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/lit/ - Literature

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9593201 No.9593201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>publish a single virtually unknown book in your 30+ years of academia
>become insanely resentful of your formal Theory War rivals as they gain increasingly prominent positions in cultural institutions and academia
>start to spittlily rant about sensational culture-war flashpoints
>suddenly make 600K per annum off of illiterate politically apathetic YouTube millenials too incurious to read books but too arrogant not to want to view themselves as "intellectual"
>cozy up to MMA fighters, neo-nazi LARPERs, and MGTOW apologists in your quest to rid the world of the perfidious SJW
How is this pseud /lit/?

>> No.9593205

unlike us he's not afraid

>> No.9593209

To do what? Stand up to a bunch of granola-crunchers and get rich in the process?

>> No.9593223

He's a good guy, fuck off.

>> No.9593244

He didn't know he was going to get rich doing this. All of this began last October. Did you see what he looked like in his New Year's message?


That was around the time when he was getting gang banged by the faculty at U of T as well. With no idea whether or not he would be teaching the following year, let alone making what he now makes.

He wasn't in it to get rich, and when his job was threatened he got more angry, not less so. The fact that he's having success now is a good thing. Rebel kicked in funds for his grad students, the Patreon is there to help him help other people as a psychologist, and now he wants to do other stuff - reform humanities education, talk to Muslim scholars, whatever else...

He's a good man. He earned that buck the hard way.

>> No.9593313

>He's a good man

he's a transphobic peiece of shit capitalizing on retarded /pol/ "MUH ESS JAY DUBBLE JEWS" retards

>> No.9593335

What's a transphobic exactly? How is he one?

>> No.9593340

>he's a transphobic
Exactly. A good man.

>> No.9593342


Hmm yess do tell.

>> No.9593351

>With no idea whether or not he would be teaching the following year, let alone making what he now makes.

Or perhaps degrading himself thusly is Peterson's safety catch on the blind repel down to the abyss of sucking cock for money. We all have last resorts. I think this probably Peterson's. He's a reasonably smart guy who is acting dubiously senseless. I say it's for the money.

>> No.9593352

much more admirable than getting tenure from an institution with money in the stock market while indoctrinating your students with hypocritical Marxist bullshit

>> No.9593357

He does it for status/attention.
He always but always keeps repeating how he tought at Harvard, which in reality was 1 or 2 semesters of guest lecturing, than he fucked off.

He craves attention and status. Without delving into his personal politics and beliefs, this attentionwhoring gets me the most.

I have no problem with publishing my thesis as a book and then call it off tbqh. publish or perish mentality only produces shit works.

>> No.9593369

>the sublime combo of hurr you can't be critical of capitalism if you buy things and not knowing what Marxism is
Wew, you can find some real gems in the threads about /pol/'s heroes.

>> No.9593379

What's with that face. That hmmm aaaah yes this semi blinking looks like i make me a thinken face. Fucking fake gravitas cunt face. Is it something he consciously does for his fans who start threads on r/JordanPeterson about having dreams with him in them?

>> No.9593391
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>Marxists are STILL this butthurt about Peterson

>> No.9593395

>getting rekt is more admirable than not getting rekt

>> No.9593397

>I don't like right-wing public intellectuals
*tips fedora*

>> No.9593399

Being butthurt about a person who makes their living off being butthurt and pandering to the butthurt.

>> No.9593401

>unironically calling him an intellectual

>> No.9593405

>unironically calling him right-wing

>> No.9593426

>/lit/ pseuds in charge of who is an intellectual

His symbolist neo-mysticism is inherently reactionary and in fact calls for a positive reassessment of pre-enlightenment beliefs and values. That is right-wing af.

>> No.9593450

>i'm not /lit/ i'm /pol/

>> No.9593483

What's wrong with that. Society should provide monetary incentives to encourage people to oppose them.

>> No.9593500

What's funny is that he makes money they same way American Psychiatry / Jungianism do: by pretending to be your daddy. Anyone with a healthy appreciation of Freud or Nietzsche or Marx can see why it's wrong, but works by being exactly what our infantile generation has been demanding.

>> No.9593514
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I'll post on /lit/ and /pol/ whenever I want. Thank you very much.

>> No.9593904

i see threads like these all the time here, are there seriously so many hillary cucks on this subreddit

>> No.9593914

We are marxist accelerationists who vote for Trump.

>> No.9593921
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This smells like another G&M bait thread, so I'll sketch it out lemmata for you.

Peterson is a Protestant and a Jungian (aka modernist). This is a french Catholic-socialist board. We neither care nor approve of this man, his work and his followers.

Peterson is NOT /lit/ approved. Start with the Greeks or fuck off.

>> No.9593937
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>although i normally speak extemporaneously, that requires a capacity i cannot currently manifest

>> No.9593949

>talk to Muslim scholars
I'd like him to have a talk with Tim Winter.
