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/lit/ - Literature

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9594588 No.9594588 [Reply] [Original]

where do you go? places to avoid or check out? recent finds?

>> No.9594739

For any münchener krauts on here, behind Marienplatz (in die nähe vom Kuhbrunnen) There's a small Oxfam that sells only books. Pretty okay. Other than that, there's a CD, Records, Books and More on the Sendlinger Tor. Other than that, I don't know any second hand book stores. Somebody help me.

Why are germans so absolute fucking dogoshit at having second hand stores? They're a fucking nightmare to find, and 75% are used clothes stores. All I want is to buy a box of somebody's trash, why is this so fucking hard? I'm in hell.

>> No.9596062


>> No.9596113

In New York, I go to the Book Culture store on 112th street between Broadway and Amsterdam. They have their used books upstairs, which is also just a cool place to browse or meet people or hangout or whatever. Sometimes they have events there, like free wine and cheese on Fridays or something, I don't really know for sure. I found a first english edition of The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea there, which was published before his "coup" attempt and suppuku, so that was neat. It has a big picture of him smiling on the back cover.

Also the Strand is good I guess though I've only been there once or twice.

In Ann Arbor I got a bunch of books from a used book store that was close to campus, within a few blocks west of state street. I don't remember if it was the Dawn Treader or another. I got a collection of Gogol stories and I Claudius and Claudius the God there, plus other stuff I don't remember. I might have gotten an old edition of the Master and Margherita there too.

>> No.9596123
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I think I went to this one usually when I was in Ann Arbor.

>> No.9596336 [DELETED] 
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my campus library desu, rescued books from the recycling bin that were going to be replaced with e-anthologies

>> No.9596341 [DELETED] 

Oh, also pic related is an overrated meme. If you ever get stuck in Victoria don't bother going.

>> No.9596354

>book culture on 112th
My man. I just graduated Columbia and left the city but I used to wile away entire afternoons in that Book Culture. Maybe I passed you in the shelves one day.

>> No.9596795

I go to these small Christian thirft shops around my way here in Pennsylvania but before you think "Christian book shop" it's not.

They just take any donations they can get and sell every book for 97 cents so it's a great place to find some new stuff to read. I was just there the other day when they had a half off everything sale so I grabbed a bunch of books.

>> No.9596843

what's up fellows? just reading the iliad today and reminiscing from my lithum days...

>> No.9597325

oy vey

>> No.9597365
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In San Antonio there's a handful of used bookstores in town.

Imagine books and records is cool because they have all the underage punk kids play shows there on the weekend so you just buy a handle and loiter in the parking lot before the set, and the manic pixie dream girl I will forever have a crush on works there.

Nine Lives is run by weird old ladies, not the best selection or organization, but it's something.

There's lots of goodwills all over town, and probably many thrift stores that have small selections of books I'm unaware of.

There's a chain of half price books around town.

Apparently the basement of the city library has a used bookstore, but I haven't been to the city library in a long time.

There's also some place called twig and another place called cheever, but I don't hang out on Broadway anymore. Some place called dead tree books, but no one goes that far south.

>> No.9597372

I live in Buenos Aires, the city with most bookstores per capita, and here in a little square every sunday people gather to trade/buy/sell used books.. It's pretty cheap and nice.

>> No.9597375

also sorry for my bad english

>> No.9597688

No good ones in my area so I use Abebooks.com
If your in the same boat you should check it out.

>> No.9597700
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>not using bookfinder

>> No.9597707

I buy my textbooks there, they're usually a quarter of the cost compared to amazon

Based website

>> No.9597716

Gotta go travel then.

>> No.9597734

I just recently discovered a nearby city library sells books super cheap, and I was online and I found a bookstore that just sells used books. I'll have to check these out.

>> No.9597739

The Book Den in Santa Barbara. Oldest used book store in California... Lovely place with a nice atmosphere and good selection.

>> No.9597751

I went to a place called Caliban in Pittsburgh. The selection was always poor, especially in their philosophy section. I only went there because it was a couple of blocks from where I lived.

>> No.9597842

Anybody know any good ones in Boston? I'm sure they're out there, I just haven't had the time to search

>> No.9597858

What's up anon. Columbia boi here reporting back--I'm having some late night tea at the café and reading Kierkegaard. Which translation of the Iliad are you in? Apparently Fagles is goat but I only have Fitzgerald... read it bout three months back. The scene where the shade of Patróklos comes to Achilles drunk at the funeral games got me misty... that and when Athena cries out with Achilles from the battlement together.

