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/lit/ - Literature

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9593582 No.9593582 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, how do I know that I'm actually alive? Sometimes I think I may not be.

Any books that will clear this up for me?

>> No.9593593

Being and Time

>> No.9593596
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:) <3

>> No.9593608

this. it's a very hard read and it's gonna take you a long time to understand , but it's worth it

>> No.9593945

i'm not too eager to learn german

>> No.9593957

Unironically Wittgenstein's Tractatus
You are just confused by misunderstanding language.

>> No.9593959


>> No.9594174

You might not like the answer.

>> No.9595410


>> No.9595451

>how do I know that I'm actually alive? Sometimes I think I may not be.

another 12 year old breaks cover

>> No.9595472
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>> No.9595484

Literally any book. Think about it. Can you recite the plot of a book you haven't read? No? This proves that you're not the only senpai alive. It also proves that you are alice because you have to do something to aquire knowledge instead of it being handy to you because you're not real or whatever. Hope I helped.

>> No.9595501

fucking epic thread /b/ros

I fucking love this deep philosophical shit man

lets smoke a blunt and look at the stars dude

>> No.9595507

why are you here?

>> No.9595514

the sad thing is that there are people on this board who unironically think this sort of shit actually is deep and meaningful and it is what philosophy actually is and think they are smart for thinking it

woo dude that's another really deep question ya know

>> No.9595520

No, I mean, why are on 4chan being an obnoxious fucking dipshit?

>> No.9595528

t. 16 year old

>> No.9595532

stop being such a special fucking snowflake
this is 4chan ya know

>> No.9595540

to laugh at you and let you know you're a retard

>> No.9595557

That is what philosophy actually is you pretentious prick. Just because the field has become so advanced and thought through, with terms like nihilism, existentialism, absurdism, etc, doesnt mean the basic questions dont have merit.
The question OP was asking is the same line of thought that Descartes was on when he decided "I think therefore i am"
Thats definitely philosophy my friend.
I agree the whole "smoke a blunt and look at the stars" is a bit juvenile, but the greeks started with basic shit before there was formal philosophy. Maybe anaxamander was smoking a blunt looking at the stars when he had his thoughts
what youre saying is similar to saying algebra isnt math because we have calculus now.
Stop trying to make youself feel superior because you know more about this shit

>> No.9595563

t. wikipedia scholar

>> No.9595597

this isn't /b/.

>> No.9595603

t. wannabe janitor
fuck off discussion cuck this board is for memes and I'm a hardworking memester. I got three drafts of Pynchon copypastas to my name what have you contributed besides r/showerthoughts tier threads?

>> No.9595791

How mad are you?