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File: 395 KB, 575x333, deleuze-and-guattari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9618126 No.9618126 [Reply] [Original]

What would Deleuze and Guattari say if they lived to see how their philosophy killed off the idea of Marxism for good?

>> No.9618168

No one has ever given a shit about these numale cucks who hate capitalism and whiteness

>> No.9618183

Great post. This is why I come to /lit/.

>> No.9618187

do you think D and G ever made out?

>> No.9618188


>> No.9618191


>> No.9618193


>tfw the machinic unconscious manifests an imminent desire for your co-writer's cock

>> No.9618194

dont bother asking, he has no idea what hes saying

>> No.9618195

Despite all the panegyrics to schizophrenia, Deleuze was terrified of the mentally ill and wouldn't go near Guattari's experimental nut shack commune

>> No.9618201

Nick Land

>> No.9618202

OP wants to make the point that they DESTROYED Marxism, so he can keep jerking off to obscurantist, unfalsifiable, continental, feminist, cucked, anti-white, postmodern poststructuralist anti-capitalist nonsense

You won't turn us away from Hitler by advocating these cultural marxists, scum

>> No.9618207

*accelerates out the window*

>> No.9618210

>OP wants to make the point that they destroyed Marxism so he can continue being a Marxist
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9618214

Neither do Deleuze and Guatarri

>> No.9618217


>> No.9618221

>thinking cultural marxists care about class struggle

It's to try to get /pol9k/ people on Deleuze Guattaris side, meanwhile ignoring they are the antithesis of white rationality and white capitalist cultre

>> No.9618226
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Stop trying to pretend to come from /pol/.

>> No.9618562

Who do you read after these guys? Please don't say Nick Land.

>> No.9618568

>capitalist culture is inherently white now
What is Silk Road

>> No.9618611

Manuel DeLanda

>> No.9618826

Gilles might just pull the trigger one more time, just to be sure.

>> No.9619105

Bifo berardi

>> No.9619144

Do you even know what were they about or just parrot a /pol/ meme like a little kid because you saw post-structuslism under their wikipedia.

By the way you react to buzzwords I assume you should start thinking he isn't bad by the mention of Nick Land, someone associated to lean right, who hinges on Deleuze philosophy of difference. But of course you will only see the word Nick Land and its association, not the logic behind it.

Just shows that people in both extremeties are deluded.

>> No.9619156

>this many buzzwords in a row

go to school

>> No.9619160

Jesus did anyone on here even read them?

>> No.9619556

Literally Nick Land

>> No.9619566


>> No.9619569

Nobody knows what they are about.
>muh rhizomes

>> No.9619576

I know, he's, like, so problematic!

>> No.9619595

Just read Fanged Noumena, you pussy. Scared of losing your humanity or something?

>> No.9619613
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Stop taking "skunk" and amphetamines

>> No.9619618
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>marxism is dead

>> No.9619629
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>Derrida's writing in Spectres is marked by a preoccupation with the "death" of communism after the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union, in particular after theorists such as Francis Fukuyama asserted that capitalism had conclusively triumphed over other political-economic systems and reached the "end of history." Taking inspiration from the pervasive ghost imagery in Marx's writing, Spectres has been said to concern itself with the question, "if communism was always spectral, what does it mean to say it is now dead?"

I got u senpai

>> No.9619644

>their philosophy killed off the idea of Marxism
this is so non materialist it hurts

>> No.9619724

Factually wrong since the very anecdote you refer to took place at La Borde.

> B-but he didn't like schizos setting fire to nearby buildings! He's psychophobic!

D&G were marxists. They just rejected dogmatic marxism.


Speculative Realism or, if you wany more D&G look up Actual Virtual journal on Youtube. All the authors holding conferences there wrote books and articles about Deleuze. There's also Manuel DeLanda of course and Sylvere Lotringer, both deleuzians.

>> No.9619873

I actually feel bad for Badiou despite the Maoism and all, he was the only one who really understood how unbundling the class struggle into a group of identity-based concerns would utterly fuck over Marxism by making it much more tractable to capitalism. After '68, Marxism became boutique, a bourgeois way of seeing the world, instead of a truth destined to be redeemed by history, and so lost the working-class support it had and its intellectual-economic basis.

>> No.9619884

Where to start with Badiou???

>> No.9619899

Fascism of the Potato.

>> No.9619907

G was way too much of a qt, and D had successfully developed his body without organs to re-stimulate the pleasure of making out without needing an organized desire in the first place.

>> No.9619917

I tried to tbqh, I failed miserably though so now I just shitpost about them being obscurantists.

>> No.9619939

Start with Nietzsche and Philosophy. Continue with Negotiations, Essays Critical and Clinical, Dialogues, Desert Islands & Other Texts, Two Regimes of Madness. Then watch Deleuze's Abecedaire (pirate it, it has decent English subtitles). Only then go for Anti-Oedipus or A Thousand Plateaus.

Also, there are a ton of Youtube videos and secondary sources if you know where to look (Actual Virtual Journal, DeLanda, Sylvere Lotringer, etc.)

