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/lit/ - Literature

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9579459 No.9579459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Comic is an often overlooked yet perfectly valid medium still at a very early stage of development.

Post some of your favourite novels/comics and I'll make recomendations based on them.

>> No.9579468
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>> No.9579483

Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, One Piece

>> No.9579486

Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run are more accomplished works tho

>> No.9579495

I've just finished Vento Aureo and barely started Stone Ocean so I wouldn't know. Vento Aureo is just my favourite thus far.

>> No.9579496
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Berserk and PunPun for manga

>> No.9579507
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Vento Aureo is excellent. Diavolo is my favorite villain.

I hope you also like Stone Ocean. Jolyne is an excellent character.

>> No.9579509
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In relation to the first two, try Jansson's Moomin comic strips, Mafalda by Quino, or pic related.

Also, One Piece is garbage.

>> No.9579514


>he has to defend his commodity of choice in terms of its "validity"

>> No.9579518

thanks for the recommendations

One Piece is amazing, philistine

>> No.9579524
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Conflating Manga and Comics:

Black Hole
Ghost World
Alan Moore's Swamp Thing -- kind of anything by Alan Moore desu

I am reading this atm for some insight and fun. Entertaining essay, but not some kind of revelation.

>> No.9579526

>he makes an attack on his offense thus proving its necessity


>> No.9579528

Asterios Polyp is a personal favourite. What aspects did you like the most?

Berserk is stupid. PunPun is on my backlog.

I only read worthwhile manga, sorry.

>> No.9579530

stargazing dog is the only graphic novel I've read so far that was memorable

for manga i'd go with >>9579496

>> No.9579532

>I only read worthwhile manga, sorry.
That's okay, I thought it was worthwhile.

>> No.9579535

uhh didn't mean to get some spanish version for that cover, but it's "Alan Moore's Writing Comics".

>> No.9579543

I don't read comics or watch cartoons because i'm not a manchild.

the rest of you who like this medium that I despise are manchildren. Get fucked.

>> No.9579550

watch out boy, I might just suck ya dick

>> No.9579551
File: 530 KB, 1000x739, ETERNAUT-fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read everything else by Clowes.
Breakdowns by Spiegelman.
The Eternaut by Oesterheld too.

>> No.9579554

I wonder how that feels.

To be so consumed by negativity you can't enjoy an entire medium.

>> No.9579560

Hunter x hunter & Monster

>> No.9579563

Gosh that looks beautiful. Love Fantagraphics.
I read 'Patience' by Clowes last year and I didn't like it as much, but I'm still interested in his stuff.

>> No.9579578
File: 46 KB, 381x500, Fax-from-Sarajevo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fax from Sarajevo by Kubert and try Blacksad by Diaz and Guarnido (if you don't like the first title of the series then you can dismiss it completely).

>> No.9579591
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Agree, Fantagraphics is simply great.
You should read Clowes' Ice Haven next.

>> No.9579603

Try mentioning some other titles you like.

>> No.9579693
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You might love Chichi no Koyomi by Jiro Taniguchi. It even stars a dog too.
Don't know if it's already been translated to English, though.

>> No.9579758

come on there's a whole board for this

>> No.9579772

That board is trash. Superheroes and childish crap I don't stand.

Taking into account the interests and discussion held on /lit/, I'm pretty convinced this thread fits this board better.

Go ahead, name some of your favourite novels.

>> No.9579837

Harvey pekar (every Little thing he do)
John porcellino (King cat)
David b (epileptic)
David heathley (my brain is hangin upside down)
Robert crumb early years, obviously.

i dont know... there is plenty of good stuff.
this is the firsts i think not totally acclamied. (except Crumb)

>> No.9579883

First time I've heard El Eternauta be mentioned on /lit/ good taste, Anon.

>> No.9579891
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Okay, as you seem to be already into this, some more serious stuff:

Everyting else by David B. Start with Nocturnal Conspiracies.
Maus + Metamaus by Spiegelman (to get full insight on what Maus is and supposed).
Breakdowns by Spiegelman too.
Pic related is kind of an obscure gem.

>> No.9579900

I liked Naruto a fair amount, almost cried during a few volumes

V for Vendetta and Watchmen are alright

pls give me something good

>> No.9579902

Just finished reading this and was really pleased. Comics are like jazz--a few gems swirling in a maelstrom of shit.

