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File: 55 KB, 329x500, american-gods-book-cover-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9585877 No.9585877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Shadow had done three years in prison. He was big enough, and looked don’t-fuck-with-me enough that his biggest problem was killing time. So he kept himself in shape, and taught himself coin tricks, and thought a lot about how much he loved his wife.

>> No.9585897

>Comparing the handful,10,000 refugees, maybe, that were taken in, in the US, as opposed to Jordan, a country of 6 million people taking in 750,000, and 2 million people going into Lebanon. And then you get Trump just making it significantly worse when he could be helping. So I am a softie, and I'm absolutely willing to have a killer instinct when it comes to saying, "You're a member of the human race. You have obligations. You should step up and do that."


>> No.9585918

this is definitely the worst book i've read in my entire life
gaiman is overrated as fuck

>> No.9585922
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>looked don’t-fuck-with-me enough

>> No.9585923

How do I describe this style of writing? What are its qualities? Ironic tone, casual diction, tiny hints of a very plastic sentimentality. I've seen it before in David Foster Wallace and John Green. It reminds me a lot of sitcoms and yes, Reddit. There's something very smug and repulsive about it, like the author is a presenting himself as a smart and cool guy trying to tell a joke but not saying anything funny

>> No.9585928

more like neil gayman

>> No.9585933

I thought I was the only one who felt that way.

>> No.9585938

Soon he will pass the time in prison by growing potatoes. He will science the fuck out of his incarceration.

>> No.9585941

The book has some nice moments, but its ultimaty a shallow, dull, Stephen King tier snooze fest. He should have stuck to writing comic books.

>> No.9585942 [SPOILER] 
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you may call it "cinematic"

>> No.9585948

My professor said this book is wonderful. Holy shit.

>> No.9585951

yea but that part in the tv series where the two muslim guys get their fuck on and the cum in the bum is shown as a fire building inside of the guy's anus is actually p. cool btw not gay

>> No.9585953

theres only one nice moment which is the house on the rock, the rest is utter garbage

>> No.9585966

The TV show feels like Twin Peaks for a young adult Marvel cinematic universe audience. Probably works better as a TV show than a book though.

>> No.9585976

It's not great, but it's not terrible either. "dont-fuck-with-me enough" is bad though. I enojoyed the book for what it was, if you're going to Gaiman for sick prose bars then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.9585981

Wow you guys are so smart. and totally original, no one has ever felt that way before about Neil Gaiman. How elucidating.

>> No.9585982
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>Speaking of accents and travel: American Gods is largely an immigrant story, as well as the story of a nonwhite person traversing a majority-white country. When did you realize that the show was going to take on a weird political significance due to the rise of Trumpism?
It really wasn’t until the latter days of the election. I got a phone call on the day before the election, from The Guardian, saying, “Will you write us an editorial for what’ll happen if Trump wins?” And I said, “No.” [Laughs.] I didn’t want to go there. And I didn’t want to go there mostly because I was terrified it would happen. I have this mad theory about American elections. There is a reality-TV quality to them, in that they tend to go to what people think would probably be the most interesting story. “Who’s more interesting? Who’s a better story? Bob Dole or Bill Clinton? Let’s go for Clinton, it’ll be more interesting!” And there is that point where you’re going, “Okay, so is it Hillary, who still feels kind of like a rerun? Or is it Trump?” Even articulating that as a theory means that people are going to mishear what I’ve said. It will turn into a clickbait headline and people will be going, “You said that Trump was a better story!” No. I think Trump is an out-of-his-depth idiot. Who is possibly criminal. And certainly incompetent. I think that, actually, having a sane and functional right wing is a good thing. Having what we’ve got right now is a bad thing.


>> No.9585983

He's right though. Backing out of the Paris agreement is one of the dumbest fucking things he could've done too.

>> No.9585985

This is why you go to Gayman. For fun, light reads, not life-changing experiences.

>> No.9585987

If Obama didn't show his tax returns, Republicans would be pissy about that. I think it's fair for the democrats to ask about Trump's tax returns, it's just that annoying personalities like John Oliver don't help matters.

>> No.9585992
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Neck yourself filthy yid

>> No.9585998

It's true, you know.

>> No.9586004
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>> No.9586007
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>not gay btw

>> No.9586010

Global warming is real and it's going to get worst. They could've filtered out that whole shit on the next page, though. Damn it, way to scare that idiot Trump away with this terrible non-compromise.

>> No.9586012


>> No.9586015

Just curious, my hostile gentile, how many anti jew reaction images in your folder?

