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/lit/ - Literature

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9589191 No.9589191 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9589350

This actually makes me sad. Fuck off

>> No.9589369
File: 14 KB, 118x125, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah fuck you op

>> No.9589372

OP needs to go to jail am I right?

>> No.9589378

literally nigger literature, lol

>> No.9589534
File: 188 KB, 1424x645, this_is_a_real_book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9589558


Sesame Street did this too

>> No.9589572

A buddy of mine actually has a father in prison over in another country for something he didn't do. The system is corrupt so even though he didn't do it and was found innocent he was still kept in jail.

When it was my buddy's birthday my other friend bought him this book as a present. It was quite a laugh

>> No.9589604

They should rename it "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime."

Or: "Kids love my dad but he doesn't get along with adults. How statuatory rape works."

Or: "Only Wall Street never goes to jail."

>> No.9589831

So what are we up to, 3+ million behind bars now? "Land of the Free," huh? Sure.

>huuurrr nigger nigger someone pull the trigger hurrr
Backbone of the police state right here folks.

>They should rename it "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime."
Eat shit bootlicker.

>> No.9589858

>Eat shit bootlicker.
Not as long as you're hogging the plate.

>> No.9589872

>Book written for kids from troubled backgrounds to help make their shitty lives a little easier
>Not necessarily saying the parent shouldn't be in jail, just acknowledging the child is probably having a hard time
>Hurr Durr niggers

I thought /lit/ was the board for intelligent people?

>> No.9589941

>>They should rename it "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime."
yes spooked numales who love to manipulate people thru terrorism say this.

>> No.9589951

It's a book to help kids process their feelings. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.9589985

>He's upset about something, lets twist the knife

that muppet was a good actor tho

>> No.9589990

Wait is that Luis' daughter? Did Luis do hard time?

>> No.9589992


Sesame Street is still worthwhile

>> No.9590020

Jailed genetic trash shouldn't procreate in the first place.

Fuck you.

>> No.9590031


>"process" their feelings

Holy fuck you are dumb. Humans are just a complex machine right?

>> No.9590035

I don't understand who this book is for but it makes me want to cry thinking about them.

>> No.9590048


>> No.9590275

I suddenly want to see Muppet Criminals:Hard Time.

>> No.9590293

>waaah why isn't lit crying over some libshit feefees children's propaganda piece

Lit is a subsidiary of /pol/, deal with it

>> No.9590337

It's sad to see that some people are so sheltered and out of touch with reality that they see a book like this as being ridiculous.

>> No.9590339

they all left about 1.5 years back.

>> No.9590347

the kids this was written for can't read
And no father to read to them.

>> No.9590349

black guys have bigger penises than white guy and can sexually satisfy white women in a way that white guys never could

>> No.9590359

/lit/ used to be fun. fuck you /pol/ for bringing identity politics to a board made to laugh at plebs of all kinds, not just brown ones

>> No.9590364


I'm out

reddit and good reads is better now.

why these tards want to turn every board on the chans into T_D is beyond me

>> No.9590395

what country

>> No.9590657

you have to go back

>> No.9590774

This is just fucking depressing, I've got a mental image of the mother reading it to the child and trying to convey what's going on, and then the mother and child start crying etc. Fuck

>> No.9590778

We don't celebrate fathers day at the school where I am employed, as many of students dads are in jail or prison. heartbreaking really.

>> No.9590789 [DELETED] 

nigger detected

>> No.9590810

please take your own advice.

>> No.9590813


>> No.9590815


>> No.9590828

>probably browses r*ddit's politically incorrect and the donald
>tells other people go back to r*ddit
I'll admit, I chuckled a bit, good jest sir. have an upvote

>> No.9590836

naw I've browsed some forums before but not reddit. I don't like the ui and the way the posts are displayed. I've only visited once or twice for technical information.

>> No.9590839

>once or twice
sure thing bubby

>> No.9590890

>quite a laugh
Lmfao, I hope he took it in good stead, that sounds really darkly humorous for real life. I could understand that shit on 4chan but in real life lmao. Or is it not that serious and his dad expecting to get out soon?

>> No.9590893

>Humans are just a complex machine right?
Well, humans like you are, at the very least.

>> No.9590986
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Wait when did pol invade?

lit is nice board

>> No.9590996

>the arrested's a bunny
>policeman's a cat

>> No.9591037


Do you want some french cries with that wah burger?

>> No.9591043 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9591050

What did Mr. Bunny go to jail for, /lit/?

>> No.9591080

Why are you here, /pol/?

>> No.9591106

Prostitution so he could feed his family.

>> No.9591219 [DELETED] 

>Implying a nigger knows his dad

>> No.9591640

best to be sheltered if you live in such a dogshit society with such high incarceration rates you end up with ridiculous childrens books like this existing

>> No.9591750

Sticking your head in the sand does not change whats happening around you.

>> No.9592279

you save money on the alcohol you have to drink to cope with it

>> No.9592893

rap is the most intelligent genre of music their is

>> No.9593015

Then leave.

>> No.9593040

Have you been here long? 4chan doesn't have that board.

>> No.9593078

deny the truth=intelligence

>> No.9593108

/b/ isn't that bad these days. Had an interesting discussion with an anon about malcolm lowry the other day.

>> No.9593206 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 458x688, DA7RNo0WAAEOoAz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is ours now commie back to /r/communism

>> No.9593234
File: 3.01 MB, 4288x3216, P7070149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen worse. Try reading THIS book cover to cover sometime.

>> No.9593247

Why do you need another board? You guys already have /pol/, /int/, and /bant/. Just keep the politics in the politics board. I'm not even a communist, I'm actually a pretty traditional guy but why are some people so obsessed with politics? Get a life.

>> No.9593308

>satanic ritual abuse


>> No.9593396

Google "satanic panic"

>> No.9593437

>why are some people so obsessed with politics?
it dictates your life so why would you not obsess let me guess you are a lolbertarian or cuckservatie

>> No.9593456

You should see the two specials they did on military deployments
Rositas father is crippled in a wheelchair

>> No.9593465

You forgot /tv/

>> No.9593473

First 4chan, then the world, my friend.

>> No.9593621

Is the mother hot?

>> No.9593637

>this is a contradiction
It really isn't. Material conditions can drive people to behave in a certain way. If people are really inherently selfish then this race to the bottom for profit simply won't work.

Of course, mention something like economics or material conditions and it will drive /pol/ into a seizure.

>> No.9593651

and /his/ and /x/

>> No.9594336

capitalism seems to be doing okay though. What are the successful communist countries? Oh right it's never actually been done before...

>> No.9594920
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>capitalism seems to be doing okay though