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9574777 No.9574777 [Reply] [Original]

Does it deserve the hype, or is it over rated?

>> No.9574781


>> No.9574799


>> No.9574847

Saw the movie, nothing special.

>> No.9574912


It's underrated desu

>> No.9575044

>the movie
Kys faggot. Are you new here?

>> No.9575050

it is what it is

>> No.9575065

saw the segment where he's in penny dreadful, nothing special

>> No.9575077

Took the bait..
Anyway.. has anyone read "The Book of the New Sun"? Is it good?

>> No.9575090

Overrated piece of shit

>> No.9575193

Wilde and the aesthetic movement in general were pretentious wits and had litte influence on literature, though I really like their defintion of art.It is an entertaining novel, but not as deep as masters like Goethe or Shakespeare

>> No.9575196

go fuck your mother

>> No.9575231

Read his essay's first, it's much better if you have some understanding of Wilde.

>> No.9575252

>>95752I did, I actually read all of his dialoges like the decay of lying; I like his way of art being something not bound to the ordinary world, a viewpoint that has sadly been forgotten nowadays, but his philosophy really lacks depth

>> No.9575361

I liked the idea of life imitating art and The Critic as an Artist reminded me of discussion on here a lot. I enjoyed reading it but I was approaching it mostly from a perspective of just understanding Wilde as an author without grappling with some of his ideas outside of that, especially most of The Soul of a man Under Socialism. If I took it too seriously I probably would have dropped it disappointed before I made it through it all.

>> No.9575489

I just started reading this today. I like it a lot. Didn't read his essays or anything first, so I'm most interested by Wilde's view on art which really comes out in the book. I'll probably finish later tonight, it's a quick read.

>> No.9575494

its a masterpiece and wilde was an inimitable genius

>> No.9575988

Well I'm done now. It's good but I don't think I have any original thoughts to add about it.

>> No.9576144

>I really like their defintion of art.
What is it? I'm actually searching for a definition of art, any. Can someone help me out?

>> No.9576156

tfw ive been reading this the past week

>> No.9576166

It's an enjoyable read and I think it's more for the atmosphere and the overall "tone" of the book which makes it a classic. The plot is meh, but it is still engaging.

It has a strange feel to it, desu. I liked it. It was one of the first books I read when I was around 15 or so and I may have forgotten most... but I liked it.

>> No.9576317

it's summer and my internship is slow as fuck. don't worry about ur speed

>> No.9576354

mostly just that art exists separate from historical context and motivation for the author. that an artist can and should make things that are just pretty, without focusing on their meaning

>> No.9576684

>The Book of the New Sun
I enjoyed it but you hnave to buy into the world that he creates.Some of it is batshit insane...

>> No.9577482
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No. Its literally dude hedonism is awesome lmao

>> No.9577997

He claims to have written it in a day for a bet, so judge it with this in mind (if you believe him)

>> No.9578006
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Provide a fucking opinion.

>> No.9578406

you didn't read it