data isn't Orwellian, the NSA spying on you isn't Orwellian, some SJW telling you to use a PC term isn't Orwellian, and Trump isn't Orwellian. Can you find parallels? Sure (Alternative facts for instance), but what's true for part of the group isn't true for the group as a whole.

An Orwellian regime exists, but it's not Trump, it's North Korea.

Also, pic related.

>> No.9620326

Excellent analysis of 1984, muh nigguh.

>> No.9620374

>Voynich Manuscript

To my understanding, that book was just a hoax. Is there supposed to be some "deeper meaning" to it?

>> No.9620445

The problem is not what it is, it is what it can be.
Trump's regime is not Orwellian, but Trump's thinking is.
If he can, his regime will also be.
In some way you will start to be afraid, and then, you will start to give up your liberties.Just like it's happening in Europe.

>> No.9620546

Please let's not turn this thread into an anti-Trump rant.

>> No.9620568

What's the deeper meaning in Harry Potter, in your opinion?

>> No.9620577

>people OP was talking about

>> No.9620587


>but Trump's thinking is.

Trump is only made out to be a fascist due to the fact that America has been lulled to sleep by liberal policies for the past 5 decades, the last decade more so than the others. Trump is essentially is a centrist (to a hilarious extent when compared to other prominent establishment right-wingers), but practically all means of mass influence of the general populace have been hijacked by preachers of liberal ideology. That's what happened in Europe, that's why Europe is collapsing in on itself, and the figureheads of the EU are so desperate to retain the power they know they're rapidly losing that they will happily strip the rights of their blind followers so long as it justifies the ends to the means is their continued control.

>> No.9620611



Indeed, this is a most misunderstood book. The general consensus of the masses in America, informed as they are from our media, is that the Qur'an is a peaceful book from a peaceful religion, and in no way incites violence against others.

Those of us who have actually read it, though, and also read the hadiths know otherwise.

>> No.9620691

>Worried that Trump will take his civil liberties away. Doesn't realize that already happened with Bush and Obama.

>> No.9620777

>that's why Europe is collapsing in on itself

Europe is not collapsing in on itself. European nations still have the highest qualities of life and most social freedoms. It's hilarious when Americans say that Germany or Sweden is being invaded by Muslims. It's not.

Europeans have come to embrace multiculturalism, not stupidly be afraid of it like Americans and alt-righters. America is already starting to fall behind in global cooperation as the rest of the world sees them as unreliable; Angela Merkel is now, for all intents and purposes, the new leader of the free world.

>> No.9620795 [DELETED] 

>It's hilarious when Americans say that Germany or Sweden is being invaded by Muslims. It's not.
Then why are muslims fucking everywhere when go into the public?

>> No.9620807

>sweden not invaded by muslims

>> No.9620814

so bluepilled it's not even funny

>> No.9620817

"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic Socialism, as I understand it. It seems to me nonsense, in a period like our own, to think that one can avoid writing of such subjects." - Orwell

>> No.9621654

obvious b8

>> No.9621685
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>> No.9621985

This. Trump has no comprehension of the virtues of a constitutional republic form of government. His first instinct with any situation is to solve it by applying direct force, executive action. He doesn't understand the ultimate, long-term problems that such a methodology creates in a republic. He also has absolutely no shame or compunction about telling stupid, gullible people what they want to hear in order to get ahead. You can see this in the last few rallies he gave before the election. In earlier rallies, he was genuinely enthusiastic. In later ones you can see him frequently make a facial expression like "fuck, these people are dumb" after saying one of his proven people-pleasing comments ("lock her up", "build the wall", etc.). He had clearly grown somewhat disgusted with his own supporters.
The real problem with calling Trump Orwellian is that he's probably not actually smart enough to be Orwellian. However, some of the people around him might be.
The other problem is that the US government has had Orwellian aspects (luckily, so far pretty muted) for much longer than Trump. Obama, too, was a sophist who capitalized on the stupidity of people who don't actually think things through, and make political decisions based on emotion.
You're assuming that the person you're responding to doesn't agree that Bush and Obama were also bad.

>> No.9622843


I thought /lit/ was full of intellectuals.

>> No.9622970

nah it is full of neckbeards. And now a woman who discovered 4chan recently, and is loving it.

>> No.9622987

Nope, most people here probably haven't read a single book in their lives: they just talk about them after reading a couple of quotes from the internet.
Those people are proof of this. If you think someone like Trump is even remotely close to being Orwellian, you didn't understand or even read Orwell.

>> No.9623341

>the koran

nobody thinks this

>> No.9623344

th eternal kraut will never rule the world, la

>> No.9623447

As person that used to hate books, 1984 was the first one I picked up recently out of my own free will just few months ago.
Was kinna shocked how different it is from what I expected it to be, but nevertheless it is great.

>> No.9623493

>Also, pic related.
Didn't Bradbury explicitly state himself that it was about how technology is bad or is this precisely what you mean?

>> No.9623506

We'll never know. It probably was just someone pioneering shitposting.

>> No.9623522

I don't see at all why Trump's America is any more orwellian than at any other moment past 9/11. The NSA checking how many times you take a shit every day is orwellian. Trump shitposting on Twitter isn't.
As some one else here said, NK is orwellian.

>> No.9623585

Life Socializing.