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9577946 No.9577946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do all you non-INF/INTJs even bother trying to compete with us? It would be like trying to compete with black people in the NBA.

>> No.9577955

It is weird to me that there are actually extrovert writers at all. Do they just dictate it out loud and hire transcribers?

>> No.9577979

Reading nowadays is mostly an INXX only thing.
I mean behind genre fiction and self help books.

>> No.9578171

There are more successful infp writers, but you should know that, since you're a faggot and all

>> No.9578179
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>INFP with 77% 'Turbulent'

>> No.9578188
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>only 77%

>> No.9578225

>i haven't cried in 10 years

is this test retarded, shouldnt i be a cry baby?

>> No.9578241

You must have at least three of the desire traits. Otherwise, you are a pathetic POS.

>> No.9578329

Are there any? It seems dumb that you would spend a good part of your life alone with your thoughts, basically talking to yourself, if you were able to connect with people.

>> No.9578349

Not really desu I barely cry too and I always force myself, 1 or 2 tears max.

INfjs are known as the 'coldest feelers'

>> No.9578354

any bipolar intj's up in here?

>> No.9578358

>Feeling superior over the equivalent of an astrological sign
I seriously hope you guys dont do this

>> No.9578404

I keep getting logician

Am i screwed in regards to not eventually killing myself after achieving mediocre success

>> No.9578424

warmest robot reporting in.

mediocrity is the destiny I try to flee from.

>> No.9578432

All I remember is that I'm an Ent.
Tree folk represent!

Also, wasn't this all disproven as mostly bullshit?

>> No.9578441

I've seen a lot of criticism regarding the TESTING process, but if you have convinced yourself of belonging to a certain type through reading and observation, then you are probably it.

>> No.9578465


Testing for an archetype like it's astrology is mostly drivel, but the archetypes in themselves are an actual staple not only in psychoanalyzis but also in writing, and also present in some of continental philosophy. But it is more about self observation and inviduation than aggretating yourself into the snow mount of precious snowflakes.

>> No.9578474
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man, it's just the result I got. I stopped believing-believing in personality tests when I stopped doing "which anime character are you" quizzes.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I think everyone fits in a box, but it's usually pretty wishi-washi. I think if you REALLY want to find out what kind of person you are, figure out where you are on target demographic charts. Because people pour billions of dollars into figuring that shit, and frankly, I assume that kind of ruthlessness will get better results.

This isn't the chart I wanted to post, but I couldn't find it and then I lost interest.

>> No.9578477

>tfw INFP
>tfw type most likely to themselves

>> No.9578490

Intp here
feels strange desu
What do you think of strengthfinder 2.0?

>> No.9578492

What the fuck, this is the third time i wrote desu without thinking, i can't even remember typing it

>> No.9578493

if it's not the Big Five, it's not current in scientific psychology

>> No.9578499
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What was his type? I would guess INTx, but he's surely INxx.

>> No.9578505

are you new here?

>> No.9578509
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>> No.9578512

depends what new means

>> No.9578519

Funny thing is i never used this word apart of in these 3 occasions

>> No.9578551

Well, I think it goes without saying that there aren't only sixteen unique people on the planet, and the search to find out what you really are can really go places. The MBTI boxes are neat and easy to use in a social setting, since there are just few enough of them, and they really are like premade fully outfitted boxes, unlike what is typically passed around to categorize people, which is just individual traits or small combinations of traits that are often outward. Overusing MBTI eventually gives me bad vibes though, and I can't explain.

I think I've already outed myself as an INTP.

>> No.9578553

Depends on the person.

>> No.9578560

enneagram test is better even though its still shit

>> No.9578566

You didn't, >>9578553 he did.

>> No.9578585

>sex fiend
>literary superstar
>world renowned intellectual
Joyce was a normie extrovert

>> No.9578597

All sixteen types are under the genus "EA" (extremely-autistic).

