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/lit/ - Literature

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9614005 No.9614005 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite short story? Pic unrelated

>> No.9614014

>The Cask of Amontillado - Poe
>The Penal Colony - Kafka
>Secret Weapons - Cortazar
the list goes on...

>> No.9614048

completely mistook that pic for a loli, saw cow udders, left in disgust.
>that is the best horror short story

the day politicians realize completely fictional 2d characters (lolis) are less harmful than showing literally naked babies and toddlers all over the world, especially considering there are more people on this planet who have or do or would toddler-diddle than there are, have been, or will ever be people who shame lolis.
>greatest short story in recent history, for the next century at least

it's fucked up and people will cry pedo one way or the other, but think about that objectively:
>2d fictional characters depicted sexually are banned in certain countries if they're short
>real babies and toddlers are naked on cable, movies, satellite, internet, and in photos
>there are humans who, instead of copulating with the opposite sex for the sole purpose of procreation, would rather have sex with a baby or toddler
>hell there are humans who have done that, that alone is fucked up
>same can be said for wastes of life who fap to lolis
>there are politicians, people who are supposed to be leaders of their respective countries, who are so triggered by cartoon porn they had to have arguments with each other re: whether to ban it or not
>this is part of human history

then again, look at how fucked up the young adults are lol it's like we just shit up the world, half ass the rules for thenext generation and say
>here's the mantle kiddo
>don't fuck up

that last one's gotta be my all time fave; but imagining any time span of recent history as someone from 2200-2400 would see it is hilarious.

>> No.9614054
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Based as fuck, have a loli.

>> No.9614058

I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.9614176
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much obliged anon.

>> No.9615795

My diary des-

>> No.9615808

The Seven Messengers by Buzzati
The Bucket Rider by Kafka

>> No.9615917
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Ryunosuke Akutagawa - The Smile of the Gods

Check this guy out. His short stories the closest to perfection I've ever read.

>> No.9615935

For me, it is Ubik by PKD

>> No.9615938

Dream of a ridiculous man by Dostoyevsky

>> No.9616178


>the list goes on...
>list actually ends

fuck you

>> No.9616216

the metamorphosis

>> No.9616217

Cant zone in on just one.

The Circular Ruins - Borges
The Third Resignation - Marquez
The Hunger Artist - Kafka

>> No.9616748

problem anon?

>> No.9616781


'The Library of Babel' by Borges

Also great; his best

The love child of Borges, Dostoyevsky, and Gogol's 'The Nose' is 'The Runaway Fingers' by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky

>> No.9616810

>15 posts
>not one person mentions The Dead
>No sign of Dubliners at all
>Not even my backup short story boy Sherwood Anderson mentioned
Jesus christ /lit/

>> No.9616838

>the dead
>muh cucked from beyond the grave
piss off, Joyce sycophant.

to address OP's query, Gogol's The Portrait, and Waldo by heinlein.

>> No.9616872

>Misunderstanding The Dead this much
>Having no empathy for Gabriel, and Joyce by proxy
What the hell is wrong with you? You seem deeply wounded by life.

>> No.9616902

he was a cuck. he gotmcucked by a fucking ghost. plain and simple. you must detach your hoover from the Joycean fartbox, m'friend.

>> No.9616909

>getting cucked is a bad thing
/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.9616920

well. i don't think i need to even address this.
i will agree that cuckoldry is an incredibly pervasive theme in literature, compelling all the way back to the Odyssey. regardless, stop complaining.

>> No.9616932

The Death of Halpin Frayser. Anyone?

