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9592328 No.9592328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any books on the rise of islamic terror in Europe?

>> No.9592329

We burned them all in the great Tolerance Parade of 2018.

>> No.9592334

How can there be a book about something that doesn't exists? There is no 'Islamic terror,' terrorism has no religion.

>> No.9592335


>> No.9592337


>> No.9592338

>/lit/ has written and published two books
>/pol/ hasn't even written one
Check mate.

>> No.9592341

Are you guys redpilled as well?

>> No.9592344


>> No.9592346

>epic sarcastic liberal is online
don't get your panties in a twist, sweetie
save your cognitive power for the upcoming social media damage control

>> No.9592354

Mao II

but I wouldn't waste my time on the subject

>> No.9592357

I am probably twice as redpilled as you are.
Don't ever fucking imply that I'm a liberal. I am wholeheartedly for white nationalism.

>> No.9592358

Guys I know everyone is worried about the victims and stuff, but we should all take a moment to consider the real victims here, the countless peaceful Muslims who will now be victim to inevitable Islamophobia in the wake of tonight's attacks.

>> No.9592363

Atheist crusade against Islam when?
The pope is too limp-wristed

>> No.9592374
File: 155 KB, 625x700, PetersonPhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ignore the Neo-Marxist post-modern cucks. /lit/ is a White Nationalist board

>> No.9592376


christ that's some terrible soyface

>> No.9592379

the state of lit...

>> No.9592382

>peterson's wiki omits his mother's maiden name

he's a jew you stupid cucks

>> No.9592384

>art used to be dangerous, like me
>us writers were once important guys
>I'm an edgy loner, but you best learn to fear the sweep of my pen
It was kind of embarrassing. Does the literati actually think of itself this way?

>> No.9592387

maybe it was ironic or something, never read it tho just seems like an offbrand pynchon

>> No.9592392

>doesn't realize ironic shitposting

Back to /pol/, dummy

>> No.9592395


>> No.9592396

is it post-modern n shit to be watching a terror attack in one window, a porno in the other, and shitposting on a literature board in a third?

>> No.9592398

This night is an occasion to praise Lord Kek!

>> No.9592402
File: 34 KB, 351x352, 1420959215263-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you make the same thread on /v/?
Is this some kind of /pol/ shill "woke" campaign?

>> No.9592403
File: 101 KB, 640x884, belloc quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of these fucking attacks are there going to be before Europeans do something about it? Come on, find your strength.

>> No.9592407

What do you want Europeans to do? Genuinely curious, not being a memester

>inb4 eradicate all nonwhites

>> No.9592412

someone posted on here that the second coming would be when the west becomes christian again and expels the evil doers, weren't we due for that after 2000 years give or take? hmmm

>> No.9592415

They went from the Saudis organising 9/11 to some random arabs driving people over in sync, what exactly are we supposed to be afraid of? We've bombed the shit out of them.

>> No.9592417


Ban immigration from Muslim countries. Deport the ones that can be deported. Keep a close eye on the rest. Stop celebrating multiculturalism and "diversity."

Realistically none of this is going to happen though, especially because there is a massive Fifth Column of Muslims already in Europe. The mayor of fucking London is a Muslim for Christ's sake.

>> No.9592422

>Realistically none of this is going to happen though, especially because there is a massive Fifth Column of Muslims already in Europe. The mayor of fucking London is a Muslim for Christ's sake.

we took back Spain, we can do it again. We a need a based pope instead of a fucking commie, and it will be on like donkey kong. deus vult.

>> No.9592426

>Deport the ones that can be deported.
Who? Every Muslim who's has a criminal record for example?

>> No.9592427

End all immigration from the second and third world, immediately
Promote an explicitly European national identity
Ban public displays of Islamic culture, including traditional Islamic dress
Promote national history, tradition, and culture
Strip all immigrants who arrived in the past twenty years of full citizenship
Punish displays of third worldism
Dismantle anti-European programs in national universities
Subject non-natives and progressives to 'soft harassment' to ensure their commitment to the national project
Encourage native birthrates

>> No.9592430

>Who? Every Muslim who's has a criminal record for example?

also don't renew their visas and deport

>> No.9592438

That's a start, but it's okay to be a little liberal with deportations. Just general dislike for a particular Muslim is as good a reason as any to deport him

>> No.9592440

i don't have a problem with people from the developing world as long as they aren't communists or muslims, since those are politically ideologies fundamentally at odds with western civilization, everyone else who's down to work hard can come get a piece of this swole trump economy

>> No.9592468

>I was only being ironic so it's funny xd

>> No.9592488
File: 279 KB, 1040x1567, 81Y2BZ5u61L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about terrorism generally and the best introductory text I know of.

>> No.9592492

The 'everything is the Jews fault' is a psyop to obfuscate. The globalist groups are very diverse, there are Jews working for all sides.

