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/lit/ - Literature

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9611690 No.9611690 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside, is this book in any way worth reading? There's a copy at a local thrift store and I want to know if I'll be wasting my money and/or time if I were to pick it up.

>> No.9611843

how about you just buy it and come up with your own insightful opinion as to whether it possesses worth as a text, instead of relying on anime enthusiasts opinions? baka

>> No.9611846

it is one thousand pages long, that's a big commitment to something that a lot of people say is garbage trash

>> No.9611979

Kys. You don't have to read it all to decide if you like it or not. Besides, a thousand pages doesn't seem like a lot once you get going.

>> No.9611988


You've probably read a thousand pages worth of 4chan this month so you're more than capable of committing to garbage trash.

>> No.9611994

Yes, it's good, or, at the very least, extremely fun to read.

>> No.9612000

I feel like we have this thread all the time

"is Infinite Jest worth reading? Memes aside, I see a copy of it at a used book store and I want to know if I'll be wasting my money"

The answer: pick it up if you haven't already read it, not because you will probably like it (I'd say the chances are pretty split, a lot of people love it, a lot of people hate it), but because you will now be qualified to participate in discussions of the book (discussions that happen many times a week).

>> No.9612005
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>> No.9612057

kek and check

>> No.9612064

thrift store? what is it 10 bucks? shut the fuck up and just buy it. not because its good -which it is- just because do you really need lits permission so badly?

i read the thing; took me ages yes. Atleast you wont die wondering

bruce willis was a ghost the whole time though

>> No.9612066

In the hierarchy of intellectual value, 4chan posts soar above anything thats ever been written in any book.

>inb4 brianlets try to argue

>> No.9612101

>tfw this is true
>tfw you calculate all the time you have wasted on 4chan
>tfw you calculate all the time you have wasted playing WoW
>tfw you remember you were a bright and promising child with great reading habits
>tfw you remember that it all stopped when you were introduced to the internet and vidya because late elementary school socially destroyed you and high school threw you into a crippling depression
>tfw you are 23 now and finally started reading again but the lost time will never come back
I didn't ask for these feels anon.

>> No.9612105
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>> No.9612150

I'm 19. convince me to throw my computer and phone out the window, it won't take much

>> No.9612169

Damn comrade. You just explained my life. I didn't think it was so widespread. I play Hpal on an old TBC server.

>> No.9612173

* funny thing is I'm 23 as well...

>> No.9612182

It's ridiculously simple: get off the internet and shut down your PC/phone or keep wasting time and live a life full of regret. English isn't my native language so I find it hard to express the pain of looking back onto your life and realizing that you have wasted your youth on nothingness - no knowledge, no memories, time spent on the internet will create a huge void in your life that cannot be undone. Whenever someone asks me about my teenage years I have absolutely nothing to say - it hurts. Muster the strength and leave anon, don't make the same mistakes.

>> No.9612384

>Whenever someone asks me about my teenage years I have absolutely nothing to say - it hurts.
No truer statement has been made in this board, and perhaps even this site. Even in games you can at least show someone the progress you've made. But here, nothing remains at the end of the day but a sense of hiraeth and oneirataxia.

>> No.9612426


A-are you me?

>> No.9612453

Reading it now, little over halfway through. It's much better than I expected it to be based on the memes and whatever. I wouldn't call it a favorite (yet) but it's mad fun. Reminds me a lot of the Illuminatus Trilogy, if you've ever read that

>> No.9612468

>worth reading

It's not as spectacular or horrible as people say it is.

>> No.9612485

I was just about to make a thread on this book. It's probably the worst novel to surpass 1,000 pages with the exception of whatever Stephen King has written (DFW was a HUGE Stephen King fan btw, you had to read hundreds of Stephen King novels if you had Dave for a teacher at Emerson, a $42,000 education. To give you an idea of who you're dealing with).
I've never been able to make it past the first sentence (something something heads and bodies and then I put it down) but pretty much everyone intelligent about literature has some big regret about dedicating any amount of time to this whatsoever. I mean, I'm guessing at a thrift store it's going to be $3, and yes, it's worth $3, just so you can see yourself. But it is utter dreck.

The other two in the meme trilogy, Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow, are actually great reads, some of the most colorful and entertaining books I've ever read in my life. It's a lesser meme on here, but William Gaddis' The Recognitions is a far superior novel also, if you want some 1900s doorstopper.
You're right in a really general way but actually almost completely wrong. If you go and see every movie or read every book without getting a feel to surrounding criticism for it, you are either mentally retarded or miserable.

>> No.9613296
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Started it a few weeks ago, been bust but have been slowly making progress. I'm about 200 pages in as of this morning and it's not bad. Some real good points, some parts where it drags. Depending on how the last 4/5's of the book goes, I think it might be really good. The disjointed writing is interesting, leaves you guessing who some of the narrators are and their relation to others. I'd recommend it anon.

Just remember to have fun and be happy desu

>> No.9613766


>> No.9614796

> claims worst long novel
> states that has barely read first page
sir kys right now

>> No.9614893

>You don't have to read it all to decide if you like it or not.

>people on /lit/ actually think this

>> No.9615433

clearly alot of people say it's good too. Good books polarize people. even if you hate something it must be doing SOMETHING well to polarize people so much. you can apply this argument to almost anything in life. look at ayn rand. same shit. People love and hate her stuff.

> ITT dumb motherfuckers not knowing about duality