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9584803 No.9584803 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I don't use 4chan much outside of this board. FIVE times today on Facebook and 4chan I've seen an interest in Islam with a particular interest with Sufism.

Every-time they compared Sufism to wahhabism and quoted Rumi or other Arabic thinkers.

Granted I don't care because I'm not paranoid about Islam but where did this 180 come from? It's clearly a meme based on the consistent fixation with Sufism as an "appropriate" form of Islam complete with a need to distinguish from bad kinds of Islam like Wahhabism and Sunni Islam (even though they clearly don't understand that Sufism is not a different branch).

Has the "Islam is the cure for fun" meme taken off? Is it the new edge lord religion for would be neo-pagans? What does this mean for literature recommendations?

>> No.9584844

I think that it's just a continuation of anti-fascist trends that have been popping up non-stop since 1946. Fascists (anybody leaning to the right of Pol Pot) are opposed to Islam, so obviously it's just misunderstood. White people didn't create it so how bad can it be?

Sufism in particular is a very friendly mask which is used deliberately by Muslims aware of their faith's uglier aspects to deflect criticism and also homed in on by ignorant non-Muslims who go out of their way to find stuff on Islam that reflects the opposite of what the political right are saying. Friendly or not Sufi Islam is still based on the teachings of a man who waged a brutal war and killed or dominated all who opposed him.

The 180 was always coming. If Europe was being colonized by millions of Brazilians the trendy political left would be singing the praises of monkey-soup and Zika Virus.

>> No.9584862

I've seen pol/acks supporting it though because apparently its the effective way to deal with degeneracy.

>> No.9584868
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Many people have started to realize that western civilization is dead and that islam is the future.
I welcome it as a way out of soulless materialism and hedonism.
>Granted I don't care because I'm not paranoid about Islam
But why? I'm assuming you're a liberal or a leftist.
You should care. Do you think girls will be allowed to go out, get drunk and fuck strangers every weekend once Europe has become islamic?
What do you think will happen to the gay pride parades and nightclubs?
/pol/ is becoming more and more friendly towards islam. It's completely understandable. The far-right and islam has a lot of similarities.
Most far-right wingers would be more happy in Iran or saudi-arabia, than south-africa or Brazil. For leftists and liberals, the opposite.

>> No.9584875
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>What do you think will happen to the gay pride parades and nightclubs?
They have nightclubs in almost every Islamic country in the world, including Syria and Indonesia.

>> No.9584886

>Syria and Indonesia.
>names the two most moderate places in the islamic world

yeah ok

>> No.9584895
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The burden is on you to demonstrate that Europe will just flip to Saudi Arabia style Sharia law and not a moderate form.

Hard mode: no conspiracies about how the refugees aren't actually from Syria.

Impossible mode: don't ignore the numerous other examples of night-life in the Islamic world like Morocco.

>> No.9584900

>Impossible mode: don't ignore the numerous other examples of night-life in the Islamic world like Morocco.

yes north africa is a well known sex tourist destination for french pedos to bugger boys, but the most hardcore muslims i have met are from morocco, so i wouldn't feel safe anywhere in those countries, even if most of the people are moderates who are happy to stroke a french cock for a couple bucks, there will always be a target on your back

>> No.9584905

Exists, sure. But how popular are they compared to in the west?
How popular is the proud slut attitude among muslims compared to westerners?

If you think the widespread adoption and influence of islam in europe isn't going to severely effect social attitudes and behaviors in ways opposed to leftists/liberals, you're severely delusional.
You think german school children will still be taught about bdsm, anal sex and sex-toys if islam ever becomes the dominant religion in germany?
Of course not.
>You're either Saudi-arabia or Germany

>> No.9584911
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You forgot the part about Europe flipping to Saudi Arabia style Sharia law. Start from there

Also you still failed impossible mode.

>> No.9584914

>I welcome it as a way out of soulless materialism and hedonism.

ever seen a shopping mall in saudi arabia? islam is not anti-capitalist, it's just anti-freedom, there will still be rich guys in lambos with $800 givenchy t-shirts, and you still won't be one of them

>> No.9584915

>You think german school children will still be taught about bdsm, anal sex and sex-toys
They are taught that now?
>You're either Saudi-arabia or Germany
According to this poster >>9584886
because apparently Syria, Indonesia, Morocco and Qatar don't count as Islamic due to night clubs.

>> No.9584916

The effective way to deal with degeneracy is just to put a tighter leash on education and the media and to undo the damage of third wave feminism, reverse-colonialism and the normalization of screen-use (phones, computers, etc...) by children.

Those /pol/acks are traitors and faggots. The only true /pol/ positions are Falangist and Secular Humanist. Not even a /pol/ user.