>> No.9579908
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Forgot the pic

>> No.9579910

like breeds like.
should /lit/ be responsible for the quality of other boards? should we have threads about tv shows just because /tv/ is all baneposting and underage feet? should we have threads about "literary" video games? there's enough trash on this board already, anon. please don't add to it. like I could say "rec me a graphic novel like goethe, joyce, or beckett" but that would be nonsense because it's comparing entirely different types of media that work in different ways. so any resulting post is just going to be arbitrary trash, so please stop.

>> No.9579911

I presume you are Argentinian?

>> No.9579927

not literature
get out

>> No.9579931
File: 336 KB, 1200x870, Here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rec me a graphic novel like joyce or beckett

Gladly. "Here" by Richard McGuire

Seminal but I'm not really crazy for it (or any other work by Jodorowsky).

Anything already mentioned is better than those.

>> No.9579941
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>> No.9579961

unfortunately i dont have money to buy this things... i Reading online or in the library of my city (who surprisingly have very good comic stuff).
i never known about metamaus (what is enough meta itself)
i think David b is too irregular but a good guy.

i try to find the one of your pic. looks good.

>> No.9579967

i always think "Here" is just a good idea for a comercial or something. is ultrareiterative and too dry. (it´s an inspiring and pseudoinnovative idea but it felt like a Little empty, at least for me)

>> No.9579975

I'd rather have a good thread on /lit/ about comics or films than about DID I START WITH THE GREEKS CORRECTLY and similar shit. In any case, this thread certainly won't reduce the average post quality. OP seems to know his shit, if nothing else.

What are some good books on comics theory? I've read McCloud; Moore and Eisner are on my to-read list. Is your OP pic good?
Regarding Moebius: during the summer I intend to explore his Blueberry comics. Then I would dig into his other works, but I have no idea which one to start with. Could you throw a look at this catalog and give me a rec? http://www.fibra.hr/katalog/edicije/moebius/33/ (An another publisher also has the three Incals.)

>> No.9579994
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It's a consideration of comic in its purest form, what not many people have ever achieved.

>unfortunately i dont have money to buy this things

Me neither, to be honest.

>> No.9580022

i dont think anybody can understand nothing in its "purest form". what im trying to say is that you can "grasp" the concept in the first pages. and the rest is just the same time and time again.

>> No.9580026
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this is the only comic worth reading

>> No.9580055
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What are some good books on comics theory?
Start with the Greeks: http://www.english.ufl.edu/imagetext/

Not Moore nor Eisner are too good at theory. Not like I've read too much about the subject, either.

OP's pic is pretty good in my opinion. Also check out blogs like "The Crib Sheet".

>Regarding Moebius: during the summer I intend to explore his Blueberry comics.
Later on you'll be interested on Westerns such as Hermann's or Boucq's.

>Then I would dig into his other works, but I have no idea which one to start with

Far from Moebius' work in Blueberry, but my favourites are his solo albums: Arzach, La citadelle aveugle, The Airtight Garage, Is Man Good?...

>another publisher also has the three Incals
For the love of God, get the classic version. Pic related is criminal.

>> No.9580068


>> No.9580070


>> No.9580086
File: 234 KB, 1200x900, Here_RichardMcGuire_Spread2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me rephrase, then: Here is pure comic, in the sense that no other medium could possibly attempt to tell its story. McGuire displays a perfect knowledge of the possibilites intrinsic to the medium. That's why "Here" is important beyond subjective perception.

>> No.9580089

>tryhard bullshit

>> No.9580112

you dont have to be so serious about that till the point that "here" is important beyond subjective perception.
come on man, i dont care about the history of art or whatever they try to do to comics. you dont feel it too reiterative?. if no, you can explain it to me. i dont think even you or Richard mcguire understand what pure comic is. relax that camel.

>> No.9580113

>To be so consumed by negativity you can't enjoy an entire medium.
It's kinda like how you're so consumed with homosexuality you can't enjoy pussy


>> No.9580116

Ive had both. Dick is better

>> No.9580118

But im a woman?

>> No.9580165

Sorry mate, it wasn't my intention to sound like a prick. And don't think I get comic too seriously either, the amount of comics I read in a year is marginal compared to literature. As it should be for any well-adjusted individual.

I do love Here from cover to cover, honestly. Still there is a number of seminal and/or highly acclaimed works I disregard: Persepolis, The Sandman, Corto Maltese, Akira, Alan Moore in general, everything capeshit.

>> No.9580174
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PD: Crumb is particularly obnoxious to me aswell.

