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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 278 KB, 401x575, franz-kafka-the-metamorphosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9573366 No.9573366 [Reply] [Original]

May I give it a try? Is it that good?

>> No.9573370

Why is his chest an angry Pepe?

>> No.9573538

Nigga it is a must read. Just read it

>> No.9573564

It is short. Do it.

>> No.9573614

Please don't, you'll just come back to whine about how shitty it was because you didn't get it.

>> No.9573631

>May I give it a try?
No! Keep your fingers off unless you've read the Greeks (original texts, obviously, translations are literally worse than holodomor) and familiarized yourself with medieval Finnish epic poetry and Yugoslavian expressionist drama.

I read it when I was 13, just do it you pussy. It's fucking pathetic to see people asking this sort of question, as if /lit/ was all a bunch of literary experts who are going to guide you and teach you everything. The truth is, 90% of people here are as knowledgeable as you.

>> No.9573897

Honestly, I didn't get it.

I thought it was a good story (although very sad) but I didn't understand what the story was getting at, at all.

I'm not talking about the "how did he turn into an insect" , I mean, I don't understand what the message Kafka was trying to get across

>> No.9573928


Was he trying to get a message across?

>> No.9573949


>> No.9573957


I certainly would hope so. Otherwise, the story is literally " guy turns into a bug. His family hates him now. He becomes depressed about being a bug. Then he just dies because he realizes his family wishes he would die"

I kinda hope there's a deeper meaning for a story that is such a beloved piece of modern fiction

>> No.9573995
File: 29 KB, 640x753, 1385807171343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all those spoilers...

>> No.9574136

>needing the author to decide what it means for you

>> No.9574142
File: 56 KB, 400x500, gregor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now instead of pretending to read /lit/ pretends they haven't read something.

>> No.9574148

Although I do heavily recommend Yugoslavian expressionist drama. Great stuff.

>> No.9574201

It's shit. Basically "ohmahgerd bourgeois alienation" but with a shitty story and prose (yes, I read it in German). I don't really see why people think it's good. Perhaps it's because the nazis didn't like him, but if you ask me they were right to burn his trash.

>> No.9574315

nigger it's only like 30 pages, just read it you pleb

>> No.9574335

>may i give it a try
>asking an imageboard for japanophile autists permission to read a short story

>> No.9574542

Kafka's personal life is important here, as it is considering all of his work.
It's about alienation, yes, but more specifically about self-loathing, feeling oppressed, ridiculed, ashamed and looked down upon by people you care about.

>> No.9574573

>Holy shit, mom, I turned into a bug! Moooooom!

This is one of the most celebrated writers of the 20th century.

>> No.9574592

Well considering he wrote it, yeah, I would like to know what he meant.

Writing, like any other kind of art, is subjective, and is therefore open to interpretation. But still, the question that is usually on people's mind when interpreting a work is "what did the author mean by this?"

>> No.9574637

>May I?
Yes, I will allow you to.

>> No.9574644

jesus you people are hopeless, it's an expression of feeling insignificant and alien to others. Of being treated like an insect.

>> No.9574873

It's a good one, and is an easy enough concept to grasp. You may find yourself asking, "Was it autism?"

>> No.9575004

>thinks Gregor Samsa cries for his mother
Obviously, you didn't read it...

>> No.9575266

Not all art is an expression of some secret message that you have to decode until you break it down to a ten letter sentence. It's the author expressing feelings that stem from his personal and cultural background. It's not a parable.

You're trash and your opinion is trash too.

>> No.9575288
File: 90 KB, 417x498, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafka is one of my favorite authors of all time.
Personally, i don't consider interpreting and overanalizing his work to be especially important.
I understand this is a bit of a controversial opinion, but the reason why i think that, is that i see Kafka as a purely a "technical" writer.

Essentially Kafka inspired me to linger over the minute details to a maniacal extent when describing a scene, or a place, a person, a series of events and so on.
He's one of the first, and best authors i've read that used an almost OCD level of focus over the small details when describing anything.
So essentially i appreciate him very much on a technical level but i don't really care about the metaphorical messages contained in them.
I personally also tend not to push some form of message in my work, but rather focus on sucking in the reader with autistic levels of details, i consider the minutiae more important than the bit picture as a whole, or at the very least, way more fun to write about.

>> No.9575292

you might like ulillillia.

>> No.9575295

It's a great read in German. On a side note, works in German don't translate well enough in English well enough to warrant a read, imo, in Bulgarian or Russian they're decent.

>> No.9575303

What the fuck, that's not Kafka at all, if anything he's economical.

>> No.9575410

its worth it. The Trial is also worth your time

>> No.9575417

Don't trigger his autism.

At least in The Trial though, Kafka has a great eye for space of scene and particular details, like the children spying on the painter through the hole.

>> No.9575423

there's tons of apples in it. Seems pretty insensitive to people with apple allergies, no trigger warnings at all.

>> No.9575449

It's a good book. Quite short too. should be able to finish it within a day if you have an hour or two.

>> No.9575923

Brave people

>> No.9576557

Niggas on lit posting about highschool reading books CANT RELATE

>> No.9576648

Ooooooh boy.