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9565680 No.9565680 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you're not fluent in at least three languages you are a literary pleb and should consider suicide

>> No.9565693

I agree but languages have point values, and English is worth three points, so I'm good.

>> No.9565695


You need a total of 7 points though so GG

>> No.9565699

This, not all languages are equal

>> No.9565701

>Europoor grows up in some shitty town in North/East Europe
>Finds out the only way to make a buck and not work in his grampas sausage shack or at Ikea is to learn English
>Proceeds to read an English book and call himself a multilingual polyglot

English IS worth 7. The only other seven point language is Chinese, with Spanish being a 6 and French a 5.

>> No.9565702


To clarify: Ancient German, French, Russian, Latin and Greek give 2 points. Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Italian, Sanskrit, Spanish and some others idk give 1. The rest give zero or negative.

>> No.9565704


Alternatively, you can begin learning 2 other languages. You know, if the whole suicide thing doesn't really fit the bill for you.

>> No.9565706

If I only know roughly 20,900 words according to the vocab test in English even though its my native language and my fastest reading speed is 20 pages an hour.
Should I learn russian? Will it make me smarter when I load up anki every night and read that penguin russian grammar book and all the other resources?

Would learning a new language help me read faster in english because it activates my neurons more?

>> No.9565710

Does Occitan count as a language ?

>> No.9565714


Nah it's 3 senpai, you can't just change your mind like that. But I guess expecting American ignoramuses to educate themselves somewhat was a long shot to begin with.

>> No.9565722

t. Stuttering Finn or German minibrain-duolinguist out of necessity.

>> No.9565724


Probably not, I'd try to get my English vocab up to 30k before claiming to speak the language. Though ofc 20k is almost the average level of the native simpletons.

>> No.9565725

I believe translation is going to advance so quickly as to make learning more languages less useful than ever, and also making learning them easier in some ways.

I respect that learning a second language is still useful to wire your brain to think differently, and also it still ultimately makes communication easier even if the advantage will diminish over time, but all in all it's a pretty large time investment, language learning requires constant maintenance, I'm not very much a natural at it, I am doomed to speak with a strong accent, and all in all I don't give all that much of a shit.

Which is not to say I do not have respect and admiration for the multilingual, I just believe I'm better off personally staying in my monolingual lane.

>> No.9565737
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>tfw native English speaker

>> No.9565738
File: 28 KB, 330x499, 41SMUsG1xfL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me 4 hours to read 23 pages of this book today, I don't understand I've cut down my internet usage to 3 hours a day. I've ran every other day for 20 minutes, I eat well but my mind just goes blank when I look at written text. So learning a new language definitely wouldn't help encourage neurons to fire and equally improve my english comprehension/speed?

>> No.9565739



>> No.9565742


t. probably better at four different languages than you are at English

>> No.9565750


>> No.9565751


I mean if you're asking if learning an additional language will magically increase your IQ then the answer is obviously 'no'. But it might still not be a bad idea.

>> No.9565761

Literally the two languages practical to learn in western Canada are French for government jobs but it's fairly hard to maintain due to lack of speakers, Chinese which is relatively speaking far harder to learn and forces you professionally to deal with the eccentricities of the Chinese which are even more bizarre than the eccentricities of the French. So it's either learn a language that will never justify it's ROI, or learn a language where you're stuck doing government jobs which aren't even better than private sector and thus again doesn't justify it's ROI.

I might learn French if I get interested enough in the humanities, I would only learn a language out of personal not professional interest, and at the moment I'm more keen to learn Programming, Mathematics, or direct Career related skills which have more practical utility to me and I have more of a natural talent for in any case.

I'm rationalising here because I'm not completely disinterested, I just know that if I truly had more motivation to improve myself, there are several things I would want to improve on first.

>> No.9565767
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But mum my mind goes blank when i read, by the time I've gotten through second half of a sentence I've forgotten what I've read in the first half and I have to reread it again 5 times and subvocalize as much as possible.
What is to be done? Am I just a genetic dead end? Reading is all I have, I've been reading for 6-8 hours a day for months now, why haven't I improved?

>> No.9565773


>Am I just a genetic dead end?

Could be senpai, but just keep at it though. And read because you like to, not to achieve some silly goals.

>> No.9565776

Most people are genetic dead ends, the way biology works out, you end up becoming the common ancestor of all humans or none of them in the long run.

If you're interested in your genes basically the goal is just to get some skin in the game in the hope one of your distant ancestors will have a mutation that causes them to not be as much of a pleb as you.

>> No.9565786


Descendants, that would be.

>> No.9565791

oh yeah, I made errors all over that post. I'm probably a dead end myself.

>> No.9566002

Yes, lots of medieval poems and shit.

>> No.9566594
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AAVE is its own language