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/lit/ - Literature

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9598400 No.9598400 [Reply] [Original]

>"Uh oh, looks like *somebody* accidentally printed off a few pages of their """novel"""!"

>"Gosh, I wonder who may have written this emotional garbage. He sure does seem like he wants to be taken seriously, doesn't he! We have a real """"deep thinker""" on our hands!"

>"Oh look, maybe Anon knows. Any ideas?"

>> No.9598405

>implying the tragic story of my waifu's struggle with the human condition isn't nobel prize worthy

>> No.9599449

>Implying my epic poem about someone taking the redpill and killing cucks isn't nobel prize worthy

>> No.9599462

>implying my wife's son's diary isn't nobel prize worthy

>> No.9599470

>implying my diary desu isn't nobel prize worthy

>> No.9599471

>implying I'd write anything that takes itself seriously

>> No.9599517

>mfw a few co-workers have actually read literature and have surface level knowledge of basic philisophical ideas
>we sometimes talk abou what we'ee reading
>feel like I have to hide my powerlevel

>> No.9599520

>implying my 800 page literary erotica novel written entirely in the form of emails between myself and David Foster Wallace isn't a masterpiece of the modern era

>> No.9599543

>implying anyone would mistake my suicide note for a novel

>> No.9599552
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This thread is cancer

>> No.9599589

just like the board

>> No.9599859

>implying they'll be able to penetrate the 20 layers of ironing that surround my narrative
It'll be like Joyce, except with memes instead of pretentious literary allusions.

>> No.9601495

>implying 9/11: The Sitcom isn't absolute gold

>> No.9601522

I would watch the shit out of this.

>> No.9601870

It would be entirely from the terrorists' point of view and show how many times they fail before stumbling into an unprecedented success which none of them signed up for. Too bad that anyone that tried to publish this would be blacklisted.

>> No.9601881


As if there were any difference. Most literary tropes of yesteryear would be considered memes today. In fact it falls under the proper usage of the word 'meme.'

>> No.9601904

>Implying my postmodern autobiography isn't pulitzer worthy