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/lit/ - Literature

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9573153 No.9573153 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>25 years old
>suddenly care much less about writing
>suddenly feel an INTENSE desire to marry and have kids

What the fuck is happening /lit/? Am I being spooked? How do I cleanse myself of these ideological impurities?

>> No.9573159
File: 15 KB, 231x255, Schopenfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read him

>> No.9573168

I've read Schopenhauer. I've read a ton of of pessimists, anti-natalists etc and I consider myself one of them. But I recently was encouraged to quit work for a while and focus on my writing but my first reaction was to think "my Oneitis wouldn't marry me if I did that". It's retarded I know, but I feel like I've been tamed and ideologically overwhelmed to the point where I just want to be a weary guy who works long hours for his wife and family and wears jeans and loose shirts and harbours private convictions as to the inevitability of poverty for the majority of the proletariat. What the FUCK is happening? I want a comfy house and a cute gentle wife and children who laugh and encourage the finer aspects of my character.

>> No.9573381

The mood will pass, sir.

>> No.9573645

Sounds like biological clock is taking command from here on now. Enjoy the ride kiddo.

>> No.9573656

Detach thyself from worldly desires.

>> No.9573670

I'm trying, really. But my mind, my thoughts, my imagination is being flooded with these vignettes and short scenes wherein I am swinging my qt daughter around in circles in a meadow, wherein my wife and I are visiting my hometown and walking slowly at night with big smiles on our faces while passing my first school, wherein we are lying in bed whispering and listening to the thunder etc. It's harrowing. Must I go and live like a monk and literally deny myself material to base these kind of daydreams on?

>> No.9573680

get married but dont have kids until youre an established writer. If you never become an established writer then whatever, now you can have kids.

>> No.9573690

Honestly I do not understand why you feel so troubled over it. You can go ahead and have a family if you want to. There is literally nothing wrong with acting upon your desires as long as you are aware of them and have thought it through. If you're incapable of detaching yourself from these feelings without completely letting go of the material world, but are not willing to do so, then why don't you just go ahead? You could accommodate your worldview to your feelings and not the other way around.

>> No.9573699

The people that didn't pass down genes that caused a compulsion to have kids all had their lines die off.

>> No.9573700

>until youre an established writer.

the fuck are u talking about. being "established" has nothing to do with being good. the establishment is ALWAYS full of hacks

>> No.9573717

you missed the point, idiot. If you want to be a writer, then either you're established, broke, or working a day job. If you're established as a writer then you can have a family. If you're broke you cannot afford to have kids but you can have a wife. If you're working a day job so that you can support a family, you don't have enough time to be a writer. Unless of course you don't mind being a shitty father or husband, in which case you'd fit in well with the history of novelists, poets, playwrights.

>> No.9573745
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>asking relationship advice from autistic internet teenagers

>> No.9573832

That's what happens when you are a woman, anon. I'm sorry if your feminist teacher told you otherwise. lol

>> No.9573850

Follow your heart. If you lie to yourself you will end up in hell.

>> No.9574500

Lol you fucking idiot, you can't reproduce asexually. Worrying about kids before getting a gf is like worrying about your writing career before getting a job.

>> No.9574504

are you a girl

>> No.9574554

What do you do for a living? You need to lose yourself to a higher purpose of your own choosing or you'll trap yourself with a family.

>> No.9574560

t. woman

>> No.9574571

Reproducing is reason for existence and leads to the highest biological and spiritual fulfilment.

>> No.9574614

If you purposely bring someone into the world in 2017 without the means to provide them with an elite education from preschool onward you condemn them to a life of indentured servitude. It's not a decision to be taken lightly

>> No.9574654

This anon is right. Only have kids when you're able to adequately provide for them.There are far too many families in this world that have 6-8 kids in a rundown shack and live off of the government.

>> No.9574670

>not spawning ten babbies for god-tier benefits and low-key eating them for even more benefits
brainlets when will they learn

>> No.9574680

I am female 29 single and working in academia, how fucked am I?

>> No.9574688

>still harboured dreams of writing when 25 and talks like this

>> No.9574694

Why do humans try so hard to act against their instinct? I see so many men and women consider their need to have a sexual partner some form of slavery. Its almost like a primitive form of transhumanism. To pick and chose your own desires.

