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/lit/ - Literature

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9588301 No.9588301 [Reply] [Original]

Sequel when?

>What's Worm?
Worm is a web serial, an online piece of literature which is basically a massive E-book.

>What's Worm about?
Worm is about an alternate universe where superheroes exist, and is notable for being in a realistic setting while not being overly edgy or grimdark.

>Is Worm /co/?
Worm is /co/ because it relates to capes, and is unironically better than the vast majority of comics, cartoons, or movies about superheroes.

>> No.9588302

>Worm is /co/ because it relates to capes
Bull fucking shit, the board is called "Comics & Cartoons" not "Capeshit & Capeshit"

>> No.9588303

>realistic setting while not being overly edgy or grimdark

Oh so it's dull

>> No.9588304

>while not being overly edgy or grimdark.
Blatant lies... Worm is so edgy it'd make punisher cry, just like those batman fans crying on contessa week in WWW leddit

>> No.9588305

But capes are inherently a part of /co/. What's the issue here?
/lit/ won't take this because its not a fucking "classic". /tg/ won't take this because fucking Weaverdice is shit. /trash/ won't take this because it's fucking /trash/. So what now?

>> No.9588306

Didn't /lit/ point out all the flaws in it?

>> No.9588307

pretty sure OP is in the right here, if there was any board that worm would be on it would be /co/. The only thing that has me wondering is whats with the sudden piqued interest in worm. We've had a lot of threads in the last month that came out of nowhere

>> No.9588308

>pretty sure OP is in the right here
No he's not
>if there was any board that worm would be on it would be /co/
Only because /lit/ said it was shitty? Fuck off.

>> No.9588309

/co/ won't take it either because it's not a comic or cartoon. Guess your shitty story just doesn't belong anywhere then.

>> No.9588310

Instead of fucking arguing, can't we just talk about this? What do you like about it, at least past any of the garbage?

>> No.9588311

Nah, the /lit/ thread got derailed like every /lit/ thread does.

>> No.9588312

At least we read real books. Faggot.

>> No.9588313
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To be honest I'm more interested on how to make web serials work for personal projects, since I don't have so much confidence on my drawing abilities to make a webcomic.

Still not sure if /co/ is the right place for this kind of things. /lit/ is more like it even if the threads end up as dead as almost anything there.

>> No.9588314


>Can't we just talk about this

No. Fuck off.

>> No.9588315

worm two is palpably close, people are getting hyped, i wonder if we are going to have regular thread for when it actually arrives, i would like to have somewhere to talk about wildbow regularly besides the comment section of his storis

>> No.9588316

How many times do mod's have to delete these threads before you get the dicks out of your mouth and go to the right board? This isn't a comic. This isn't a cartoon. This is literature. We have a literature board. No amount of your cockgozzling will transform /co/ into a general purpose capeshit board. You're worse than the /tv/ fags coming here to banepost woops I mean discuss MCU and shit because at least those are based on comic books going back decades. Being based on superheroes does not make it /co/ just because there are some comic books and cartoons that are about super heros too. When someone makes an animated series or graphic novel adaptation of Work, then you can drag it here.

This by the way is coming from someone who's read Worm twice and thinks it's the most original take on the idea of superheroes in decades as well as a beautiful execution of cosmic horror and an all-around well written story. (although it needs an editor to go through it and do a fuckton of trimming.)

In conclusion, spit don't swallow. That's how you avoid getting the herp.

>> No.9588317

is anyone re-reading worm in preparation from worm 2?
im halfway through the story, when she is about to get betrayed by coil and im afraid i wont make it all the way to the end before twig ends

>> No.9588318

You can do it. You only have BEHEMOTH, Slaughterhouse Nine Thousand, and then Scion

>> No.9588319

aka, the shittiest parts of the story and the ending

>> No.9588320

I don't get that one. I've seen a couple people lump Behemoth in with the post-Brockton slump, but I really liked it.

>> No.9588321

I absolutely love worm and I completely agree with this. Comics are a medium not a genre, the more the board and the general zeitgeist follows "comics are capes" the more damage it does to the medium and industry as a whole.

>> No.9588322

No they are not. Slashers are not inherently /tv/, Westerns are not unherently /lit/ and Superheroes are not inherently /co/.

>> No.9588323

/tg/ has Worm threads every now and then.

You literally don't need other boards

>> No.9588324

This is also why we need a Superhero board, because there really is so much superhero media that it warrants its own board.
/Cpsht/: all cape media nothing else
/co/: cape comics and cartoons are fine, all secondary banned
/tv/: cape film and tv is still allowed

>> No.9588325

the problem is that right after behemoth is killed is when the time skip starts so people have bad associations with it.
also is when the best character dies

>> No.9588326

Wow great idea faggot. Until then am I to presume that your jizz stained fingers will continue furiously copypasting this thread over and over until /co/ somehow enters some kind of exhausted refractory period and succumbs to your micropanis gay fag promiscuity and allows these threads to exist?

>> No.9588327


>> No.9588328

he really didnt, he was a sociopath and yet he played along with all of taylor's moral qualms without hardly any complaint, in the end he was the most heroic motherfucker in the group

>> No.9588329

how do i read it together? preferably on my ereader

>> No.9588330

Take a valium or something chief

>> No.9588331

It's all on one wordpress

>> No.9588332

Nigger I don't even want this thread here, I was agreeing with the post I replied to that it's bullshit, and a reason for a superhero board.

>> No.9588333

>and is notable for being in a realistic setting while not being overly edgy or grimdark.
>not being overly edgy or grimdark

You're out of your fucking mind mate.

>> No.9588334

Download pocket app and download the individual chapters for easy reading

>> No.9588335

So, you guys keep making these threads and I finally decided to read it last week.

I made it to Interlude 22 and I thought I'd want nothing more than Taylor to become A Hero, but it seems like such a hollow victory that is sure to be followed by a ton of "these consequences are worst that we imagined to the nth degree"

I mean, I'm down for watching Earth Bet burn to the ground and everything, but it seems very telegraphed that the ruse cruise Miss Militia, Defiant, and Dragon are running is going to hit an iceberg a la Titanic.

>> No.9588336

Was he really one, or just heavily emotionally stunted?

>> No.9588337


I see these threads pop up now and again and I'm trying hard not to get spoiled but I wanna talk about it with fellow fans so badly. I'm still on the Prey arc. Good shit so far.

I thought the idea of reading again would be a complete turn-off, especially with how difficult it was to read the first chapter. I guess I just needed to flex my imagination muscles for a little bit because now I'm fucking hooked.

>> No.9588338

Name these characters in order from left to right.

>> No.9588339


I'm >>9588337 but from what I can tell

Battery, Triumph, Armsmaster, Miss Militia and no idea who the last could be.

>> No.9588340


There's gonna be a sequel? That's somewhat disappointing. I thought I was in the clear because I came late to the party and had everything handed out to me. Now I gotta go through waiting periods just like everyone else.

>> No.9588341

It's Assault and he's looking at his 'puppy' :(

Do not read that spoiler if you're only on Prey.

>> No.9588342

>When you know there's going to be a bunch of "Worm isn't /co/ / shit" garbage
Makes me want to make the next thread desu

>> No.9588343

>Implying you're done already

You're probably on Chapter 8 or three billion.

>> No.9588344


I didn't imagine red, but it does fit him now that I look at him more. And thanks, I won't spoil myself. Leaving this thread now.

>> No.9588345

you still have the equivalent of eleven game of thrones books to get through in order to finish worm 1

and if you get really bored waiting you can get through both pact and twig, im sure you have a couple of months at least of continuous reading

>> No.9588346


Like I mentioned before, I'm on Prey but I'm trying to get through it so I can take a closer look at these threads. I don't even want to look too hard at the galleries because I'm afraid something might get spoiled for me. Heck, I can't even look too hard at the comment section since some don't mince words with spoilers.

That and half of them are dominated by Psycho Gecko anyway.

>> No.9588347


And is it gonna take wildbow three years to finish this one too? I don't know if I can take it. Isn't one of the other stories an ongoing as well?

I suppose I can try and see what the others are about. I dunno if they'll catch my attention like Worm has though.

>> No.9588348

Guys Wildbow says that he looks making a buffer zone of like 16 updates before he starts posting. Based off his tips for writing a web serial post. So unless he has already started writing, we might be in for a wait. But he needs the time. The single biggest issue that Worm had was plotting.

The Time skips always screwed the story over a bit. The minor Leviathen one wasn't too bad. But the big one had her make no character progression in the 2 years.

