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9569295 No.9569295 [Reply] [Original]

How do I into Buddhism? I don't like nihilism anymore /lit/.

>> No.9569307
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I asked this same question not so long ago and was passed this image. Here you are my man. The great wheel turns.

>> No.9569314

Not to be a contrarian, but half this list is pleb-tier self-help and """"western interpretation"""" of Buddhism.

>> No.9569320

Read Upanishads and Pali Canon 3 times in original then get back to me.

>> No.9569325

A westerner is going to have a western interpretation of whatever he reads

>> No.9569334

dude nothing matters but you used to be a cockroach lmao

>> No.9569358

It's still a step up either way.

>> No.9569374
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read this book first.

>> No.9569385

also, read franny and zooey by Salinger, followed by Teddy from nine stories.

>> No.9569406

I've never liked this sentiment. No one cares about how China took Buddhism through a Chinese interpretation, or Japan and south east Asia etc. It's only when the west understands things through it's own lenses that people pull this card.

>> No.9569417

Sit on a cushion, stare at the wall and mind your breath. Burn your books.

>> No.9569422

>read a lot of patrician stuff on Buddhism
>missed the point of Buddhism

>> No.9569426

fuck off tibet buddhism
it not a real buddhism, theravada buddhism is

read these anon
this is real buddhism


>> No.9569431

buddhism is nihilistic as fuck tho

>> No.9569481

>t. westerner with a fourth-hand knowledge of Buddhism

>> No.9569488

I've got you desu. I see you came from the same place as me. I have good source about secular humanist buddhism, clearly the closest buddhism to the earliest buddhism, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd1rCCWX0bo
With a highly edition to cut any pause in the exposition, the videos are cattered for self-diagnosed ADHD-suffering redditors like us, and As the great expert said in the video , Stuff like rebirth and caring about ''completely eradicating defliments'' are not important to be a good buddhist. Please upvote if you find this message helpful.
With metta. Namaste.

>> No.9569491

It's not about reading some other interpretation, you fucking brainlets. It's about constructing your own directly from the primary sources instead of relying on understanding of a third party.

>> No.9569502

find meaning in your life moron.
if you want to calm down just read up meditation techniques.

>> No.9569848

Existentialism is way better if you want a philosophy, Buddhism is just a cult.

>> No.9569867

Where to start with this?

>> No.9569875

The Stranger by Albert Camus.

>> No.9569879
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>burn your books
>not setting yourself on fire in the street


>> No.9569910

Healthy young westerner goes on Internet, gets pumped with massive shot of nihilism, doesn't feel good and changes - FALSE SPIRITUALISM. Many such cases!

>> No.9569915

>crabbit: the post

>> No.9569943


>> No.9570254

>primary sources
>for Buddhism

good luck

>> No.9570282

>t. protestant who was too edgy for christianity

>> No.9570375

Why can't exist something as the bible for Buddhism?

>> No.9570432

My parents were both ethnic Vietnamese, I grew up in America though. I was raised in Buddhist faith, not in Western form of Buddhism but Buddhism as one can see, feel and experience in Vietnam today.

Perhaps it is due to being raised in America, but I personally find existentalism far more beautiful and having more profound philosophy than Buddhism.

>> No.9570433

yellow niggers are illiterate

>> No.9570443
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This. Mindfullness in plain english is a good place to start. Do a 10 day vipassana retreat once you think you could get through it.

The 'ism' in buddhism is a western invention. The 'ism' is as relevant to buddhism as 'basketballism' is to playing basketball.

>> No.9570449

Actually, Asians are actually good.

>> No.9570452
File: 83 KB, 640x968, In The Buddha's Words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this i guess



>> No.9570454

>what is Pali Canon
>what are Upanishads

>> No.9570457
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>mfw I just downloaded it
Yeah, I guess I fucked up.

>> No.9570490

I've read that

>> No.9570500

the first book on buddhism I read was "Mastering the core teachings of the Buddha" by Daniel Ingram.

it's a good book if you ever found buddhism mystifying or daunting. it strips out most of the "fluff" and dogma/culture of the buddhist schools and goes right into the flesh of the matter: observation of the marks of existence in meditation for the purposes of attaining enlightment

obviously the author is Western therefore some will complain about it but give it a try. it really does not waste any ink so really paying attention to it can get you on track quick. of course you'll need supplementary reading to learn about the Buddha Sakyamuni himself, the different schools, the history, but all that is besides the (mystic) core of buddhism

>> No.9570504
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It's not stealing if its already your property, friend.