>> No.9580247
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I just noticed I have never mentioned the name of God:


>> No.9580251

So first and foremost, this deff belongs on this board more than /co. those guys are into superheroes/ation based comics which are good and i love their history and their impact on popular culture, but they are just scratching the surface of what this medium could do. just like cartoon and animations are getting a lot of attention recently, i think comics will one day be near unrecognizable, so far theyve been the medium for washed up journalist/novelists mostly and very little real talent has been drawn into it because
>its an incredibly hard industry to break into
>they dont like outsiders
>most companies want you to conitnue writing stories within their premade universes
>fans can turn on you in one second
>most writers dont make a lot of money
>and lack of respect from most of the world
That being said, its served as a great medium for a lot of writers. My favorite are neil geiman, alan moore and grant morrison (outside of canon comics). what they have been doing with their stories is beyond what most books can accomplish (ive been reading jersualem by moore, and i think it might have made its point better if he made it into a comic instead). American Gods was another book that would have been better off being a comic. There are modes of story that only comics can convey, which is the reason why moore (for example) hates when his comics get turned into movies. Film cannot capture the feeling of a story written for comics and they dont usually translate well into theatrical piece (though the movie watchmen was actually pretty good imho). Things like time distortion, multiple people speaking at the same time, madness, breaking the 4th wall (without being corny) are hard to do in film or literature. I could go on forever about this. Good graphic novels to check out are
>invisibles by Grant Morrison (also Nameless, Flex mentallo and filth are pretty good but invisibles is a classic and unrivaled among his works)
>Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell(if youve got the time and patience) Swamp thing and the super underrated Neonomicon and Providence (they are fucking amazing and a must read for any Lovecraft fan) by Alan Moore.
>Death and Sandman by Neil Geiman(theres loads more but those are what most non-comic people stick with.

>> No.9580279
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>invisibles by Grant Morrison (also Nameless, Flex mentallo and filth are pretty good but invisibles is a classic and unrivaled among his works)
>Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell(if youve got the time and patience) Swamp thing and the super underrated Neonomicon and Providence (they are fucking amazing and a must read for any Lovecraft fan) by Alan Moore.
>Death and Sandman by Neil Geiman(theres loads more but those are what most non-comic people stick with.

Sorry, but all of those are trash. I'm going to bed now; if the thread is still up tomorrow we may discuss more on detail.

Pic unrelated: an actually estimulating title.

>> No.9580306

nobody cares abut your opinion you 13 year old faggot

>> No.9580312

>argues in defence of comicbooks
>accuses others of being homosexual children
Top tier cognitive dissonance, as expected of the picture book brainlet.

>> No.9580345

Whatever makes you sleep at night. Carry on reading about men in pyjamas then.

>> No.9580396

Really? A thread this big about graphic novels and no mention of watchman? For shame!

>> No.9580412

*wwalks into thread*

>> No.9580531

Just going off by name is this a comic documenting the war in Sarajevo? If so you might like Joe Sacco's works

>> No.9581221

Is the only non-nip who can write a good story for a comic book Alan Moore?

>> No.9581239

Moore, Morrison, Ellis, Ennis, Giraud, McKean.

>> No.9581261

>One Piece is amazing
sure, if you're twelve

>> No.9581262

Just read city of glass, going to read the short story to see the difference but I was impressed at the use of graphics

>> No.9581273

I enjoyed Morrison's The Invisibles

>> No.9581279

I don't know who the other are but this is enough to tell me I don't need to bother finding out.

>> No.9581373
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Good morning /lit/. OP here; I will be posting for a little while.

Plenty of better authors have already been mentioned ITT.

Mostly garbage (Ellis,Ennis, McKean particularly). Please refrain from making miguiding recommendations; the objective of this thread is to encourage people to read comic, not the opposite.

Read any of my other recommendations that catches your eye.

It is indeed. Thank you, but I have already read Sacco's most important works.

>> No.9581381
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Definitely check Asterios Polyp afterwards, also by Mazzucchelli.

>> No.9581384

Joan cornella and pbfcomics

>> No.9581411

For manga Yokohama Kaidishi Kikou, Planetes, Lone Wolf and Cub, anything by Kaoru Mori, been meaning to check out Gundam Origin as well.

For comics, Love and Rockets, Daytripper, World of Edena, Hellboy, Wonder Woman

>> No.9581469
File: 713 KB, 2480x1564, 91h90p3OgVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the work of Glen Baxter, and Kirchner's The Bus.

