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9618337 No.9618337 [Reply] [Original]

Is this quality or am I getting ripped off?

>> No.9618352
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What about this?

>> No.9618363

>Is this quality
It's the book recommended by JBP.

>am I getting ripped off?
It's free.


>> No.9618409

>reading strawman arguments by an Objectivist

>> No.9618450

Listened to the audiobook for free on youtube last year

Pretty neat, shits on foucault and marxism for most of it, stephen hicks has a nice voice too

>> No.9618455

I'm reading this at the moment. It's okay.

>> No.9618472

Peterson? Objectivist?

>> No.9618496
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The lack of information about the publisher online immediately puts me on guard. If you want a critical analysis of postmodernism, pic related is good.

>> No.9618535


>> No.9618881

I'm pretty sure Jordan B Peterson recommends this book, but he's kinda a meme.

>> No.9619491
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Why is it that every time someone is deeply critical of postmodernism or what might actually be called post structuralism people swoop in to claim the critic doesn't understand what their criticizing?

>> No.9619553


Not quality, sadly. I agree with the main thesis, but the book has oversimplified a lot of things, especially in the way it classifies modernity in respect to the pre-modern and to the post-modern.

That said, it's not like the author discovered gold in claiming that most things classified as postmodern stem from a relativistic background or work in a relativistic mind frame and that this is disruptive for research and end up having horrible consequences in real life, such as the existence of literature students who think foucault is a philosopher.

>> No.9619740


Thank you


I'm a few chapters in and it reeks of conservative facileness.


Do you have any alternatives? Better yet, something accessible that accurately portrays postmodernisms without critique.

>> No.9619901

what role does Rousseau, Hegel, and Kant have to do with postmodernism? Did they just give the basis to it by promoting idealism and the value of subjectivity(the feeling of freedom)? They seem compleetly different from the neo marxist post modernism in today's philosophical talk.

>> No.9619965


According to Hicks, Kant represents a break from the paradigm where abstraction can adequately represent the world. In Critique of Pure Reason Kant says noumena can't be fully articulated therefore an insurmountable gap spans the actual world and any of its descriptions. Hicks claims this is the thrust of relativism and by extension postmodernism.

He also spends a lot of time crying about how the continentals betrayed their enlightenment forefathers.