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/lit/ - Literature

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9615042 No.9615042 [Reply] [Original]

>current book you're reading and how do you like it

>> No.9615055

data mining thread

>> No.9615059 [DELETED] 

>Bel Aire
>The Communist Manifesto
It's really good, The power has been in the hands of the few for far too long

>> No.9615066
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>first name
>last 4 digits of your mobile number
>current book you're reading and how you like it
>are you a fan of kellogs new cereal brand?

>> No.9615092

>Odd Thomas
It started off interesting, but I feel like the author goes off on too many tangents. Have to fill up those pages somehow.

>> No.9615489

they made that into a TV show. crazy hot chick in it.
also 29 gravitiesrainbow. Good

>> No.9615496
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> Newcastle, Australia
> It Can't Happen Here

letrump covfefe fascism in merica carrying a flag and a bible!

No but actually it's a pretty good book, a bit heavy-handed at times, but a good book

>> No.9615502





This explains so much.

>> No.9615521
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p.s. you've been memed comrade

>> No.9615534
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>United States
>Police Field Operations, 10th edition
I really enjoy it. It reminds me of why I got into law enforcement. Pic also related.

>> No.9615564


>Current book you're reading
Crime and punishment.

>> No.9615581

>"Perry Rodan Neo" (71) and "A song of ice and fire"

>> No.9615591

I love these threads, they always catch the underage b&

>> No.9615615

> "If on a winter night a traveler" by Calvino, "Thirty Years War" by Veronica Wedgewood and rereading "History of Western Philosophy" by Russel because I got confused on some stuff about medieval philosophy.

>> No.9615616


> 12
> Ross Ice Station
> Hegel's Science of Logic

Pretty good.

>> No.9615629
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>>current book you're reading and how do you like it
Crime and Punishment. I'm six chapters in, started it yesterday. Liking it so far. Also slowly reading Dubliners when I'm not at home.

>> No.9615655

>The Trial Of Socrates

Liking it so far, although I'm not very far in.

>> No.9615656

Springfield, IL
The prose is outstanding, and I'm starting to sympathize with Humbert, which is strange to say the least.

>> No.9615667

To the Lighthouse

Too girly for my taste. Hard to empathise.

>> No.9615693


> Platos Republic, Zamyatin's "We"

hur dur fuck

>> No.9615712

>The Eternal Husband


De qual estado são?

>> No.9615725


>On Civil Disobedience and Naked Lunch

>> No.9615745


I'm >>9615615


>> No.9615756



Hey anon, also from Paraíba.

>> No.9615763


I'm >>9615712

Sou do Rio Grande do Sul. Recentemente comecei a vir no /lit/ pra encontrar recomendações e discussão sobre lit/fil. Tenho uma grande dificuldade de encontrar pessoas com interesses onde eu vivo (mesmo eu não sendo um robô autista). Você cursa alguma faculdade ou já cursou? O que acha do atual panorama literário/filosófico brasileiro?

O mesmo para >>9615756

>> No.9615781
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Sou >>9615629


Não foi diretamente pra mim mas respondo: Cursei Letras, terminei no final do ano passado. Não tenho lido muitos autores brasileiros contemporâneos, na diria que está muito corroído devido à situação política caótica do país. Sinto como se qualquer pensamento que não se alinha com algum lado político é ignorado. E vocês, anões, o que acham?

>> No.9615859


Concordo com o anão. Estou no segundo ano da faculdade de direito aqui, e me atrai por filosofia no primeiro, cedo ainda. Discussões políticas em nosso cenário atual são impossíveis, ou você é um monstro conservador ou o grande perigo vermelho. A situação atual nas faculdades também não é de grande novidade... Ultimamente tenho me interessado por Lourenço Mutarelli. Às vezes forço ele aqui e no /co/, e gosto muito de seu estilo de escrita. Daniel Galera é outro interessante.