>> No.9592496

>t. libcuck brainwashed bluepilled idiot drone sheep normie

>> No.9592500

Any books on the rise of Reddit on /lit/?

>> No.9592506

Trump winning the election. The /r/donalds are everywhere

>> No.9592516

>terrorist attack
>"what do we do now?"
>leftist: "pretend nothing happened. terrorism is normal in the 21st century, like instagram or netflix. islam is the religion of peace. diversity is our greatest strength. terrorists are motivated by white racism. we need more integration and to celebrate islam."
>rightist: "deport all muslims. stop all immigration. force christianity on everyone and call it education of our national identity. regulate clothing and ex. censor books and universities. democracy was a mistake we need a strong leader who gets things done."

>> No.9592517

Synthesis: war.

>> No.9592524

What is "soyface?" Are you talking about the kid in the hat or Peterson?

>> No.9592530

Nobody takes the pope seriously anymore. He's a symbolic head of a dying church in Europe. Most Western European countries are supermajority non religious.

>> No.9592535

Pretty accurate desu

>> No.9592539

Houellebecq's Soumission is prophetic.

>> No.9592544

The reality is no one understands that we are at a war with a transnational Islamic Imperialist system. After the 9/11 attacks the Bush administration declared a "war on terror", a multiple front war from Iraq to Iran to North Korea. As long as we are operating under this delusion that we are fighting "terror" we aren't going to get anywhere.

A supra-national state is common to historic Islam so legalistically/diplomatically/politically speaking we are at war with a state not a method of engagement. We need to begin seriously viewing and engaging this threat as the actions of a state-entity not "terrorists" e.g. condescendly referring to ISIS as "Daesh". We are in one large international war with several theatres and fronts. Just as WWII wasn't just a war in Europe/Africa against the SS and Wehrmacht but against the German and Italian empires and their allies this is how things need to be understood.

So now we have Trump the "Islamophobe" vs. the real Trumpian pro-Wahhabist foreign policy. How can you interpret a transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars of arms to Saudi Arabia which will be funnelled to the soldiers of a transnational Islamic Imperialist army? That sounds a lot like treason.

People take rhetoric to seriously and aren't capable of functionally seeing what's really going on.

>> No.9592561

>Nobody takes the pope seriously anymore.

ever heard of latin america you fucking cuck? yes, we all know europe is dead, but somebody is going to have to keep western civilization going

>> No.9592564


>Nobody takes the pope seriously anymore.

True, in a way.

>He's a symbolic head of a dying church in Europe.

100% laughably wrong. You've clearly studied nothing about the military history of the Vatican. You'd be very surprised to know just how much of a major player they are still.

>> No.9592567

Donald Trump and people like him are literally the reason why terrorism is thriving. Trump is worse than terrorism. Terrorism would be less of a threat if we didn't have an Islamophobic idiot as a president.

>> No.9592583

the whole institution helped hide pedophiles, bro

>> No.9592585

people who don't know anything about nutrition and biology think soy increases estrogen production and feminine characteristics

the kid looks like a trans woman that just started HRT

>> No.9592590
File: 3.66 MB, 640x360, bf9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% laughably wrong. You've clearly studied nothing about the military history of the Vatican.

not sure, all i know is stalin btfo him with that "oh, the pope doesn't approve? and how many troops does he have?" line

>> No.9592602

>the kid looks like a trans woman that just started HRT

oh i thought it was a transman on a shitload of t

>> No.9592603
File: 48 KB, 500x353, pope smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then of course 50 years later the Soviet Union collapsed, thanks in some degree to the actions of a pope.

>> No.9592605

Submission - Houellebecq

>> No.9592610

ya could be, kid just looks like a strange mix of man and woman

probably just a normal overweight dude with shit genetics and style

>> No.9592611

well i thought the current pope was p dank when he said "building walls is not christian" etc. which american conservicucks cried about but which where actually shots fired at israel and china simultaneously, all while doing with a pious face, i was like niiiice

>> No.9592614

>meanwhile, one year ago...
Barack Obama and people like him are literally the reason why terrorism is thriving. Obama is worse than terrorism. Terrorism would be less of a threat if we didn't have an Muslim as a president.

>> No.9592620

Eurabia is always recommended but it's very hard to look past to "Israel is your greatest ally" element that seems to be tha main motivation of the book. It gets annoying.

Houellebecq is good and I've heard good things about Douglas Murray's new book.

Honestly though, I don't really see the point in that sort of reading since you already agree with the message of the book and basically know about the things they are saying already if you have been paying any degree of attention.

I recommend that you read books which are not directly related to Islam and Europe and have more to do with decline and degeneration that made the current situation possible in order to get a better understanding of the larger picture of the issue. I recommend Decline of the West and Democracy: The God That Failed in particular. Some Evola wouldn't hurt after that.

Don't fixate on the Islamic terror or you risk blinding yourself to the larger issue. Islamic terror is just a symptom of the larger problems.