>> No.9574706
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Creating and raising progeny will be the most rewarding thing you will do in your life, muh art and literature cannot compare.

>> No.9574733

Care to articulate better?

>> No.9574736

Which country?

And not very fucked at all. If you posted your exact location here you'd get a boyfriend within 24 hours guaranteed.

>> No.9574752

You're fine

>> No.9574755

its just hormonal residues.

>> No.9574756


>> No.9574760

I'll impregnate you if you want

>> No.9574882

US, close to NYC. I just live at home in a small town and I'm getting nervous because I notice many of my associates from high school are getting married, buying houses and having kids. Grant it, most maybe have two years of college at least, but I'm questioning whether or not I chose the right path. I'm struggling with some of the childish behavior that I've witnessed occur within between colleagues in departments in addition to the brazenness of undergrads lacking perspective and self-awareness (I'm thinking mostly what's happened at Yale regarding Halloween costumes and what's currently happening at Evergreen State.)

I'm just starting to get into /lit/ because it's encouraging me to read material relevant to my studies, exercise critical thinking as well as delve more into philosophy. So far, I'm really enjoying DFW's biography and essays; I see where his concern over the direction of American cultures applies to my studies and I'm thinking about using some of his insights in my thesis. My sister and I are planning to read Infinite Jest in tandem over the summer so we can discuss it together.

>> No.9574893

If you're 25 and writing this poorly you're never gonna make it anyways. Just go find a qt waifu and have kids. There's nothing wrong with that and you shouldn't feel bad about that tried and true method of happiness.

>> No.9574899

A modest proposal, really.

>> No.9574916

>My sister and I are planning to read Infinite Jest in tandem over the summer so we can discuss it together.

This is really cute.

>> No.9574921

This is too cute and innocent to be on /lit/. Can I have your number?

>> No.9574936

>Anon mentions that she's a female and suddenly the beta autists on this board start crawling out of the woodwork
Never change, /lit/.

>> No.9574964

Given that you're likely a pauper you should have your children in the near future unless you plan on dropping tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments.

>> No.9576195

It's a second puberty where you realize you'll never a great, that your criteria for greatness has always been flawed and naive, and that there is a supreme joy in ordinary achievements like starting a family, living wholesomely, raising children and developing professionally.

>> No.9576214
File: 46 KB, 600x463, IMG_3018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm young and sexy and a genius and broke and with wife and kid

>> No.9576216

Get a face tattoo. No decent woman would ever consider a man with a face tattoo. A face tattoo will give you the isolation you need to write. You can thank me later.

>> No.9576288

>wife and kid

think again jeenya

>> No.9576342
File: 61 KB, 700x645, 1487440716309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I assume he's talking about the idea that a person must be fully independent to be a success. These people will brag about being single claim that they are fine without anybody to lean on. Of course these same people either engage in casual sex or frequent masturbation, both tools to trick the brain; if you orgasm your brain will think you found a mate. The problem is no man or woman is an island. We're primates and have an innate desire to interact with our fellow man, to understand them and be understood. But getting close to someone is sometimes painful, especially someone of the opposite sex, someone who can seem alien to the inexperienced. This causes the desire to be alone. The chronic pain of loneliness can be easily nulled by a quick orgasm or high. The acute pain caused by hurt from a loved one has to be ridden out. The chronic pain is an easy choice. If you're competent socially you won't even realize it's there until you're in your late 20s. If you're an autist you'll probably notice this chronic pain sometime around 4 am shitposting on /ck/ wearing marinara stained boxers.

>> No.9576361
File: 26 KB, 494x368, 1495513146830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're only 25. This feeling grips women at that age. Not men. You will start to feel this sincerely closer to your mid 30s. Even later for some.

You don't want kids in your mid 20s. The only way a man has kids in his mid 20s is if he accidentally knocked his girl up. Go and live your life.

>> No.9576371

Sorry man, you aren't cut out to be an artist
If you need to come ask strangers on the interent to affirm you. There is somebody your age who has bee steadfast the whole time.

You simply aren't THE GUY, but are instead SOME GUY.

Get married, have kids, go be an NPC.

