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9573899 No.9573899 [Reply] [Original]

The boy. A photographic essay

>> No.9573905

anything by Tiqqun

>> No.9573923

The government doesnt give a fuck about books. If you are on a facebook group or forum where Dabiq English is available, you are being watched right now


>> No.9574681

Sam Hyde's masterpiece

>> No.9574687

Holy shit that's frightening

>> No.9574703

(i will not write the title) by "russian anonymous".

>> No.9574714

My diary desu

>> No.9574715

my diary desu

>> No.9575153
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, funny buddy haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9575259

>Certainly, O America, you know that you have no savior. You have become prey for the soldiers of the Khilafah in every region of the earth. You have become bankrupt and the signs of your end are apparent and visible to the eyes. There is no better evidence of this than that an uncouth idiot has assumed authority over you, while he has no idea what Sham is, what Iraq is, and what Islam is – yet he still raves about showing enmity to it and declaring war against it.
Drumpf bto

>> No.9575262

or even btfo

>> No.9575278
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, 1495402040532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump loves Islam, what are you talking about?

>> No.9575282

no matter how do you look at it, this looks evil

>> No.9575306

far right stuff like muh holocaust denial (it's illegal here)

>> No.9575334
File: 125 KB, 499x499, The+queen+never+really+was+the+queen+_165389a505828c6074c4eaf334505bf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The role of man and woman was mixed up, as
was the responsibility father and mother had towards
daughter and son. Woman need not be a mother, a
wife, or a maiden, but rather, she should work like
man, rule like man, and have intercourse like an animal,
without being conscious of her Lord watching
both her and her heinous partner in crime.
>The deviance carried on until the so-called “Brave
New World” of America and Western Europe began
legalizing marijuana, bestiality, transgenderism, sodomy,
pornography, feminism, and other evils, allowing
the Christian pagans of Europe, America, and
Australia to break the crime record of every disbelieving
nation to precede them in history, including that
of Sodom and Gomorrah. However, hidden in the
layers of deep darkness therein, there is a minute trace
of suppressed fitrah buried inside a dead heart awaiting
the guidance needed to remove the blemishes left
by Christian paganism and Western “modernism.” To
this dead heart, one says:
>Allah c said, “Do you not see that to Allah prostrates
whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on
the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains,
the trees, the moving creatures and many of the
people? But many of [the people] deserve the punishment.
And he whom Allah humiliates – for him there
is no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does what He

>> No.9575338

>have intercourse like an animal
So good muslims aren't allowed to do doggy?

>> No.9575353

>Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth [righteousness] for yourselves. And fear Allah and know that you will meet Him. And give good tidings to the believers. 2:223

Quite the contrary. They just cant fuck anyone unmarried in a british club


Abu Hurairah, Book of Divination and Omens, Sunan Abu Dawood, 3895.

If anyone [resorts to a diviner and believes in what he says (according) to the version of Musa) or] has intercourse with his wife (according to the agreed version) when she is menstruating, or has intercourse with his wife through her anus, he has nothing to do with what has been sent down to Muhammad.

On the day of resurrection, Allah will not look at a man who had intercourse with his wife in her anus"—Narrated by Ibn Abi Shayba, 3/529; narrated and classed as sahih by Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 1165

and fasting

>> No.9575375
File: 84 KB, 666x500, miss me yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our alliance with Saudi Arabia is mind boggling

They are responsible for spreading Wahabi Salafist Islam, which is an extremist strain of Islam that gained prominence in the 18th century as a reaction to other sects of Islam which practiced (at the time) comparatively Catholic-like traditions such as the veneration of Saints unrelated to Mohammed.

The alliance of the Saud family and the Wahabi sect dates back a few hundred years. Their ideology is embraced by ISIS, the Taliban, and other extremist Muslim groups, and the Saudis spend billions spreading their extremist interpretation of Islam worldwide. The Middle East being a warzone of Western Imperialismgone wrong helps their cause. The Americans, Israelis, and especially the Saudis are single-handedly responsible for the recent increase in Radical Islamic Terrorism. Saudis don't take refugees from neighboring countries. They want to topple the secular governments surrounding them and create rabidly dependent enclaves of extremists. The Americans are okay with this because it helps containment (yes, the US gov still cares about containment). Gaddafi had a secular socialist government, for instance. Assad has a secular government and is allied with Russia.

The Saudis meanwhile strategically hold Mecca, and they have commercialized the area around it to continue to collect funds from all Muslims (who are sworn to make a pilgrimage in their life) with which they can fund extremism and their insane Wahabist agenda that is killing off moderate Muslims by the hundreds for every Chrisian that dies.

It's almost like the US and Israel are okay with radicalizing the Islamic world because they want a valid excuse to destroy it in the near future. Any human rights violations has become a pretense for the US to declare war or at the very least fund regional militants.

So yeah.

We love the saudis because petroleum, containment, and radicalization of Islam giving us an excuse to intervene in the Muslim world.

>> No.9575387

Israel, America, Saudi Arabia

Form the unholy Abrahamic pact against the spread of Atheism and Communism.

>> No.9575936

I've never heard the situation described so accurately, good job Anon

>> No.9576359

Bourgeois helping other bourgeois, nothing too strange,

>> No.9577235

Calling the Saudi Royal family bourgeois is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.

>> No.9577247

I'd like to see what these ISIS niggas act like when they're faced with a nuclear bomb from glorious America.

Not even joking, all those chucklefucks have is some dog-shit third-world weaponry from the dark web. They'll be wiped out like the nazis and the fucking dinoshits. Off to Ariana Grande concert in Manchester btw, ISIS can suck my dick.

>> No.9577253

images for new Deus Ex game leaked????

plot spoiler: trump was illuminISIS all along but also the russians

>> No.9577327

oh fug

I bought Kaczynski and a Tiqqun book (the same purchase I'm pretty sure) and they both SUCK ASS. Seriously, they're the worst books I've bought in a long time.