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9608786 No.9608786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone recommend some Jordan Peterson lit or lectures?

I don't care about his SJW pwnage shtick just interested in God and sorting myself out.

Where should I start with Peterson?

>> No.9608802

Greek mythology.

>> No.9608804
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Stop fucking shilling this board with this pseud's bullshit that isn't even lit related, for fuck's sake. Sage and move on.

If you're really interested in "sorting yourself out" just look into cognitive behavioral therapy. Practice better thinking habits and you'll see a change, but don't fucking listen to Jordan Peterson. He's a pseud.

>> No.9608809

His psychology stuff lectures on maps of meaning

>> No.9608810

with homer and pindar

>> No.9608817

>where should I start
I think you already know the answer to that question op

>> No.9608819

it's like pottery that the teenage virgin nerds who have trouble maintaining social relationships because pol is turning them racist/misogynistic is turning to surrogate father figure jordan peterson who is relatively educated and has seemingly similar political values, especially when he acts like a father.

if you're on /lit/ asking for reccs when he has a complete youtube page filled with lectures then you're already not going to "sort yourself out." you're just looking for the next temporary relief until you sink back into your bad habits.

>> No.9608822

>being this mad

>> No.9608842

Jesus Christ Rayne, I fucking hear you loud and clear. The point you're missing is I don't care. At all.

>> No.9608879

>youtube page filled with lectures

That's literally the problem. There's so much material I don't know where to start. I've listened to a lot of lectures on God; I just wanted a Peterson 101 basically.

>> No.9608898


>> No.9608963
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That's no fucking argument.Get your head out of your ass.Who the fuck are you to tell people not to listen to him?And why?Please tell.

Most of his lectures are geniunely tough-provoking and helpful.
>teenage virgin nerds who have trouble maintaining social relationships because pol is turning them racist/misogynistic
How about :teenage virgins who are alienated nerds and who have trouble maintaining social relationships turn to /pol/ and become racist/misogynistic?


>> No.9609043

His discussion on sexual selection is interesting

>> No.9609243

go back to reading the communist manifesto chop chop

>> No.9609254

>asking for lit relating to a guy who has read like five books in his life

>> No.9609280
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I dont deny he is a tenured professor, and I dont think initially his arguments were ill-placed or in bad taste. I think the canadian law in question is fundamentally flawed.

But then that tasty patreon dosh and personal messages from individuals practicing reverse identity politics under the guise of a certain frog came rolling in, and now he is as intolerable as a youtube celebrity.

At least Sam Harris sees the irrationality of his "kekistani" supporters. This is an old man that is being weaponized by a lunatic fringe.

>> No.9610288

>cognitive behavioural therapy meme

Found the first year psyche student

CBT is the stupidest pleb shit ever and is not applicable to /lit/. If you're not a brainlet and still depressed you likely have chronic depression or dysthymia.