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/lit/ - Literature

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9569973 No.9569973 [Reply] [Original]

what are your thoughts on my book shelf, anons

>> No.9570051

Its dumbfounding, really. The whole irony of the situation, that is. I mean, these people are here devoting time to this endeavor of taking pictures of their bookshelves with carefully assorted books; who knows, maybe they want you to know who the author they like best is, or maybe they have OCD, or whatever, but they arrange the books so neatly. Then they take a picture and upload it, but they do ABSOLUTELY no discussion of literature. Its like these people are pretending to care about books to show off their bookshelves while their taste is saying "I don't really read books". So why do they take pictures of the shit? Its irony at its hyperbole.

>> No.9570085

This is a better description of the situation than you even know lol

>> No.9570093


>> No.9570100


>> No.9570101

it's like kids on /mu/ who buy collections of meme albums, but don't even have a vinyl player

>> No.9570137

As long as you read them it's fine

>> No.9570159

I think it is a somewhat interesting selection of general philosophy books indicating a passive interest in Kantian philosophy. Better than most people manage tho. I like it.

>> No.9570166

Why you got to hate on my unplayed Madvillainy and Laughing Stock (re-issue) records?

>> No.9570237

Which of them would you most recommend?

>> No.9570252

You could've just said "snapshots of bookshelves are the selfies of pseuds," instead of typing out a long-winded explanation to make yourself look smart.

>> No.9570261
File: 2.80 MB, 2189x2254, 20160530_104632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to have to try harder than that to make me regret buying this to hang on my wall.

>> No.9570333
File: 121 KB, 1200x1200, a0607715989_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya but do u have dissss

>> No.9570346

reminder that th eonly kind of music worth listening to is classical

>> No.9570436

>Hanging up record sleeves as "art"
I bet you'd buy a book, tear off the cover and frame it.

Buy an actual poster

>> No.9570472

>he reads more secondary sources than primary
not a good look, kid

>> No.9570494


>> No.9570522

>All them Cambridge titles
At $30 to $50 a pop. Geez OP, u got money to burn?

>> No.9570591

fuck off edward

>> No.9570914
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>not Kid A

>> No.9570976



>> No.9571097


Where's the Hegel and Fichte? Also, what's desirable about Hammann?

>> No.9571115

I just assume that the same people who post the pictures, discuss the actual books in other threads. For myself I don't have a bookshelf to show off, but if I had I probably would.

>> No.9571134

It seems that these days, most people who are posting specific questions on /lit/ are frogposters and expats from /pol/. Bottom line, you should not be responding to frogpost threads. /s4s/ taught me well.

Just an idea, but discussing books on bookshelf threads might be a good way to dodge the riffraff. Just post pictures of books, don't even need to be yours.

>> No.9571165

Hello Kantbot. Try reading primary Kant.

>> No.9571705

Thats where youre wrong kiddo. Half of /lit/ buys books and never reads them.

>> No.9571805


The spines aren't broken in. You didn't read any of those.

>> No.9572537

Its a copypasta lad

>> No.9572579


hi kantbot

>> No.9573871
File: 112 KB, 380x371, Screenshot_2017-05-26_19-17-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee, I wonder who could be behind this thread...

>> No.9573916
File: 441 KB, 616x601, Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 1.13.15 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kantbot.

I don't know how to convey why, but his Tweets are my kind of humour.

>> No.9573922
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>> No.9574697
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First thing we restore are blood sports.

>> No.9574920

yeah they're just sooo literary haha

>> No.9574952


>> No.9574959

>Hamann, Herder
My negro, my negro

>> No.9574982
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MMA is good enough.

>> No.9574988

This shit doesn't even make sense. Just some stupid meme with a picture of fat Hume. Fucking tryhard faggot.

>> No.9574994

Dude, Glover is one TUFF mudderfucker

>> No.9575105
File: 679 KB, 640x1136, I like to read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats up

>> No.9575416

are you just as big of a faggot as Kant was?

>> No.9575436

It actually does but you're not too clever.

Hume critique necessary contingencies (ie that A is necessarily linked to B). Teleportation is sort of Humean in that sense.

>> No.9575529

>hurr durr muh billiard ball
Kant already BTFO outta Hume, anyway. No constancy in appearances and you have no representation, and thus phenomena wouldn't be possible. You suspend uniformity, then you suspend the context of the world, and thus chaos in a world where representation manifests itself.

>> No.9575535

Great, but teleportation is Humean.

Wanna play some backgammon?

>> No.9575576

the thing about kantbot is that he uses philosophy as a prop. all he cares about is the role it plays in his aesthetic, or in the character that he plays online. you never see him discuss the content of the texts beyond superficialities. he engages with them in only three ways: (1) he uses them as references to make jokes, (2) he uses direct quotations from them in blog posts, and (3) he mentions how erudite he is in order to put other people down (the source of op's picture).

you never see him write substantively about the content of these philosophical works. he hasn't been convinced by any arguments that german idealism is an accurate or insightful worldview; he hasn't derived any ethical principles from them that he thinks can improve his life and others. he has barely learned a thing from all this study, which is evident from his turgid, awkward, freshman-term-paper style of writing and thinking.

he likes german idealism because he likes it aesthetically and because he likes what it signals. it fits the right niche for his identity: obscure enough to be intimidating to the poorly educated, recent enough to be more than a historical curiosity, but not already associated with the modern left, like the rest of continental philosophy.

philosophy for kantbot is not a sincere endeavor; it is a prop for narcissistic identity construction.

>> No.9575648

I'm playin' 3-D chess here, kid.

