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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 636x674, pepner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9568612 No.9568612 [Reply] [Original]

Has Stirner actually changed your behaviour in everyday life or do you guys just shitpost about him?

>> No.9568620

No philosopher has changed my behavior.

>> No.9568622

Yes he completely changed my life.

>> No.9568626

Please elaborate.

>> No.9568629

I'm no longer an involuntary egoist.

>> No.9568638

So what do you concretely do different?

>> No.9568657

This anon is unspooked.

>> No.9568659

He has changed my behaviour in everyday life by giving me a fresh reason to shitpost.

>> No.9568690

He legitimately made me commit small crimes for my own profit.

>> No.9568713

>tfw have been doing that before I even started browsing /lit/ but it's just escalated since then

>> No.9568723
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He made me realise Hobbes was right about everything.

>> No.9568747

are you guys book bandits?

>> No.9568779

>implying il/lit/erates actually read shit they meme about
>implying those few who do read philosophy instead of escapist garbage
>implying those few who do read beyond the absolute basic sources and secondary literature
>implying those few who do read third-rate local meme-tier literally whos instead of titans of philosophy and great thinkers
I'd say there's probably about 2-3 people on lit with philosophical education who have read the Spookmeister, and maybe about 5 plebs who did it for teh lulz. The rest are just larping pseuds with 20 open tabs of phil.stanford.edu. So your chances of getting serious reply are rather slim.

>> No.9568803

fug you its kinda hard to explain, like i'm just aware of this the whole time and its changed my "moral code".

>> No.9568828
File: 52 KB, 700x419, sbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is wrong, you can easliy shitpost about spooks without having even read one article on phil.stanford.edu.

>> No.9568832
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before any of you claim I haven't read it

>> No.9568839
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Stay spooked and refuse to read a book that will challenge your worldview.

>> No.9568842

>shitposting in your copy

stirner would approve

>> No.9568851
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>having a book
>having read it
>having understood it

>> No.9568853

He was kinda racist and spent way too long rambling about religion. Like, we get it, God is a spook.
I didn't finish it.

>> No.9568880

I went on a date with this girl, she started talking about volunteering to help some refugees, human rights, etc.

I tried to explain that she was spooked, I don't think she really understood the idea though. Didn't get laid.

So overall I would say Max has had a negative effect in my everyday life.

>> No.9568885
File: 219 KB, 960x575, reason95-screenshot-5-sm.96d1721889ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit my nig that just reminded me, the new version of Propellerhead Reason is out today as a free update and finally lets you use VSTs the one feature everyone has wanted for the last ten years, holy shit!

>> No.9568895

Why didn't you call her a brave inspiring humanitarian and reap the pussy?

The idea that one must be honest is a spook.

>> No.9568901

Nice camera, assgrab.

>> No.9568908
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1411714159614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet cute girl
>end up dating
>she becomes my girlfriend
>one day I post-coitally murmur in her ear that she is my property
>she says that she is her own person and can do as she pleases
>i tell her she doesn't understand and that there is only me, that I am unique and that she, among other things, is my property
>she tells me I'm a male chauvinist pig
>i tell her such concepts are merely spooks
>she looks at me like i'm crazy and gets up to leave and mockingly tells me to have some other girl as property
>i say that everything belongs to me already, i've merely to attain power over it
>she asks me who the hell i think i am
>i say that i'm the creative nothing which cannot be named
>she says i'm an asshole
>i say no attributes can properly describe the creative nothing which is the unique one
>she asks me where i get all this shit from
>i tell here that i have stated my case on nothing
>she leaves

>> No.9568923

don't even have to be a stirnerite to know this...just read machiavelli, "it's not important to actually be religious, but to give the appearance of being religious" this is what moronic autists on /pol/ don't get, rich liberal sjws aren't stupid, they know that shit is dumb, but it's important to appear religious, and sjwism is the religion of the day

>> No.9568924
File: 89 KB, 1027x402, stirner gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a bunch of commies instead of wojak stirner

>> No.9568943

It's plato.stanford.edu. I should know it because I have a tab open while arguing on /sci/.

>> No.9568962
File: 35 KB, 225x350, Gil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9569189

fixed my social life/problems, got a gf and started to pursue what i like (music).
you only have to skim stirner and take it half-seriously for it to change your life. it's not complicated, it's just saying fuck you to all the things you thought you "must" care about. you'll also start seeing how almost everyone is a fucking weirdo who cares about shit that doesn't affect them in any way because they have nothing of their own.