>Western civilization is dead
It's not dead yet, if we'd just stop actively trying to kill it for a while I'm sure it could bounce back quite strongly.
>soulless materialism and hedonism
Look at Saudi Arabia and then look at the Vatican. Islam will bring about soulless authoritarianism and merely hide hedonism in the closet. No good art is coming out of the Islamic world. Islamic domination of the west would be a bigger cultural disaster than the one we're in now.

And again, I have to disagree with your definition of far-right. The people you're talking about are hardcore anti-rationalist reactionaries who are just as shackled to meme-issues as the average Antifa. I personally would feel more comfortable in South Africa or Brazil in terms of culture 100%. The fact that they're lawless shitholes undermines this severely of course though.

Do you think that the average Muslim in Europe wants to move further right or left? And once a trend this big gets moving it'll be hard to stop. I think that European culture is so pozzed to the core that there's a very good chance that it will end up more Islamic than Western within a few generations of the change if it actually does come about.

Do you actually see a cultural shift towards Islam in Europe as a possibility?

I personally think that it won't happen, instead within our lifetimes Enoch Powell's prophesized civil-wars will start and whatever comes out of this conflict won't resemble Europe as we know it either way.

>> No.9584918

Syria is secular nationalist dummy, which is why the saudis are funding isis to drop their government

>> No.9584928

An Islamic nightclub sounds like so much fun. We can smoke shisha and abstain from alcohol all night.

>> No.9584929

> I think that European culture is so pozzed to the core that there's a very good chance that it will end up more Islamic than Western within a few generations of the change if it actually does come about.
So why would Europe end up with Saudi Arabian style Sharia law that prevents regular secularism, capitalism and degeneracy? I still havn't gotten an answer.

>Syria is secular nationalist dummy
So why would Europe end up with Saudi Arabian style Sharia law that prevents regular secularism, capitalism and degeneracy? I still havn't gotten an answer.

>> No.9584932
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>abstain from alcohol

>> No.9584935
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>> No.9584938

Alcohol is prohibited in the Quran.

>> No.9584939

The current trend among Muslims seems to be to move significantly further right towards their more hardcore laws, while the current trend among Europeans is to slit their own throats and accuse anybody who refuses to join in of being a fascist. The main thing is that they can push for whatever they want and I don't see anybody resisting them. In that environment it won't be the quiet majority that gets its way, it'll be the big, loud, arrogant minority that believes their cause to be god's will. They'll be able to keep pushing further and further right and nobody will stand in their way.

I'm 20% sure that if Sweden's Islamic population were to call for full-blown Sharia Law right now in one of their cities they'd get it.

>> No.9584943

So? The Bible bans clothes of wool and linen woven together and that doesn't stop anyone.

>> No.9584947

>So why would Europe end up with Saudi Arabian style Sharia law
This is absolutely a possibility. But to beat degeneracy back to normal levels we don't need to go that far. Simply a cultural shift would help immensely.
How accepted are fags among muslim diaspora in europe now? How accepted is being a proud slut among ordinary muslims in europe now?
Even if Europeans convert in significant numbers, and end up somewhat softer than arabs, maybe not going the full way of acid attacks and honor killings, they're still not going to accept their daughters drinking and fucking strangers. At least as much as they do now.

Seems you're just desperately trying to preserve immorality while at the same time, not saying anything against islam.

>> No.9584948

because the idea of "human rights" came from christianity, once that's wiped out, who is going to nag islamic countries not to be oppressive shitholes? the chinese? they don't give a fuck about human rights, the hindus? a religion built on racism sure isn't going to help out in that regard, and buddhism a religion based around indifference to human suffering sure isn't going to lift a finger, so who is going to come in and stop sharia from coming back? i don't think you appreciate that "freedom" is a western (and to a lesser extent christian) idea, once the white christians are gone, no one is going send the un to do a "fact finding mission" on why your sister got her skull bashed in, and you'll be glad because it was probably your brother who did it, enjoy your descent into savagery with no white man around to civilize you

>> No.9584951

Every generation or two, when the West collapses into a spiritual crisis, it looks to esoterica and transformational new age religion type stuff. In those periods, Sufism always explodes.

Right now Sufism is taking off thanks to the Traditionalists, who are strewn throughout academia and draw young thoughtful philosophically minded people in by appearing to be the only game in town that isn't shallowly this-worldly and secular. Sufism seems like the only mystic tradition to have kept its balls, and it has a ritual core that is instantly visible, so a lot of these types instantly become Sufis.

It's a fucking cancer. Especially now with the rise in ISIS and radical Islam in general. And a lot of Islamists are capitalizing on it.

>> No.9584953

>The current trend among Muslims seems to be to move significantly further right towards their more hardcore laws
Where have you seen this?

>I'm 20% sure that if Sweden's Islamic population were to call for full-blown Sharia Law right now in one of their cities they'd get it.

