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File: 30 KB, 300x475, how-to-win-friends-and-influence-people-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9593924 No.9593924 [Reply] [Original]

My brother became NEET three years ago and has become a massive autist thanks to self-help books.

What is the most autistic self-help book or which book causes the most autstic behaviour?

My bet's on pic related.

>inb4 the bible

>> No.9593933

I keep meaning to read this all the way through to fix myself. But I am so authentic that when people ask me how I am I just say fine and then I can't physically bring myself to ask them "how are you" because I don't care. Even though I see others do it and I think it's the social convention.

>> No.9593938

I dont know OP but i think this guy could write it >>9593933

>> No.9593943
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You'll only gain self-centered people who only want to talk about themselves. They will have zero interest in you as a person and more of a free-therapist. The book also describes how you can "use" friends to your advantage.

I get that some people say the book made them less shy but damn this isn't the way to "win friends".

>> No.9593946

I find that 19th century victorian novels improved my social anxiety and behavior a great deal. I have made as many of my interactions highly formalized, with plenty of pleasantries and sympathies, and questions about others. It has given me a buffer and also I think improves others opinion of me.

>> No.9593950


autocorrect fail, i meant autistic

>> No.9594475

Good, now start wearing the frilly dresses.

>> No.9594488
File: 20 KB, 358x499, 41ILsjEMw-L._SX356_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Tucker Max. They're used as "self-help" in certain spaces so that's why I include them.

>> No.9594506

Self help books don't cause autism. Autistic people that read self help books don't have the empathy, emotional quotient, or awareness to properly apply anything in a self help book. So it becomes a bastardized form of what it was supposed to be.

>> No.9594517

Well said.

>> No.9594562

What self-help book recommends becoming an autistic NEET? I want to buy it for my enemies.

>> No.9594570

it was written in the 50s though.
but it's true that all self-help social skills books can only fuck you up.

>> No.9594976

I've been reading it since you've posted it and I'm disgusted by the selfish nature of the book. This really brings the SELF in selfhelp.

People actually apply this shit.

>> No.9595006

You can generally tell when someone's a self-help reader though. Their eyes have this emptiness to them and it's almost as if they're a robot just acting things out.

>> No.9595023

>life has improved substantially since I started reading self help books
>see this thread

Man, what's the problem with self-help? If it helps me fulfill my goals, what's wrong?

>> No.9595038

Nothing. It's just some bitter autismos beyond all help venting through impotent contrarian rage on the internet.

>> No.9595055

it fucks up your ability to socialize like a normal person because you learn how to socialize by socializing.
don't lie to yourself at best you're a functional autist.

>> No.9595063

I don't think self-help books are all bad. The way I see it, in the old days, you would seek out the help of a wiseman or other dispenser of advice, and some (maybe most) of them would be crappy but occasionally you could find a good one. It's like that with self help books.

>> No.9595072

>it fucks up your ability to socialize like a normal person because you learn how to socialize by socializing.
I don't read self-help for social advice though, I mostly read books about being an efficient worker, learner, and planner.

>> No.9595075

>muh goals

You're a self-help reader, all right.

>> No.9595089

What's wrong with thinking about and working towards your goals? Everyone has goals, so it makes sense to actually make a long-term plan to reach them instead of just wasting time floundering about. Surely you can see the benefit in being more efficient, if only so you can have more leisure time.

>> No.9595095

That's alright, thread was referring more to those types of books though.

>> No.9595097
File: 350 KB, 428x587, IMG_4060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good self help meme on manipulating people? I want to be q better con man.

>> No.9595109

How to Win Friends and Influence People, for one.

>> No.9595110

I keep having to tell you newfriend mongoloids in various ways... It's bad form for OP to inb4.

>> No.9595116

I think authentic is a legitimate way of phrasing it.

>> No.9595134
File: 48 KB, 526x714, txek0aegqbmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm autistic therefore everyone is autistic
>inb4 where do you think you are

>> No.9595152

Everyone should read an introduction to interpersonal communication theory textbook. It just takes the magic away from talking to people. It's like a self help book but people have done studies to prove the shit they ramble about.

>> No.9595166

Any recommendations?

>interpersonal communication theory
Sounds like even more of a retarded waste of time than philosophy.

>> No.9595172

Yea you're right but our relationships these days are about using each other and friendships are built on bullshit

>> No.9595174

i didn't say everyone was autistic, your greentext sums up what your state of mind is though.

>> No.9595209

I like to call the 48 rules of power, the passive aggressive hand book; though, all in all, it's a great book. To be honest, I believe more people need to read it; especially those in power.

>> No.9595312

I don't, just go read one, it doesn't matter
I like to call it "How to be an asshole." The audio book is hilarious because the dude reading it does spooky and evil voices when telling the story examples.

>> No.9595341

Yeah that was one of the better audibility performances I've listened to. Not sure how useful the advice is, though.

>> No.9595360

I've been reading some books like this to help me learn how to be an effective beggar when I eventually become homeless. So far the best approach I've worked out is instead of just asking people money, ask them first if they're a helpful person. If they say yes and you follow that up by asking for money it kind of traps them. Consistency if important to people. Even if they realize what you're doing they're still likely to give you money just to avoid contradicting themselves.

>> No.9595374

The advice is top notch; don't let these degenerates tell you that you'll transform into an asshole.

>> No.9595391

But the author is literally a fedora.
It's like following a get rich guide from someone poor.

>> No.9595394

I'm just not sure if all the advice would work for my career path. It seems to have been written primarily for men in business, law, or other such careers. Not saying none of it is generalizable but for example the advice about not looking like you're working too hard would probably not be good for a PhD student working in a lab.

>> No.9595416

I'm not the biggest fan of Robert Greene either, but, the book is really good; if you know how to use the laws properly, that is.

>> No.9595426

You can find a way to use all of the laws; they just won't be as extrodinary, or as assertive, as you would think.

>> No.9595492


>> No.9595508

>unironically watching TED talks

p s e u d

Not even shitposting.

>> No.9595515
File: 10 KB, 234x250, 1492791510133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about the goals, it's about learning along the way. That should be the goal. The goals people set are always fague to begin with.
"I want to be more social so I'll read this book about socializing."

Just get out and socialize and fail a bunch of times and learn from your own mistakes, not someone else's.

>> No.9595529

She makes a lot of good points, jeez just watch it.

>> No.9595617

That's gay. I'm open to learning but seriously if I'm only going to live once I definitely am not going to risk not accomplishing my career goals.

>> No.9595646

Hello wagecuck my old friend

>> No.9595664


Nigga, it's not about wages. My family owns a property that I could rent out and live off for life if I wanted to. I choose to work because I love my field.

>> No.9595673

>I'm not a cuck because I have to be; I'm a cuck because I want to be

>> No.9595698

So if I were to drop out of my field and live at home, suddenly I would become not a cuck? How does that work? How would quitting make me a better person?

>> No.9595703

why so?

>> No.9595827
File: 17 KB, 500x300, 1356229040367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goals are artificial impositions of deprivation.

>> No.9595850


>> No.9595865

Making something of yourself even even though, or especially since it means helping others on the way and choose not to be a leech on society makes you a cuck?

Go back to imgur.

>> No.9595876

Pretty much anything by Robert Cialdini.

>> No.9595921

Besides writing Dilbert, Scott Adams also studies hypnosis and persuasion. Here's his suggested reading list: http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/97774.Scott_Adams_Persuasion_Reading_List