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9618627 No.9618627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

>> No.9618853

What an absolute psued

>> No.9618866

>starting with greeks

Pick one

>> No.9618872


>> No.9618873

It's not starting with the Greeks that made me call her a psued, it's her quote about Socrates.

>> No.9618898


She's hedging against millennial apathy you fucking moron. She still needs to sell to youth who "identify" with her brand. No celebrity who's managed well will ever go into autistic detail on philosophy when it's a fluff piece.

>> No.9618901

there's probably some market research firm who determined high school kids like celebrities who mention the greeks since most people in non-black majority schools will be reading them, even jay-z talks about socrates and plato in some song

>> No.9618903

Fuck off.
The /ourguy/ meme is fucking retarded.

>> No.9618910

Though more coherent than what I would have posted. Props anon.

>> No.9618919

Wow, what an amazing insight you have there! I'm sure that's exactly what she thought when she decided to spew such a glorious statement as 'I've got a huge crush on Socrates!' Rather than it being just another dull conception of her uninteresting mind. She no doubt considered her audience with that one and made sure to keep all her actual educated comments to herself.

I'm so glad your undying devotion to such esteemed intellectuals as Katy Perry and constant defense of them (not without the usual 'you fucking moron!') has made me see the light.

>> No.9618921

As a model for youth, yes.

>> No.9618927

Katy Perry knows her fanbase too well, and realizes that she can't yet discuss the finer pleasures of greco philosophy, but has to appeal to how 'cool' and 'similar to us girls' that 'Socrates guy' is because he 'questions everything just like me'. Perhaps she'll set fifty young girls on the path of wisdom.

>> No.9618938

Why TF were you reading a Rolling Stone piece on Katy Perry? Kill yourself my guy.

>> No.9618958

how do we tell her that socrates was gay? how does she not know? even xanthippe knew and she was a housewife

>> No.9618966

It could be that they intended to reinforce the Platonic idea that good is above truth and science.

>> No.9618972
File: 434 KB, 500x236, Katy-Perry-open-mouth-GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>katy perry confirmed for hiding true power level
>next release slated to be concept album which uses teenage girls interest in boys as a method of generating ontological discourse
>teenage girls now openly discussing philosophy

>> No.9619096

>digs Socrates
>dates guys with little dicks
I think I might have a shot here.

>> No.9619112
File: 222 KB, 1240x786, 1443988020705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greco philosophy

>> No.9619282

Hahahaha Indian Navy cocksucker.
Gandu, ma ki choot. Tatto ke saudagar. Bhosadike.

>> No.9619328

Tired: Christian apologia
Wired: Celeb apologia

>> No.9619337

As long as you don't mind being cucked...


Btw, she tweeted this when she was with Russell.

>> No.9619355
File: 207 KB, 627x715, 1494509919637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why boner...

>> No.9619396



wtf does this word even mean? It seems to describe someone who has a bunch of unfounded, yet-somehow-popular crackpot opinions... either that or they've just learned something so blatantly obvious that it's not worth mentioning.

>> No.9619423

Socrates and the greeks are like babies first philosophy, i bet she only know them through like motivation instagram quotes.
Perry is a brain dead neoliberal at worst, she supported Hillary, a corporate lizard lady was her idea of being woke.

Call me when top 40 pop stars are name dropping Wittgenstein

>> No.9619431

>She no doubt considered her audience with that one and made sure to keep all her actual educated comments to herself.
Yes. That is what cultivated pop stars are doing all the time. She almost certainly had a copy of the questions she was going to be asked beforehand and rehearsed her answers with her publicist multiple times.

>> No.9619438

MK Ultra participants used to corrup the youth was not working with Miley Cyrus so they decided to go with someone more attractive.

>> No.9619442
File: 10 KB, 640x400, 8731e057s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw dialectic between a porn star and pop star inc.

>> No.9619446

I really wish people who post on /pol/ would be banned from posting on other boards.

>> No.9619452

The redpill idea translated into twitter-style niggerslang.

Popularly, it means fresh perspective, like when you jolt awake from distraction or a daydream.
Esoterically, it means this, but a fresh perspective going against the entire grain of modern life.
Katy Perry is not using it in the esoteric sense.

>> No.9619454
File: 93 KB, 798x392, U&A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How novel!

>> No.9619455

what is pol about that?
Neoliberlism is despised by communists you numbnut

>> No.9619468

Is Utena worth watching

>> No.9619469