>> No.9586017

give me one good reason to care about your bizarre apocalyptical conspiracy theory

>> No.9586021

Are you fucking retarded, my main guy?

>> No.9586038

>conspiracy theory


>> No.9586042

What upsets most people is how gamin and this book are put on a pedestal, for example, my so had to buy it for a mid level religious studies class at an Ivy League school.

>> No.9586050

What does "intergender equality" have to do with climate change??

>> No.9586053

I answer you with an imperative of my own: Give me one good reason you should not believe what many scientists around the world are saying.

>> No.9586060

Even professors try to stay hip and relevant. Deal with it.

>> No.9586067

ouch yeah that aint right. but that just might be a case of the prof trying to get the students interested. still, I see what you're saying.

>> No.9586078
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> btw not gay

>> No.9586707

I absolutely loved this book in high school. I'm kinda afraid to re-read it though.

I remember Anansi Boys as being a pretty comfy read through and through though.

>> No.9586711

Jesus fuck. I was considering reading this next just because I want to check out what the big deal with Gaiman is. Should I just go for some of his more whimsical shit like Coraline, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Graveyard Book? I can handle some bad prose if the story is just a non-too-serious fun little tale. Because if this is his attempt at non-YA I don't want any part of it.

>> No.9586718

yeah. this.

>> No.9586857

Read Sandman like every enlightened cuck.

>> No.9586868

Fire man is a djinn

>> No.9586887

The free market is fixing the climate, we don't need a fucking Paris Agreement

Pollution by its very nature is waste, manufacturers and industry always works toward limiting waste as its just lost revenue.

fuck off with your doomsday shit.

>tax all your shit into the ground
>destroy millions of jobs
>5 year later a new technology makes petrol car pollution virtually non-existent or a big cunt of a air purifier is built
no thanks.

Doomsday because of man-made climate change won't happen. There is already battery chargers for your car at every parkinglot

stop trying to hinder progress.

>> No.9586914

Not to mention the Paris Agreement is nonbinding anyway. Until we get a president who actually cares about climate change, the US was already effectively withdrawn from the agreement and its dictates, Trump just made it official. Or did people think he was going to pay attention to it even if he hadn't withdrawn?

>> No.9586933

anyone have any thoughts on Gaiman's Norse Mythology? I've been thinking about picking it up

also jesus christ you guys, take your climate change argument to pol where it belongs. this is lit, stay on topic

>> No.9586934

this is total nonsense

>> No.9586950

Good light read, Gaiman's sense of humour makes a nice fitting to his retellings of Prose Edda and the rest of the Norse cycle. The language used in most translations of things like that is often a bit dull to read, this makes it far easier to get through and is about as close to the spirit of the original stories as you're likely to get. Like everything he writes it's aimed at Young Adult readers but I'd recommend it to anyone interested in Norse Mythology but put off by the "originals". Much valuable context is lost, and it's presented in a modern light, but the key events and storylines are there.
I was especially impressed by his ability to showcase how similar some aspects of the stories are to what we think of as folk or fairytales, without signposting it too obviously. Like, a lot of the shit that the gods get up to has bits of the exact same plot as some bits of Brother's Grimm.

>> No.9586959

>anyone have any thoughts on Gaiman's Norse Mythology?
read the eddas instead

>> No.9586978

I think Gaiman's alright. Not great, but a fair way above most others in his class. There's not an author in history who never wrote a dodgy sentence - let's not judge him by one clumsy paragraph.

>> No.9587103

The Niglets

>> No.9587128

stop being reasonable!!!

i want to be angry!


>> No.9587140

>Shadow had been imprisoned for three years. The size of his body, and the hostile disposition he had maintained since his youth, allowed him to avoid the beatings and intimidation distributed among the fellow inmates. Instead he was confronted only by the emptiness of each passing day and the paucity of event each day provided. And so to distract himself from his isolation, Shadow lifted weight in the yard with the other whites. He taught himself to pass a coin along the backs of his fingers until doing so became more natural to him than holding it in his palm while standing in line for his weekly telephone call home. But he could not invent no distraction effective enough to deter the thoughts of the woman with whom he had intended to share his life, and whose company had been denied him on account of his crime.

>> No.9587270

>anti Jew
I prefer counter-semitic

>> No.9587438

"NPR voice"

>> No.9587455

You can tell the /pol/ overspill is bad when almost half the people on /lit/ talking about climate change think it either contributed by man or nothing has to be done about it.

>> No.9587474

It doesn't, that's the point. It's just virtue signalling. No one enforces it and because of that people use it to pat themselves on the back. It's "symbolic" aka completely useless. Call me when it's actually something with bite in it.

