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/lit/ - Literature

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9595019 No.9595019 [Reply] [Original]

>finish reading incredible book
>start mediocre book
>girl asks what I'm reading

>> No.9595043
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>>finish reading incredible book
>>start mediocre book
>>girl asks what I'm reading

>> No.9595061
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>start mediocre book

>> No.9595073
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>finish reading mediocre book
>start incredible book
>girl asks if I'm single

>> No.9595311
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>finish reading incredible book
>start mediocre book
>girl doesn't ask me anything because I never leave home

>> No.9595340

>finish reading incredible book
>start mediocre book
>I'm still dead on the inside

>> No.9595376

>current book is alright but can't wait to read the book I plan on reading after this one

>> No.9595474
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>finish reading incredible book
>start mediocre book
>fall head over heels for a beautiful, literate and frail girl
>we talk a lot
>she seems to like me
>can't ask her out because I'll associate the memory of her with the mediocre book forever

>> No.9595485

do you have OCD?

>> No.9595488
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>people on /lit/ lie about ever reading books

>> No.9595497

>start reading incredible book
>it becomes mediocre book halfway through

happens every single time.

>> No.9595498

i'm a turboautist trapped in the life of a normal person

>> No.9595511
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>finish reading incredible book
>instantly start re-reading it so I never have to read a mediocre book
>girl asks me why I read the same book over and over

>> No.9595512

>start reading mediocre book
>it becomes incredible halfway through

This has happened more often to me than the opposite.

>> No.9595542

Name two (2) books that do this.

>> No.9595544

>subscribe to OP's blog
>receive daily updates about his boring life

>> No.9595549

The Savage Detectives
Under The Volcano

>> No.9596149
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>girl asks what kind of book I am reading
>"magical realist novel"
>she has no further questions