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/lit/ - Literature

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9587452 No.9587452 [Reply] [Original]

>tell myself I'll only follow my tastes and stop reading those crushingly dull books
>boredom has an intellectual component and art is for pleasure
>I shouldn't give in to the pseudointellectuals who use art for social signalling
>feel happy
>get home
>see brothers Karamazov, Nicholas Nickleby, war and peace, moby dick on my shelf
>worry about being called a pleb
>decide I'll read all those books all at once
>read some of brothers Karamazov
>bored to death
>stop reading anything

>> No.9587458

Who the fuck reads what's on their shelf

>> No.9587478

that's delicious, give me some more

>> No.9587487

Why wouldn't you just read genreshit if your tastes are so pleb?
Who cares? Some Internet autists?
Sure you have shit taste but it ultimately doesn't matter.

>> No.9587551

To reach greater levels of understanding

>> No.9587565

Well I mean you either sit down and do it or you don't, then.

>> No.9587589
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>reading novels for understanding

>> No.9587625

just read something easy like lord of the flies or vonnegut, you'll feel smart with little effort