Hope you're cozy man.

>> No.9597898
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Macleod's in Vancouver BC

>> No.9597906

Anyone know a good place in Huntington Beach CA?

>> No.9597907

In Hawaii, I used to go to Jelly's. Used books, records, and local game shop. They closed one location but I think they're still alive downtown. In Maryland I would visit The Book Plate. Good selection. Bought some of the Spanish equivalent to Polish pottery from there, as well.

Thanks my man. I'm in Texas and my town is fucking horrible for books/lit pursuits.

>> No.9597912
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>> No.9597913

You should look for flea markets ("Flohmarkt" or "Trödelmarkt"). It's more common to sell your old stuff there instead of 2nd hand stores.

>> No.9598304

That place looks like a nightmare. How are you supposed to find anything?

>> No.9598513

I do this too sometimes. I genuinely like the atmosphere at most of the B&Ns I've been to. There's one in Detroit far out on the east side that's like the only book store I know of around, since all the others I'm aware of closed :(

>> No.9598534

Yes, probably. I would usually go there on Thursday or Friday evenings on my way home from work. It's a nice place.

>> No.9598555
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There is an English used bookstore north of the HBF and not too shabby of a collection either eventhough popular books are quickly sold again after they have just come in. It is called Munich readery.
pic related is the bookmarker I use that they gave me.

t. munich fag as well

>> No.9598613

lithium days? Is being on lithium an enjoyable experience? I'd only ever heard of it as being "less shitty than being regularly depressed."

>> No.9598642

By city:
Indy Reads Books. It's a non-profit blah blah blah sometimes they have neat stuff, sometimes I won't find anything for months. My most recent purchase from there was Rings of Saturn.
>New Orleans
Crescent City is bretty damn good. Find all the /lit/ memes you want. Also cats.
Maya books and music. The lady who owns it tends to give you discounts if you buy the stuff she likes, and she has fairly "patrician" taste. Also animals.
>Jackson, MS
Lemuria. Probably the best US bookstore stateside outside of Jew York or shitcongo. Spent $100 last time I was there, and their prices aren't bad.

>> No.9598648

Bud go to Canterbury Tales on Broadway lmao
But McLeods is p good

>> No.9598722

Any good places in Toronto? I'm out in the countryside but I'm sure I'll be in the city a couple of times this summer.

>> No.9598733

washington dc:
>the lantern in georgetown
>second story in dupont
>kramers if you want to overpay for a famous bookstore that serves brunch to yuppies

honestly tho, unless i have no idea what i want to read and just feel like browsing, i normally use abebooks. although shit is sometimes so cheap at the lantern ill buy like 30 books that i know i will read one day

>> No.9599097

man I have that D&D Starter set in this picture but nobody i know is interested in the game and I'm only a beginner so I'd be best off playing with people who know it better than myself. ;_;

>> No.9599102

Went here during my trip to Seattle. The staff are really nice and gave me some good recs.

>> No.9599108
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forgot pic

>> No.9599110


Book rack

>> No.9599113

That bookstore looks really familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. You aren't from around the bay area are you?

>> No.9599246

That sounds great dude

>> No.9599257

i want to open a used meat store

>> No.9599412

not even close

>> No.9600555

>Also the Strand is good

I virtually used to live at the Strand years ago. Still go to it every once in a while and is my go to recommendation for anyone looking for a bookstore in NYC.

>> No.9600575

I go usually to two bookstores of the same company. One of them has a fat and old cat that meows when you don't scratch her, she's so cute

>> No.9600597

>112th street
I live in Brooklyn so that's a bit of a haul for me, but it sounds nice. There are a lot of cool bookstores in NYC. If you're interested in any esoteric stuff, Quest Books on 53rd street is pretty good.

>> No.9600710

What up, Columbia represent

>> No.9600727

it's nice that the core basically gives you a gigantic base in western culture

LitHum is a class at Columbia for undergraduates in which first-year students read great works of literature

roar lion roar

>> No.9600821

It was Dawn Treader probably.
That's gone.

>> No.9600919

Daedalus just off the mall, and Heartwood across from the U on Elliewood, in Charlottesville VA are excellent. On the mall Blue Whale and Read it Again, Sam rate looks.
A great one closed on Main a few years back, unfortunately. Great town for used books, nonetheless. There are about 4 other venues, and many specialty dealers.