>> No.9615863
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Curso filosofia aqui no RS. Não vejo a situação do pais como sendo propicia para novas produções importantes. Tanto por causa da crise política quanto a crise da educação. De qualquer forma, o brasileiro, por ter uma história um tanto quanto única e ser cheio de criatividade, tem bastante potencia para ter um panorama literário bastante inovador e interessante.

>> No.9615894


João Pessoa?

>> No.9615900


Sim. 4chan é pequeno demais e todos os autistas do nordeste estão aqui.

>> No.9615907

>The Consolations of Philosophy
Very comfy, mostly read it on my train commutes

>> No.9615918

>right outside Chicago
>Osman's Dream (very good general history that is extremely honest about the good and bad things the ottomans did), The 12 Caesars (ancient gossip biography outside of divus julius and divus augustus which seem more like well researched biography), and In the Hands of Providence (very easy to read book on Joshua Chamberlain that includes tons of helpful notes and exerpts of his own writing)

pretty happy rn but I want to finish up one of them quickly because I normally do 1 fiction + 2 vastly different historical books

>> No.9615921

Mas que loucura. Você é quem está no segundo ano de faculdade de direito?

Venho no /lit/ faz um bom tempo, desde 2012.

Sou o outro paraíba-fag. Sou formado em Direito, advogado, e cursando meu mestrado.

Meus contatos são bem reduzidos, em geral são apenas pessoas da Academia ou colegas do meio jurídico.

De todo modo, a meu ver, a situação do Brasil é promissora. Todo progresso passa por um estágio de crises e retrocessos. Em que pese o brasil esteja passando por um tormento político, não dá para ignorar o saudável processo de conscientização constitucional do brasileiro.

>> No.9615963

>The Tin Drum
So far, so good.

>> No.9615985

>Tropic of Cancer
Really good

>> No.9616014

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104
Marcel Proust's "In Search of Lost Time," also known by See Kay Scott Moncrieff as "Remembrance of Things Past," Volume 3, "The Guermantes Way."

It's good

>> No.9616022

One Hundred Years of Solitude
It is cosy and enjoyable

>> No.9616028


>> No.9616045

Opinion checks out

>> No.9616078

It's pretty interesting tbqh. I didn't really understand the first paragraph of part 1, but the second paragraph makes for fairly easy reading.

>> No.9616196

>New York
>Moby Dick

Started off great, is now utter shit. Ahab is less interesting, nobody cares about how your leg was made, nothing has happened for over 100 pages but 'oh, muh monomania,' and 'whale bones are big' and annoying biblical references.

Huge portions of that book do not need to exist.

Anyway, not done yet. 100 pages left. So far, 8/10 because prose is superb.

>> No.9616203

melquiades is my guy

>> No.9616255
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Bom ver um pouco de otimismo; refrescante. Só vejo o pessoal querendo explodir tudo e/ou sair do país. Eu acredito que fazendo a minha parte como cidadão, evitando extremos, me esforçando no meu trabalho, assim faço minha parte pra concertar o país. E vocês?

>> No.9616268

>Harry Potter
is very nice

>> No.9616270

Shit I am of meaning to say 33

>> No.9616317

Technically reading The Art of the Deal. Honestly its pretty much what you expect for a Trump book he spends 80% of his time bragging about his first buildings/real estate peppered with common sense 'don't let them back out of a good deal, never be desperate even if you are' etc. etc.

>> No.9616533


I'm 12 btw
So proud on my country man
top 100 lit bs

so far, so good haha

now give me your (You) and preferably some compliments

did I tell you how comfy I am """""reading""""" this book?

>> No.9616543

Pennsylvania, United States Of America
TRYING TO READ immanuel kants any future prolegamena to any metaphysics

>> No.9616640

>being this salty

>> No.9616849

Planet Zebulon
How to bone a dead princess

Nothing I don't already know

>> No.9616916

Hey im 18 and from Serbia. Im reading H.P. Lovecraft's "Horror in the museum" (v2)published by wordsworth. So far i fucking love the book. It has just the right amount of horror and mystery and with that sweet touch of the C'thulu mythos it all blends in to make a true masterpiece. I still have to read his "Haunter of the dark" and "Lurking fear". Anybody reading this man's work???