Also he didn't even plan to have her survive Leviathen, which was noticeable. That is why the Wordpress was named Parahumans instead of Worm.

Anyway Worm Is great in it justification of Super hero tropes. The single power source, the Endbringers, Tinkers explaining why Reed Richards of the universe are useless, the conflict drive.

Another major strong suit is having a beginning, middle and end, even if they weren't all equally strong. Instead of comics which is perputally middle.

Then finally is the powers. Most powers are intelligently designed, make sense based on the personality and backstory of the Cape and most of time is used intelligently. Of course Taylor gets a bit overhyped, but it was still generally good.

>> No.9588349

>t4nky: You plan on doing a sequel to Worm. How do you top it? Once you put the entire world at risk, you can’t really top it, especially the way you did it.

>Wildbow: People have frequently said that Worm is an exercise in ‘just when I thought it couldn’t be topped, Wildbow raised the bar’. I don’t think it’s impossible to take things a step further.


what the fuck is the absolute madman even planning on doing? how in the fuck could you take it a step further in any concibable way?

>> No.9588350
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>Based off his tips for writing a web serial post.

Source? Please?

>> No.9588351


>> No.9588352

>Tinkers explaining why Reed Richards of the universe are useless
Mind elaborating?

>> No.9588353
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Oh my, thanks anon!

>> No.9588354

The second one is Dauntless, not Triumph. Triumph has a lion helmet, Dauntless has the hoplite theme and electrical effects.

>> No.9588355

Apparently the endbringers were immune to contessa path to victory power...

>> No.9588356


Thanks, that is true.

>> No.9588357

Tinkers aren't you're typical super intelligent super scientists. They're more like nigh-perpetually Moody dwarves from Dwarf Fortress. They have super inspiration, and to everyone else with their late 20th / early 21st century tech it's basically impossible to understand unless you're the right tinker or thinker. Dragon works on putting the stuff that can be figured out and reproduced into mass production, but for the most part tinkertech is almost like magical artifacts. And due to the way powers work tinkertech may be intentionally blackboxed and obfuscated by the source, even to the tinker making it, so as to not be spread too widely.

>> No.9588358

Maybe the third entity comes back? Contact with alien races that also dealt with the entities, and worm 2 goes full blown space opera?

>> No.9588359


>> No.9588360
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You guys been following the We've Got Worm podcast series?

I'm doing re-read pre for Worm 2 since I heard Wildbow is on the last arc of Twig. It's been pretty helpful for story analysis.

It's on Youtube.


>> No.9588361


I think this is the relevant blog post.

>> No.9588362

Be my guest. Better to throw this on /lit/ though.

>> No.9588363
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Worm: Hard Mode.

Name these characters in order from left to right.

>> No.9588364

Glory Hole?
Worst Girl

>> No.9588365

missing two are shielder and laserdream

>> No.9588366

>worst girl

Panpan is best girl.

>> No.9588367

?, Chevalier, Glory Girl, Vista, Clockblocker, Shadow Stalker, Gallant, Aegis, ?, Panacea

>> No.9588368
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Panpan is best lesbian waifu.

>> No.9588369

For someone who didn't want to pander to the lesbian waifu crowd, Wildbow sure does like the girl love.

Panpan number one.
Parian number two.

>> No.9588370

I ship Taylor/Amy.

>> No.9588371

So I finally finished Worm after seeing it posted here over and over. What a ride. Sequel coming soon, what should I do to tide it over?

Read Pact and Twig? Do they give the same feels?

Or read Worm fanfics? Any good ones out there?

>> No.9588372

Battery, Dauntless,Armsmaster, Miss Militia, dunno who the red guy is but velocity or assault by process of elimination, I can't remember if their uniforms have anything even bordering on unique about them

>> No.9588373

Cenotaph and it's sequels are probably the best Worm fanfics.

Personally I really like Twig, but Pact doesn't appeal to me so much. I feel like Wildbow is at his best when outside of his comfort zone

>> No.9588374

do not read pact unless you want a "how not to follow up worm" experience

>> No.9588375

Look at that smug-ass fucking grin and tell me it isn't Assault

>> No.9588376

idk chariot???, gallant, glory girl, vista, clockblocker, shadow stalker, kid win, shielder, laser dream, panacea

seriously who the fuck is the first guy?

>> No.9588377

in retrospect yeah

>> No.9588378

Just found it on Google, first chapter looks good so far. Anything else worth reading, or is that it?

What's wrong with Pact?

>> No.9588379

imagine worm but every single one of wildbow's biases and personal opinions on the nature of authority and his own personal grievances with the way his life was going were in it

also it's just objectively not as well written.

pact has some interesting setting building ideas in it but reading it is legitimately painful, I personally have never finished it.

You can give it a go if you want but it takes awhile for the flaws to truly become apparent iirc.

>> No.9588380

Not a comic.
Not a cartoon.
Not related to a comic.
Not related to a cartoon.

>> No.9588381

Does the author hate authorities or something?

I could believe it in Worm because no one stood up for Taylor and then she triggered. All those times where she could have talked to the superheroes and worked out her problems with them, but she didn't, because she didn't trust them... It fit her character. I didn't like it, it annoyed me to no end that she didn't talk to them, but the story showed why.

But if it's a repetitive plot point caused by the author's issues, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It reminds of books I read in the past written by Mormons or Orson Scott Card.

>> No.9588382

hating authorities might be going too far but I strongly believe wildbow has deep personal issues and that his works reflect these to greater or lesser extents

it's not just authority, it's that there always seems to be something stopping his characters from getting what they want and succeeding, it's like his entire world view revolves around divinely induced failure.

for instance in worm shitty things happen but they're interspersed with enough good things and taylor is stubborn enough that this never overwhelms the pace of the narrative and in the end they save the world.

meanwhile in pact the MC is literally karmicly destined for bad things through no fault of his own. That's an actual plot point, bad things happen to him because wildbow wrote the story that way.

It's infinitely harder to read than worm because of this

>> No.9588383

I always thought the bad shit always happening was due to the nature of how Worm was published than the author's worldview. You have to end the chapters with cliffhangers so the readers come back. You have to keep putting the characters in the Danger Zone because the readers care and need to know if they make it out. It's cheap, but it works if you need your clicks, and the readers who follow the story reading a chapter or two per week don't truly get a sense of how fucked the tension/pacing is.

Now that I know it's partly or fully due to the author, it's really making me think. I heard the author is deaf and that's why there's not much in the way of sounds being described compared to visual descriptions of stuff.

Pact doesn't sound like something I want to read... I never liked books where the MC only exists for the universe to shit on them. Is Twig good? I always see it on the top web fiction list.

>> No.9588384

I've never read twig but for what it's worth everyone who likes worm and doesn't like pact loves twig, so idk, go for it.

I think pact was maybe him working something out of his system? Or maybe he learnt the lesson from it? Who knows. wildbow himself has said that pact is his weakest project so far I think

>> No.9588385

I think it's Aegis?
All the rest of the Wards are there. Except for Browbeat, but who the fuck cares about Browbeat.

>> No.9588386

I think it's the fact that he worked on Worm for years before publishing it.

>> No.9588387

Glory hole
Shadow stalker
Kid win

>> No.9588388

Glory Girl
Shadow Stalker
Kid Win

It's the wards and the kids from new wave you dips, there's a reason why they're all around the same height.

>> No.9588389

I'll probably read Twig before Pact in that case. I'm not a bunch fan of body horror/gore genre, but if Window can deliver on good characters that give me strong feels like Worm did, I can get into that.

I'm 6 chapters in and I'm loving Cenotaph. The beginning is unexpected but this is really good. The sad part is that I will probably burn through this over the weekend, it's that interesting.

Any other fanfic recommendations?

>> No.9588390

>more interested on how to make web serials work for personal projects
I've been thinking about posting my stuff as a web serial/novel/whateverthefuck but I'm not sure
how long should updates be?

>> No.9588391

each update should be at least a few thousand words otherwise why bother updating?

It's important to stick to a schedule you can actually keep, if you tell yourself you're going to update every week but you make every update 5,000 words then you'll fuck yourself, even if it seems insignificant, sticking to something is better than not.

>> No.9588392

Depends on how often you plan to update. Most weekly web serials are 5k a week. If you're posting twice a week, you can get away with shorter chapters.

Anything with less than 10k/month I won't bother with unless it's a well known serial/author and the story has a big backlog archive.

