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/lit/ - Literature

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9565330 No.9565330 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of pic related?

>> No.9565342

it's a book

>> No.9565502
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its shit unless you want to understand the delusional beliefs of feminists who think it is an accurate predictor of the future

>> No.9565514

It's not a sci-fi as much as a way to write indirectly about feminism for 3rd world women

>> No.9565549


>It's another Hunger Games tier dystopian novel

Christ, is this the only thing women can write now? What happened to your Emily Dickensons, Virginia Wolfs,Sontags, Brontes, Adlers or Rands? This is embarrassing.

>> No.9565559

it's over 30 years old

>> No.9565560

Pretty good. People get triggered by it, but it's a good read. Very depressing though.

>> No.9565667

Personally I disliked it. Very obvious and shallow political critique aside, the pacing of the story was trash and Offred was the most useless protagonist of all time. I did like the epilogue though, where the future historians discussed that time period. Only part that actually stuck with me.

>> No.9566449

Impure bullshit.

>> No.9566472

It's because teenage girls read and are super vocal about the little they do read. They like trash fantasy masquaraing as realistic with dystopian/post-apoc literature. The strong teenage girl bringing down the patriarchy is their fantasy.

>> No.9566480

It's a shallow straw man of the political right which abuses shitty emotional triggers to make you invest in the story and useless protagonist.

>> No.9566871

fertile myrtles

>> No.9566884

Hackwork. It's all about the "message" which could be written on the head of a pin.

>> No.9566982

'80s paranoia weirdly resurrected to buttress the left in its moment of absolute triumph.

>> No.9567330