>> No.9616922

>Ross Ice Station
I'm calling bullshit

>> No.9616931
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>Savannah, GA
>Asimov's Foundation Trilogy and McPhee's Annals of the Former World

>> No.9617347
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>current book
Brave New World
WHY INTERESTING, one of you guys recommended it to me and its a solid read
Only issue I have with it is that story that goes on in its setting. The author does an amazing job at setting up the time and way at which the world is a utopia in a sense while also setting it as an evil castes system set universe but way the characters are played out and how the story tries to pull a huge u turn makes it a little hard to read at some points. Hopefully it gets better by the end but I do like the premise a lot.

>> No.9617770


But a twelve year old reading Hegel's Science of Logic and posting here all seemed perfectly legit to you? Might need to go back to detective school there Sherlock.

>> No.9617829
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra
It's pretty inspiring. I'm liking it a lot more than I expected.

>> No.9619055

>Tennessee, United States
>The Corrections
It's my first introduction to Franzen, and I know it's a /lit/ meme to hate on him, but I've enjoyed it so far. Not sure if I'll read anymore Franzen, since this is supposed to be his "best" work. I just don't quite see all the need for all the business talk and neuroscience research relating to Alfred's patent (at least in a manor which relates to the actual core narrative), but I'm making my way through it.

>Tfw you start reading about Chip and think it's just going to be an older angry Catcher In the Rye

>> No.9619130

It can really open your eyes

>> No.9619135

New York
The Recognitions
only about 50 pages in but loving it so far, you know it's a good sign when you hit your quota and want to keep going

>> No.9619146

>having a quota

Get off my board reeeee etc

>> No.9619161

>just finished kitchen/moonlight shadow by banana yoshimoto. no perfect but it def gave me feels

>> No.9619168

>Memorias póstumas de Bras Cubas
Pretty humorous with some good bits of prosr here and there. My first forage into zuca /lit/ and I'm enjoying it so far

>> No.9619200

all i mean by quota is how many pages i have to read a day so i finish before i have to give it back to the library. for this it's 15 pages, which after hearing so much about it i thought could be a challenge but i've been devouring it

>> No.9619217

24 yo
Anna Karenina

>> No.9619276

>Liquid Life by Zygmunt Bauman
wtf i'm woke now

>> No.9619277

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction

Salinger's weakest book imo.

>> No.9620202

>"Why I Am Not a Christian" - Bertrand Russell

>> No.9620226

Fuck, how's life there, dude. Delhi here.

>> No.9620248

>not reading any books

>> No.9620312

Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
It's pretty boring desu. It's just a bunch of slow short stories that are fit for when you have nothing else to read at the dentist's office. Some of the ideas in some of the stories are pretty cool but on the whole not worth reading.

>> No.9620432

>Gravity's Rainbow
I'm enjoying it, especially for the way it's written, but sometimes it's really a fucking mess

>> No.9620488

>"Faust" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It's beautiful but boring.

>> No.9620709

>The Rules of Attraction
I'm not all that far into it but I think it's okay so far.

>> No.9620730

>New York
>"And The Dead Shall Rise"
> Pretty damn good so far. I got it yesterday and have read up to the end of his Trial

>> No.9620847

God, I hate potato niggers

>> No.9620886

>Revolutionary Russia: A History

ive been on this book for two weeks because of work how do i motivate myself/find time

>> No.9620974

Just finished on chesil beach by ian pretty interesting characters

>> No.9621923

>Breakfast of Champions

>> No.9621933

samefag here, its kind of weird, but fun to read. There are some chapters where I ask myself why he even wrote it. But hey, it makes fun of our society in a unique way.

>> No.9621977

>United States
>The Brothers Karamazov
Not far enough into it to say what I like about it. I did love crime and punishment. Which of his books should I read next?