>> No.9588393
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cool, my stuff should be around 4k-5k so it should be alright for weekly
I'll think about it

>> No.9588394

There are two sequels to Cenotaph.

>> No.9588395

You got my interest Anon. I'll take a look.

>> No.9588396

I'm nearly halfway done with Cenotaph, the sequels will last me all of the weekend. Anything else worth reading?

Is Amelia any good? It has a lot of reviews.

>> No.9588397

On Amelia it depends on the reader.
There's also Silencio.
And the Crisis of Taylor Hebert.

>> No.9588398

The primordial triggers after it sees it's sibling die and gets bonesaw's shard.

What fleshy wonders does it create?

What happens?

>> No.9588399

Amelia is by a author that can't help but shit on Wildbow at every chance. Plus they love Bonesaw, flanderise a bunch of characters, bad romance stuff and wank powers massively so they can crow about how competent their characters are.

Your best bet might just be asking on the SB misc Worm thread for recs. They have posters there that read a ton of them.

>> No.9588400

Yet /tv/ is allowed, despite being so far removed from the source material it's not even funny.

>> No.9588401

>but if Window can deliver on good characters that give me strong feels like Worm did, I can get into that.

You'll definitely like Twig then.

>> No.9588402


>> No.9588403

>my janitor pal says worm is /co/ so its /co/

>> No.9588404

I read most of it.
Its pretty mediocre and tries too hard to be edgy.

>> No.9588405

This is hard mode how?

>Glory Girl
>Shadow Stalker
>Kid Win
>Laserdream (who should have crimson red instead of pink)

>> No.9588406

>how in the fuck could you take it a step further in any concibable way?
Whatever the fuck Teacher is up to.

Scion, for all the trouble he was, was just a depressed entity with no real structure to what he was doing. He just wanted to blow shit up at the end. Things can definitely be worse than that.

>> No.9588407

>hey kid youre out of your depth and should play around with supervillains
>i cant really do that, also you used excessive force and mutilated this guy, on accident sure, but all the same, you screwed up

>leviathan happens
>look kid, you have a couple of options, you can go to jail or you can join the good guy
>ok, if you plan to remain as a supervillain ill have to tell your team about how you were going to betray them, i cant allow a villain gang to have good synergy

>he becomes defiant
>ok everyone, i learned my lesson, im ready to make amends, i will go by myself under the supervision of dragon and i will no longer try to fight just for glory

why the fuck was Taylor so butthurt about armsmaster? he was a standoffish asshole, sure, but she keep bringing up how he basically belongs with the S9 and shit as if she hadnt met way worse people on a day to day basis

>> No.9588408

Taylor is exceptionally retarded in certain areas. I just finished reading the pre-Leviathan stuff for details about the city, and I was kind of startled to actually see how dumb she was being. I'm sure it was mostly intentional, since there was that whole scene where she reflected on her choices and realized she had goofed and let herself slip into a really bad situation. But then she just spins it all away by saying it's fine to keep going because she's already regarded as a villain and she likes the Undersiders (and not realizing that liking people does not make them good or even necessarily your friends) and decides to stay with them. Okay fine, I get that. She's being more emotional than objective, understandable. She sees them as not so bad and thinks that there might be something to working with Coil.

But after Coil outed E88 and then she learned that he had kidnapped and was abusing a child, and that he revealed that to them as a TEST, to see how much they can put up with, she should have taken it as a fucking wake-up call. And she did. And then after Leviathan, that's pretty much all thrown out the window. The entire build-up to Taylor's betrayal is thrown out the window, with all of the Undersiders except Bitch forgiving her easily enough. Pretty much everything gets worse after that. She should have joined the Wards. That way there would still be sufficient relationship drama and character driven conflicts, instead of the story becoming entirely about Dinah and the territory and the absolutely dull interactions with the other Undersiders. It would also paint a better picture of the situation in the city.

>> No.9588409


When you say "shit on Wildbow" do you mean attacking the author or just character bashing in general.?

Also i agree, fuck Bonesaw

>> No.9588410

I haven't read it, but I bet he means that the author provides blatant "fixes" to the "problems" that make Worm so bleak.

>> No.9588411

Where are you? Because Taylor's morals take a few spins and turns that turn her into something that I can't identify as either a blithering retard or an immaculate genius. It's hard to tell, and I think that's more of a sign of what Wildbow is trying to accomplish with the character than anything else. I wouldn't call it poor characterization, even if it is erratic and inconsistent. That's Taylor, the dumbest fucking thinker 1 in history.

(do not read past here if you're not on part 22)

I used to be on the "Skitter is right" train, but after killing Alexandria I question everything. I'm going to see just how serious she is about saving the world as Weaver

>> No.9588412

Guys, Worm is /lit/. No matter what the users say. /co/ does not stand for capeshit, it stands for comics and cartoons.

Report the thread or else more faggots like OP will use this board as a dumping ground for all capeshit.

>> No.9588413

>Where are you?
Done. I've read it twice. I was just going through the beginning part, paying special attention to locations and setting details. I know Taylor goes through radical changes.

>> No.9588414

Nah. I don't care. This board is already a dumping ground for superhero stuff. Has been ever since the mods gave /tv/ free reign to make whatever threads they want here as long as they have a barely tangential connection to comics. So you report the thread if more of the same rustles you.

>> No.9588415

This makes sense to me.

Kinda like the mecha board, it'll also weed out those shitty /tv/ posters who keep coming here.

>> No.9588416

Exactly, we were lenient towards /tv/ and look where that got us. We shouldn't put up with your bullshit as well. Take your shitty thread back where it belongs. Either




>> No.9588417

I wouldn't mind this, except for the retarded /Cpsht/ name.

>> No.9588418

/cs/ seems to be the most logical name.

>> No.9588419
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Why is Alexandria worst girl?

>> No.9588420

When will the mods do their fucking jobs for once?

>> No.9588421

>tfw OP uses something you once posted in one of these threads as the opening post
Feels strangely good, senpai.

So, I'm working on a novel inspired heavily by Worm (45,000 words in) and am having difficult thinking of unique costume ideas. More specifically, the issue of masks... I wanted to avoid domino masks because it's incredibly unrealistic that no one would recognize them at some point, but this is sort of devolving to everyone having bandanas, hoods, or cowls to hide their faces.

Any suggestions? Or am I over-thinking this?

>> No.9588422

I would go with helmets.
Maybe facial armor.

>> No.9588423

Maybe do some BS where its like Nier Automata where the blindfold is a sort of camera HUD? Pretty bullshit. You can't go wrong with goggles or lenses though.

>> No.9588424

Custom Biker helmet, use a power to help craft something they'd wear from a base i.e use fire power to weld a mask or use mater destruction to carve one, use solid materials + artistic touches life a full wood mask with carvings or a full rubber mask that's painted hoodie+mouth breather/goggles

>> No.9588425

>We shouldn't put up with your bullshit as well.
I'm just posting here. If that's the only qualifier then it's your bullshit too. And backseat modding accomplishes nothing. This board doesn't have any sanctity anymore. There's nothing to preserve or protect. Worm is one web serial. A little pebble turd on the mountain of shit that is unrelated content on this board. Go crackdown on the real problem, although it would still just be more the of the same ineffective and whiny posturing you're doing here. Simple fact is you're just lashing out because you think you can do something here as opposed to the established /tv/ and /v/ threads, even though you can't.

I don't even care very much about Worm being allowed here or not, it's just absurd and sad to me that anons like you think that there is anything to be done aside from reporting and ignoring threads you think break the rules. Any action beyond that is pointless. Worse than pointless, counterproductive. Posters that were noting the lack of discussion happening will switch back to this tab to see derailment happening, and will promptly try to get things back on track by trying to strike up proper discussion. So instead of ignoring a thread and letting it wither and fall off the board after a while, you're just sparking things up and breathing life into it.

You can't be "lenient" towards threads, nor can you be hard on them, because the truth of it is you don't really have any power to seriously impact anything at all. If you really want to clean up the board, you should have applied to be a janitor. Even in that position you would be able to do more than you're doing now, which is just hurting your own cause.

So take your whiny bullshit and fuck off, or stay here and contribute to a thread you want gone. Your choice.

>> No.9588426

I had the same feeling after reading Worm as I had after reading Sanderson's first Mistborn trilogy.

I starts off fresh, focus on a group of antiheroes doing criminal heists, interesting powers and group dynamics. Then it goes into giant space flea end of the world stuff, Final Fantasy level overpowered characters and fighting godlike beings. And the ending screws over just about everyone.