>> No.9578628


I think the bad vibes esteem precisely from the fact that the archetypes are not supposed to fit any particular person. They're very useful if you want the easy way of writing character development, for example, since you know what general parameters and constraints to establish. They are also useful as a "big box" like you said, merely for overarching and gross generalizations. It's all about factors which belong to the collective and not to the individual. "INTP" does not mean you're a particular kind of person but rather that you share particular traits with a large group of people, traits you neither think about most of the time, neither obtained voluntarily. These traits are the opposite of "instinct" or raw decision-making, as far as I know Jung.

>> No.9578649

>still using MBTI over Big Five in 2017

>> No.9578655

>be INFJ
>go on forums to see what other self-identified INFJs are like
>they're all INFPs will inferiority complexes and want to be more special than they actually are, so they claim to be the "most rare" type
>never go back

Not sure I even qualify as INFJ anymore, but damn is the Ni > Fe > Ti > Se progression real for me, after seeing myself develop about 10 more years.

>> No.9578915

pls leave

I miss the days when obvious newfags were told to lurk moar

>> No.9578943
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>tfw INFP
You wanna hug, faggot?

>> No.9578949
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ENTP best type. Debate me. please

>> No.9578955

Asking somebody their myers-briggs is the best way to spot an idiot.

>> No.9578963

Do you mean if they know it it means they're an idiot? That's entrapment

>> No.9578971

Astrology isn't real.

>> No.9578984

How can INTJ s write books? It seems like it would always inevitably end up in a rant about how insipid their particular society is. As an INTJ I don't mind rants but how can anyone else be able to stand it?

>> No.9578987

If they list it on an online profile -- they are an idiot
if they ask me about it -- they are an idiot
if they answer enthusiastically -- they are an idiot

>> No.9579029

>tfw INFJ
>see someone call themselves INFJ in their profile
>they're nothing like the INFJ description, they just took some shitty Buzzfeed tier quiz

If you knew what being an INFJ was, and how awful and isolating it is, you'd understand the pain of watching the only identifier for someone like you being completely bastardized. At this point I automatically assume anyone who calls themselves INFJ is probably just a special snowflake SJW who saw "rarest type" and had to add it to their list.

>> No.9579035
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>turbulent INTJ

literally the worst curse ever

>> No.9579042

>taking a quiz that breaks down into E/I, N/S, etc.
>not taking one based on Jung's theory of the 8 modes of experience Ni, Se, Te, etc.

This is the reason the MBTI is shit. There are too many variants which don't even measure what it's supposed to measure.

I've been able to predict people's results on an actual test with almost perfect accuracy by knowing them, but those kinds of quizzes are just intellectually dishonest.

>> No.9579044

i feel u my nigga

>> No.9579060

I'd gladly take Jung's more in-depth one, if I could find it.

I agree that MBTI is very superficial.

>> No.9579065
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I'm sensing a paradox, viz. no one believes, or rather wants to believe, that they are one of a certain "type" that is more or less homogenous and predictable. Yet people love MBTI. Why is this?

>> No.9579069
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Worse than being a redpilled INFP?

>> No.9579082

This test is some major bullshit
I've done it time and time again and the only letter that doesn't change everytime is the "I".
Yeah I already knew I was an introvert.

>> No.9579088

Well at least you have the ability to empathize with people. I just sperg out in social situations, and go home to read Nietzsche and write.

>> No.9579092
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>tfw INF Jest masterace
If only it actually meant something to fill out this form for a classification.

>> No.9579095

There was one floating around maybe 7 years ago now, but I can't for the life of me remember where it went.

Honestly, just read about the 8 types and how they naturally line up (more of less) into 16 types according to Jung's theory. Of course, they don't always, and the quiz will just try to fit you as close as possible to one sequence. For example, the sequence Ni > Se > Te > Fi > Ne > Fe > Si > Ti doesn't fit any of the 16 types, but is closet to INTJ. You can read the types and try to put them in a hierarchy themselves, if you want. The four letters are really a code to distinguish a general pattern, but can't possibly capture all possible combinations of the 8 types. For the latter, there are 8! = approx 40,000 different combinations.

>> No.9579102

From what point are you a newfag?
I mean i've been on 4chan since '11 and on lit prob close to over a year.