Art isn't for you

>> No.9576377

tick tick tick

>> No.9576386


>it's a buyers market and I hold all the cards but I still feel "fucked"


PROTIP: you feel "fucked" because you are aiming for guys who are simply beyond your level yet you refuse to accept that. you could get a guy tomorrow if you really wanted to and you know it.

>> No.9576526

I like this

>> No.9576529

Thanks, I needed that

>> No.9576534


>The people that didn't pass down genes that caused a compulsion to have kids all had their lines die off.

But this is patently false because both I and a host of others on this very board alone also don't share in this compulsion.

If this were actually the case none of us would be speaking as we are on this board.

inb4 the inevitable angry ad hominem.

>> No.9576537

marry me famalam

>> No.9576543

Fucking disgusting hang yourself from the nearest tree, it's the only solution.

>> No.9576548

>be me
>25 years old
>suddenly care much less about living

>> No.9576549


Find em young and breed them out
Cowboy genius
That ones free

>> No.9576551

you have a weak mind; overcome

>> No.9576575

time to throw away childish nihilism and become an adult and bring life into this world

>> No.9576578

Why not learn about one of the fundamental aspects of the human experience i.e. procreation?

>> No.9576581


>not wanting a child at a young age is nihilist now

a lot of guys couldn't handle a responsibility like that at 25. least of all in our generation. it isn't nihilist to simply want to wait a bit until you're older. men mature more than women philosophically but they tend to mature far later than them domestically.

>> No.9576633

Stop treating your biology as a parasite and trea it like a friend and maybe you would'nt be in such a crisis

>> No.9576840

>>>/pol/ is that way. Srsly, you took the redpill hard. We're having a nice chat and all you can think about is the sex you're being denied. Dont make this conversation about you.

>> No.9576852

>men mature faster philosophically
U need to put away the schopenhauer for a while. No joke

>> No.9576964
File: 92 KB, 680x684, 1494642119632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dont make this conversation about you.

You made the conversation about you to begin with you stupid old crone. Plus men shit on one another on 4chan about everything all the time. It's literally par for the course here. But since you're a woman it's a giant no-no to treat you as I would any other anon? Fuck you and your want for preferential treatment. Even on 4chan you want preferential treatment.

I'm right too, aren't I? That's why you've got your claws out right now. You are delusional and you shoot above your worth and you can't cope with not having that magical pussy that all those better, prettier women have.

Fucking cope with it, you mummified tart.

>> No.9576970

>it's a buyers market and I hold all the cards but I still feel "fucked"
Neckbeard intensifies

>> No.9576971

I can't imagine being this angry. I am a femanon and I will never (thankfully) comprehend how and why someone could become so disgusting and beyond redemption as yourself. I have had 8 sexual partners and I am 24 years old. Were they all fulfilling and enjoyable? No. Did they allow me to evolve as a human being and develop confidence in myself? Yes! I have many friends and just so many awesome memories from my youth. But guys like you, what do you have? Hatred, loneliness and the compulsion to hurt others. You're evil, really. It's really really sad.

>> No.9576995


>> No.9576999


>I can't imagine being this angry.

Sure you can, love. You just disingenuously mask it behind passive aggression because you're a liar. See:
>You're evil, really. It's really really sad.

Contrary to your current misgivings I'm not being sexist for refusing the placate the delusions of a single woman.

The amount of passive aggression in your post is comical. And you seriously think you're in a position to decry people who "hate" on others? This post of yours is emblematic of your entire position: you want to have your cake and eat it too. You like to hate through passive aggression as you try to pretend that you're doing so under the pretext of being opposed to hatred.

You can't even be honest with your emotions and motives even when you're completely anonymous. That is how fake you are.

>> No.9577002

Same except I'm 20. Am I fucked? It's like my sperm re-entered my brain in trench-coats and stilts and trying to get me to pass them on quick before I kill myself.

>> No.9577028

>evolve as a human being and develop confidence in myself

Kinda spooky desu.
When people turn to this self-help-ish crap you know the society (especially the family) failed.
But I don't really have a solution, I'm just rambling. Nothin personnel.

>> No.9577035 [DELETED] 

This guy's right.