>> No.9587540

Please stop let's playing I Wanna Be The Guy.

>> No.9587661
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>You're a member of the human race. You have obligations. You should step up and do that.

My genius, 100% foolproof, plan for solving the refugee crisis is to lease a few Greek islands and turn them into refugee sanctuaries. The Greeks could use the cash, and the refugees would have somewhere safe to live. As an added bonus there would be very few rape or terrorism incidents in the rest of Europe. This is what the Australians do, and it's worked out well for them.

>> No.9587821

I hope that's a real link

>> No.9587851
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top kek

>> No.9587860

My foolproof plan for solving the refugee crisis is dumping them into the Mediterranean until they stop coming.

>> No.9587878

This is also how I discovered the book

>> No.9587926

Tony Abbott recently signed a multi-million dollar deal with Hun Sen, the President of Cambodia, to 're-home' the refugees there.

Cambodia would be a fantastic location for the Europeans to dump them.

The only way for the refugees to crawl back to Europe would be the "hot route" south of the Caspian sea, through their homelands-- Burma, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan. Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey.., or the "ice route" north-- Through China, Mongolia, then half of Russia. Only one in a thousand would make that journey back with no education or money or language.

>> No.9589776


>> No.9589801

What's the problem with that?

>> No.9589804

>Global warming is real and it's going to get worst. They could've filtered out that whole shit on the next page
How do you compromise on this?

>> No.9589806

Its not a theory its happening and it will effect you and all of society

>> No.9589823

>The free market is fixing the climate
Polluting isn't fixing anon
>Pollution by its very nature is waste, manufacturers and industry always works toward limiting waste as its just lost revenue.
If there is a cost
If there is no cost to just dumping mercury and alkali sludge, they will
If there is no cost to unfiltered fly ash and smoke no CO2, they will
Its not lost revenue if there is no profit in this material being retained and no profit motive if there is no cost to emitting and dumping it
It doesn't cost me anything to just drop rubbish on the ground, it doesn't save me anything to retain it

>tax all your shit into the ground
But they're not, unfortunately
We live in a capitalist-ish society. We can't simply order something be stopped. But a tax on emissions would provide a financial incentive to stop emitting it to save money
>destroy millions of jobs
Says who? I see this claim made all the time. Nobody explains how.
Phasing out coal and expanding natural gas and hydro and geo and nuclear and solar and wind generate plenty of jobs
Building public transit infrastructure in the many American cities and their suburbs and surrounding regions with little or none would employ plenty of people
Manufacturing the rolling stock for this public transit infrastructure would employ plenty of people
>>5 year later a new technology makes petrol car pollution virtually non-existent or a big cunt of a air purifier is built
Except this isn't happening
>Doomsday because of man-made climate change won't happen.
It already is
> There is already battery chargers for your car at every parkinglot
Powered by what?
>stop trying to hinder progress
Says the man arguing to retain old technology

>> No.9589827

Didnt some Egyptian businessman offer to lease them for that? What happened?

Anyway something else that might stop the refugees would be to stop encouraging a civil war that encourages them to flee

>> No.9589834 [DELETED] 

>destroy millions of jobs
Doomsday because of man-made climate change won't happen. There is already battery chargers for your car at every parkinglot

>> No.9589836

>destroy millions of jobs

>> No.9589876


>> No.9589959

Here's the funny thing about the Paris Climate Accord:
Even if you buy into the whole apocalyptic view of climate change, despite every single prediction they've made being wrong since like the 70s. This Accord wouldn't have done shit. Everything in it is non-binding, there are no repercussions for leaving and it's all essentially just a way to virtue signal. Even if Trump wouldn't have left, he still wouldn't have reduced emissions by the amount the Accord demands and neither will other countries. The only enforced part of the deal would have been a global redistribution of wealth, so that they can "reduce pollution" of course. Definitely not a way to introduce redistribution of wealth on a global scale.

Even without any Accords there is still a trend towards more environmental friendly tech anyway, Tesla becomes more and more popular as are other electric cars. Solar cells get improved steadily and will eventually be used in almost all lower energy devices (already in lots of watches and calculators), nuclear energy could replace coal plants right now if people wouldn't have an irrational fear of it.

>> No.9589970

>Australian concentration camps are a good solution

Fuck off.

>> No.9590296

Pretty good bait.

>> No.9590311
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>no one enforces it

>> No.9590385

Refute dis faggot: http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/gw.html

You're right. Abbott didn't go far enough. We should pay the soulless Indonesians under the table to sink them for us.

>> No.9590416

get the fuck off my board, communists.

>> No.9591093

Good Omens and Sandman are both enjoyable.