>> No.9588427

>Any suggestions?
I was thinking of something like a faceplate for a mask. Covers the whole face, has goggles built into it, but it doesn't have any visible means of support. It's just stuck to the face.

>> No.9588428


Thanks for the suggestions, guys! If this shit actually gets published, I'll credit /co/ in my acknowledgements section.

>> No.9588429


>> No.9588430

>Starved for stories
>Already cleaned through Pact and Twig
>Already knee deep in fanfic

Is Amelia shit? I sorta want to try it but I did once, and was not impressed.

>> No.9588431

>I'll credit /co/ in my acknowledgements section
Madman. I hope it all goes well.

>> No.9588432

Yeah, it gets turned all upside down. Wildbow laid out the chain of events for a Worm story where Brockton Bay doesn't get hit by Leviathan. Pretty radical changes from the actual story. Taylor doesn't go back to the Undersiders, S9 only has minimal involvement, and Golden Morning is put off for around a decade. I would like to read that story.

>> No.9588433

Try Tabloid, it's a surprisingly well written fanfic of Worm. Also try Legion of Nothing, another superhero web serial that's a bit more entrenched in the genre than Worm.

>> No.9588434
File: 46 KB, 616x580, e2VTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your posting here in defense of turning this board into a capeshit dumping ground, which it shouldn't be.

And I wouldn't say what I'm doing here is pointless. At the very least I might distracting to some autist, which gives me some satisfaction. If mods wont do their job, then, I'm just gonna bitch like there's no tomorrow since clearly no one is going to stop me.

>> No.9588435

>Your posting here in defense of turning this board into a capeshit dumping ground, which it shouldn't be.
It already is one.

>> No.9588436

Just for /tv/, which most users on here want gone anyway. This is a /lit/ thread, take it there.

>> No.9588437

>Just for /tv/
And /v/.
And /a/.
And /cgl/.
And /lit/.

You're railing against something that has already happened.

>> No.9588438

Railing against something that most people on here want changed. Also.

>Well other people are being off topic shits, so I can too.

Stop being a fag and just go the board this belongs in.

>> No.9588439

I did that long before this conversation.

>> No.9588440

...How? Which post?

>> No.9588441

OP, if you're not him then you're just some person posting in thread.

If you are him, which I imagine you are, then you're the one that got reported.

>> No.9588442

Wildbow has a real problem with authorities figures.

No seriously. Go check out the worm quest on sb/sv he did when he was a Quest master.

>> No.9588443

Died like the bitch she was, for bullying a teenage girl

>> No.9588444

I'm just some person posting in the thread, anon. I don't really make a lot of threads, period.

>> No.9588445

/co/ is the best board...

>> No.9588446


Two recommendations for Tabloid? Okay, I trust you guys. I'll read this after I'm done with the last Cenotaph volume. Hopefully it'll be good and avoid having a dumbass MC. I am loving Cenotaph for how smart Taylor is in it.

I tried Super Powerds web serial after a heard it had capes, and was disappointed about how it was mostly relationship drama. And dumbass MC's.

>> No.9588447

Well if you're just some person posting in thread then why would I report you?

>> No.9588448

>Wildbow has a real problem with authorities figures.
This isn't surprising at all. He did say that he got bullied a lot, so I imagine that his depiction of authority as largely uncaring and useless is colored by his own experiences.

>> No.9588449

For off-topic posting? I don't know. I'm just tired of people being all bark and no bite.

>> No.9588450

>Hopefully it'll be good and avoid having a dumbass MC.
Paul is one of the most sensible protagonists I've ever read.

>> No.9588451

Since this comes up in these threads so much, what do people think about a comics and cartoons divorce? Comics has devolved to cape comics, cape films, cape tv shows and now cape novels while cartoons seem to be generals and spam when a finale ends. I think cs for capeshit and cg for cartoons generals would be a good idea desu

>> No.9588452

Only a small group of people want a comic and cartoon divorce. Most people want comic and cartoon to stay together, but we want to get rid of all the off topic capeshit posting.

We have a mecha board, why don't we do the same for capeshit?

/cs/ for capeshit in general. If it's a capeshit comic, it would belong on both /co/ and /cs/. Same would go for any other medium that has capeshit.

>> No.9588453

>This is hard mode how?
Judging by the number of people who fucked it up until now, yes, it is hard mode.

>sensible protagonist
He's also a straight up high-functioning sociopath. It's a great story.

>> No.9588454

But some shit like Worm is capeshit but also a web serial at the same time, a blend of /co/ and /lit/.
Its not a viewable medium like comics or cartoons, so it doesn't belong in /co/ even if its GOOD capeshit.
Its not a classic or something you can be too elitist about, so it doesn't belong in /lit/. Even then threads would be derailed half the time, while the other half would be 100% dead with no one posting at all.
Either way you look at it, its a raw deal for something this impressive. Kind of a shame really.

>> No.9588455

If the idea didn't get much traction when we came under the new regime, I don't see why it would now. It would be nice to have some more definition instead of letting things just go a to melting pot on an overloaded board, but I doubt it'll happen.

>> No.9588456

You do realize /trash/ exists for situations like this, right?

>> No.9588457

I thought trash was just endless varieties of furry porn.

>> No.9588458

>If the idea didn't get much traction when we came under the new regime

Because it wasn't a problem before. It use to be that capeshit wasn't as big as it was now. It was only really a big as far as /co/mics is concerned. So we accepted super hero movies because they weren't constantly getting released and we could allow cross board posting without fear of shitting up the board. Now? Now capeshit has become the next big thing, and it's widespread towards nearly all mediums. Which turned /co/ into a dumping ground for capeshit crap because we were fine with the occasional /tv/ post. Now we have several comic movies in the same year and it actually /is/ bogging down the quality of the board. Now should be the time that we consider opening a /cs/ board because the capeshit train isn't showing signs of dying down any time soon.

>> No.9588459

Its along the same vein as mods on /v/ forcing recurring good threads about specific games to be kicked out to /vg/, where they die because new people can no longer seek them out easily.
Quest threads being forced out of /tg/ into /qst/ accomplished the same result, where the entire /qst/ board is in a state of partial statis most of the time with how slow and dead it is. This is more extreme though compared to the /v/ and /vg/ example.

Here is the question of "when people want Worm threads are they going to look for them in /trash/ or /co/?". This as well as those threads surviving in a place like /trash/ to begin with. Look right here, we're past 150 posts already on /co/, and we're not quite dead yet. If there's another solution or something else here that I'm not seeing, feel free to point it out.

>> No.9588460

who is the hoplite looking motherfucker in OP?

>> No.9588461

Go and see for yourself. Go and despair.

>> No.9588462


Would anything else off of the Top Web Fiction voting thing be a good pick? If stuff is getting as much love as Twig, there's gotta be something there, yeah?

>> No.9588463

It was definitely a problem when someone brought it before Hirohito or Hiroyuki or whatever the fuck his name is. This is nothing new. It's been going on for years on years.

>> No.9588464

Dauntless. He empowers shit he touches once or multiple times. He can only do it once a day, but the empowers are permanent and they also stack infinitely with no upper limit. I bet he'd still be alive late into the story if he didn't get time-zoned by a stray Bakuda bomb while fighting Levi.

>> No.9588465

Just took a visit to /trash/. The RWBY thread seems to be alive and strong with 226 posts and it's still on the first page. Moving the thread to a different board doesn't seem to cause that much problems, also you can post porn there. Which is always a plus.

>> No.9588466

>It was definitely a problem when someone brought it before Hirohito or Hiroyuki or whatever the fuck his name is.

Wasn't that this year? I'm talking about before 2012.

>> No.9588467
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I guess the next time I make a Worm thread I'll probably make it on /trash/, hope something sticks and we get more posters and stuff.
>also you can post porn there. Which is always a plus
Case-53 porn? Simurgh porn? What else?

>> No.9588468


>tfw posts on /trash/ will be filled with porn dumps and /pol/tards raging about how "muh waifu was blacked by Grue it's not fair reeee"

Wow, sounds great.

>> No.9588469

Is that sarcasm or not? I have no way to tell.

>> No.9588470
File: 303 KB, 933x634, dauntless_costume_concept_by_lonsheep-davewn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously, I hope this guy comes back for worm2, since he's not technically dead.

>> No.9588471

Nah man it's been like two years since Hiro took over.

>> No.9588472

I doubt he will. How would he get out of the time bubble?

