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/lit/ - Literature

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9620021 No.9620021 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9620026

most of those "books" are so funny. shit that kids get their dads for christmas. they are 600 pages, but could be read in 45 minutes

>> No.9620036

Someone write to him one the mailbag with the request that he show his bookshelf in detail.

>> No.9620038

Fuck off ben

>> No.9620073

>At least 3 identical copies of Game Plan strewn about his shelves with no regard to where that title ought to be placed in relation to other books
>Just thrown on wherever
This makes me rage and I have the most disorganized collection of books of which I am aware.

>> No.9620085

Who the hell is Ben?

>> No.9620087


he also has gulag archipelago...what did he mean by this?

>> No.9620089

Wait, Ben has a mailbag?

>> No.9620090
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>My IQ, let me tell you, is off the charts.
>Entire shelf of pleb fiction.
>Writes garbage books.

What went wrong?


>> No.9620097

Klavan is the superior writer


>> No.9620101

>chapo trap house

ah yes

>> No.9620103

Ben Shapiro, Jewish conservative political commentator, author.

>> No.9620105
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Dude this book looks super lame

>> No.9620110

Is Chapo really just a bunch of idiots who took the Alt Right's style and tried to turn it into masturbatory metropolitan liberalism?

>> No.9620124


Pretty much yes

>> No.9620125

why should I give a shit what's on his bookshelf?

>> No.9620133

just the left becoming self aware that they have no connection whatsoever with the working class or reality

>> No.9620140

>the left
Are they even left-wing? They seem centrist as fuck. Supporting Bernie Sanders doesn't make someone left-wing.

>> No.9620142

They identify as socialists and communists... so, yes.

>> No.9620146
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Well, that won't save them from the concentration gulags.

>> No.9620157

left-wing ideas don't mean anything without an instantiation of them in the real world. It's clear what kind of cancer has infected the left everywhere, at least in the first world, and that's what it means to be a leftist in current year.

I was kind of hopeful for Podemos in Spain but they proposed a censorship law with the excuse of "protect the gay" not long ago. If not even the Mediterranean countries are safe from this cancerous plague I don't have any faith in the left being the correct horse to bet on at this point.

>> No.9620314
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what's this chapo shit

>> No.9620405
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wtf I love Varg now

>> No.9620462

Ben Shapiro is not conservative, he is a Israeli nationalist, he parrots "conservative" talking points because conservative are the only people dumb enough to genuinely support Israel in the U.S. If that kind of support came from commies or Afrocentrists instead, you'd have him talking about the marvels of dialectical materialism or how black people were kings and queens in Ancient Egypt instead.

>> No.9620485

You think much too highly of conservatism. Ben Shapiro can do all those things and still be conservative by American standards because conservatism in America is just the idiot clone of progressivism in America. Its purpose is to say "Let's stop here and go no further" and not bother protesting when it's dragged further forward by liberalism after a quick breather. It isn't to say "No, this is the wrong direction; we need to go back and take a different path" and then separate from liberalism to go back the way it came. That's what fascism amounts to. Ben Shapiro is no fascist, but he is by all means conservative.

>> No.9620573


>conservatism in America is just the idiot clone of progressivism in America.

Yeah the group of people who support constitutional originalism and small government policy are just like the people who support the exact opposite, the living constitution and more government involvement. I know it's kind of a fad these days to conflate two diametrically opposed groups of people (both sides have extremists liberals and conservatives are the same har har) because it makes them feel smarter. It's the classic centrist stereotype of a person who thinks every else is stupid for having opinions. You ought to take some time and learn why people believe the things they do, you'll find that even when you disagree they're not as irrational as you think.

>> No.9620596

I'm not espousing horseshoe theory or equating them, but if you don't see that Republicans and Democrats in government cooperate to keep the government running then you're not even worth talking to. I'm sorry but you must have misread my post. Either that or you're just retarded. Nowhere do I equate progressives and conservatives. I'm sorry that you don't know the true meaning of the word 'liberal.'

>> No.9621987

How can they fail so hard while going after such low-hanging fruit?

>> No.9622506

It's another pumped out conservative self falaciating fiction, virtually a genre in itself now.
I'd still read it five times before anything by Toni Morrison.

>> No.9622850

>not buying the cloud cover
what did he mean by this

>> No.9622996

>I support constitutional originalism and small government
>votes for republican candidates that will increase police state and pass laws that contradict the constitution (especially privacy and right to fair trial related ones) and calls self conservative.

It's hard to say these sorts don't count when so many of them vote that way while identifying as conservative.

