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/lit/ - Literature

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9608177 No.9608177 [Reply] [Original]

Here it is. The greatest intellectual debate of our time.

>> No.9608209


>> No.9608316

peterson should appear on chapo trap house

>> No.9608331

Those podcasts are actually quite entertaining, and I don't even like podcasts in general. Also, they want Alex Jones on the podcast as well.

>> No.9608338

Why would Peterson do that? I guess he just wants the exposure to an audience that normally wouldn't pay attention to his platform, but personally I'd argue it's better off not even having that audience. I wonder if he's aware fully of the sort of people he'll be dealing with. He must, I guess, and he must have more faith in them than I do

>> No.9608343

peterson should appear on the dick show

>> No.9608347

uhhh yeah people who talk about pepe and kekistan are so much better

>> No.9608350
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, 1468227947465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Peterson should just record his podcasts on an old 8-track tape and then bury it.

>> No.9608351

You do know he is a 4chan /pol/ meme right, and by extension an r/donald meme as well. Also, the whole pronouns university debate has exposed him to the left as well.
So, what new audience, pray tell, will an h3h3 podcast expose him to? Normies?

>> No.9608354

>You do know he is a 4chan /pol/ meme right, and by extension an r/donald meme
the world exists outside of your bedroom, moron

>> No.9608356

13 year old kids who spend most of their free time watching gaming videos on youtube

>> No.9608360

Peterson doesn't exist outside of that "muh bedroom" audience though, mr posturing intellectual

>> No.9608367

13 year olds don't have an attention span to watch/listen to a 2 hour podcast
You'd be surprised, but these days the main audience of youtubers like pewdiepie, h3h3, etc are people in their 20s

>> No.9608418

I would like to see Peterson somehow related to MDE
Those guys really need to sort themselves out

>> No.9608424

who is the non peterson guy?

>> No.9608426

Some YouTube comedian with a lot of subs.

>> No.9608427


>> No.9608448

King of the trash heap of ironic humor who lacks conviction when trying to be sincere

>> No.9608450

mde's biggest inspiration

>> No.9608455

hold on to your buckos

>> No.9608463

hes the dude who bit mde? genius

>> No.9608464

>another peterson thread that has absolutely nothing to do with literature

>> No.9608473

Lol Ethan even tried getting on Joe Rogan. What does this mediocre man think he has to talk about?

>> No.9608485
File: 46 KB, 691x455, 05-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sage this and move along. This isn't lit related. Peterson is a hack.

>> No.9608519

again, the world exists otuside of your bedroom, moron.

>> No.9608545

Hyde to this day only refers to him as "he he productions"