>> No.9588473


It was sarcastic, yes.

I would argue that Worm/Parahuman threads should be allowed on /co/ because it's part of board culture.

For instance, urban planning isn't related to transportation, but there are almost always urban planning threads on /n/ because of 'board culture.'

Alternatively, /r9k/ could be a home for Worm threads. That board was originally like a slower /b/, and it's much more conducive to culture and is a good "anything goes" board.

>> No.9588474

>Worm on /r9k/
I cannot visualize this for the life of me. How the fuck could the robots handle Worm as it is?

>> No.9588475


Meant "much more conducive to conversation," my bad.

>> No.9588476

Glasti uaine/Valkyrie. She has Eidolon now, doesn't she?

End of Worm implied she was using her powers to resurrect Clockblocker. Worst case scenario, she can't break the bubble and has to take D's shard, but she has the power to build him again.

>> No.9588477
File: 15 KB, 400x320, IMG_0468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody comes along with a power that can remove time effects, duh.

>> No.9588478

Even then, there are ways. Wildbow said Grey Boy's time loop only lasts a couple thousand years and not "until the sun goes out" as Grey Boy put it. And there was a cape called Epoch that could time travel, from what I remember. Maybe there's a way there to travel forward in time to when Dauntless unfreezes, pick him up, then time travel back to present day?

>> No.9588479

Epoch was called a time traveler, but he barely qualifies. He can move things ten seconds back or forward along their timeline and freeze time for ten seconds. If there was a Shard that allowed such unrestricted time travel, Eden had it. Or maybe Abaddon has it, because both Epoch's and Cody's time powers came from the same brand of Cauldron vial.

>> No.9588480

Would Trickster style teleport work?
Pull Dauntless out, replace with a similar size statue.

I have no idea how space whale magic time bubbles work.

>> No.9588481

It could work. Maybe. Trickster did something similar when Clockblocker trapped himself in a time frozen wave.

>> No.9588482

How would that work?

>> No.9588483

that would be /sup/ for /sup/erheroes.

>> No.9588484

An immunity through a power like Grey Boy's?

>> No.9588485

Watching the first episode now. They're actually pretty good.

>> No.9588486

They've been good enough that Wildbow praised them and comments on their analysis. They don't buy into the Skitter did nothing wrong fan club, which is great.

>> No.9588487

Everyone is guilty in Worm. Except Chev and a few other people who really dindu nuffin.

>> No.9588488

Okay lets get a little more discussion going.
Name your most hated character and explain why.

>> No.9588489

Saint because Saint.

>> No.9588490

Literally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OlAx4Dok38

>> No.9588491

Taylor, if we're being honest here. It becomes very obnoxious to read her point of view after she goes back to the Undersiders, because it was a supremely stupid decision and pretty much wrecked a lot of things that came before it as well as catapulted the story in a direction I didn't like. I also hate the Undersiders, except for maybe Aisha.

>> No.9588492

>becomes very obnoxious to read her point of view after she goes back to the Undersiders, because it was a supremely stupid decision and pretty much wrecked a lot of things that came before
Like ruined everyone's trust in her for instance?
>as well as catapulted the story in a direction I didn't like
What, the territory management simulator part, or S9, or the "must save Dinah at all costs" part?
>also hate the Undersiders, except for maybe Aisha
Explain? I can't imagine hating any of the Undersiders except Taylor, Bitch, and maybe TattleTale

>> No.9588493

I hate Tattletale because of the smugness and use of her character as an exposition device.

I never got over it when she called Coil yoinking Dinah as not a "serious kidnapping".

>> No.9588494

>Like ruined everyone's trust in her for instance?
No, it deflated the build up to her betrayal. All the way from the point she joined the team right up to the Leviathan fight, her defection was built up as this sudden change in course looming over the horizon, and then it just doesn't happen. Nothing changes except Brian and Rachel get upset for a little while.
>What, the territory management simulator part, or S9, or the "must save Dinah at all costs" part?
All three. I enjoyed the territory and S9 for what they were, even though I think they weren't the best direction to take things. I don't enjoy the Dinah part at all.
Alec is a rape master and a murderer. His circumstances don't change this. He also never really gets any actual attention, so he's just there until they need his full power for something.
Brian, although a good guy on the surface, is stupid and irresponsible. His motivation for villainy is becoming the legal guardian of his sister, although it's just about the dumbest way to go about it. He would have gotten a much safer, if not as lucrative, deal by joining the heroes. As it is, he makes tons of cash on his own terms, but also faces serious risks of death, injury, and incarceration. He can't help his sister if he's dead, crippled, or in jail. Plus, if he gets arrested he would probably take the probationary Wards membership if offered one, putting him in that position of being on the heroes' leash and losing all the favor of Coil. Then he gets his sister involved in villainy, which has nearly gotten him killed a bunch of times. So there's that.
The rest of them you said you could imagine so I won't go into detail on that.

>> No.9588495

>I never got over it when she called Coil yoinking Dinah as not a "serious kidnapping".
Holy shit, did she really? Even though they straight up knew he had turned her into a junkie?

>> No.9588496

>This thread is still up.

I'm very tempted to just start storytiming One Fox Two Babies here....

>> No.9588497
File: 254 KB, 800x409, ballistic masks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google image search ballistic masks (something you'd probably want to wear IRL if you were going to be a vigilante so you don't just get shot in the face) for all the different types and maybe have characters add their own personal flair to it like tattoo designs, references to different traditional cultures mask designs, their nationalities flag, tally marks, organizations they belong to's symbols, tactical camouflage designs, emojis or animal faces or whatever that person would add to differentiate themselves, identify themselves or scare enemies.

And if the setting allows it there's options like holographic masks that switch between whatever designs you want and/or smart armor that can fold away in sections to only show certain features to eat in front of strangers or only show eyes when being intense or whatever and things like that.

>> No.9588498

>All the way from the point she joined the team right up to the Leviathan fight, her defection was built up as this sudden change in course looming over the horizon, and then it just doesn't happen
Isn't that just Armsmaster's fault for cucking her out of attempting to betray, just because he's butthurt the secret is out about him sabotaging the operation to solo Levi?
>I don't enjoy the Dinah part at all
I didn't like Dinah either. Her power is good, but that's about it. Started to dislike her a lot more Chrysalis onward.
>Alec is a rape master and a murderer. His circumstances don't change this.
Fair enough but its repeatedly stressed that his dad scrubbed humanity from him with his power so he's 100% sociopathic, with all the depravities and incomprehension that implies.
>All that shit about Brian
Actually really well explained dude. Didn't expect that.
>Then he gets his sister involved in villainy, which has nearly gotten him killed a bunch of times.
Its also gotten him saved a bunch of times too. Also Imp is a good character.

If you feel like living dangerously, go to one of the Steven Universe threads with that. You'd be doing us a lot more good hitting them with it than doing it to us.

Cool shit.

>> No.9588499

>Isn't that just Armsmaster's fault for cucking her out of attempting to betray, just because he's butthurt the secret is out about him sabotaging the operation to solo Levi?
No. She resolved not to betray or join the Wards before he outed her.

>Fair enough but its repeatedly stressed that his dad scrubbed humanity from him with his power so he's 100% sociopathic
Yeah, I know. He's sympathetic in that regard. If he had ever gotten any actual development instead of a sacrifice just hinting at the development he could have had (Taylor explicitly ruminates on what could be so deep down inside of him to drive him to sacrifice himself for Imp) he could have been a really great character.

Looks like we agree on everything else.

>> No.9588500

Here it is, word for word from Buzz 7.12:

>I looked at Tattletale, noted how she was refusing to look anyone in the eye, and I had an uncomfortable thought. “Did you know about this?”
>“I-” She stopped to give a little sigh and briefly make eye contact with me before staring back down at the ground. “I had an idea, sort of. I didn’t think it would be this ugly. It’s hard to explain.”
>“Try,” I spoke, my voice hard.
>“She disappeared from the middle school near Arcadia the same day we robbed the bank. Obviously, Coil wanted to ensure the Wards weren’t close enough to interfere, probably why he was so keen on us doing the bank job, after I suggested it. I made the connection, after. I just didn’t think – Nothing he said or did led me to think it would be a serious kidnapping.”
This is when I realized I hated Tattletale.

>> No.9588501

That's not as bad as you made it sound, although it still is really stupid when she herself was taken at gunpoint and forced to join the Undersiders.

>> No.9588502

>No. She resolved not to betray or join the Wards before he outed her.
Forgot that was a thing, sorry.