The comparative luxury of being a a narcissistic female to a creature that has to strive to create meaning from scratch is hugely advantageous because you simply take the product of another with the only complaints being the arms reach factor and the fear of having to exercise virtue as a last call to bridge periods of excitement. It's not rocket science, it's just a chinese telephone book amiright!

>> No.9577039 [DELETED] 

Nonetheless the complications girls face are so tragic and severe they should be treated well in spite of their inherent self-seeking reasoning because if it's true it can never change then forget it it's cute.

>> No.9577046


I'm all good with women posting here if they actually learn how to post worth a fuck. But cunts like this are the WORST.
>wahh you are literally evil for saying this shit to me

Fuck off lmao.

Bitches like this make me miss Butterfly. At least she could roll with the punches and knew how to put her own spin on a bant and make it hers.

Butterfly come back pls.

>> No.9577052

>this fucking post
Kill yourself anytime, sweetie

>> No.9577064

>I have had 8 sexual partners and I am 24 years old.
lol ruined enjoy being a cat lady

>> No.9577066

Ideally women should have kids before 25, maybe even before 20.
But society as it is right now simply doesn't encourage that. A girl first needs to "have some fun" and then "find herself" and finish college and start a career... the whole system is rigged and it's unrealistic to expect a young woman to be redpilled and go against the norms. Mind you, young men aren't redpilled either, in fact they're usually more immature than young women.
Bitter young guys here (I guess most are in their early 20s) think women have it so easy when in fact they only have it this easy while they're young. A man has way more time to reproduce, that's just how biology works.
I recommend women to have kids right after high school, and go clubbing in your 30s. You'd still get laid easily if you take care of yourself.

>> No.9577086

>they only have it this easy while they're young
And that's assuming they're decent looking, which is not a given.

>> No.9577113

>having sex before marriage

>> No.9577123
File: 104 KB, 1610x782, the-pig-woman-pof-experiment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stating the truth means you're bitter and young

>they only have it this easy while they're young
Wrong. Any single mother has at the very least two subpar males willing to ltr her and take care of the kid.

>And that's assuming they're decent looking, which is not a given.
Any non-deformed female could find a partner in a matter of days and a lay in a matter of hours. Even deformed ones seem to have an easy time (pic related).

Western women have had the upperhand of the sexual market for a long time now

>> No.9577124


>I recommend women to have kids right after high school, and go clubbing in your 30s.

I don't think you're really thought this one through, anon.

>> No.9577133

men are thirsty fucks. that means women have several willing partners to choose from any given time

>> No.9577138
File: 14 KB, 262x337, 1495513643371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the fuck is that thing

>> No.9577141

that's how african-americans do it, what are you racist?

>> No.9577142


>> No.9577145


>> No.9577146

>implying they shouldn't be raising their children as a good mother and taking care of the home like a good wife, in their 30s
"Clubbing" and casual sex culture is utterly abhorrent and it destroys women psychologically. This is why we have so many single mothers. This is why we have so many cuck beta males raised by shitty mothers with absentee fathers. Seriously, sort yourself out, realise the poison of this culture for what it is and stop sharing awful advice that sounds like it's from the mind of a teenager.

>> No.9577150

>Even deformed ones seem to have an easy time (pic related).
Yeah, if they literally whore themselves they might get fucked by some pervert. Such a great life.

On the other hand, all a man has to do is get some money and he can find a young decent looking wife.

>> No.9577152


>Seriously, sort yourself out
Your post would've been fine without the catchphrase. Kinda cheapens the good points you were making.

>> No.9577153

Women are also programmed to find thirsty men absolutely repulsive. It's an easy fix if nobody has sex outside of marriage. That way, women will have to be much more selective and these pathetic excuses for men will have to sort their lives out before they can earn a woman's hand.

>> No.9577157

Sorry about that. At least I didn't use an anime picture.

>> No.9577159

>all a man has to do is get some money and he can find a young decent looking wife.
tell that to all the STEM virgins with a 100k salary and no pussy

>> No.9577178


>On the other hand, all a man has to do is get some money and he can find a young decent looking wife.

yeah being comfortably wealthy as a young guy in this generation is so much easier than simply being a female and non-deformed. good one. why can't you accept that you western women have it easier over western men in some aspects of life. must you see yourself as the permanent victim of patriarchy in absolutely everything.