>> No.9619950

Also, those texts (except for Nietzsche) are collections so just skim through them and read what interests you. I recommend the shoet text Letter to a Harsh Critic in Negotiations.

>> No.9619981

>truth destined to be redeemed by history
>it failed

read nick land

>> No.9619991

This reverse trolling is pathetic

>> No.9620001

this level of honesty tho

>> No.9620003


delanda and berardi are good although lesser choics

>> No.9620010

Virilio and Brian Holmes (look up his stuff on esg on youtube)

>> No.9620019
File: 66 KB, 850x400, quote-when-you-invent-the-ship-you-also-invent-the-shipwreck-when-you-invent-the-plane-you-also-invent-paul-virilio-275485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Virilio is legit.

>> No.9620027

Virilio and Deleuze were buddies and influenced each other to an extent. I much prefer Virilio but I still think D&G asked the right questions very often.

Brian Holmes is also great but absolutely no one knows him. He's more Guattari than Deleuze, I guess.

>> No.9620190

>Factually wrong since the very anecdote you refer to took place at La Borde.

what the fuck are you talking about this doesn't make sense as a response to his comment

>> No.9620201
File: 209 KB, 661x491, Felix_Guattari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Chaosmosis now and Guattari really was a genius too. I guess he gets overshadowed by Deleuze sometimes, and guys like Zizek don't seem to like him. But C&S wouldn't be what it is without both of them.

Philosophy needs more god-tier tag teams and nomadic studio-bands/war machines.

>> No.9620298

Yeah, too bad what he means by schizos is "yuppie artists" and he actually hates real schizos whom considers as autists and theyre the enemies of his ontology.

Stick to Baudrillard and Debord.

>> No.9620303

Not all trade is capitalism. Capitalism as we know it was invented by the British and the Dutch around the 17th century.

>> No.9620305
File: 34 KB, 526x296, Klossowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I get that. Right now I feel like I'm in a kind of a circle, where I like Lacanian analysis to dismantle modernity, schizoanalysis to dismantle psychoanalysis and then I wind up back in formless-nondual land to deal with schizoanalysis, which eventually points me back in the direction of, okay, Capital, I can handle you now. Until I can't and start talking about guilt again.

Baudrillard is wicked. Debord also but Baudrillard has literary flair from here to eternity. I'm shilling Klossowski left and right these days too.

>> No.9620342

>Capitalism as we know it was invented

>> No.9620352
File: 65 KB, 627x605, 3ce30e7cb357954f53978d30356891390110c1abaf24a0472dc62810da4f455a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white capitalist cultre
>Capitalism as we know it was invented

>> No.9620362

If you refer to OPs post, Negri.

>> No.9620371

Emerged would have been a better phrase, maybe. But parts of it were invented. The first joint-stock companies and stock markets what were really kicked it off.

>> No.9620391
File: 62 KB, 400x550, PC-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henry morgan knew the deal

the essence of capitalism is enlightened piracy/privateering

>> No.9620399
File: 51 KB, 396x385, 1296096140744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw born too late to live in a glorious pirate republic in the Caribbean
>tfw born too soon to live in a glorious pirate republic in space
>tfw born just in time to watch Somalis hijack oil freighters with motorboats starring Tom Hanks

>> No.9620423
File: 36 KB, 450x301, PIRACY-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day that hollywood fails to rescue tom hanks will be like that day the baths in ancient rome stopped running. we will know that the end times have truly come

that said maybe someday some rich trillionaire will someday be required to hire jobless students as privateers to defend Google plantations of docile office workers and WoW gold farmers in the straits of malacca or just to keep pirate scum away from their luxury hotels and yachts


>> No.9620545

He was implicitly referring to an anecdote from Francois Dosse's biography of D&G that plebs use to dismiss Deleuze as hating schizos.

>> No.9620555

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.9620576

No one mentioned your bogeyman, cuck.

>> No.9620597

Where to start with Virilio?

>> No.9620607


>> No.9620617
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>> No.9620624

you mean Alain "import syrian proletariats" Badiou?

>> No.9620634
File: 122 KB, 670x970, paul-virilio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of his stuff is pretty accessible, and when I was reading it I seem to recall it was all super-interesting. Information Bomb, Speed and Politics...he's all about speed.

>> No.9620804
File: 50 KB, 570x691, 059-01-8159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The True Life, 2nd Manifesto for Philosophy and/or Philosophy for Militants.

Geoff Pfeifer's The New Materialism gives an introduction to both him, Althusser and Zizek.

After that, Theory of the Subject and Being and Event I suppose, I haven't read them myself yet.

I kind of agree, but Badiou's Maoism were also iconical for everything people wanted to leave behind in Marxism: the frothing sectarianism and cults of personality. Sadly, that seems to have been the only thing the new left kept.

>> No.9622792

Did he actually say that? Zizek aaid some of his leftist friends believe that, but I dunno if he mentions Badiou by name.

>> No.9623146
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He might be referring to L'Organisation Politique, but it would be a gross misrepresentation of what they're doing.

>> No.9623388

>historical determinists

>> No.9624259


>> No.9624874