>> No.9575656
File: 160 KB, 584x445, Screenshot_2017-05-26_19-56-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> typing out all that shit for a guy who tweets with the occasional philosophy references

am i missing something? why does he trigger people so much? i'd never have known him if not for people like you bitching about this supposedly hugely influential guy

>> No.9575668

I agree with you

which philosophers do you like anon

>> No.9575675

he also has a blog and he is all over alt right twitter

>> No.9575687

I see. I couldn't be bothered to read his blog. And I only check his twitter when he's brought up here because twitter is an eyesore that I hate to navigate.

>> No.9575690


no one is triggered, just pointing out the truth. that might seem like a long post to you but it takes only a minute or two to write something like that. also, he does a lot more than tweet. he is published in various right-wing internet magazines and takes himself to be an important cultural figure.

>> No.9575701

what about listening to some calming ambient stuff just to see where the vibes guide your imagination?

>> No.9575740

listen to whatever you want
classical music is put onto a pedestal for its aesthetic merit; any piece of art from which you can derive a personal emotional response is worth indulging in.

>> No.9576368

>plebs actually believe this

>> No.9576457

classical music is the irreproachable genre behind which plebs and pseuds (typically ignorant and dismissive morons or collegiate music "aficionados" with a bit of knowledge on music theory, respectively) will hide so as to appear tasteful
it is superior to other forms of music as an aesthetic expression, not as a vehicle for art
brainwashed plebs won't sacrifice this sacred cow

>> No.9576475

I read books too

...somebody praise me

>> No.9576508

Kantbot your prose is so purple royals used to adorn themselves with your content to signal their social capital

>> No.9576516


Nice way to out yourself as a pleb

>> No.9576517

>all those uncreased spines

>> No.9576522

I have no idea that good classical music is: the post

>> No.9576539

this really only applies to the classical and romantic eras.

>> No.9576742

did you fail intro music theory or something that's a lot of projecting

>> No.9576784


>> No.9576791

>not ordered by height
>arranged neatly
wew lad do you use your books as a carpet or something

>> No.9576826

>boy u are dumb as fuk

>> No.9576888

>reading this much in to a shitposter on twitter

Twitter is for while taking shits or sitting on the bus on your way to your wagecuck work.

>> No.9577579

Seems good. Nice white color, not bending too much under the books, a very functional shelf.

>> No.9577618

Keep up the good work anon! uwu

>> No.9577648
File: 285 KB, 760x756, 1494840853931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, this is you.

>> No.9577774

kill yourself

>> No.9578021
File: 708 KB, 2000x1032, IMAG3163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty similar to mine, friend.

By the way, throw "The fate of reason" in the trash and just read the 25 years if you haven't.

>> No.9578200

Yes, Renaissance and Baroque are still largely unsullied by the aspirational classes. And we still have the contemporary masters from Donald Fagen to Rick James to R. Kelly to ourselves.

>> No.9578222

Clearly it isn't, we need the spectacle of death on the reg to wash down the death of liberalism

>> No.9578298

putting the "hack" in "hackett"

>> No.9578308

>implying rap isn't the most /lit/
when it tries


>> No.9578314

Your Hackett Kant and Hegel disgust me, anon.

>> No.9578322

Pluhar is the best translation, sorry. I go with translator over publisher. Cambridge is typically the best publisher but they don't choose the best translations 100% of the time.

Hege's Ladder isn't published by anyone else and the cloth bound hardbacks are nice.

>> No.9578323

BUT the 25 years book is quite good. But you're all still plebs for not reading the big Beiser book, though the Harris is impressive.

>> No.9578330

OK even if you think that's true you can't do academic work with those editions because the Cambridge is the standard in Kant scholarship. You can amend the translations but you probably won't be taken seriously for trying to correct Guyer.

Are you in a Ph. D? Doing German Idealism, I assume?

>> No.9578342

looks really boring, to be honest, anon

>> No.9578361

I'm sorry but I don't think you know what you're talking about. Pluhar is used in many universities and you won't get any trouble for using him.
At any rate I disagree with Guyer's interpretation of Kant's idealism (but agree with his interpretation and defence of Kant's second critique.) It's petty but I would rather not read a translation done by someone who wants to claim Kant is wrong about things with what I feel is a faulty interpretation.
Besides that, Guyer never did a translation of Kant's second Critique. If you want to read all three Critiques with consistent translation then you should go Pluhar.

>> No.9578391

Lol. Just go to Journal of the History of Philosophy and compare the amount of Guyer translations to Pluhar. Even NKS has more. The point is not Guyer's secondary work but his translation work.

>> No.9578418

Too much Kant. Several books about German art and lit, but no actual German novels? 4/10

And OP doesn't even achieve anything by doing this - 4chan doesn't have fake internet points he can use to feel good about himself.

>> No.9578616

t. class-anxious 17 y/o pleb

>> No.9579607
File: 301 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First shelf. I dont keep most of my books tho

>> No.9579948


isn't this kantbot's bookshelf?

>> No.9579962

Do you read sideways too?

>> No.9579974

What's wrong with Hackett? I just picked up some Plato works and they're great quality for like half the price of Cambridge.

>> No.9580072

Fuck, just broke my neck.

>> No.9580245

Thanks for the feedback. Ill adjust my shelf accordingly

>> No.9580519

For Plato it is fine, for German Idealism Cambridge has the best translation.

>> No.9580705

That's such a broad statement. German idealism spans so many authors and a ton of stuff is only translated by a single publisher.

>> No.9580730

this is probably the most niche pedantic shitposting I have ever seen on this board. well done.

>> No.9581520

I think that guy has a whole separate Goethe shelf