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9593055 No.9593055 [Reply] [Original]

80 pages in, I hate it wtf am I reading?

>> No.9593057
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Don't be like us adults.
Go grocery shopping on weekends.
Hop into the water.

>> No.9593099

Why do you hate it

>> No.9593119

I find it hard to follow at parts. It jumps around and it feels like Wallace uses word salad at parts

>> No.9593129

You'll get used to it. This book really isn't that hard

>> No.9593167

It just takes time, once you accept that the book is sci-fi it'll be easier. And besides this is just paper ;-)

>> No.9593741

I'm 600 pages in. If you don't like it now don't bother. I'm in too deep to stop now

>> No.9594201

>welcome to the water

>> No.9594667

It gets way easier. At the beginning it's confusing because Wallace just drops you in situations and introduces characters really quickly at the beginning. By like page 200 or so it all starts coming together.

>> No.9594945

DFW was clinically depressed and took some kind of psychiatric drug in order to function; based on personal experience, his writing seems to be that of a person on stimulants.
I think he's a better journalist, because at least then he has an editor to say when to stop. Infinite Jest seems to be what happens when he just goes.

>> No.9595254

300 pages in and he s beginning to link his plotlines together

>> No.9595310

I will never not laugh at the greatly deserved ridicule of this hack fraud. DFW will be remembered by posterity as the most incompetent snake oil salesman western literature has ever produced.

The only sincere act of his life was when he kicked away the chair. His life was nothing but a series of ironies and lies predicated on the the joke that is new sincerity. The big punchline was the creaking of the rafter and the piss trickling down his leg to the floor.

his epiphany that the only viable thing for him to do was to kill himself was the best thing to happen to literature in 30 years since he began writing because behind all the self aware gimmicks and self help books and the drugs and the audience pussy there was no discernible talent

>> No.9595319

idk DFW seems like an annoying shitbag but the people who take pleasure in his suicide are another level of cancerous shitbag.

>> No.9595326

fuck you his suicide was objectively funny

>> No.9595335

says more about your state of mind than anything t b h

>> No.9595346

i hope this is kind of a joke
david's suicide was hardly even sad.
it was randian.
if anything you should feel bad that you'll never live as truly as he did.
in that way it's funny.
that the sad dead man had it more figured out.
but if you know the closest thing to nothing about the circumstance you'd know it wasn't one of those "boo hoo no one loves me suicides".
it was literally a career move and fuck you to his wife.

>> No.9595381

you're both wrong it was a fraud realizing he was a fraud. it was his, "this is water" moment. he realized his life was a lie and he was nothing but a sad junky with a pussy addiction who had nothing to contribute to the world but some aped parody of pinecone novels and so he unclasped his belt an the rest is, as they say, history

>> No.9595400

we're talking about him. So it was a successful career move ultimately. He got his pussy and his wife was mad. He showed her that he loved and suffered. very successful all around.

from the end of the TPK:
"this will get them cracking at their desks eh?"
"barely feel a thing"
"i can inhale but i cant seem to exhale"
(remember Good old neon his description of death as a slowing of time)

It was very deliberate and successful.
they made a movie about him for christ sake

>> No.9595409

It's shit. I first bought it several years ago when I started browsing /lit/, i tried reading it and then gave up, now it collects dust on my shelf.

In short, I got memed, so did you.

>> No.9595420

Its okay to be a pleb

>> No.9595442

you're talking about him. I'm talking shit on him. he is a joke and now people are beginning to realize it.

if you need his suicide to have a meaning that badly I think it says more about you. it was the last move of a man who knew he was nothing but a liar, fraud and an addict. it had no deeper significance. no matter the affect on his career or the zeitgeist or the meme industry death is death.

>> No.9595446

lol thats so dumb.
most good authors/artists are dead.
dead is more than just DEAD when it comes to art, especially when death and suicide is such a key component of his work.
Death is the quickest most efficient means of canonization.
But you must be trolling.

>> No.9595447

Today I read David Foster Wallace for the first time.

I cried. I swear.

I'm writer.

>> No.9595460

well I strongly recommend you follow DFW's example and canonize yourself.

he was terrified of death and it shows in his massively insecure writings, but in the end he decided he was more afraid of life.

>> No.9595471

If i was famous, about to divorce, lose my job in a scandal, go broke, and i had the opportunity to be remembered in a legendary light in doing so maybe i would.
in case you dont get it, this is why david did it. It wasn't pure cowardice it was a mix of opportunity and fate. he really was about to get shat on by life but he turned it around for us. a selfless thing to do

>> No.9595487

when did dfw threads turn from light hearted shitposting to bitter dave hating? dave bullying needs to stop

>> No.9595490

well at least we can agree it was selfless and a good thing he took himself out of this world.

but I still think you should kill yourself

>> No.9595505

i think everyone should kill themselves at some point so im not even offended.
David never really left though, that's my whole point. He found a way to be immortalized. Suicide was a winning move from his vantage.

>> No.9595518

welcome to the water :^)

>> No.9597136

do you want the big enchilada or the basic gestalt?

>> No.9597142

Just got to 400, I'm starting to feel that way as well

>> No.9598011
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splash around in the water
people being inconsiderate jerks are just having a bad day
I can tell snarky jokes but you also have to take me sincerely as well
dip your feet into the water

>> No.9598013

Stick with it. It didn't click for me until about 200 pages in but it's so damn worth it.

>> No.9598019

>his life was a lie and he was nothing but a sad junky with a pussy addiction
Confirmed for knowing literally nothing about DFW. He was hardly a junkie. All he ever did was have a few hits of pot and the fact that he was considered a junkie due to people's misconceptions of IJ being autobiographical pissed him off to no end. His writing is also literally nothing like Pinecone's.

>> No.9598036

>he was hardly a junkie
>all he ever did was a few hits of pot

Not him, but he was using drugs and alcohol from the ages of 15-27 and been to rehab and mental hospitals on multiple occasions. Read his own words about it here:


>> No.9598143
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>mfw finally got my IJ edition in hands, but I'm already struggling with The Bible, Plato's Dialogues and The Filmmaker Handbook so I won't be able to start it till I finish one of those
I miss going through fiction.

>> No.9598294

200 pages it itll all start making sense.

>> No.9598296

it takes ~600 to get to the good part

>> No.9598515

desu I'm on about 650 now. Things are actually starting to happen now so there's that