>If he had ever gotten any actual development instead of a sacrifice just hinting at the development he could have had, he could have been a really great character.
I like how Regent despite being a sociopath is AWARE of how fucked up he is. He KNOWS he wasn't like that before his father fucked with his humanity. He feels guilty about not feeling bad for Shadow Stalker, etc. He's getting development through his relationship with Imp, he got some development through Taylor convincing him to rule through fear instead of other ways, in that one chapter where she puts maggots in Valefor's eyes. I think he planned to sacrifice himself from the start with BEHEMOTH, with all the references and shit he did to people dying after confessing their love or affections or shit like that.

>> No.9588503

This is straight after the chapter where Coil brings them to his hideout and shows off his new "Pet", while she is begging for candy right in front of them.

>Coil put a hand on her shoulder. She pulled away, but he held her firm. He had to raise her voice to be heard over her squeals, and he shook her just a little to be sure she was listening, “Last question, then you’ll get your candy, I promise.”

Reading this made me real uncomfortable.

It might not be as bad as it sounds, but I felt bad reading it, and I felt bad reading the Undersiders' "so whatever" reactions, and my respect level for Tattletale dropped.

>> No.9588504

Honest question:
How would BEHEMOTH be as a wrestler cape?

>> No.9588505

Most functioning sociopaths are aware of how screwed up they are to some degree.

>> No.9588506

Yeah but how many of them care about that to a degree where they try to change themselves or hold themselves back? Regent basically tries his damn hardest to not be like his dad about shit - which, coming from Regent, is basically him not doing anything big or significant or controlling people around him for the hell of it.

>> No.9588507


They usually have huge egos and don't see themselves as dysfunctional, actually hyperfunctional and it's everyone else that's doing it wrong.

>> No.9588508

Maximum jobber.

>> No.9588509

It's been a while since I read Worm, I'm curious, was anybody immune to Khepri's control or was it absolute?

>> No.9588510

I can't recall if anybody was outright immune but some were able to fight it off long enough to get out of her range, like Glaistig. Dragon was immune though, obviously.

>> No.9588511

No power normies.
And GU broke free.

>> No.9588512

I love Worm (it's one of my favorite stories of all time), but it really doesn't belong here. I can see why people may think it does, but it factually does not. This board is already encroached upon by many other boards (/tv/ shitposting about Muhvel/DC, /v/ shitposting about literally anything, /ck/ fags being cool as cucumbers just in the wrong place) and we don't need more.

On the other hand, the thread's here, it's thriving and people can just hide it if the subject bothers them so much. There are actual /co/ threads that are more cancerous than this, if you really want to stroke your hate-boner.

>> No.9588513
File: 140 KB, 811x648, 12939-0-1462328318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love masks
>This is for Fallout 4

Holy fuck I know what I'm downloading, I thinks masks are fantastic for so many reasons and having some for face protection makes sense to me.

Been sporting this baby since I found it. (The fact it's actually animated and opens/closes based on whether or not you draw your weapon is fucking awesome)

>> No.9588514

>Wildblow has a problem with authority

No shit. He couldn't get Worm published, he couldn't get it made into a frachise, he was bullied in school, his interpersonal skills SUCK. He can't even drop his real name like a REAL writer.

He's one of those guys that keeps fucking up and blames everyone but himself for his failures. We all know the type.

>Board Culture

Bull fucking shit.

Mods get this shit out of here please.

>> No.9588515

>his interpersonal skills suck

Where did you get that from?

>> No.9588516

Yeah, I know how you feel. It is /lit/, but the users will bitch enough to ruin it or make janitors clean it.
It's like statues, /toy/ is their place but they'll bitch to no end about it, so there's no boards for it.
It's just how it is, some things have no place.

>> No.9588517
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, Endless Trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realistic while not being overly edgy or grimdark

>> No.9588518

And did everyone have full recollection of what they were doing and experiencing at the time, like Regent body control? Or was it where even their minds were subsumed?

As much as I'd like to say otherwise, I think even /trash/ wouldn't be a place for Worm.

>> No.9588519

>He couldn't get Worm published
He's not publishing it until it's done with the editing process. It's not a matter of "can't get published" but that Worm was written as a first draft and it's not ready to be published.

>He's one of those guys that keeps fucking up and blames everyone but himself for his failures. We all know the type.
Omg, he's such a Taylor.

>> No.9588520

>Not ready to be published

Yeah yeah. The paperback series is coming anyyyyy day now. Along with the movie.

Use your head. He's had how long to get beyond the first draft? He's done how many other projects sense worm? He's discussing writing Worm 2 when the final draft of Worm isn't finished. What does all this tell you?

There will be no final draft. If he serious thought he could make a final draft and get it published and start making money don't you he would have had it published by now?

Worm will never be published. It will never be mainstream. He wasted a chunk of his life writing for patreon dollars and internet attention.

And deep down he knows it. But if you corned him about it expect him to babble about how unfair the publication process is or how there's no market for worm or other bullshit besides "my best just isn't good enough".

"Wildblow" is the king of the hack writers. At least the guys that wrote trash for the pulps had the balls to put their name to their work.

>> No.9588521

the fuck are you talking bout? he is still editing worm, where are you getting from that his interpersonal skills are bad? and i have never seen him blame anyone for his shortcomings, if anything he usually blames himself for not being able to mantain his pace 24/7 despite extenuating circumstances

>> No.9588522

They could feel it, they just couldn't do anything about it. Some of them had heart attacks/strokes from the stress of being bodyjacked. So similar to Regent in that way, and the psychological horror aspect of it.

>> No.9588523

Wildbow has gotten bunches of offers from publishers. Wildbow is just his catchall username, although it isn't uncommon for writers to use pseudonyms, don't know what you're on about. His real name is John C. McCrae. He's Canadian. He also interacts with his fans very well.

>> No.9588524

>He is still editing worm

How long do you think it takes to edit a novel for publication? Seriously, tell me how long you think it takes.

Do you think its normal for someone to finish their big work that they're SURE is going to catch fire and make them a lot of money and go write other rough drafts for the internet instead of getting it published ASAP? Do you?

>> No.9588525

It was body control. They were all aware of what was happening and were having emotional and even physical responses to it. Taylor made Hoyden go toe-to-toe with Scion despite Hoyden being absolutely terrified. Lots of capes also had aneurysms from the stress.

>> No.9588526

Yes, I too remember Harlan Ellison and Ray Bradbury publishing under their X-box handles.

>He's got a bunch of offers from publishers

Oh yes I'm sure. F&SF are just beating down his door as we speak. Sure.

>> No.9588527

If I was going to start a serial where should I post it?

>> No.9588528

Pitch your idea. What is it about?

>> No.9588529

This is why it would be a horrible idea to post Worm on /lit/. Just imagine a whole thread full of autistic posts such as these.

>> No.9588530

When did anyone ever say that he was going to publish under his internet handle?

It's not like he makes a big deal about hiding his real name, anyway.

>> No.9588531

I don't know anon, ask literally every author ever. Start with George R.R. Martin.

>> No.9588532

Ignore the angry autist. He's not actually looking to argue anything, he'll just shitpost and belittle and move goalposts and blatantly state untrue things just to stroke his superiority complex.

>> No.9588533

If there's one thing that Spacebattles needs its definitely another Worm fanfiction

Anyone have ideas I can steal

>> No.9588534

considering that the guy is much more interested in writing stories and keeping his reader base? considering he basically spends most of his waking hours working on his new stories? considering tat we are talking about 1.6 million words, or basically eleven game of thrones books?
id say it makes perfect sense, if he stopped everything to just work on editing worm 1 by the time he's done the internet would have moved on and completly forget about him.

>> No.9588535

If he had actual confidence in his writing ability he would never have used a handle in the first place.

Stings knowing that your favorite webnovel is a steaming pile of horseshit not even up to the standards of kiddie lit like Hunger Games, doesn't it?

>Let me take an extreme example from a writer already firmly established in his field and apply it to someone that has never once been published in his life

>Writing Worm fanfiction

I got an idea. "Get a life".

>> No.9588536

>Much more interested in writing stories and keeping his reader base

You mean writing more rough drafts that he will never published so his patreon can keep him barely above minimum wage?

>Writing new stories
That will never ever be published.

>Eleven game of thrones books

And he hasn't gotten a single book published. Not even a short story in a magazine. That's whats called waste.

>The internet would have moved on and completely forgot him

Besides Spacebattles and the rare threads on /co/ and /tg/ that no one wants the internet has.