>> No.9569234

Stirner's philosophy turned me into a christian

>> No.9569245

>getting spooked by stirner

Don't do that

>> No.9569253

I'm new here

Who is Stirner?

>> No.9569265

a creative nothing

>> No.9569268
File: 38 KB, 750x534, stirnerpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx's nemesis and the bane of all philosophers

>> No.9569279

literally /my guy/

>> No.9569286

a ebin meme philsophist that postulated that everything that constrains you is a spook and you should do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.9569292

everything ie ethics, principles, ideals etc

>> No.9569319

Why would I want this over Renoise? Sell me on it. Keep in mind I like making breakcore ala Venetian Snares.

>> No.9569323
File: 1.81 MB, 270x216, seam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you winning?

>> No.9569330

Stirner is a meme

people who aren't educated in philosophy act as if he's the kryptonite of all argument

>> No.9569336

Prove him wrong right now

>> No.9569340

Lol this
And all those fucking exclamation points

>the takeaway from stirner

We are all egotists and that's okay. In fact it's beautiful if you know it. It's ugly if you don't and the worse for you cuz there are systems that eat unknowing egotists.

>> No.9569341

proving is a spook sorry

>> No.9569351

>she gives me head

The real ending
Girls love a real creative nothing

>> No.9569361
File: 23 KB, 300x248, IMG_2956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if I have anything to gain in the long run from keeping around a spooked Cunt
>implying I don't get pleasure from smashing idols

Please gtfo my face

>> No.9569371

I like that picture

>> No.9569383
File: 741 KB, 1280x3600, [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.58_[2017.05.13_20.46.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't shitposting be a behaviour in everyday life?

>> No.9569401

>The idea that one must be honest is a spook.
You need to be able to trust yourself. Honesty is the price.

>> No.9569408

>spurdo stirner
my life is complete
thank you so much anon

>> No.9569425

I love that image.

>> No.9569434
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1471507980981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9570736
File: 45 KB, 720x437, received_594390980275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh he most certainly has.
Everything I do is based around my own ego and the effects my actions or the actions of others will/are having on it.

>> No.9571045

Being honest with yourself is a different game than being honest with random clams.

>> No.9571160

Christians have always made Stirner-esque points against atheism. It fell on deaf ears. Stirner comes along
>o shit my life is ruined
People are born spooked and being spooked by that is stupid.

>> No.9571169

If you lie enough, you start to believe them yourself.

>> No.9571178

Every time I'm about to make a decision, I think to myself
>am I being spooked

if it hasn't changed your life you are either way ahead of the curve or a lost cause

>> No.9571676

clearly haven't read NIETSZCHE

>> No.9571763

No because if he did then I would be spooked.

>> No.9571800

spooks are a spook

>> No.9572489

who should I read before reading Stirner?
list everyone

>> No.9572504

Why is he the only writer I've seen that only gets a shitty line drawing of him posted? Did he not get a painting or a better drawing done?

>> No.9572527

How do you ascend to not caring about spooks? I can identify spooks, but they still control me.

>> No.9572543

I cheated on my gf while reading The Ego and His Own, since monogamy is a Christian spook

I never got found out but I felt so bad afterwards that I couldn't pick up the book again

>> No.9572558

this story is fucing hilarious to me for some reason

>> No.9572565

Stirner is literally not a real philosopher. His argument is pure nonsense. The fact that people meme him merely confirmed my opinion that his work lacked the substance to actually inspire interest and reflection in anyone.

>> No.9572592

Don't need to read anyone before stirner, maybe read some of his contempories, hegel if you want to but its not needed.

>> No.9572610

Does Stirner want people to follow their own morals or to stop following other people's morals?

>> No.9572615

Shit post,
What I meant is, does Stirner want us to stop following spooks and... then what? Make our own "spooks"?

>> No.9572622

Stirner just wants you to be aware of them. It's just changing your thinking so you don't put anything above yourself.

Two people can take the exact same actions, but one can be spooked and the other does them entirely through his own voluntary egoism.

>> No.9573196

So lie in moderation.

>> No.9574793

Yes. I've become an unironic egoist.

It's a pretty good feel, tbqh lads

>> No.9574880

nietzsche describes in thus spoke zarathustra when he talks about the camel, lion and baby

>> No.9574931

Max Stirner writes about Max Stirner for the pleasure and recognition of Max Stirner, there is no normative content in his book

>> No.9574953

Literally how