>> No.9623001

More like Infinitely Low Test. He's shorter than my shriveled cock, and his voice us higher than me after my first and last girlfriend left me 7 years ago.

>> No.9623010
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>> No.9623304

>hurr durr i'd rather read this trash than anything by a nobel prize and pulitzer prize winner
shut the fuck up, this ain't /pol/

>> No.9623349

Maybe you're just autistic

>> No.9623357

It probably means he doesn't give a shit and has no intention of wasting his time with this garbage

>> No.9623386

Stormfront stop trying to infiltrate /lit/ I'm going to keep reporting your shit threads. You people are faggots.

>> No.9623435


this is why nobody respects millennials

>> No.9623453

I hate this awful site, everywhere there's this weird cynicism that amounts to "if I can understand it enough to perform a mediocre imitation of his thoughts on a shitty imageboard then I fuckin hate him"

Nothing can be between "it's good" and "it sucks" with y'all.

>> No.9623458


These guys are pure Reddit. I don't know what it is with younger people but the seem to confuse being snarky with being witty.

>> No.9623482

What do we do, comrade? :'(
>disillusioned leftist

>> No.9624074

No, he's right. The nobel prize in literature is worthless.

What do you think Ben Shapiro has to do with stormfront you clueless retard? Imagine being this low-information, go Stirnerpost or whatever it is you do.

>> No.9624300

>viewers average age = 17
>edgy commies
>combined iq doesnt match shapiros

not a fan of shapiro but please post this reddit shit where it belongs

>> No.9624318

>Jokes about him being a virgin and gay
wow no wonder conservative comics can't compete

>> No.9624326

yeah this is like when Jon Oliver went after Ayn Rand and still came across as a stupid asshole, like literally you have the easiest targets in the world, it's not hard

>> No.9624404


>> No.9624443

What is the Alt-Right's style?

>> No.9624450

Getting punched and then crying on national television

>> No.9624706

this only makes me hate him even more.

>> No.9625617

Ahh, Ben shapiro. The guy who talked for 10 minutes about how the song "Imagine" is liberal garbage Kumbaya bullshit.
Had he actually read the title of the song - and let it register in his genius-level brain - he would've realized that it is called "imagine".

A man whose ideological beliefs are so deeply rooted that he has thus lost the capacity to enjoy a song.

>> No.9625631

is ben shapiro redpilled on the holocaust?

>> No.9625659

The vast majority of the those winners are forgettable. Morrison is no different.
Yeah, that might of been the worst takedown of her work I've ever seen. How do you mess that up when it's already been done so many times before?

>> No.9625667

Intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor

>> No.9625673


It is a bullshit hippie song. What does that fact that the lyrics say imagine have to do with anything? Imagine all Jews were locked into camps, it's easy if you try. No more wars for oil blah blah blah. The fact that I implored you to to simply "imagine" doesn't change the anti-semitic message of my statements. Likewise, the fact that Lennon is imploring us to "imagine" a world without religion and borders doesn't alter the anti-religious globalist meaning of the song.

>> No.9625681

he's talking about the Daily Shoah, it's the Opie and Anthony show, but with white nationalism. Search for therightstuff radio

>> No.9625688


A reliable way to tell if a writer is a leftist hack is to see if they've recently won any awards or prices for their writing. Every single committee behind these prizes are partisan hacks who vote based on politics.

>> No.9625715
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wtf i love bailey more now

>> No.9625728

I might have disagreed with you not too long ago, but after looking through a lot of winners for fiction competitions/awards recently, I found that they were all pushing some leftist agenda and written in the same uninspired blogpost style. I could genuinely not tell the authors apart, and if you laid them all out on a table I might be inclined to think that they were all written by the same person.

>> No.9625865

>A man whose ideological beliefs are so deeply rooted that he has thus lost the capacity to enjoy a song.
It worked for Adorno.

>> No.9625924

Ben's mathematially proven to be like 5'4

>> No.9626627
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>not supporting the existence of Israel

>> No.9626637


>> No.9626651


this image is poetry with those books.
the ocd workbook
the mindfulness workbook
psychology for dummies
documentary storytelling
5 acres and a dream
the ethical slut
anne sexton, the complete

what do these books tell us about "bailey jay", aging transexual porn star, lovechild of 4chan for the past decade, and quite possibly a regular poster.

>> No.9626681

As expected of a murderer.

>> No.9626694

Who dis b?

>> No.9626703

>Who dis b?
>"bailey jay", aging transexual porn star,

oh gross nvm then

>> No.9627324

never judge a man by his bookshelf