>> No.9584956

So- you showed nightclubs in Islamic countries to prove that Islam wouldn't have an adverse effect on nightlife, but you chose places where the population doesn't even follow its own religion.
If the majority of Muslims are going to be openly anti-gay they should probably be anti-alcohol too.

>> No.9584958

>where have you seen this?
Acid-attack statistics

Because like I said nobody resists this. No government in western europe has opposed Islamification on any significant issue so far so why start now? I think that if they were willing to take in the migrants they'll tolerate anything.

>> No.9585000

You people are forgetting the technical-scientific-democratic Occidental culture that has is bases in Descartes, Spinoza, Locke.
The west isn't only the stem of Christianity, it is the product of various moments and different philosophies.

If Muslims were to become a significant minority they would have to accept those laws instead of their Sharia, otherwise the would pretty much just go to jail.

Also you are not considering the people of Muslim descent that do hate the backwards shithole of their ideology and pretty much adopt western values; a minority maybe, but still interesting.

Globalisation is happening and we can't do much to oppose it, short of mass-murdering people; literally "you reap what you sow"

>> No.9585011

Practical advice, really.

>> No.9585015

>If Muslims were to become a significant minority they would have to accept those laws
>Laws define the entirety of human behavior
>Laws can't be changed

>Globalisation is happening and we can't do much to oppose it
We can, as most non-western countries have shown. But, who's to say globalism means we have to end up as godless, anarchic, hedonistic, mixed-race shitholes like Brazil?
Saudi-Arabia is fairly global in business, but lgbt+ niggers aren't roaming their streets.

>> No.9585020

Islam agrees with fascism on almost every area and they were allied in ww2, you mong. 4chan is just always a contrarian institution. It was mostly neckbeard atheist some years ago, then atheism became mainstream, now these boards are filled with Catholic and orthodox larpers. Islam-critical movements are on the rise in the mainstream, so of course people on 4chan decides to become sufis. When isis first appeared in the news, /pol/ considered them /theirguys/

>> No.9585025
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>Islam-critical movements are on the rise in the mainstream, so of course people on 4chan decides to become sufis

>> No.9585027

Yeah they're just fucking in hiding. It's easier to get laid as a gay guy or a lesbian than it is for a straight person in KSA due to religious rules. Just because autistic Wahabbis/Salafists run the kingdoms secret police doesn't mean everybody there is of the same opinions. Besides, transgendered stuff is supported by some hadiths, and are encouraged in some Islamic nations such as Iran.

>> No.9585029

It stops orthodox Jews.

>> No.9585047

It goes on of course. You'd have to be on some severe autism to think you could ever stop it completely.
What people (most muslims, far rightists, american christians, russians) want is simply to make it less normal, more stigmatized and hidden.

>> No.9585055

Does it matter if its hidden and stigmatized if its happening at no less a rate than it is normally? But then again what can I expect from idiots.

>> No.9585071

/houellebecq general/

>> No.9585080

Laws are conventions that are based on the customs, ideas, philosophies of the people living in a state.
When Muslims will have the upper hand in the parliament they could change law how they want, still abiding by the Constitution of course.
If they were to overturn the Constitution then things would be pretty unpredictable, but I suppose that a civil war could happen; still it is a fringe case

>> No.9585083

>if its happening at no less a rate than it is normally?
It won't.
But yes.
Fags bdsm-whipping each other in the streets <<< Fags bdsm whipping each other in underground clubs.

>> No.9585090

No one is talking about america here.
Euros thankfully don't give a shit about their constitutions.

>> No.9585092
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Islam is blasphemy. Islam is heresy. Islam lies and defames Christ. Islam should be bloodily cut out of the world, or, perhaps, should be resisted carefully until Christ Himself returns in glory and puts an end to it, once and for all.

It's devilry. The voice Muhammed heard is Satan, or some other vicious force of the universe. It is the greatest wickedness ever perpetuated on Christendom, but it must be resisted and ignored and combated, to the end of time, when it will be revealed as the lie it is.

>> No.9585110

>euros don't give a shit about their constitution

What are you up to?

Still that's basically not true:
France and the whole Revolution thing, Italy and Germany and their anti-fascist constitutions, England and their garant monarchy...
People may be dissatisfied with the institutions but not so much to overturn the very base of their state, the very state that grants them welfare, in the broader sense

My point still stands

>> No.9585174

I think that 'NO ISLAM' is a pretty big area to disagree on with most Muslims.

>> No.9585187


I've always liked Islam and the Near East because Sands of Time was a great game.

>> No.9585240

>the western civilisation is dead meme

>> No.9585248


Iran seems like the kind of country where you might accidentally step in human faeces while out for a walk.

>> No.9585262
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>> No.9585272

Fascism never said "no Islam" though. If you think "trump and le pen are fascist xD" you need to leave

>> No.9585273

I'm sure Franco and Salazar would have loved the idea only it just never occurred to them.

>> No.9585274
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