>> No.9570527

If you want more Camus, you can go further with The Plague, then.

>> No.9570553

i would say Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger is the best buddhist book I've read so far

>> No.9570567

Is this a new meme? Somebody explain.

>> No.9570577

This is severely moronic

>> No.9570586

pali canon

>> No.9570588

Existentialism is actually much less profound imo

Its like they are stuck at the first noble truth but have no clue how to get past it except through some heroic force of will, its the equivalent of saying "have you tried not being depressed?"

Buddhism provides a full path

>> No.9570706
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It does, it just isn't completely translated into English.

>> No.9570713

>t. brainlet
I'd put good money on you being a monolingual pleb too.

>> No.9570904

If you want to fight nihilism read Nietzsche.

>> No.9570943

or just finish puberty

>> No.9570963

those two frequently go hand in hand, my pal

>> No.9571007

Avoid Alan Watts, he is good on his own but not the guy you want when it comes to buddhism.

>> No.9571354

have you read franny and zooey?

>> No.9572076


"Existentialism" is so broad and only implies that an a priori meaning can't be obtained through regular cognition. Dosto and Kierkegaard are existentialists but so is Sartre and, although he would take exception, so is Camus - all of them have drastically different outlooks.

Dosto and Soren would say the irrational leap into Christfaggotry is the way to go - best of luck to them.

Camus would tell you to embrace the suck and keep your mind in that painful feeling of meaninglessness and the finality of death until you embrace and gather enough boldness to actually do what it is that gives you some fulfillment, which is always temporary and ultimately pointless but that's life.

Buddhism seems to promise a stepping over of mortal problems through asceticism. It's interesting and exotic but cultish and submissive in a way - again, an irrational leap. It has more of a self-help individual focus which is nice I guess. Best of luck to them.

>> No.9572163

>Buddhism seems to promise a stepping over of mortal problems through asceticism
I'm not too knowledgeable about this stuff, but I'm pretty sure Buddhism specifically rejects asceticism

>> No.9572212


Although obviously the application is a bit more nuanced and many a doorstopper has been inked upon the subjecy, the fundemental ideas of Buddhism have been explained concisely in under 10 pages

You can read the noble truths and the eight fold path and this thread will still be here.

Overcome craving and desire, meditate and introspect, achieve enlightenment, and just generally be above mortal misery if not grapple with it more effectively.

>> No.9572230


By asceticism, we mean to say a rejection of earthly pleasures.

An atheist existentialist (Camus, Sartre variety - generally speaking) on the other hand could be an alcoholic, a vain actor, a genocidal maniac, a prostitute, so on so forth without any contradiction assuming he takes responsibility for this life and their happiness (I chose to play Iago on stage for 10 years, chose to get spitroasted by zebra penises, chose to murder a town full of Pakistani children, chose to go jogging every morning and eat Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast while watching Spongebob everyday, chose to get married to disgusting slob I hated and yes indeedy I could have done otherwise but so what?") and there's no self-deception.

>> No.9572334

Hmm how is it buddhist?

>> No.9572429

You don't have good money

>> No.9572447

> It's about constructing your own directly from the primary sources
Too bad I don't read Sanskrit and I'm going to have to sully my connection to Buddhism with dirty Westerner translations

Also you didn't respond to the criticism that lots of cultures have a different interpretation

Also you didn't actually recommend anything.

>> No.9572453

>didn't respond to the criticism that lots of cultures have a different interpretation
Literally told you to disregard interpretations and read the sources.
>didn't actually recommend anything
Stop being a pleb, learn Sanskrit and Pali, read the motherfucking sources.

>> No.9572468

>Literally told you to disregard interpretations and read the sources
And most other cultures havn't done that. The OP just wants an introductory book from a non-autist.

>learn Sanskrit and Pali
I'm trying to learn German, maybe later.

>> No.9572481
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>from a non-autist
Get out, filthy pleb.

>> No.9572490

You must first seek out a master.

>> No.9572492

Secular buddhism is true budhism

>> No.9572510
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>> No.9572529

Buddhism is worse than nihilism. It's the acceptance that life is so terrible that nonexistence is desirable, but the fear that death won't actually cut the trick.

Buddhism is the exrpress belief that everything that makes you human is evil and should be extinguished from your soul.

If you're going to pick a religion to try and repair your damaged spirit at least pick something that will grant you purpose. Sufi Islam might interest you.

>> No.9572542
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>nonexistence is desirable,

>it's an hedonist is only able to define life through avidity and aversion of what is sensed episode