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9573119 No.9573119 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9573124
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Favorite? Like it's a competition

>> No.9573128

Maybe you would be better off on reddot, you fucking faggot

>> No.9573177
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If he's good enough for Bloom, anon, he's good enough for you

>> No.9573219

Vonnegut precedes Reddit you autist.

>> No.9573236 [DELETED] 

I've never read a Vonnegut novel, I'm 22 and I've heard he is for manchildren. Admittedly I am a manchild but low-tier satire just makes me cringe now.

>> No.9573251

I've never read a Vonnegut novel, I'm 22 and I've heard he is for manchildren. Admittedly I am a manchild but low-tier satire just makes me cringe now. Should I read one of his books and if so which one?

>> No.9573253

Slaughterhouse Five. You have to dig a bit to find the satire in that one

>> No.9573268

nice, I've been meaning to get this because I read part of it and sounded really good but all the Vonnegut """"""fans"""""" seem to hate it.

I guess I should trust my gut more.

>> No.9573283

I've only read 3 so far but Deadeye Dick was my favourite of the 3

>> No.9573297


Vonnegut is always a quick, easy, entertaining read. But he always works with important, interesting, and morally relevant themes. I usually read him as a sort of palate cleanser between longer works. His voice is very distinctive; you can blind-read a paragraph and recognize him immediately if you've read any of his work before. Reading Vonnegut is listening to the strange wisdom and dark humor of an interesting old man.

>> No.9573302

"I'm converting to Bokonism." - Thomas Pynchon

>> No.9573312

Vonnegut's just fun, and his humor can hit the mark if you don't mind it dark and sometimes nonsensical.

>“To be is to do”—Socrates.
>“To do is to be”—Jean-Paul Sartre.
>“Do be do be do”—Frank Sinatra.

>> No.9573317

holy shit the reddit invasion is real

>> No.9573323

>palate cleanser
Oh my god, are you one of those fart-sommeliers that drinks in those exclusive Seattle Starbucks bars, then hot-box smart cars with your own gas and smack your lips saying this like "Ahh, yes, rusted cherries in that one"?

>> No.9573422

Reading some Vonnegut may be good for your self-seriousness, or maybe even he can't penetrate your jadedness.

Cat's Cradle is my favorite. I've read like

>> No.9573431

do words seriously threaten your well-being this badly? lol

>> No.9573435


>> No.9573442

Breakfast of Champions

>> No.9573583

Alright he sounds like fun from your descriptions. I'm just worried it will be cringeworthy self-indulgent highschool-tier shit, but it doesn't sound like that from what you said.

There was some Onion article about how Vonnegut was for manchildren but I can't find it now...

>> No.9573669
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I really liked this one too.

>> No.9573681

It's overwhelmingly mediocre and takes itself a fair bit more seriously than his later books. I wouldn't expect that much from it based on contrarian impulses alone.

>> No.9573795

There's something about the way Vonnegut fans and PKD fans can never seem to agree on his best and have wildly differing opinions that makes me think maybe the authors are shit.

>> No.9574307

I think I like Sirens of Titan the most
I wouldn't say it's cringeworthy, just don't expect some serious, inscrutable Recognitions shit. I'll always be nostalgic for Vonnegut because he was the one who got me into reading actual interesting writers when I was in high school.
Bluebeard is criminally underrated. Being the old disillusioned veteran who could never come to terms with what the war did to the world was one of his biggest schticks, and I think Bluebeard captured that the best out of everything I've read.

>> No.9574320

The general consensus is that either Sirens of Titan or Cat's Cradle is his best. In these threads you just get a lot of people with their own pet favorites. Still though, neither Vonnegut or Dick are that great when stacked up against the likes of Joyce, Faulkner, Proust, Gaddis, Nabokov, Tolstoy, etc.

>> No.9574388


>> No.9574433
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>> No.9574438

mother night was great and i think it had a great central conceit that actually made me think a bit about how i live my life

>> No.9574471

>Reading Vonnegut past highschool

>> No.9575176

Vonnegut was a fucking hack.

>> No.9575377

good input guys

>> No.9575396


>> No.9575398

Slaughter-House 5 is the only good novel he wrote because it is incredibly successful metafiction. It's the only novel he wrote where he effectively admitted was a mediocre writer and could never express himself, and it was the most honest and sad book I read because it then became perfectly written. He's trapped by an experience he can never capture but is always captured by, and the book has this sad limbo throughout.

I'm not even being an asshole or insincere, SH5 is one of my favorite reads and the others are dishonest posturing.

>> No.9575403

t. cucknegut cocksucker redditor

>> No.9575453
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If you can't find the joy in reading Vonnegut, you're trying to hard

>> No.9575692

>post unironically uses "cuck"
>opinion can be safely discarded