>> No.9600975

Should we do a Columbia /lit/ meet-up? Or should we keep the air of mystery? I'm afraid one of you might be a professor. I'm also terrified I'd come off as an idiot.

>> No.9601860
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prices aren't the best but surprisingly a some good shit to be found for bookstore in an average suburban strip mall (majority of my NYRBs and NDs)

>> No.9601920

Anybody got anything in Chicago/Chicagoland?

>> No.9601957
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In Portland, OR

>> No.9601979

The word or Westcott books
The word is very well organized and have nice selection whereas Westcott is the most disorganized hell hole I have been to.

If there are any other anglophone bookstores in the area of montreal, do let me know.

>> No.9602759

That place looks legit. I've only ever been to Powell's in Portland. The bookstore itself is alright but the hipsters bugged the hell out of me

>> No.9602835

I'd love to travel to Bs.As. Here in Rosario we have a lot of used bookstores in the centric area. Most of them have good prices. They're really comfy, too.

>> No.9603221
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Lived in Oxford for three years used to go to Blackwell's on broad street several times a week just to browse the books.
Three more floors like the one in the picture.

>> No.9603607

Argo is small but decent.

>> No.9603673

That's half the fun. I go in there looking for one thing and usually find something else while digging through piles. It's also more organized than it looks and the staff know where everything is.


lmao xD

>> No.9603679

Go to The Albion Beatnik. Fuck Blackwells.

>> No.9603908

There's this place called Book Off in Orange County that I used to go to all the time. I think it was in Costa Mesa. You could find books and games there cheap as fug. Good shit too, more often than not. I live in Riverside now and I heard there's a great one near RCC but I haven't had the chance to check it out yet.

>> No.9603922

It is also closed, last I checked. :(

>> No.9604070
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S W Welch in Mile End is incredible my man

>> No.9604102

I usually order from Thriftbooks and pay on average $3.75 per book after discounts and free shipping. Am I doing good?

>> No.9604145

There's also drawn and quarterly, which is mostly graphic novels but has a reasonable literature section and some meme poetry. Seems like there's a few of us in montreal anyways.

>> No.9604269

Oxfam is pretty good here in the UK, because academics and rich people consider it "above" other charity shops and thus donate a lot of classic literature, academic works and antiquarian stuff

Typically they are more expensive than other charity shops but still more reasonable than independent booksellers

>> No.9604294

I guess I'll have to do some searching

>> No.9604675

>mother foucault
i'm sure they have a great selection of philosophy and it's a good place to browse, but christ that is a cringy name

>> No.9604711

Have you ever been to westsider books? A bit small but pretty good prices for nyc.

>> No.9604712
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There are two quality used bookstores in my city within walking distance of each other. This one is interesting because it's just a converted 3 bedroom house, with all the room catering towards a certain genre (kitchen for cookbooks, living room for kids stuff, basement and garage for autists). Owner is very picky about his selection and we share similar tastes, i recently picked up an old as fuck edition of chatterton's verse, a bunch of Northrop Frye, and a selection of writings on Mircea Eliade

>> No.9604939

Atlanta has two Book Nooks, A'Capella and Half-Price books.

>> No.9605080

Anyone have any Philly recomendations?

Have only been to the place across from the Barnes entrance which has a good selection and prices, and the place in reading terminal market which is a alright little nook.

>> No.9605155

Serious question /lit/ everybody uses and even promotes used bookstores but isn't that at the expense of the authors that are still alive, so in a way we are dooming novelists to remain poor.

>> No.9605159


>> No.9605197


>> No.9605205

Well fuck samefag

>> No.9605216

Most of the books I buy usually are impossible to find in normal libraries and/or the author who wrote them are dead

>> No.9605217

Should I assume you are all french canadian cegep students attending english college? Or would I be wrong doing so?

>> No.9605232


The cool thing about used book stores is that THE BOOKS ARE USED AND WERE ONCE BOUGHT AT FULL PRICE. Does this answer your question?

>> No.9605235

I go to a place called Vons on my university campus. I mainly buy philosophy books so I get a lot of quality editions that already have notes taken in them from students that took a philosophy class.

>> No.9605242

Most of the money an author makes is from the money at first signing. They make very little from royalties. It's the same thing with music.

You're hurting the publishing and record companies by buying secondhand or pirating, but who gives a fuck about those Jews?

>> No.9605342

>that already have notes taken in them from students that took a philosophy class.

Why would you want this?

>> No.9605519
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New Zealand, 'Hard to find books'. It's pretty cozy desu

>> No.9607056

>reading authors that are still alive