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/lit/ - Literature

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9608323 No.9608323 [Reply] [Original]


are you ready for the reading event of the summer?

>> No.9608335

i mean you can already read it

>> No.9608339

The relative unattainability of this doorstopper is driving force behind its dubious meme status. In 34 days it becomes just another pomo tome. I expect that after a very brief uptick in McElroy shilling, it will plunge to lower than the current levels shitposting.

>> No.9608362

will you be reading it?

>> No.9608365

I don't read

>> No.9608373

what are some good books to not read?

>> No.9608394

how new are you?

>> No.9608409

Where can I buy it? I only see it up for order on Target and Barnes and Noble.

>> No.9608417

abebooks senpai

>> No.9608591

"Women and Men is such a great book. I've read everything by Mcelroy, he's a true genius." - Susan Sontag, talentless hack

>> No.9608605
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Susan is a bear

>> No.9608623

my diary unironically

>> No.9608633


>In this extraordinary, multilayered novel of crisis and yearning, Joseph McElroy illuminates with tenderness male and female union and apartness. The high water mark of a distinguished career--a powerful achievement.
—Walter Abish, dust jacket

>I was filled with awe and wonder as the immense, epic design of the novel continued to mushroom ever higher...this book is a humbling experience. ... Women and Men is baffling much of the time, but I couldn't help feeling while reading the first Breather section that this is what fiction in the twenty-first century might look like...one closes this extraordinary novel with the conviction that McElroy is fifty years ahead of anyone else now writing.
—Steven Moore, The Review of Contemporary Fiction[1]

>Women and Men belongs to the maximalist subspecies of postmodern novel.
—Garth Risk Hallberg, "The lost postmodernist: Joseph McElroy", Los Angeles Times[7]

>For me, by the close, it was like having listened for several days to an all-news station in a foreign language: you have a rough idea of what's been going on, the news is worse than you imagine, and, while you feel more or less informed, you can't really say that you've enjoyed yourself. But one does not go to this novelist for the usual pleasures.
—Ivan Gold, New York Times[4]

Who is in the right here?

>> No.9608671

> dude its complicated and difficult lmao

steven moore is a hack btw

he sucks the dick of any novel that is encyclopedic

>> No.9608829

my reading event of the summer is gonna be the recognitions. started today, prolly will last into august
i don't think i'm ready

>> No.9608860

its not hard. at least not compared to woman and men or ulyssess. just have google and google translate ready to go at all times.

>> No.9608887

the most useful thing he's ever done was compiling annotations to gaddis. i cannot denigrate him, in that regard, for the excellent scholasticism he's performed.

but here he's wrong about mcellroy, who is indeed a talentless hack.

the dumbasses shilling mcellroy are hoping it will be /lit/'s new infinite jest, but they forget that the worst pomo is an idiot magnet, and if IJ could not sustain a single successful thorough reading group, mcellroy shilling will indeed fall on its face as well. /lit/ could do with more pomo like gaddis, it doesn't need more trash like mcellroy.

>> No.9608889

>but they forget that the worst pomo is an idiot magnet,

i like this phrase

>> No.9608914

>The relative unattainability of this doorstopper is driving force behind its dubious meme status. In 34 days it becomes just another pomo tome. I expect that after a very brief uptick in McElroy shilling, it will plunge to lower than the current levels shitposting.

wtf i hate mcellroy now

>it will plunge to lower than the current levels shitposting.
do you mean shitposting in favor of, or against? because i don't know which is shittier.

>> No.9608956

Both, it will go the way of Jerusalem and Bottom's Dream, a fossilised meme.

>> No.9608968

No regular on /lit/ read BD, and Jerusalem was definitely tossed out as shit, so I can't complain here.

>> No.9608975

Is there a pdf of it online or no? I assume no.

>> No.9609032

said like a true pseud who has never read mcelroy. why is he trash? what book did you read of his that makes you say that? enlighten me please.

>> No.9609107

read him yourself nigger

>> No.9609116

there is

>> No.9609130

Okay then can you post a link you faggot, instead of just saying "there is"?

>> No.9609145

i got mine from what.cd (rip) http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=E0593B4F413E01C0543495D0E5A7F8A6

but here is one

>> No.9609158

Not a pdf you useless faggot.

>> No.9609652

Pretty sure this got delayed again btw

>> No.9610246

I have a smugglers bible, plus, ancient history and actress in the house.

>> No.9610251

why u say

>> No.9610300

I want you to be wrong so fucking badly now.

>> No.9610358

is a new edition coming out? Yes, I am a newfriend

>> No.9610362

I'm getting the original edition for my birthday in a few days and I'm so fucking excited

I could have just waited til next month but mmmm that first edition is aesthetically tasty

>> No.9610376

Jesus christ dude. You again? you're gonna burn out the Mcelroy post before the book even comes out. If you dont stop I'll give it a few really well composed negative reviews on goodreads that will surely affect's it's sales. People dont want yo spend $30 bonez on an experimental doorstoper if it's bad.

>> No.9610534

its in the mcelroy mega folder https://mega.nz/#F!boYgWAbD!1xkIq8XFUIr1DLUJeaaUXA

>> No.9610627

About fucking time

>> No.9610729

Okay, I've read 3 of his novels and disagree with you. So, please, answer the other anon's questions. You seem passionate about it, so I'm sure you'd be able to come up with a few things to back your statements up, no?

>> No.9611564

It's not a good book. Go back to memeing Gass.

>> No.9611601

how are his novels? the nightsoul collection is a shitheap, but at times i didnt hate his prose

>> No.9612358

he's never read him. if he had he wouldn't say such things

>> No.9612403

But I already got it on my shelf

>> No.9612420

in a month will be a good time to read it

>> No.9612429

It has terrible prose. Someone post those screenshots of the book's awful prose.

>> No.9612432
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are we being shilled