>> No.9588537

Angry autist original character shitposts on PHO. During the day, he's a high school dweeb cape fanatic who goes to Arcadia and acts creepy around everyone, especially Victoria Dallon.

By night, he shitposts about his cape waifu and the best girl from the Protectorate Pals tv cartoon.

>> No.9588538

Dragon would have banned him. PHO doesn't allow inflammatory comments. It's the normie cape site.

>> No.9588539

>being this angry about something you deem so inconsequential
So what's the story with that?

>> No.9588540

The story is you should stick to Spacebattles or put your shit in /lit/ or /trash/ where it belongs.

>> No.9588541

He was going to write a superhero serial, but WB stole his idea and pushed it out faster than he could.

What you see now is post-trigger event.

>> No.9588542

Sounds about right.

>> No.9588543


It's probably Oniitan or whoever. Some guy who got pissed off that Wildbow kicked him out of WD game one time. He got really salty and went on a spree on the reddit, trolling and editing his posts that Wildbow replied to and shit.

Literally the only person I know that would actually care enough to shit up every thread that so much as mentions Worm. Even pretty high-level autists would just ignore them, so it's almost certainly someone with an actual beef.

>> No.9588544

What was he kicked out for? Being an autist?

>> No.9588545

Also (You)

>> No.9588546

Porn dumps, really? I didn't know there was Worm porn out there. I guess I was looking in the wrong places.

>> No.9588547


Dunno. Only caught the back-blast when he started raging and got banned from the server as a whole. Saw his pic though, and he certainly looked like a fucking autist.

>> No.9588548

was it just another superhero thing or where the themes/characters similar?
It's not like he couldn't also do his own thing

>> No.9588549

>worm two is palpably close


When? Link?

>> No.9588550


It's coming when Twig is done, and Twig is really close to done. Given that Wildbow hasn't missed an update yet, even moving from serial to serial, and Worm 2 is gonna be his fourth work, I think we can assume that the first chapter of Worm 2 is going to be posted 2-4 days after the last chapter of Twig.

>> No.9588551

>Saw his pic though, and he certainly looked like a fucking autist
That was probably it then. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was this anon. He definitely shitposts like an autist. Angry, defensive, moving goalposts, straight up lying and misconstruing, he does it all.

>> No.9588552

>is anyone re-reading worm in preparation from worm 2?

I have Worm on my cellphone and read it whenever I have a spare moment. I call it my boredom prevention device. :D

Taylor is Love! Khepri for God-Queen!

>> No.9588553

>aka, the shittiest parts of the story and the ending

Wow, your taste is bad.

You have bad taste, anon.

>> No.9588554

Waifu posting is inflammatory?

Fuck Dragon, Saint was right.

>> No.9588555

Are we falseflagging now?

>> No.9588556


Scroll down to the comments section at the bottom of the page:

>Plans are for the conclusion of Twig, then Worm 2. If I’m not 100% set up for Worm 2, I might lead into it with a series of PHO segments -probably short ones that just lead into the sequel and ensure you guys know I’m still alive- and use the time to get the site running and ensure my ducks are in a row with the story opening.

He estimated in an earlier post a month ago that Twig is 90% done. I heard it was on its last arc.

>> No.9588557

>Look at that smug-ass fucking grin and tell me it isn't Assault

He has an 'A' on his helmet.

Plus, he's totally checking out Battery.

That's Assault. Possibly the greatest face-turning son-of-a-bitch in the whole thing.

Jesus, this group takes 50 percent casualties.

>> No.9588558

https://twigserial.wordpress.com/2017/05/27/enemy-v-arc-18/ there
they are the moment when the plot feels the most perfunctory in my opinion, like we are just going through the motions and nothing interesting really happens besides taylor fucking around with the wards while working with them

>> No.9588559

>Read Pact and Twig? Do they give the same feels?

I personally REALLY like Pact. It has a HUGE twist in the middle which throws most people for a loop. I actually liked that, but I'm in the minority.

Also, Green Eyes might be my favorite character in anything he has written. Love me some Green Eyes.

Twig has left me sort of meh. I can see how it is technically well written, and there is no doubt Wildbow is improving his wordsmithing. But the FIRE, the story, just isn't as strong in Twig for me.

Worm was lightning in a bottle, I really hope he's able to re-capture that fire.

Accord and Tattletale should be a couple. A horrible, spiteful, hate-fucking, toxic, inseparable couple.

>> No.9588560
File: 450 KB, 1600x758, wards card large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the Wards, only Vista is confirmed to make it past GM. SS maybe counts, but she was kicked to juvie after being bodyjacked.

1 out of 7, 14% odds of surviving as a Ward.

>> No.9588561

>Thinks I'm this guy form your spacebattles hugbox.

No you idiots. This is why people hate you work fags. You're an echo chamber that cannot conceive of anyone looking down on your piece of shit webnovel.

>> No.9588562
File: 272 KB, 560x560, Carlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accord probably would be receptive to that now that he's also asymmetrical. Too bad he got thrown for a loop.

>> No.9588563

>Pact doesn't sound like something I want to read... I never liked books where the MC only exists for the universe to shit on them.

Pact is a rough read, but to be completely fair, the MC in Pact has a much happier ending than Taylor does.

Blake gets everything he ever wanted, and more. It's just a very strange, terrible journey to get there.

>> No.9588564

Dennis is implied to be rezzed, and Kid Win is not confirmed kill.

>> No.9588565

>>>9588301 (OP)
>You got my interest Anon. I'll take a look.


(buckle up)

>> No.9588566

>>>9588301 (OP)
>I read most of it.
>Its pretty mediocre and tries too hard to be edgy.

If you haven't read the end, you have no idea how crazy it gets.

>> No.9588567

>being so defensive
Not really helping your case, Oniitan.

>> No.9588568

What happened to Browbeat?

>> No.9588569

Pact is terrible. I fucking hate Pact, the twist triggers me so fucking hard.

>> No.9588570

>how in the fuck could you take it a step further in any concibable way?

There are so many Parasite Entities they are going to eat all possible universes.

Do you really think that in all of that, there's no other realities that have a stake in this conflict? That might not be curious how a bunch of relative wimps like humans managed to kill a Cosmic parasite?

And may be curious to come and see how they did it?

And find a transcendent combat genius who did the impossible? Who will not stop, not matter the odds?

Oh, there's LOTS of ways to escalate this story, anon.

>> No.9588571

He jumped town. According to WoG he was never big on the hero gig anyway, so he just put in a transfer after Leviathan hit.

>> No.9588572

>And find a transcendent combat genius who did the impossible? Who will not stop, not matter the odds?
If Taylor comes back into the story as such a huge focus, that would really kill Worm 2 for me.

>> No.9588573


I'd actually prefer Worm 2 to be much smaller in scope instead of more escalation. All street level stuff that maybe concludes in a city scale fight would be perfect for me.

>> No.9588574

He came back to fight Echidna, and then dropped off again. His name shows up in PHO interlude where Vista lists the lost.

► Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on July 7th:
Gallant. Aegis. Battery. Armsmaster. Dauntless. Velocity. Glory Girl. Browbeat. One family member. I can’t say who for obv. reasons.
Nc plz.

On the list, Glory Girl isn't dead, but she's still there. Did Browbeat die? Or does he count as "lost" because he left the team for good?

>> No.9588575
File: 66 KB, 601x601, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transcendent combat genius

>> No.9588576

>I'd actually prefer Worm 2 to be much smaller in scope instead of more escalation.
There's absolutely no way that's going to happen, anon. It might start out with some relatively small-time stuff, but we both know how it's going to play out. Things are going to escalate and get worse. That's Wildbow's MO.

>> No.9588577

That's literally the unrestricted function of the Queen Administrator Shard, anon. To be able to coordinate Parahumans to maximum effectiveness.

>> No.9588578

Maybe he'll keep the escalation limited to a city or 5. Please don't crush my dreams.

>> No.9588579

>connected dimensions
>limited to a city or 5
Ok, anon. You hold on to that.

>> No.9588580

So is this actually good or is it one of those things the turboautists on Spacebattles sucks off?

>> No.9588581

>Why is Alexandria worst girl?

She would kill Superman like she was wiping out a strain of anthrax. Carefully, completely, and without warning.

Alexandria is worst girl, like Lex Luthor with enough raw horsepower to centerpunch Supes and absolutely no agenda or ego to derail her.

Kal El dies three minutes after she gets some kryptonite. No doubts, no hesitation, no plans or speeches.