As for manga: Check out the works of Jiro Taniguchi, starting with Aruku Hito (in relation to TKK, but also Giraud's Edena). Also, don't ask /a/ for recommendations, or you'll get filth like Planetes or Gundam.

Western comic: read Palomar by Beto Hernández. You may also like Ghost World by Daniel Clowes.

>> No.9581534

I've never asked /a/ for anything, they tend to be assholes.

Gundam origin bad? I quite liked Planetes honestly but i'm a bit biased for sci fi, especially outer space work.

Will check out your recs aside from Clowes, not interest in his work.

>> No.9581762

If you're still there comic guy, I'd like recs based on:

Ghost world
Black hole
R Crumb

Bookwise I like DFW and Georges Perec

>> No.9581772

Just read Asterios Polyp after seeing it recommended in this thread.

Wow, that was amazing. It's really raised my opinion of the medium of the whole, as I'd never read a graphic novel before this.

>> No.9581778

If you haven't read it yet read From Hell, it's his best work IMO

>> No.9581795
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>Louis Riel

Bienvenue Manitoba

>> No.9581806
File: 37 KB, 250x334, Lost_girls_single-volume_hardcover_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost Girls is unironically Moore's best work in my opinion. Not only works as a great piece of comic book medium, but works as a great defence of the pornography genre and its potential for artistic merit.

>> No.9581826
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I wouldn't mind graphic novels that had large casts of characters who had to deal with strange phenomena or difficult life choices.

>> No.9581846

why are the best comic writers from Chicago?

Chris Wage
Daniel Clowes

>> No.9581847
File: 29 KB, 491x640, 2797048-peep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already mentioned a number of times so far, check the thread.

In relation to Perec, check out Chester Brown's Paying for it (a comic, an essay... full Brechtian Verfremdungseffekt; I have yet to read something quite like it). And then the rest of his work (Louis Riel, historical) and the rest of the Toronto Trio (Joe Matt, Seth)

Glad to hear that. You are more than welcome, mate.

It's been sitting on my backlog for a long time, but never gotten around to reading it. Moore has become just tiresome.

>> No.9581849

How's Alan Moore Swamp Thing? I'm curious about the character since it's not really capeshit.

>> No.9581855


Also anon, Dave Sim, Stan Sakai and Lourenço Mutarelli (he's the best brazillian comic book writer and absolutely excelent).

Grant Morrison is my favorite. He trully understood the medium. Though he's more akin to the beat generation and cinema them classic literature imo

>> No.9581868
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, Building Stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe in your limited vision they are. But actually not.

And Ware is to comic what Joyce was to literature. He is reforming the whole medium. Literally the most important living comic author. See: >>9580247

Haven't read Bokurano, and I believe I never will. But you should start reading Osamu Tezuka.

>> No.9581881

Everything recommended so far is non-capeshit and better than Swamp Thing.

Sorry, but that's not the type of comic disussed here. I'll check out Mutarelli though, even if coming from a Morrison fan. Thanks.

>> No.9581936


I understand, anon. I have a more familiar approach to comics, and although i do enjoy anti-capeshit and "graphic novels", i do realize that prejudice can take you knowhere and obscure the reality. Some other writers that i enjoy, like Bryan Tallbot, Daniel Clowes, Howard Chaykin and Jim Woodring are more akin to these "familiar" approach to comics. Others, like Mutarelli, Oesterheld and the Ranxerox are amazing pieces of work and i understand the necessary dicotomy between good and bad, complex and childish novels. Grant Morrison though is a writer that tried to subvert these tropes, and he's earlier works are fantastic pieces of destruction and using the medium in-itself to, at the same, take a critical stance, subvert, parodize and analyse.

>> No.9581976
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You are a cool guy. You should take a look at the writings of Domingos Isabelinho, one of the very few truly serious critics of the comic form. Try to ignore the constant whining.


I still have to read a lot of the Latin American Golden Age, but I feel pure devotion towards Oesterheld.

>> No.9582040

>And Ware is to comic what Joyce was to literature.
Joyce is shit and a worthless gimmick.

>> No.9582059


Thanks, anon! I'll sure check it out. Because of the Nature of comics i still read almodt only PDF ones, but im trying slowly to change that. And since im brazillian, i can actually read stuff by portuguese, brazillian, latin and English writers, which is awesome and i trully feel privileged.