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File: 1.02 MB, 1536x2363, snow-crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9589565 No.9589565 [Reply] [Original]

>greatest work of cyber punk ficiton
>its about some fucking weeaboo pizza delviery boy

>> No.9589605

like every stephenson novel, it starts with a single, cool idea in it and a decent attempt at a set-up for realizing that idea, but the moment it's actually introduced (and in the most ham-fisted way possible mind you) everything goes completely to shit

I really think this guy should team with a guy who actually knows how to write 1) good prose 2) good characters 3) good plots, because he probably would deserve half the profits just for his 4) good ideas

better yet someone with more talent should just rip off his books, because I would read those all in a heartbeat

>> No.9589613

The L Ron Hubbard character on a garbage skow was funny though.

>> No.9589615

It was supposed to be a comic book. It got resuscitated as a novel.

>> No.9589763

>snow crash
>mom made frosted pancakes

>> No.9589794

That isn't Stand On Zanzibar

>> No.9590184


>> No.9590252


>> No.9590261


I really didn't like that book all that much but I guess it had some interesting ideas (i.e. the metaverse). People likened the prose to Pynchon, which is true if you ignore the fact it's zany without any actual substance behind it.


It's the only Stephenson novel I've read but this sounds about right.

>> No.9590265

Neal Stephenson tries too hard to be "current", desu.

>> No.9590325

I barely remember that character even though he's supposed to be one of the main antagonists. I just remember some pirates trying to board their boat and being gunned down, then YT sticks a needle in her vagina, then the Alaskan guy gets his penis stabbed when he has sex with her.
Then one of the robot dogs collides with a helicopter and everyone lives happily ever after.

>> No.9590461

all i remember was that it had some gay-ass virtual swordfighting with virtual katanas and that stephenson later kickstarted a swordfighting video game with motion controls. it got the money but then collapsed without delivering anything because waving plastic controllers in the air is fucking stupid. oh and i also remember everybody comparing second life to snow crash until it turned out to be mostly a place for furries and pedos to do sex roleplay.

it's just so funny when all these grandiose cyberpunk fantasies collapse into some sort of failed wii game and a server for yiffing.

>> No.9590558

Is Gibson worth reading today?

>> No.9591778

Snow Crash is the evolution of Neuromancer.
Hypersphere is the evolution of Snow Crash.

>> No.9592798

>>greatest work of cyber punk ficiton
Who the fuck ever claimed that? It's a great read, but no.

>> No.9592803

>It's the only Stephenson novel I've read
You really ought to read Cryptonomicon. Diamond Age is good, too.

>> No.9592845

It's a joke you fucking retard. It's supposed to make cyber punk look gay as fuck and it does a great job.

>> No.9592851

And if you want a good cyber punk novel read vurt by Jeff noon.

>> No.9592924

I enjoyed Zodiac the most out of anything I've read of him. I haven't gotten around to Diamond Age yet but I hear it's one of his best.

>> No.9593002

Honestly i tried to get into this and it was too kitschy. It seems like William Gibson but with added goofy irony which frankly, the already-insincere cyberpunk future does not need.

>> No.9593173

Book of the Long Sun is the greatest work of cyberpunk fiction.

>> No.9594010

i wish people would stop comparing Stephenson to Pynchon. jesus christ, just because Cryptonomicon was partly set during the second world war and it included a couple of equations, all the lit department assholes who failed math think "oh, it's like gravity's rainbow! that had an equation, too!"

Stephenson's humor is like Sheldon Cooper's: arch, sneering and condescending. Pynchon's humor is more like Chuck Jones.

>> No.9594017

his recent book "The Peripheral" was okay. he found his voice early on and sees no reason to change it.

at least he isn't enthusing about people who steal the patterns for pants any more.

>> No.9594018

snowcrash is the same story as gravity's rainbow but written but reddit

>> No.9595797
File: 120 KB, 800x1208, anathem_by_neal_stephenson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anathem is better than Snow Crash IMO.

>> No.9596234

>Stephenson's humor is like Sheldon Cooper's: arch, sneering and condescending.
I don't watch the Big Bang Theory, but I've never felt sneered at or condescended to by Stephenson's writing, and I can give you examples of earthy, even vulgar humor that he's used, especially in Zodiac, The Big U, and Cryptonomicon.