Worst Girl indeed.

>> No.9588582

The OP has a link. Read it and form your own opinion. It won't cost you anything but your time if you don't like it, so there is literally no reason for you to take somebody else's word.

>> No.9588583

Wildbow's made it pretty clear that Taylor's story is done and she won't be coming back in Worm 2. As she says herself at the end of Worm, nothing that she could possibly ever do will be as significant as what she's already done. From a narrative perspective it makes zero sense to return her from retirement.

Parahumans who do superscience are called Tinkers in Worm, and though it isn't immediately obvious at the start of the story the power to "do superscience" includes much, much more than having flashes of inspiration that give them designs for futuretech.

First, they can only create the things they see in their heads because of their powers silently helping them by manipulating matter. This is why they can build rayguns out of junkyard scrap; their power doesn't tell them "Put these components together and it'll shoot a laser," it says "Put these components together and I will make them into something that shoots a laser." A normal person working off of the same blueprint would produce a useless hunk of junk.

In addition, Tinker powers, like all powers in Worm, rely on bullshit happening unseen in other dimensions of existence. The gadget that the Tinker is holding in their hand is only part of the complete device, which their power is allowing to interface with the remainder of the necessary hardware hidden away on their shard world.

Of course, this is an arbitrary limitation the Warrior imposed on his shards for the sake of the cycle's integrity. As we see in the Thinker's interlude, they could have configured their Tinker shards to allow for mass-produced futuretech, they just decided not to.

>> No.9588584

Alexandria suffers from whatever you would call the opposite of plot armor. Jobbing?

>> No.9588585

What about the twist triggers you?

>> No.9588586

If by twist you mean him losing his powers and Rose getting the driver's seat, then it should be evident how it triggers me.

>> No.9588587
File: 1.71 MB, 3000x1516, 7KWwSAr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the best girl in the series, and why is it Shielder?

>> No.9588588

You're a little mixed up there, Satan.

>> No.9588589

No Laserdream is best girl.

>> No.9588590

Shielder is the blue guy. Not a girl.

>> No.9588597

He's the one Leviathan raked on a building.

>> No.9588601

As an act of passion, Skitter killing Alexandria makes absolutely perfect sense. Alexandria fucked that up big-time and paid seriously for her overconfidence in her abilities--both her analytical skills as a Thinker and her Brute invincibility. If Taylor had made that decision from a place of cold, rational analysis, I'd be pretty upset with her over it, but coming out of those chapters I was just left shaking my head at how hard Alexandria managed to fuck the dog.

>> No.9588606
File: 159 KB, 734x709, Shielder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know. He's still the best girl.

>not Shielding

>> No.9588607

He died a noble death.

>> No.9588611

Alexandria did some things wrong, but I wouldn't call her worst girl. Her biggest mistake by far was assuming that Path to Victory didn't have a conflict-maximizing directive like the Warrior shards do.

>> No.9588613

>/co/ mods have to send this shitty manchild piece of shit comic-book-without-pictures on to our board instead of just deleting it


>> No.9588614

What the fuck is this horrid prole shit doing on /lit/?

>> No.9588622


Dat Spoiler......

Wow, I've read Worm about eight times, and this has never occurred to me, and it is now SO OBVIOUS.


>> No.9588624


This is why people don't make these threads on /lit/

>> No.9588628

>What the fuck is this horrid prole shit doing on /lit/?

Dying for lack of interest.

Like everything else on this dead board.


>> No.9588632


I thought it didn't though. Eden never intended to give it away, so it didn't get formatted with the same shit the rest did. Unless she shoved it in with the block for entities.

>> No.9588633

Alexandria didn't overestimate her Brute invincibility. She deliberately dropped her weakness to Taylor. In no conceivable way should Taylor have been able to kill her. Alexandria's skin isn't pliable. She's closer to a statue than flesh, WoG. So couple that with her super strength and when her mouth is closed, it's fucking closed. Same for her eyes and if she pinches her nose. She can also move and fly so fast that she can't be seen. Dragonflies are about the strongest flying insects, and they have a top speed of around 40 mph. No way should a swarm have been able to catch up to her and keep up with her.

Sure, Skitter's motivations make sense, but the act does not.

>> No.9588635


If you read posts like >>9588454, it shows that no one knows where Worm should be posted. Inb4 /trash/, yes, someone already said that.

>> No.9588640

Okay there we got fucking moved to /lit/ you morons. Just like you wanted. See how long it takes for this shit to die.

>> No.9588642

It's the only explanation that makes sense to me for why Cauldron's plans are all so clearly sub-optimal in spite of being the mindchildren of someone with an effective Thinker rating of Holy Shit.

Nobody's impressed by your have-read list, brosef.

>> No.9588643

>pretending like /lit/ is a quality board at all instead of a festering shithole

>> No.9588649
File: 255 KB, 1000x1531, eliade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/co/ plebs are being sent to /lit/

What did we do to deserve this?

>> No.9588650
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, 1414553037079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending /lit/ isn't the worst board on the site
Even /co/ and /pol/ are less cancerous than you guys are.

>> No.9588654

>I thought it didn't though. Eden never intended to give it away, so it didn't get formatted with the same shit the rest did.

That is correct, except that the Entities were programmed by their evolution to engage in conflict. They literally, right down to their germ plasm, CAN'T fight.

What rational species is so utterly, absolutely, relentlessly, endlessly inimical?

Ergo, they are irrational. They are all mad. They evolved that way.

>> No.9588657

Well there was that one time you guys bullied and stalked an innocent YouTuber whose only crimes were having a channel about books and being a female.

>> No.9588664

>Well there was that one time you guys bullied and stalked an innocent YouTuber whose only crimes were having a channel about books and being a female.


So, lemme gett his straight, the faggots on this board pulled an Ava's Demon on a chick on Youtube?

That's fucking tumblr-tier behavior. Perhaps we need to make this place uninhabitable.

>> No.9588668
File: 216 KB, 1024x924, IMG_0446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/Co/'s worm threads being snuffed out by getting sent to a dead board.

Well /lit/ if you'd care to drop some psycho-analysis ....Is pic related a good guy or a bad guy?

>> No.9588672

why is this cancer on /lit/

>> No.9588677
File: 817 KB, 756x9800, lit finds a female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty sad. I used to have the screencap of it.

Wait, I found it again.

>> No.9588680


Because the mods moved it, you sad, pustule ridden chairlurker

>> No.9588685

remove yourself from the face of the earth, scum

>> No.9588686

>/lit/ has a lower bump limit than /co/
That's fucking gay. Exactly what threads do you guys need to make room for?

>> No.9588691

>tfw I'm in that picture

I'm so proud

Broads shouldn't be allowed to pretend they like reading. They drag the whole thing down to their leve.

>> No.9588694
File: 173 KB, 1000x696, scion disagree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is our home now.

>> No.9588695
File: 55 KB, 400x300, 1495155580272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking idiots, that's why.
I fucking told you people multiple times this thread. Worm does NOT belong on /lit/. Stop falling for the same shitposting replies about this garbage. Not even the fuckers on /lit/ want this here. It's always the same idiots insisting that Worm threads be moved to /lit/, and none of them are here now that they got what they wanted. Hell, even /trash/ is better than this board. I'll make the next Worm thread there next time, fuck. At least I got (You)s the entire thread.

Rest in pieces Worm thread.

>> No.9588699

Are you trying to sage? In the name field? When we're already past the bump limit? Or are you just a local namefag? I can't decide which would be worse.

>> No.9588703

I would honestly rather be sent to /trash/. At least then we could post porn.

>> No.9588705

I'd rather have Case 53 porn over this place. Gonna wait a day or two to make a thread on /trash/ though. Who knows, maybe we can get new people from there to start reading Worm?

>> No.9588706

Ain't no Worm porn, though.

A few naked Siberians don't count. Also it makes me feel weird since I know it's an old man in there.

>> No.9588712

Because MODS moved it to /lit/ you fuck. We tried to have it on /co/, they said no, now it's here. Fuck Off cunt.

>> No.9588750
File: 65 KB, 405x468, IMG_0317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if a fresh thread posted on /lit/ can do any better then what we're seeing see now.....doubt it....but that's /lit/ everybody.


>> No.9590038

Well that fell apart quick didn't it dumbass? Do it in /trash/ next time and if that falls apart then keep doing it in /co/ and report the shitposters.

>> No.9590065

In fact, fuck you here you go.

>> No.9590083