>> No.9577181

Essentially, we've been so eager to progress and "liberate" humanity that we have degraded it in the process, discarding all the rites of tradition without appraising their value. Cultures didn't simultaneously develop these binding traditions for no reason. It was found to be imperative, a matter of fulfillment and a matter of survival, through tens of thousands of years.

>> No.9577184



>> No.9577187

>Cultures didn't simultaneously develop these binding traditions for no reason.

yeah, they developed them as a matter of property management. read a book.

>> No.9577192

It's worth mentioning that unless a man is extremely rich (And then she's just after the money anyway. Not a great relationship for the man) then a man must be both non-deformed AND reasonably well off.

>> No.9577195


>please start reading the wrong books with me



>> No.9577211

They can go to a 3rd world country or even stay in their country and find a young poor or an older less desirable woman.

If we're talking strictly about getting laid, paying for a cheap prostitute doesn't require you to be wealthy. The prostitute will probably still be better quality than the guys who are willing to fuck that pig-woman.

If we're talking about having kids/family, it's harder to say who has it easier.
Men can have kids when they're 50, women not so much. Women who missed their chance to have kids are often miserable as fuck.

>> No.9577218


it's too bad 4chan became rightwing tumblr, /lit/ used to have people who weren't retarded once

>> No.9577227

>t. An materialist who is blind enough to reduce everything in life to autistic economics
I bet you're an Atheist too and probably a Marxist.

>> No.9577248

/lit/ is one of the most left wing boards on this site, I assure you. You really need to get over this (very false) idea that the right wing is dumb. The right appeals to both the aristocratic class and the proletariat. Marxism is a bourgeois fantasy. Are you going to accuse the upper-class of being uneducated just because the working-class are in agreement with them? Utterly stupid.

>> No.9577261

yes i know the right appeals to you because of your aristocratic taste for tendies, kys nerd

>> No.9577271

Now you attack intelligence because it's convenient. The epitome of a pseudo intellectual. You're going to learn some hard lessons about the world one day.

>> No.9577278

>spooked idealist tries to lecture about "lessons of the world"

actually i was dissing your lack of social awareness, not your non-existent intelligence, nerd

>> No.9577290


>tells anon to read a book
>anon says you are reading the wrong books
>instead of proving to anon that you aren't you go straight to ad hominems

protip: you are acting like a pseud right now.

>> No.9577293

>protip: you are acting like a pseud right now.

ur started it fgt

>> No.9577297


>still refuses to come through with any books to back your statement

whelp. guess we know what your speed is.

>> No.9577303

read the assigned reading in any "intro to asian culture/history/whatever" class

>> No.9577304




>> No.9577347


Whenever you set about to do a task, always remind yourself what it is you intend to do, lest you be carried off by some other matter along the way.
So when you say, 'I am going to stop writing, find a wife, and have kids', understand what it is you are actually saying you'll do. You must find a wife, marry her, get her pregnant, take out loans for a house for your new children and wife, pay for your children to eat, house them, be attentive to them and raise them with care, give them money of their own, instill moral values in them, and be committed to this cause for at least a span of eighteen years, most likely longer. If you have agreed with yourself that this is what you intend to do, you are prepared to do it. If you do not examine what is required when you set about a task, you may find you are not up to the task itself.

>> No.9577355

i wonder if a black guy ever put this much thought into getting laid

>> No.9577361


>its a post where a black guy doesn't read the post and self-inserts to a totally different topic in an attempt to sound relevant


>> No.9577364

it's a feels thread for failed writers, if i want to black guy post i will fgt

>> No.9577976

You write like a fucking modern Benjamin Franklin 2bh which is good

>> No.9578455

You appear triggered, friendo. Maybe take a time out from chan

>> No.9578480

This thread turned to shit real fast. Fucking litposters can't even disguise a socpost anymore.

>> No.9578496

It's not true that you won't get a suitable partner
But it is true that your career or your children will take a hit

Source: I'm 30 male in academia and my parents are academics that got me when they were 24, I come here regularly

>> No.9578617

How is he wrong?

>> No.9578688
File: 1.70 MB, 1600x2400, 1478357690722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go. The average guy is a "some pervert" according to women.