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File: 39 KB, 405x590, Confederation of Dunces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9564815 No.9564815 [Reply] [Original]

This book hit too close to home.

I had to stop reading it. I mean the whole opening scene where he is autistically playing at the arcade and mistaken by the police for a pederast. Fuck me this book isnt funny its a fucking tragedy poking fun of neckbeards.

>> No.9564821

This book is bullshit. There's nothing wrong with staying with your mother into your 30's and not wanting to work. I fucking hate this book. It's just not funny.

>> No.9564882

Ignatius is made to look like a fool but at the end of the day he was right about everything.

>> No.9564885
File: 756 KB, 788x801, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9564898
File: 1.42 MB, 640x480, 9b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was NRx before it was a thing.

>> No.9564908


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.

>> No.9564968

what is this?

>> No.9564977


>> No.9565069

"'Laugh out loud funny'

That was the review that made me decide to read this book.

Laugh out loud funny...really? To conjure a mental picture of me reading this book, imagine someone almost catatonic with boredom from the total inanity of reading this novel...staring blankly into the middle distance as tumbleweed rolls across my path and a church bell clangs a deathtoll somewhere in the distance.

Laugh out loud funny? I guess you may find this book amusing, perhaps if you're a teenage hipster then you'll probably find it oh-so hilarious. But then you'll have to keep putting the book down at the end of each chapter to pat yourself on the back in congratulation to yourself for getting the joke. I guess you might also find the book funny if you're an utter moron. If you find farce funny, if you find people dressed in amusing clothes funny, if you find page after page of inane 'I'm rambling against the man but actually I'm an idiot' monologues funny then lucky you (yes I get it, it's meant to be ironic). I despised this book, there are several books I've found dull, not my thing, haven't liked the person paticularly. I've never found one so enragingly annoying. Toole topped himself after writing this because it wasn't a runaway success. They then decided to posthumously award it the Pulitzer...draw your own conclusions. Utter tripe. "

-Charles Baudelaire