>> No.9579139

>dfw not being intp
Yea right. His whole work is a logical exploration of the concept of empathy. Hes a bot

>> No.9579184

To make matters worse, the variant with the last letter lowercase corresponds to the OPPOSITE in caps. So INFj = INFP, and INFp = INFJ. I don't know who made this shitty convention.

>> No.9579223


>> No.9579231

aimless and lack self-discipline. done.

>> No.9579238

people want to be a part of the inner circle, but stand out as unique within it. it's not really a paradox.

>> No.9579242
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>> No.9579252

Anyone who takes myers brigg seriously in 2017 should be gassed.

>> No.9579254

Then everyone who joined /lit when it was added and was prior less than 8 years on 4chan is a newfag, which makes this board mostly newfags.

>> No.9579262

If anyone answers enthusiastically about being INTP he's either stupid or mistyped.

>> No.9579284

>tfw I got depression and stuck before I found my passion

I guess this is why we're most likely to kill ourselves.

>> No.9579372

>tfw profoundly estranged from modernity

>> No.9579399

are you me?

>> No.9579401

Now you're getting it

>> No.9579409

Yes. In all serious though it's like this site was made for ENTPs, what with the contrarianism and the shitposting. I sometimes wonder how other types can even stand el quatro.

>> No.9579439

Sorry i meant exclusivly

>> No.9579557

Any other INFPS stuck in a depression filled neetdom?

>> No.9579583

>tfw enfp
feels good man
that might be my antidepressants tho

>> No.9579587

right here babe

>> No.9579661

Daily reminder that everyone but INFPs are irredeemable normies and not truly human

>> No.9579676

How do I know whether I'm really my type? It seems likely that I answer questions in certain ways to affirm a proconcieved self-image

>> No.9579695

Totally not
>Lack of discipline
This works for all "P". However it is compensated with the strong amount of connected ideas carefully justified.

>> No.9579709

No. You are right, ENTP is the best (for the ones who are it) Anyone who tries to convince you the opposite doesn't know what's going on in your fertile hardworking mind.

>> No.9579715

Oh, hello fellow ENFP, how nice to meet you. Would you like to hang out some time and discuss literature while making new friends in public?

>> No.9579717

Read the concepts of the traits because online tests are not truthful. You have to deduce it.

>> No.9579723

Wouldn't I be subject to the same bias though? It's like self-diagnosing autism

>> No.9579736

Knowing yourself is a trick.
Don't think about that one instance where you behaved or thought in a certain manner.
Think about what goes through your head during most actions.

>> No.9579906

I get INFP every time, but I don't feel sorry for other people or have any emotions except when I'm feeling angry about something that happened to me or feeling sorry for myself. I really don't care about other people, but I always do everything I can to help others out. I listen to their problems, offer advice, and make things better for them behind the scenes in ways they'll never realize I had anything to do with. I sacrifice anything I have, within reason, if it would make someone else a little happier. This ranges from things I do for friends and family in real life, to things I do for complete strangers online. But I truly do not care about these people and I don't know why I help them. Can any other INFPs understand this?

>> No.9579956

>tfw actually like meeting new people in public

>> No.9579963

Do more studying before you comment.

In all fairness, however, you may have studied Jungian Typology a great deal, in which case, it is beyond you.

Don't feel bad, but try not to clutter our threads with your crying.

>> No.9580035


>> No.9580085
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>those guys who think their entire being can be summed up with 4 letters from a test that's results can easily change depending on mood

>> No.9580135 [DELETED] 


Nope; I'm an insecure mess.

At least it's better than being a sociopath psycho. Unlike them I at least stand the chance of becoming a well-rounded person down the line.

>> No.9580199
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>tfw drepressed infp mysticist

>> No.9580262

To an extent, yes. I do care about people and am always willing to help them, but I have difficulty empathizing with other people's real emotions sometimes. Abstractions tend to make me actually upset

>> No.9580336

That's normal for INFPs, since they use Fi instead of Fe, so they're more self-centered as far as emotions go.

Honestly, has anyone actually tried to understand this shit instead of falling for the 4 letter meme?

>> No.9580481

Back to >>>/sci/

*picture of Jung book*