>> No.9622031
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Love that book. It's entertaining without lacking depth. Perfect.
I would recommend reading Slaughterhouse-five afterwards if you haven't already. It's a very different story and setting than Breakfast, but it has the same type of humor and an appearance of Kilgore Trout. Also, nice dubs.

>> No.9622047

The Book of the new sun
I don't know what's happening.

>> No.9622336


upstate NY

Lincoln by Gore Vidal

>> No.9622384
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>idiots giving up their personal info
>Hiro let in google and the cia when he took over
>typing anything about you on an IP to be tracked


>> No.9623274


>> No.9623326
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>"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" and "The Autobiography of Malcolm X"

I'm mostly focused on Joyce. I've enjoyed it so far but I'm not sure I really "get" why people idolize Joyce, I feel like it's a book I'll understand only after reading it twice. Don't get me wrong the prose is fantastic and it's "come alive" to me at certain points, mostly when he discusses/thinks about art, but the rest feels almost undiscovered to me if that makes sense.

>> No.9623327

>Lacan's seminars while translating some Derrida. Boy I hope this ideology thing won't provide futile in the future.

>> No.9623664

29/cleveland/just finished the tempest, will probably pick up Don Quixote again. Also reading the federalist papers

>> No.9624058

What is this

>> No.9624097

I and Thou by Martin Buber

Is great desu

>> No.9624108

>southern Ontario
>Infinite Jest

i like it

>> No.9624112

At times reading Portrait I felt like I was watching a movie that consisted solely of beautiful, picturesque establishing shots. I was always waiting for it to settle in and get to the heart of the issue or the character but it rarely does that, it's just not that kind of novel.

>> No.9624134

>just finished Men Without Women by Murakami.
Pretty decent collection, even though in Japan he is nothing.

>> No.9624155

1Q84 was a best seller in Japan
Anyway I'm also 31 and I'm reading War and Peace finally.

>> No.9624160

i'm in western ny, are you gay do you want to fuck

>> No.9624162



St. Augustine's Confessions
Mere Christianity

Confessions is really good, like a perfect mix of an autobiographical story and neoplatonic philosophy. Mere Christianity is only okay so far, the arguments for the existence of God aren't very good but the explanation of Christian doctrine is great. Don't expect Lewis to make you a believer if you aren't one already.

>> No.9624421

Loving it

>> No.9624724

>Magic Mountain
Makes me feel intellectual

>> No.9624800

Columbia, SC
Empire Hardt & Negri
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera

In Empire it's so far be an interminable name dropping of Enlightement thinkers and how they evolved the liberal enterprise. Nothing so far that I find groundbreaking or salacious, but I'm only a little over 100 pages so we' will see.

TULOB narrative is populated by detestbale characters who really never do anything interesting.. Kundera's philosophical aside and vignettes are interesting and I appreciate his sentence and flow, but so far I don't see what all the fuss is about.

Anyone here passionate about this book who can champion it a bit for me?

>> No.9625121

>Crime & Punishment

>> No.9625171

>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9625186

Have you guys ever heard of the 19th Century Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky?

>> No.9625232

Civil Disobedience is great and I wish more people would read it nowadays, its really relevant across the world (what should a citizen of a country do when the country imposes ridiculous laws on its citizens)

>> No.9625245

>V. loving it

>> No.9625271

West Virginia
Don Quixote, love it

>> No.9625532

>dem dubs
i don't see how any malevolent and heinous company can benefit from this, the amount of people on this board and how contrarian they are isn't even worth shilling.

But I like seeing these threads, sometimes someone is reading something you desire and can engage in discussion with him, or a title draw your attention and you look it up, I've found some gems like this, but sure, everything is a shilling conspiracy

>> No.9625556

> SPQR; fantastic book for anyone learning the basic structures and history of Rome and Roman culture. Great read, but it's taken me a while to read it since I've been putting it off.