>> No.9616945

>he was a cuck
What a retard. Please stop using buzzwords that don't even apply to this situation. Gabriel/Joyce were not cucked. They both got the girl in the end. They just realized that they would never be able to love as strongly as Michael had--for they could not give up their lives for their love. They would never be able to love in the same way, and felt that they were ultimately inferior for it. I've been in a similar situation myself (oddly the event for me happened on Christmas Eve as well) and I can assure you that it feels absolutely awful. Even though the girl will never be with that person from her past, you can still feel their ghost lingering in her heart. It's easy for me to empathize with Joyce and Gabriel, but I don't think it should be difficult for even the most basement dwelling /pol/ poster to have at least a shred of empathy for the situation--to say nothing of how absolutely sublime the last few pages of The Dead are.

>> No.9616958

A Hunger Artist - Kafka

>> No.9616962

he was a cuck. you just described a cuck. imsee that you identify with the work, is that because you're afraid that you're identifying with a cuck story? because you very clearly are. you think that you can't get the girl in the end in a cuck story? the fact that the love was far more poignant than what he could ever attain is the exact thing that makes him a cuck. it doesn't have to be a physical thing. you're just relegating it to base pornography because you don't understand the concept as a theme. but, whatever. you want to get all asspained over this, be my guest.

>> No.9616971

i mean you even literally used the terms i did,
>Even though the girl will never be with that person from her past, you can still feel their ghost lingering in her heart.
when you're in a relationship like that, you've been emotionally cucked from beyond the grave.

>> No.9616974

>cucked from beyond the grave
Did you steal this from my elaborate post in that thread about Kek which I was saddened that no one cared about? I remember using this exact phrase in my brief analysis of The Dead.

>> No.9616978

Again, you're using the /pol/ and internet meme version of cuck and not its actual definition.

Cuckold: A man whose wife is unfaithful.

Gabriel's wife is not unfaithful to him, and neither was Nora to Joyce. There's a profound difference between not achieving the same degree of love with your wife as someone else in the past and having another guy fuck your wife.

>> No.9616982

mayhaps. i don't recall, but i certainly remember getting the phrase from /lit/.

>> No.9616985

Oh dang, I remember that thread and those posts. I really loved your elaborate posts, anon. Some of us genuinely appreciated them.

>> No.9616996

she's unfaithful in that she cannot help but be drawn to the memory of another man, though dead. it's not a physical unfaithfulness, but an emotional one. fuck you're shallow.

>> No.9617000

Yes, of course I recognize that she's being emotionally unfaithful. That's not a hard concept to understand. But that still does not mean that Gabriel is a cuck, in the true definition of the word. You'd be hard pressed to find a married man that isn't cucked, in that sense. Women always remain fond of lovers from their past--just less profound than this case, usually.

>> No.9617007

The Bungalow House by Thomas Ligotti
A Little Cloud by James Joyce
Spare Ass Annie by William S. Burroughs
A Game by Michael Gira
Too many to choose from by Richard Brautigan

>> No.9617013

not all women are so fond of their former lovers that it casts shade on all future relationships. the guy's an emotional cuck at least. you admit that much, and you've come a long way from denying it flat out. that's good enough for me. no backpedaling now.

>> No.9617025
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If anyone is curious:

Someone named Matt Furie creates a comic with a frog named Pepe in it. On the Internet, the word kek (to replace lol) gradually becomes associated with Pepe, and Pepe with white supremacy.

Matt Furie, saddened over this (apparently), creates a comic killing off Pepe, with a blatant allusion to the tale of Finnegan's Wake, which Joyce's Finnegans Wake is based on.

By this point, Pepe has been equated by people on the Internet with too much time on their hands with Kek, the Egyptian frog-god of darkness and chaos. He is also associated by its semi-joking worshipers with numerical coincidences (dubs, trips, etc.) and strange coincidences in real life and in the fact that there's an Egyptian frog-god named Kek.

Meanwhile, back to Joyce and Finnegans Wake, Joyce is obsessed in Finnegans Wake with synchronicities and relations between world cultures. He writes:

>What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishy gods! Brekkek Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh! Where the Baddelaries partisans are still out to mathmaster Malachus Micgranes and the Verdons catapelting the camibalistics out of the Whoyteboyce of Hoodie Head.

This has the initials of the KKK (Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax!), a reference to how they look like (Whoyteboyce of Hoodie Head), includes the word "Kek", and also is a reference to Aristophanes' play The Frogs, where the frogs make a Brekkek noise, and to the Egyptian frog-god Kek. The KKK's white supremacy is like /pol/'s.

Finally, in Joyce's own life, he felt that his wife Nora's once lover, Michael Bodkin, cucked him from beyond the grave by singing to Nora in the rain outside her window for an hour then dying of consumption. He rewrites this story in The Dead (like the fact that Pepe got killed, supposedly) with a character named Michael Furey instead.

Which brings us back to /pol/'s obsession with cucking, which sounds like "kek", and mirrors Joyce's free-association in Finnegans Wake where words that sound similar to each other are combined and all their relations explored.

And it also brings us back to Matt Furie (Michael Furey), creator of the comic.

>> No.9617027

to make clearer your own concession just in case in your own words, of course.
>Yes, of course I recognize that she's being emotionally unfaithful
>Cuckold: A man whose wife is unfaithful.

>> No.9617029

I find it very provocative that Furie included the scene of Landwolf pouring over Pepe's head his brown liquor

At first glance this seems to be a shallow reference to ghetto culture - the idea of "pouring one out for the lost homies" though usually this is done not on the face of the deceased but rather poured out on the street. However on second glance this divergence is notable, considering the content of Finnegans Wake.

In the song on which Joyce based his novel, Tim Finnegan is revived when a row breaks out during his funeral and the general chaos results in a drought of whisky ("uisce beatha" - "the water of life") splashing him in the face - thereby reviving him.

>Then Mickey Maloney raised his head
>When a bottle of whiskey flew at him
>It missed him falling on the bed
>The liquor scattered over Tim

>Tim revives, see how he rises
>Timothy rising from the bed
>Then Whirl your whiskey around
>Like blazes Thanum an Dhul
>Do ye think I'm dead?

Note the presence of parallel archetypes.
Pepe being an avatar of Kek, a deity of Chaos
The Chaos of the row in the song resulting in the resurrection of Tim, and the general chaos of online interaction meaning that "killing" a popular meme such as pepe is essentially impossible.

Given the impossibility of killing a meme, i find it very interesting that Furie included the symbolic reference to Finnegans Wake in the splashing of whisky on Pepe's face in the same page as he authored his death. It's almost as though he unconsciously recognized the inevitability of pepe's online "resurrection" (really more a refusal to accept his death, the momentum of such a popular meme cannot be halted by the original author merely declaring him dead) Perhaps this inclusion by Furie represents a resentment at his loss of control over his character, a way to "get ahead"
Perhaps it is merely coincidental.

>> No.9617043

yeah, i do believe i read this. a great essay. definitely where i got "cucked from beyond the grave", all credit goes to you, a genius among us.

>> No.9617053

Cuckold is specifically for physical unfaithfulness though, not emotional. If you want to stretch words enough to suit your meaning, then go ahead, but if we do that then language just becomes absurd. I wouldn't even mind so much if cuck didn't have such a negative meaning. Calling Gabriel a cuck is just missing the point entirely, regardless of your view on the subject.

>> No.9617057

>i'm an honorless backpedaling faggot

>> No.9617060

How did I backpedal? I'm still sticking to my argument of cuck being used improperly. That's also not a very good argument.

>> No.9617117

it is clear to all who have wasted their time reading this conversation that i have bested you with your very own words. i shan't prolong my exposure to your ignominy, as its presence not only fills me with disdain, but such a lengthy encounter with your ilk might besmirch my good name. farewell.

>> No.9617127

>being this much of a pretentious cunt
You offered absolutely no argument of your own to refute my claims. You only attempted to argue semantics, which in itself is deplorable.

>> No.9618044

I liked Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron