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9562321 No.9562321 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: post your current state in life and get recommendations.

>Just finished Freshman year of uni, home with parents for time being.
>No clue what the fuck to study. The only thing I'm better than average at is compsci, but I fucking hate it
>0 hobbies
>Actually like myself as a human, but detest my god damn ugly self.
>Gf left about a month ago. As far as I know the only human to find me attractive. I believe it will be hard to find another one (see above).
>On the verge of opiate addiction

>> No.9562324

Autism for Dummies

>> No.9562326

you have the other blog thread up

>> No.9562337

Being and Nothingness

>> No.9562409

>dropped out of uni
>5'4", fat, pug-face, small dick, hispanic living in europe
>living with parents, 24 years old
>kissless and hugless virgin, no friends, never held a girl's hand
>work at shitty restaurant where my boss and coworkers constantly make passive aggressive jokes about me
>woke up at noon and then got in bitter argument with my mom for the 20th day in a row
>ate a bunch of poptarts for breakfast, felt like complete shit
>took a massive dump while watching clips of the bee movie and then jacked off, but missed and was out of toilet paper so I had to use the toilet paper roll to wipe my ass and clean up the cum everywhere
>ever since I was young I had dreams of becoming a writer but haven't read a full book in months, always starting them but getting bored and dropping them
>the last book i finished in the last half a year or so was siddartha because it's like 100 pages and super easy
>started a goodreads challenge for a book a week and then changed it to one book/year because of my constant anxiety about it
>wanted to spend last year learning a new language but learned only very basic japanese, spent most of my time watching anime and jacking off to hentai and JAV
>lungs and head hurts constantly and i feel nauseous 24/7 because of my nicotine addiction
>spend like two-three hours making my plan for this year and downloading various textbooks and creating study guides and book reading lists that I will never follow
>jack off again and then eat a bunch of hot pockets
>start to read a new book but then put it down and open my computer and spend the rest of my day alternating between watching cuck porn and writing "my diary desu" and various other low energy memes on /lit/ while chuckling to myself
>it is now 3:00 in the morning

Rate my life, /lit/

>> No.9562453


I am relishing the taste; the delicious taste one gets from the sweet smug sense of satisfaction gained from someone's suffering.

0/10, is this satire? If not, your life is artistically shitty. Keep it up!

>> No.9562457


0/10 as in your life, not your post, which is good.

>> No.9562515

>pop tarts
>hot pockets

eliminate this bullcrap and you'll be good, homie

>> No.9562585

Less than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis

You actually will get a lot out of it -- I just read it after finishing my junior year of uni and wish I'd read it after my freshman year. I can't imagine a book more applicable to your current situation, and it's not a bad read at all.

>> No.9562597

>getting somewhat old
>failed in the working life, decided to quit and drink for a decade or so.
>Sobered up, have been writing. Have three novels I've written.
>Recently good good at short stories too, a magazine said they'd publish one this summer, this would be my first published work. getting somewhat anxious as I haven't heard from them since like feb when they gave me the news.
>Re-read my first novel, decided to do some edits and punchups on it.
>Also have the idea to write sort of a troll novel, self publish, just to see what happens, if nothing else learn the self publishing biz.
>Also have like 6 short stories I can be working on.
>Seriously struggling to get any fucking work at all done.....all I've accomplished in a few weeks is re-read half my first book, and decide to edit it....not actually edit it.

>> No.9562688


>renting a small room for ~300/mo while working
>large profit margin, roughly ~500 or more depending on how much I want to save
>work all week, 40 hrs, don't do much else but that and read
>no gf but I never really thought that mattered, was always more concerned with money
>slowly building captial
>my life consists of rising to meet various work related challenges and is engaging and challenging
>still find time to write in my off time

>> No.9562765

>in college
>majoring in some field of engineering
>lost all my social skills after high school
>lost most of my friends
>have social anxiety now, I think
>been thinking about suicide for about a year now
>the suicidal thoughts were bad last summer and fall, but during the winter and spring they went away. Now they're coming back
>10 pounds overweight

I have good grades and a job though, so that's good.

>> No.9562778

>Just graduated high school with not the slightest clue what to do.
>I feel emotionally disconnected with others
>I just want to lay in my bed and bowers online
>no job
>I will never see this girl i liked again

Hope you boys hang in there

>> No.9562841

>28 years old
>never graduated college
>have good job in the trades
>no gf, only girl I ever loved left me a few months ago
>work entirely too much, 85 hours a week on average
>except for weekends have no free time to myself.
>Live in the boonies so there isn't much to do around here anyway
>would like to read more and start writing again but don't have the time.
>becoming despondent, thinking about killing myself more and more
>Make decent money, so I decided to start saving up to move to the west coast and have a fresh start

>> No.9563162


The Stranger by Albert Camus
>has unmotivated protagonist
>doesn't give two fucks about personal connections
>just wants to chill (until something happens...)

>> No.9563298

>I decided to start saving up to move to the west coast and have a fresh start
You know what Seneca says about traveling.

>> No.9563415

>low energy memes
that made me chuckle
honestly, i'm basically you, but i don't feel bad about it, kek

>> No.9563435

>in muh 30s
>socially anxious
>also agoraphobic
>basically a mute
>only joys are working in the yard and trying different tobaccos

>> No.9563440
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Work in China, relationship with boyfriend is on the rocks because of his severe depression
>arrange to meet him in Hong Kong for my birthday for a romantic holiday
>he's turned away at the border by Chinese assholes
>I'm now alone in Hong Kong with a paid-for hotel room and no one to share it with
My plan is to drink and write but Chinese girls have nice legs and there's a lot of them out there. I wanted this to be a nice thing instead of a further descent into depravity dammit.

>> No.9563456

that is one of the most beautiful girls I have even see OP

>> No.9563458

tits or gtfo

>> No.9563469

>pop tarts & hot pockets

>> No.9563472
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>still a NEET
>i enjoy it more than anything, but my parents broke up recently, and this shitstorm is making me want to get a job and move out--i hate being a go-between, especially now that everyone's arguing about money
>but i'm not at all excited for it; i've tried working and living alone already, and i fucking despised it
>i realized at last that it's not the lack of good lit that's keeping me from being happy, but my inability to immerse myself in it due to constantly getting distracted by social obligations (friends, online friends, girlfriend, parents, etc.)
>i've become completely disillusioned with history and philosophy, and will probably stick to fiction exclusively for a few years at least
>i don't give a shit about women at all anymore, even though my girlfriend is nice. she's a jew and that seems to trigger everyone, so i enjoy it
>my only dream is to find a way to make money online and move to a village somewhere nice (i live in a slavshit country, so even getting $1000 a month would be enough for me to live like a king in a remote area)

>> No.9563518

>nice thing instead of a further descent into depravity
Those are not exclusive. This could be the beginning of something great. Just listen to that which is awakening in you.

>> No.9563531
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The entire syllabus of your next semester

>> No.9563541

I would read your diary if you become a mass murderer.

>> No.9563545

this is copypasta stop replying (this post is ironic)

>> No.9563556

>31 years old
>dropped out of year 12 middle of 2004
>did nothing for the rest of the year or 2005 or 2006
>2007 go on centrelink
>go on the neetbux in 2009
>do nothing til 2011
>start hanging out with /soc/ people
>redo vce at tafe
>get a job
>do cert III Comercial cooking at tafe
>2014-2015 work as a chef for 10 months at crudy "Mexican" restaurant
>struggle, bullied, no good, too slow, cant handle rushes, quit
>spend rest of 2015 in bed and go back on the neetbux
>2016 get job, struggle, slow, can't handle rushes
>job closes end of 2016 for renovations
>go on holiday to Tasmania
>come back February
>works not reopening til June/July
>go back on the neetbux
>move house
>don't mention to new housemates that I currently don't have a job because when I was honest with earlier inspections I never heard back
>so 5 days a week I have been going out all day/night as if to work
>sitting in a shopping centre food court for another 3 hours

>> No.9563562

WHY must you torture me with the jezerbells, they got such large tits. I'm trying to be absent and can't touch my cock anymore. Devil stuff, you know what I mean. Lets just keep talking about books and not posting human bodies. I don't want to get tempted into showering and making an okcupid profile.

>> No.9563566

>trying to be absent
retard or pretending? either way, no rec for you

>> No.9563567

This is me

>> No.9563588

>year sober from a methamphetamine addiction, in which I had completely lost my mind
>feeling sane, but I still get very paranoid sometimes and have violent sexual fantasies
>going to community college and plan to transfer to Emmerson and study journalism
>first time in my life im excelling at school, just finished my first semester with a 3.7 gpa
>my language teacher tells me im a great writer
>start believing him, and have been writing many short stories
>never been so creative, it feels really good
>I want to do meth again and ruin everything

>> No.9563594

>fucked up my near perfect gpa beyond repair this semester
>lost my summer internship because of bureaucracy problems that were unrelated to me (one in a thousand chance, resume will not be good enough to get the chance in the future)
>might have just ruined my whole life
>fat khv
>no friends
I figure I can deal with at least one of these problems this summer (aka going to try to lose weight). Motivations?

Also anything to deal with the feel of possibly having screwed up my previously stellar-looking career plans? I'll still be fine, but the internship I got was such an unbelievable oppotunity, my GPA was so good, and now that opportunity definitely cannot return

>> No.9563608
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>26 yr old on my fourth year employed in the military
>making good wage, finally had the guts to join the modern slave system and buy an apartment through a bank
>gf dumped me, she soon regrets her decision and gets back together with me
>i dump her this time
>meet another girl, shes a harlot but sweet, teases but is a helluva lot more fun then previous tame as shit, housemouse gf
>promised myself i was going to get /fit/ this year
>been doing it and getting a lot of comments from friends saying I look big and getting bigger
>tell myself "i only just started, and it still feels great"
>not reading a lot now, in a bit of a rut but its gonna come back
>a little sad still because I have a hard time motivating myself for higher studies
>oh well

>> No.9563630

hows the military treating you, what branch and what do you do? just turned 22 and for the past year i've been pushing the boulder up the hill from years of neetdom. don't see very many options for upward mobility so i'm looking to enlist after two more months of shit work and living with the parents. looking toward air force or navy to get some good technical education for when i get out, looking to do maybe four years. any advice?

>> No.9563653


The Counte of Monte Cristo

Not really relevant to your situation but its a nice book to kill some time, which it seems like you have a lot of. If you don't really read too much fiction, I can do another rec.

>> No.9563658


Yeah, don't do it. For 4 years they own you, then they keep tabs on you for the rest of your life. Unless you're going to use the military for nepotism, just don't.

>> No.9563677

>28 years old
>working in a warehouse, while living with mum and young bro in a foreign country because no money and used to live in a ghetto.
>Finished a uni while everything was collapsing financially. Was member of a gang.
>I woke up, shitpost a little and then gonna practise synthesizer and draw my drawing/poetry combo.
>Thinking about a masters degree but not sure if it is worth getting in debt.
>just finished compulsory military service.
> Good looking, but last time I had sex was months ago with a 50 year old junkie. She snored like a woodcutter.

>> No.9563687


>used to be in a gang

Hey, can you tell me how stupid gang members are? Like, are they stupid enough to jump and beat someone who is prepared for it? Will they try it anyway? Or are they smarter, like organized crime? What kind of gang were you in?

>> No.9563689

>Mored home 21 to try to work and save monies
>fall of ladder land on ass
>pissed off prostate, urinate 15+ times a day 2 to 3 times a night
>Testicles ache constantly, thought of sex even more frightening
>fast forward 2 years still fucked up but seeing signs of improvement
>give mysef a herina trying to pick up a 70lb pumpkin plant i grew
>get a mesh put in, pisses off prostate and testicles
>Mesh/groin still hurts years later, fuckit ill file for neetbux
>not enough work quarters

TLDR: Fuck hernia meshes.Think real hard when the doc tells you to get one.

>> No.9563699
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>large profit
>all week
>40 hours

>> No.9563701

Ireland here, for some reason American "candies" started appearing here large in the last few years, you can find Pop tarts in the local supermarkets. Never seen hot pockets before though

>> No.9563703


It could easily be ~800, like I said, depending on how much I want to save. I'm 23 and I didn't have dear old rich family to help me do whatever the fuck I want in life.

You younger? You making more guy? You earn it yourself? Go on then, what do you do?

>> No.9563704

>aus fag
>24 year old law student
>haven't had a job for six years due to anxiety and laziness
>going to graduate soon and I have no idea what I am doing
>no hobbies outside of reading and games
>pretending I have the self disclpline to learn a new language and lose weight (around 80 pounds over healthy)
>barely travelled
>no life skills
>basically don't associate very well with anyone my age but I have a close group of friends
>broke up with only serious partner and we had only been dating for four months
>literally no romantic prospects outside of that

Rate my autism lit

>> No.9563706



What kind and why would you do this to yourself

>> No.9563707
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>> No.9563708

Management consulting. There's no need to get assblasted, just stop deluding yourself that 40 hours is "working all week" or "a lot".

>> No.9563709


>> No.9563710

More like a deliwquent youth gang.
Sorry for not clarifying.
Nothing like a mafia, though I used to work in a restaurant belonging to a gangster turned legal, and I weep for the energy that I will never get back.
Fuck organized crime.
It was more like a self-defence group when everything was collapsing around us.
We got tattoos by the same girl,
We went in search and destroy mission to look for some rapists,
Lived together, did drugs together, made money and spend it together, did parties, actually tried to study and help each other progress a bit in life.
A feaw turned to organized crime.
Others got jobs, a lot I dont know dont care.
Left the thing when some of them, wanted us to become soldiers/ followers for political figures etc. And have more "discipline" and "faith" and "loyalty".

>> No.9563713

It would be basically impossible for my dyphsraxic, anxiety riddled lazy ass to do any kind of regular work, and am too dumb to be an engineer, so I chose a "respectable" humanities subject. Do not have even a tenth of the ambition or skill to make it in the real world so I hope they just put me in a corner somehwere to help immigrants with their fines.

>> No.9563719


You left out that part where I asked how old you were, if you made more profit/month, if it is really profit (are you in any debt?), and if you have a nepotistic family helping you and you really aren't putting forth any effort.
I'm not 'assblasted'. A 40 hour work week isn't "a lot", I know, but you aren't accounting for the work I take home with me, but neither did I mention it. I do a lot of work on my personal time too, I just have to. Since you are in management consulting I'm guessing you're older than I am. So, drawing comparisons and rendering criticism shouldn't be what you're doing without providing your own worth first.

>> No.9563723


You do realize that no form of law should be considered easy for a lazy person. Even 'humanities' law which I'm sure there is a better term for. You don't sound like a law student.

>> No.9563726

>You do realize that no form of law should be considered easy for a lazy person
Yeah I realise that now but I'm four years in.

>You don't sound like a law student
Tell me about it. I probably won't sound like much of a lawyer when I finish.

>> No.9563727


>Fuck organized crime

Why, when they are so much smarter and effective than the brand of "gang" you just described?
Did you all think you were vigilantes or something hunting rapists? Did you have evidence of their crimes and did you ever find any, and, if so, what did you do to them? Destroy implies kill, but I highly doubt that. I just want you to know that attempting vigilante justice physically is the most ass-backwards thing you could do, because you'll just turn a perp into a victim in the court of law. Did you try and beat people up that were already convicted of rape? Just wondering.


>Left the thing when some of them, wanted us to become soldiers/ followers for political figures etc. And have more "discipline" and "faith" and "loyalty".

The very definition of grunts for white collar political crime.

>> No.9563731
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>I'm not 'assblasted'
>proceeds with an assblasted response
I wasn't trying to put you down, just get your idea of working hours straight.

>> No.9563736


Wow dude, that is some serious apathy you got going there. Law sounds just right for you in light of that. You will have to be productive if you don't want to starve though.

>> No.9563738


I know its easy for you to dismiss my points as saying I'm angry, but I'm not. They're valid questions and if you don't want to answer them that's cool that's your prerogative. Also I literally just described for you politely where I misrepresented the amount of work I do.

>> No.9563739

Lmao thanks bro, but apathy won't be that useful in the job market.

>> No.9563749


I don't think all those immigrants can afford to be too choosy. I envision a grand apathetic career of helping ESLs filing for VISA and H1Bs ahead of you. Go forth, prodigal son, use your power of apathy that is best suited for the bureaucratic law system, go forth and help those underrepresented minorities.

>> No.9563750

>Student of History and Philosophy
>studies started out well but lost motivation and focus (something along those lines)
>barely hanging on to my entry-level job in academia
>want to write but I'm bad at it and extremely lazy, always end up starting new projects, never edit thoroughly
>have gf but not in the honeymoon phase anymore and it'll probably not work out
>still live with parents
>want to kill myself even though my life isn't terrible right now (feels weak mang)
>thinking 3-5 years ahead gives me unbearable anxiety

>> No.9563752

There was a wave of rapes in the area.
Once one of the girls got harassed one night and followed so we went out to beat him up but did not find him. Some did want to do.vigilante stuff, but not my."secht".

Your opinion about organized crime is quite common, but when you get out of that and realize how-differently people live, organized crime is one of the biggest progress suffocating factors in a society.

Why all the questions? Lawyer? Police?
Can I get my book recommendation?

>> No.9563758

Btw, I am not really defending my position.

>> No.9563762
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>fairly well-read
>slowly getting fat, need to discipline myself and stop eating like a pig
>just finished masters in political science
>about to go to another state for a well-paid starter job in political education
>borderline failed normie, tfw no gf (basically the guy from Notes from Underground)
>afraid that I will be all alone and without friends where I'm going and that I could fail my job due to lack of practical experience and social anxiety

I guess I'm doing fine by society's standards. But I need some recs for this feel.

>> No.9563767
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>> No.9563768

>There was a wave of rapes in the area.
Once one of the girls got harassed one night and followed so we went out to beat him up but did not find him. Some did want to do.vigilante stuff, but not my."secht".

First, its 'sect' I think you're looking for. That just kind of bothered me. Second, I understand more now but that's still incredibly misguided. Better to gather evidence. If violence comes to you, there's no fault if you deal with it. If you bring violence to others, God help you, because if they're smart you'll need it. Good to know you were intelligent enough to not do something stupid.

>Your opinion about organized crime is quite common, but when you get out of that and realize how-differently people live, organized crime is one of the biggest progress suffocating factors in a society.

I said they were effective not that they helped society. They harm it.

>Why all the questions? Lawyer? Police?
Can I get my book recommendation?

Man no lol, that was funny though, I felt like "The Departed" just then "...are you a cop?" lmao. But still, yeah you can get your rec. I'm just trying to get to know your situation better so I can rec accurately.

Now that you've moved away from your gang affiliations, what are you striving for? I need to know if you're feeling apathetic or motivated, happy or sad, angry or calm. Recs are serious business lad.

>> No.9563771

In case you wanted to give me a rec, I've already read The Book of Disquiet

>> No.9563772

Are you memeing me?

>> No.9563781


I don't really have a rec for you. Maybe study some law texts on your specific field.

Just kidding lad. Try David Copperfield.

>> No.9563784

Give it a shot

>> No.9563807

>I said they were effective not that they helped society. They harm it.

They are only ok when they are literrally the only law, some of my friends left the bars reastaurants of the guy, went to a "night persons nightclub" to work and they actually got better working conditions and insurance.

>Now that you've moved away from your gang affiliations, what are you striving for?

I lived in peace for a couple of months now. I get emotionall swirls of all kinds of emotions, that is why I draw give advises of things I know to people and write, in order to channel them.
Working in the warehouse is kinda funny because life is good and peacefull and boring while everybody gets crazy for small things.
I think I will apply for a masters,even when I dont get accepted to get some direction. But I dont want to take a loan so I might gather money first.

I deffinetlly want to change my work, my other "ambitions" are mostly hobbie tbqh.
>Recs are serious business lad.
:) yes they are.

>> No.9563813


Great Expectations.

>> No.9563822

Dickens, fuck...

>> No.9563825

Thank you. Noted!

>> No.9563900

>Bad childhood
>Left school at 16
>Shut-in for a year
>Worked on and off, pissed off my parents
>Became homeless for a while
>Got a home and a job
>Try and be happy but go through phases of deep depression because I hate office work and how boring it is
>Life just plodding along
>Raped/abused by someone I went on a couple of tinder dates with
>Embrace the idea of never being in love or intimate again
>Flashbacks, feeling damaged and depressed
>Start reading to escape like I did as a child
>Come to /lit/ for recs sometimes but don't really post
>Read things I'd not have sought out before
>Feels like my mind has awakened which makes me hate work even more
>I can't stop trying to educate myself it's like an addiction
>Decided I'm going to go to Uni so I can dedicate myself to learning and get a fulfilling job

Somehow things are getting better. I'm still stupid but reading made me realise there is still something to to live for.

Any recommendations on the best subjects to get a basic understanding on? Also books with similar themes of self discovery?

I need to get better at grammar.

>> No.9563942

Throw in a couple of whores and you've got yourself Bukowski's life. Have you tried writing poetry?

>> No.9563946

Try reading Stoner,

>> No.9563961

>been smoking weed doing nothing for 2 years
>dropped out of uni twice
>I'm fine with myself, just wish I didn't do some much retarded shit. Than and I can never forget something I've done wrong or especially awkwardly. Never. fuck
>Haven't touched pucci in 2 years but don't really care. The rare woman that attracts me wouldn't go for a stone and I'm not that much of a horndog anyway.
>Finished Heaven & Hell - Huxley, on to... Strumpet City by James Plunkett or a collection of stories, The Angels Weep, Fever, No Moon Tonight & Words by Heart.

>> No.9563966

>Volunteer in Asia after I leave my job in the financial services industry. Sending MBA applications. Decent career trajectory ahead of me.
>Have a nice dating life, pretty happy, need to find a place to discuss what I read though
>Come to 4chan
>See so much self-loathing from capable people, don't want to end up like some of these boys. I want to leave but think I should help. Can't tear myself away because of the good posts here. Yet see "Chad" posting and anti-women posting and feel sad. See a younger me in these posts yet get hateful replies when I try to help. I don't know how to quit you.

>> No.9563979

>no education apart for american equivalent of high school
>haven't worked for 5 years
>live with my mom
>can't get any neetbux even though I live in one of the most social-democratic welfare states in the world, because I live with my mom who is retired
>tried studying classics at university but quit because I lacked motivation
>just drink coffee and browse 4chan all day, and read 30 Shakespeare 30 minutes at a time because my attention span is destroyed from 15 years of internet usage
>depressed and anxious all the time
>no GF because loser

I wish I was 10 years old and life was fun again.

>> No.9563981

things take a long time. don't beat yourself up too much for not having got everything done in a week.

If I could pray for you man I would

Nobody's gonna give a shit about your GPA and plenty won't even give a shit about what you specifically studied as long as you graduate. Experience and networks are always more important than GPA, it'll turn out fine. Read this: https://www.runnersworld.co.uk/training/six-week-beginner-5k-schedule

>Former gifted mathematician at school/uni. Dropped out
>Wrote a novel and a shitload of stories and essays over the last few years, been writing for as long as I can remember
>Having a great time making music, really feel like I'm getting somewhere with it, and liking it more than I have done writing
>Coming up on 3 years at the same awful retail job
>Don't really get out much. Isolate myself and distance myself from people.
>Want to connect, to give and be loved.
>Already read plenty of E.M. Forster.

>> No.9563988

I'm in the same situation anon. Are you gonna not go to uni? How about community college at least?

>> No.9564011

I have no gf and I have never approached a girl before, socialising is like a chore and I waste away playing video games, watching anime and reading novels

>> No.9564021
File: 78 KB, 850x400, quote-love-responsibility-say-it-is-my-duty-and-mine-alone-to-save-the-earth-if-it-is-not-saved-nikos-kazantzakis-242794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has derailed to something awesome!

>> No.9564025


my rec is not to read a book. Next time you got not plans and some time to kill just be outside. Explore your town. Hang outside exploring long enough and eventually you'll end up talking to someone or finding some new shit to get into. If you were going to do nothing anyway you got nothing to lose.

>> No.9564027

this isn't awesome. this is sad.

>> No.9564040

Sad but not shit.
Nowdays it is like oxygen.

>> No.9564046

If I say stupid shit, I want other anons to attack me.
Next time, concentrate on full 4chan.
Burn it away, dont think about other things you might have been doing with your time.
Apply this to the next thing you will do.

>> No.9564049
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>late 20s
>finishing grad school in literature on a part time basis
>married to high school sweetheart
>bought a house last year, lots of excitement in making improvements to it
>also finally engaging in hobbies that were hindered by apartment living (like woodworking and gardening)
>just had first kid, patiently awaiting the stage where she does more than eat and sleep
>job that allows for staying at home with the kid and remaining dual income
>days are relaxed and filled with time (mostly) well-spent with hobbies, baby, partner

>> No.9564057

>turning 20 in a month
>lost all my friends after graduating high school
>in my second year of studying law at uni
>lack of motivation is slowly taking its toll
>want to quit but don't know what else to do
>stuck in a shitty town
>see how everyone around me is having the time of their lives
>never see the one girl I truly fell in love with anymore

at this point I pretty much gave up on thinking things will eventually get better. I honestly feel like I peaked in high school.

>> No.9564058
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>not being an autistic failure
top pleb

>> No.9564074
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>> No.9564082
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>> No.9564083

You just need to write all this down, thats what bukowski did.

>> No.9564085


I already have.

>> No.9564088

what job do you have?

>> No.9564094


>my parents make >200k/year: The Post

>> No.9564109

The only jobs my parents have ever had were janitorial related or working in factories (and my mom worked in an auto body shop for a bit). Neither got further in their education than a GED.

Grading standardized tests. Pearson and ETS are the two big employers for it.

>> No.9564127

You are me

>> No.9564144

26, neet 3 years, no gf ever, always jack off all days.

>> No.9564146

blog threads are so fucking gay lmfao

>> No.9564207

Get away newfag.

>> No.9564301

>Grading standardized tests. Pearson and ETS are the two big employers for it.
Holy shit I didn't realise someone has a full-time paid job to do that. That sounds awesome and chill, may I know how you got qualified/got into that?

>> No.9564316
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>Be me
>Worked in cybersecurity firm
>Became an engineer
>Decided the pay wasn't good enough
>Left to another company
>Pay is much more and work is a lot tougher
>Told them to give me time since this company does things so differently
>They say things are going good, however, I feel like June will be my last month working there
>I'm a qualified engineer, just some other issues which caused problems with work

>> No.9564367

> Just finished second out of three years of uni
> Enjoying my major, but not with the fervor actually successful people do
> Because of this don't think I'll make in in academia, but am dreading settling into a job in industry
> Going to go to grad school to delay
> Grappling with depression but keeping it mostly under control
> Spend a lot of time reading, writing, and building things
> Planning on getting /out/ once the weather's a bit better
> Have one single friend who I'm also in love with

Right now's not too bad but I'm aimless about the future. I don't know what I want with my life.

>> No.9564384

>21, 1 year left in college
>Changed english major to a business major last year
>Recently moved in with qtgf
>Seeing friends less and less
>Working an internship and taking online classes in my spare time, constantly wishing I had more time to read
>Dreaming about traveling and writing and reading all the time--constantly wondering if I made the right choice in stability

>> No.9564415

Yea, i was thinking about taking two classes at community college and see what happens from there.

>> No.9564421

I think I got into it just by checking the jobs section on their website one day (I do that for a lot of websites, even when not looking for work).

Qualifications are usually at least a BA, many want it in English or similar, some want teaching experience too. It depends on the particular test. Generally the college and adult-level tests pay more than grade school ones do, and also require higher degrees/more experience.

It's definitely chill, anon. Would very much suggest if you prefer to work from home.

>> No.9564424
File: 85 KB, 746x514, IMG_2682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3.5 GPA Finance student
>love my school more than life itself
>football in 98 days can't wait
>living at home this summer for an internship
>hanging out with my amazing friends from high school
>we are all doing so well in the world I'm so proud of them all
>accepted into accelerated masters program
>going to be a professor at my favorite place in the whole world
>thinking about asking out this adorable transfer student from Russia soon
>going to get a dog soon
>got my own place for the first time next semester
>the place is right on the strip so I can walk to bars and parties and classes and don't have to worry about parking with 150k people coming to town during football seasons
>love my family
>love my friends
>not depressed at all
>very happy with my life right now
>can't wait for the future

Books for this feel?

>> No.9564425

>22 year old guy
>have become significantly more outwardly beautiful (good genes, plus weight loss/muscle gain) over the years but more inwardly calculating and alienated
>used to be a happy eccentric chubby nerd kid with a lot of hope for where life could go after microcosmic high school
>final year of uni
>feel like im caught between grinding through life's repetitive cycles and vain efforts to transcend
>feeling deeply alienated from my friends and most people i meet, i find them boring... totally uninteresting, like they are addicted to COMFORT which presupposes all their behaviour and makes them appear like NPCs
>see this comfort seeking behaviour in self and try to eradicate it
>half the time im full of manic energy and lust for life, like I want to fight some guy twice my size and get the shit kicked of me just to see what it feels like
>the other half im lying in my bed, lethargic and numb, waiting for time to pass
>too alienated to even think about romance, the idea of cuddling a hypothetical GF as I go to sleep sounds like a claustrophobic hell
>caught between two futures, a pipe dream of musical/artistic excellence and the mundane high school teaching job i will soon be eligible to be in the workforce for
>have been studying full-time, developing music skills, lifting weights and working in what feels like an indecisive stalemate

>> No.9564436

>19, almost 20
>changed majors from computer science to law
>had a fucking huge existential crisis and depression last year, which made me stay in bed staring at the ceiling all days long and not doing anything fucking productive
>still take meds for depression and trying to get over it
>almost not going to class because I go out drinking
>smoke weed all the time, can't stand being sober

>> No.9564448

Read John Grisham books lmao

>> No.9564537


First year practicing law
getting married in October
my poodle puppies are naughty
spring came late

>> No.9564552

Sound & Fury

>> No.9564920

thanks m8

>> No.9564932

I wish someone had replied to my post.

>> No.9564947

>have good paying student job at a large company
>kind of dropped my degree already
>have to keep being enrolled to keep the job
>have no idea what to do with my life
>no degree, no training, no qualification

So yeah I am kinda fucked at the moment. I am reading Steppenwolf at the moment and I am learning to play blues guitar.

That's my life right now.

>> No.9564960

I'll do it, link me familia

>> No.9564966

The Complete collection of IKEA instructional manuals, alternatively: The Phonebook

>> No.9564971

Sounds good desu, how are you liking Steppenwolf? And how old are you?

>> No.9564973


Never was good at poetry, also never had much interest.

I've been screwing around with writing micro-fiction, like 500 words or less. Have some really good ideas that I haven't put to page yet though. Like always though, tons of great ideas, can't force myself to do it.

>> No.9564981

I first thought he went a bit overboard with his allegories, but now I really like it. I am reading it in German because I am German, not sure how good the translation is. I am 25.

>> No.9564982

Post a sample from your book

>> No.9564985

Dann sind wir im gleichen Boot, nur bin ich 2 Jahre jünger. Was liest du sonst noch?

>> No.9565001

Nah, I don't post my shit on /lit/. Don't see any point to it.

>> No.9565005

I wanna read it, come on

>> No.9565008


>Second year of college in something that i mild like
>got a gf and don't get out much with friends
>closer friends from school are autistic lefties that have a rock band, from college are right-wing nerds
>usually take my time reading books and watching netflix
>currently reading PostOffice by Bukowski and starting Ego and Its Own
>work as a private teacher in a summer school
>live with parents because thats how thing are in my country

i just feel a little spaced out sometiems

>> No.9565012

>implying woodworkers have any reason to shop at ikea

>> No.9565014

Der Staat von Platon und Schuld und Sühne von Dostojewski. Vorher habe ich Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch (Notes from Underground) gelesen.

>> No.9565018

Gute Liste, schreibst du selbst? (Ich empfehle dir Rilke's Malte Laurids Brigge)

>> No.9565025

If and when It gets published, I'll link to it. Like that story of mine that's getting published soon I planned on posting a link to that just to rub it in, other than that I don't see any point of posting your stuff on here.

I like lit because it's a bunch of trolls and morons talking like they actually know anything about literature. That's what I enjoy about it. I don't take anyone's opinion here seriously, and you'd seriously would be the last people I'd go to for feedback.

>> No.9565030

Ich habe vor kurzem angefangen ein bisschen was zu schreiben. Aber ich muss gestehen, es ist alles grauenhaft was ich bisher geschrieben habe. Danke für den Tipp.

>> No.9565035



>> No.9565039

I'm just interested in your writing man, I wasn't going to give detailed criticisms

Verstehe. Bleib dabei, und tu es nur für dich

>> No.9565050

thanks but, like i said i just don't post on here. Read it if it ever gets published. I'll definitely post it on here to brag.

>> No.9565073

Difficult to recommend something. Steppenwolf might not be bad, alternatively something by Houllebecq, too. Try Elementary Particles. Both books might make you sad though

>> No.9565116

Is this pasta? Or are you just one dude posting the same shit?

>> No.9565158


Exactly this. My garage is filled with future heirloom furniture.

>> No.9565175

How did you get your get your job? Do you enjoy it? What did you study at university? I'm going into my second year and I'm trying to decide between finance and film/TV industry. Currently an English major at a flagship state university. Apologies for the possible perceived nosiness & no recommendation

>> No.9565208

>be 23
>Have only one more year to graduate with BA
>Want to go to grad school
>GPA 3.3, Major GPA 3.5 because is druggy but reformed myself
>Realize that I'll never make it to grad school with my current GPA, will have to get Straight As this year and that may not be enough
>Afraid the military would drive me to suicide
>Gf lives in Europe currently, only reason I don't break it off is because I'm too apathetic to
>Have one friend
>I don't care for social interactions
>Only friend attempted suicide two days ago; I can't help him.
>Low sex drive

I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life

>> No.9565264

>spent a few years doing nothing because of drugs and social anxiety and laziness
>got my shit somewhat together and started studying politics and economics
>have met people during the last two years that i like
>resent my parents as of late
>it is with great anguish i'm approaching my last exams, since i will be spending summer at home
>could probably have slept with a girl i like yesterday
>anxious because i probably disappointed her

>> No.9565280

Your life sounds great, read some interesting non-fiction

>> No.9565312

>ADHD energetic child
>Parent moves to shitty neighborhood
>Bullied bad for 2 years. Beaten up daily.
>Snaps and quit school. Play vidya all day every day for a year.
>Parents moves to a better neighborhood
>Decides to give myself another chance
>School is okay but I'm broken with depression and a massive outbreak of pasta
>Be 18. drop out. Go back to vidya. Find 4chan. Offend and get offended all day every day. Personality slowly being deformed. Or since it was already deformed, slowly turning poisonous.
>Go to Europe for a year. Find out I am a loser there too.
>Get GED. Go to uni. Nope. I am incompatible with the world at this point. Absolutely hellish social encounters and anxiety attacks.
>Vidya self-harm 4chan fights-with-parents suicide attempts Vidya self-harm overeating 4chan infinite loop
>Started taking Wellbutrin as a last resort. Also give God a green card to my mind, heart, and brain. Ask Him to repair me and protect me.
>Slowly recover
>Lose weight. Start grooming self.
>Rediscover my love for books as a child. Wake up thinking about the good moments in the books I read, instead of the 4chan shitstorm day before and what anons hollered in the thread.
>Better skin, 6 feet tall and it turns out I'm 8/10 when groomed. starts getting looks from girls in streets.
>Go back to uni. Study biology. Like it. Good gpa. A pretty girl asks me out. Lose virginity within weeks. I'll be a researcher and read and write in my spare time.

My mind had been deformed beyond imagination and I hadn't even realized it.

My undoing was resorting to 4chan because I had no one to talk to. I should have strived harder to fix personality and get normal friends. But that didn't seem possible.

TL;DR: I was a weak piece of shit

>> No.9565328

>>Decides to give myself
just stop

>> No.9565335


>> No.9565339
File: 36 KB, 499x499, nun_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That should teach anybody who thinks 4chan is some kind of self-help board for autists. It's more like an all you can eat buffet for neckbeards.

>> No.9565351

>just finished first year of law school
>working part time for a defense attorney
>have no idea what I'm doing
>living alone for the first time
>feels weird not being a grunt in the service industry or a call center
>live for the perpetual struggle that gives meaning

>> No.9565360


you forgot

>in debt because college
>have no understanding of the world outside my own bubble of youth and school
>have not realized that once I graduate I will have to get a job, and finding one is not easy


>> No.9565374


>Moved back to my parents 6 months ago
>Can't find a job because small town and no car
>Applying for post-grad because why the fuck not
>Met a nice girl and know it's going to get complicated because I have to leave
>Have finally reached a point where I read for fun, not elitism and know everyone else here will eventually reach that point too
>Less cynical about politics but still want change
>Vote Labour.

>> No.9565382

>>Have finally reached a point where I read for fun, not elitism and know everyone else here will eventually reach that point too
Most people are at that point naturally.

>> No.9565387

Lol, I have a full tuition scholarship and I have an internship that hires on students full time constantly :)

>> No.9565394

What is the internship for? Your original post says you're going to be a professor.

>> No.9565399

I think they make pills now that cure homosexuality

>> No.9565408

>Spent two years studying Comp Sci
>Get depressed
>Failed at school and drop out
>Tried comitting suicide 2 timed and failed
>Parents inmediately put me in an online college to study Psychology
>feel somewhat alright now
I stil feel like a massive failure. I don´t care about college, and even though i like psychology, i do´t see myself working on that field. I´m gettin a job, save money and move out somewhere far from here, get whatever job (i speak 4 languages, that might help) i can and start writing something. I don´t care if things go wrong, i could kill myself, since i was going to do it anyway

>> No.9565414

You should read Ubik.

>> No.9565452

It's in a bank

I'm down for either actually

>> No.9565467

>recently lost my dead-end factory job due to a medical injury
>the injury itself put me out of work without pay for three months, and they only informed me I was a liability upon my return
>over those three months and the following month, I spent every penny of my savings paying for rent, bills, food, and gas for looking for work
>I hurt my knee, so no other factories will take me as I'm a liability
>didn't finish college to date a gf who eventually cheated on me and I had to leave
>part time doesn't pay enough to afford even just rent
>still have 1,200$ (after insurance) in medical bills I can't pay, and one of my automated bill payments overdrew my checking so now I'm also 600$ in debt to the bank as well
>my mother is a narcissistic POS who thinks I did this to myself and refuses to help
>my father killed himself when I turned 21
>I hadn't talked to him since I was 12, and he never tried to talk to me
>rest of my family and friends are too poor to help
>I don't really want their help anyway
>losing my apartment in two days and I've only just found work in a city an hour from where I live now
>have a friend I can stay with, but his gf (crazy bitch who couldn't even win custody of her kid(courts heavily favor mothers in America)) has a kid so I can't sleep there on Tuesday's, Friday's, Saturday's, or any day they may have the kid
>gf fights with my friend because she thinks he's going to ignore her since I'm staying down there, even though my friend and I both want to have all three of us spend time together and get along as friends
>locks herself in her room the nights /time I'm off work and she's home
>tell her she can sit in the living room and just says she's fine
>so I'm borderline homeless for at least the next month and a half and pitifully in debt for probably the next few years
>I love life, suicide is and never was an option
>religion is all interpretation
>I'm quite ascetic and only own my phone, a computer to practice coding on, and my books and notebooks, along with necessary furniture (though tomorrow I won't even have any furniture remaining)
>very selfless and my joy comes from others joy and happiness
>deep sense of fulfillment from hobbies which I hope to make into a career in education someday
>would very much enjoy reading something relateable right now, feeling pretty isolated
>Siddhartha helped a bit, and I've ordered Steppenwolf to pick up whenever I actually have money again

>> No.9565472

>Dropped out of a Master's Degree
>Still got a job in my field 4 months later
>Got bored of it
>Saved up enough to go travel the world and bang easily-impressed Australian girls
>Bought my first tickets already
Halfway excited, halfway terrified. I've never been out of Europe.

>> No.9565473


Please stop using the grave accent instead of an apostrophe.

That said, seek psychiatric help.

>> No.9565482

>grad student
>unpublished, bad resume, little chance of getting a job once/if dissertation is accepted
>sometimes not that interested in field
>/r9k/ levels of virginity
>spend weekends literally lying on a twin mattress staring at the ceiling

>> No.9565506

I read Man in the High Castle and found it quite boring, couldn't finish it. Is Ubik any different?
Sorry, i couldn't find the apostrophe on my laptop. I don't use it very often

>> No.9565513

I wish everything turns out okay for you soon.

Maybe a book won't help. I suggest listening to calming music on YouTube.


>> No.9565522

I'm about to go live abroad for a full year as an exchange student. To an Asian country. I guess I would like some recommendations for the typical "stranger in a strange land" trope

>> No.9565533

Richard Bach

>> No.9565542


>anon points out glaring flaw in your statement
>ass pulls a response

wew laddie

>> No.9565568

starting strength
Mad Max
Documentation, regulation, and process of how student financial aid works. That way you can go back to school to feel acomplished, study for something thats not grunt work, and give yourself enough time to heal your injury in case you have to go back to grunt work because you dropped out again because of a stupid girl. Get your shit together. You don't need a book.
INSERT YOUR STATE drivers handbook
An introduction to interpersonal communication textbook. I've been on this god damn website for a decade now and I know how to keep my shit together in public.
You should read a book about how to raise a child so you can learn to be thankful for all the shit your parents had to put up with after producing such a disappointment of a child that resents them.
If you find a job within the field you want to study in graduate school and work there after graduation next year, your gpa now is decent enough to get into a school if you have that supplemental experience that schools love to see. Or find a different school for that program.
Sounds like you lost your sense of purpose, and ego and its own is just gonna make that even worse.
>studying law in undergrad
I hope youre in not-USA, because otherwise that is a fucking stupid major. Law Schools look for diversity, and what you learn in undergrad in a law program is absolute horse shit compared to the program itself.
Read the Catcher in the Rye so you can understand how the pseudo intellectual lifestyle is going to make you a cringy asshole if you act on it in front of other people. But other than the social norms, I have no idea. I'm kinda stuck there too.

>> No.9565569

>20 years old
>Used to be a prolific reader, depression and self loathing stopped that, became an alcoholic at 15
I come out of it for a bit in my senior year of highschool, read a bit, feel good about myself, make my best friend that year
>fall back into self-hatred and depression, stop reading, get a shitty wagecuck fastfood job to distract myself.
>build up such a poison that others can see no matter how hard I try to hide it
>moved from my midwest hometown to escape my problems to a larger "city" with a few friends who are moving for a variety of reasons 8 months ago
>leave my best friend behind
>don't work for 7 months, rely on my savings to carry me like an idiot.
>I feel relaxed for the first two, and fall into a solipsistic coma for the next five, wake up every morning remembering everything I regret
>try to read again, but something always happens, "my backpack gets caught in the rain, ruins the book, etc)
>The entire time drinking, almost die of alcohol poisoning twice
>start to run out of money, can only get a job at the same fastfood franchise I worked at back home
>throw out all my alcohol, I decide I will only drink at parties(which I loathe) until I can control myself. Going well
>Forcing myself to read again, and deciding to try out philosophy because it interests me.

Sorry for the blog, but I bottle things up too much. I'm reading Inherent Vice because I loved the movie, and I'd appreciate some recoomendations from there. Also, the hardest/most "/lit/" books I read before my solipsistic spiral was Charles Dickens, so I'm a bit of a pleb, but I want to get better.

Also, if I'm suppose to start with the greeks, which greeks?

>> No.9565576

Very lovely music, thank you for the suggestion.

What would you recommend by him specifically?

>> No.9565577

>textbook. I've been on this god damn website for a decade now and I know how to keep my shit together in public.
But were you broken and spent literally 5+ hours a day on this website for years?

30 min a day fleeting lurking ≠ the hell I've been through

>> No.9565583


>I read Man in the High Castle and found it quite boring, couldn't finish it. Is Ubik any different?

Not the guy who responded but yes. The Man in the High Castle is one of the worst Dick books I've read and Ubik is one of the best.

>> No.9565586

>Documentation, regulation, and process of how student financial aid works. That way you can go back to school to feel acomplished, study for something thats not grunt work

That is my ultimate goal right now in a nutshell. I'm only uncertain of financial aid because when I was going to school before I was receiving financial, but then dropped out. Idk if that disqualifies me from receiving it again.

>> No.9565587

Yes, for periods in that 10 years I was and did. Stop painting yourself as a special snowflake.

>> No.9565596

Phone up the school's financial aid department or the admissions department and set up a meeting with them or something. They pay people to help people like you.

>> No.9565597

>throw out all my alcohol, I decide I will only drink at parties(which I loathe) until I can control myself. Going well
I did something similar. I only play video games social now with friends. I forbade myself from playing alone. Got me out of my decade-long gaming addiction. Good luck.

>> No.9565604

You're projecting and semi-self-hating. I get it.

>> No.9565610

>21 years old living at home
>in a happy and solid relationship
>getting acceptable grades in college, not what i could be getting but passing everything
>reading about 3 books a month
>writing mostly for school but also for fun
>minor alcoholic, mostly just bad about money
>depressed to the point where i can barely get out of bed most mornings because the world feels pointless and studying philosophy hoping to justify the morality of my continued existence (tl;dr trying not to kill myself even though that's all i really feel i can do with my life)
>basically my life is fine, but my brain is just too fucked up to let me live it

>> No.9565627

Thank you. I will try this. I always feel like they're just going to tell me to fuck off if I ask since I fucked up before. But it's more to never try.

>> No.9565628

>>minor alcoholic

You know....only total faggots say shit like this. There's no such thing as a minor alcoholic, you're either in or out.

>> No.9565630

But it's *worse to never try.

>> No.9565636

Wow, all these whiny /r9k/ posts. If you're not out of college and already depressed, good fucking luck kid. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, take on the fucking world, take no prisoners, fight tooth and nail: this is what the real world is about. Your bubble of "fun" college times is going to pop, and you'll be thrust out into that cold world with your piece of paper and a ball and chain of dept. Better hope for nepotism.

>> No.9565640

>whines about whiny robot posts
>writes up a whiny robot post
I'm done with this site.

>> No.9565645

See you tomorrow.

>> No.9565650


>this is a whiny post (citation needed)

also quite remarkable how you managed to criticize my whining and whine in the same post

>> No.9565652

nice reddit spacing but i think you should stop whining

>> No.9565659

Fuck off gramps. You don't even know the intensity of my existential dread.

>> No.9565672



I'm 23 lad. I'm just intelligent and didn't feel the need to accrue debt, so I never went to Uni. I still have a job that most Uni kids would have, AFTER graduating with their massive amounts of debt.

>> No.9565682


>> No.9565688

Damn, 23 and already a bitter caricature of the all American "self-made" man. Truly an inspiring human being!

>> No.9565696


Its true.



Are you retarded?

>> No.9565697

I've only gotten 3 times since my decision, two at house parties I was dragged to by my roomates and once was with a friend watching Master and Commander.
>gaming addiction
Those are the worst, I kicked mine through just not playing any new games, not matter how cool they look. Indie haming is dangerous, they're cheap and "different" and "art"(not saying games can't be art, but it's a trick for a pretentious asshole like myself to indulge again).

The only games I play anymore are the occasional times with friends, and about once a week I'll play a game from my childhood for a nostalgiatrip for a few hours. I'vs been playing Ratchet and Clank 2 for 3 months now.

>minor alcoholic
Perhaps you mean "functional" alcoholic? Where you can get work/school/obligations done but then you drink an unhealthy amount wasting your life drunk. There is a difference between drinking a lot and it ruling your life.

>> No.9565713

Oh, how dreadful. For some reason I clung on to the hope that we Europeans had not yet been fully consumed by capitalist ideology. Jk, there are many like you and I am glad you're happy with the life you lead. To me, however, it sounds completely repulsive and, quite frankly, vulgar.

>> No.9565740


That's what life is when you're in stark competition with the world at large. If you can find an alternative lifestyle that's engaging for you, good on you. I live and fight for what I believe I can achieve, and know how to achieve. No one can take that from me. If you don't have this mindset, get it soon, because the depressive slope is a slippery one. Think about your great-great-grandparents. You think they had time to contemplate existential dread, working all day and giving all their money to their family just to eat? No. They were tough and survived, and wouldn't give suicide even a thought. I take heed.

>> No.9565744

>23 yo. Finishing my master's degree
>Living on my own but financially supported by my parents
>Never been in a relationship
>Almost a recluse, spend all day inside working on uni stuff, reading and shitposting
>Tormented by obsessive thoughts, probably narcissistic
>Most boring person in the world, have no conversation topics. Unable to hold a casual conversation
>Trying to write essays but I end up deleting everything I come up with
>Fucked up schedule

Recommend me a book, please. Thank you.

>> No.9565753


Getting things done.

I'm not even joking.

>> No.9565772

>Out of uni doing a menial job loading bags onto conveyor belts
>Addicted to opiates
>Addicted to booze
>Addicted to smokes
>Had sex once and hated it
>Hate my friends
>At the ironic stage of nihilism
>Think about suicide but feel the need to pay society back for the money spent on raising me

>> No.9565788

You are in competition not with the world but with other people like yourself. "Life is a battle" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when you pick up the axe. Being too caught up in mere survival and in turn not being able to consider the absurdity of life itself does not make make a person "tough" I think. A dog is not tough, simply because it only focusses on preserving its own life at all costs. Adding on to that: there have been multiple suicides within my family scattered over all the generations. So many people within my lineage don't seem to fit your statement.

>> No.9565793

>Desperately trying to like philosophy
>Hate the everliving fuck out of every philosopher ever
>I'll never understand what /lit/ sees in Deleuze.
>Nietzsche actually IS that edgy
I should've just become catholic or something.

>> No.9565797

Wanna buy some analytic philosophy, kid? It is like STEM just with worse job perspectives ;)

>> No.9565803

I'm afraid of learning I'm terrible at mathematics to even attempt analytics.

>> No.9565806


What DON'T you see in Deleuze huh? *wink wink*

>> No.9565807


stop being a pussy, lift, and discipline yourselves

oh and i highly recommend reading books by dead european white males bonus points if the books are about christian theology.
i don't feel like reading the rest but i would probably rec the same thing to all of you.

>> No.9565808

Unironically work out. It can only improve your chances with the ladies and can become a hobby, and if all else fails you can LARP as an orc

>> No.9565809

You are a simpleton.

>> No.9565811

>close to finishing first year of uni, exams are coming
>living wi parents, mid class
>play the guitar
>i think i fell in love with a girl from one year above mine
>getting addicted to weed because it makes me feel nice

>> No.9565813
File: 37 KB, 564x423, are_you_serious_I_should_smack_the_shit_out_of_you_my_nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9565828

>Currently 21 years old
>Do drugs all the time
>Have a shitty, dead-end job that pays just so i can cover rent and food
>Will go back to school again after quitting at 18 in August
>Trying to get my life together, baby steps
>Don't read that much but listen to audiobooks basically every waking hour

>> No.9565836

Try it. I bet you don't even bench 2 plate, ya lil shit.

>> No.9565851
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 years old
>3 years left of an engineering program
>realize that STEM is a meme and offers me no fulfillment in life
>want to pursue a career in the state department as a diplomat
>could switch to either political science, economics, or international relations at current school and finish in 3-4 semesters
>currently engaged in heavy independent study of history all summer long, plus tons of reading
>will definitely do a master's afterwards

any advice folks?

pic related is the simplest approach, or you can just jump right into the Sophists, Aristotle, Plato, etc, you might be lacking some historical context though

respectable profession, hold your head up high

>GPA 3.3, Major GPA 3.5 because is druggy but reformed myself
As long as it's above 3.0, and you get a good GRE score, you can pretty much get into any grad school that isn't a top tier ivy.

>> No.9565956
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>20 y/o
>left university mid-semester because i couldn't handle the work and basically roamed around the city for a few months before going home
>lied about my grades and parents have no clue that the university likely dismissed me
>parents are overbearing and decide everything for me since they believe that me being a minority (who's also not too bright) will get me swallowed by society
>weak-spined loser who gets walked on by others
>opinion-less yes man
>even the slightest bit of struggle makes me become teary-eyed
>have no true yearning for anything and want to just please parents and be done with life.
>gaining weight at a rapid rate

This is the most descriptive image of me on my HDD.

>> No.9565966
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>20 years old
>Finance Student
>Good parents and family all of my life
>No debt
>Trying to get a job for the summer
>3.2 gpa which I am going to raise higher and might transfer to a slightly better school
>Physically healthy and I have a girlfriend
>Have investments and essentially a small business which is going well, making a couple thousand a year on the side from little to no effort on my behalf
>Have lots of friends but thinking about starting a new chapter in my life junior year and ditching them all, they do drugs too much and are going nowhere
>I love philosophy

>> No.9565970

You are not a NEET.

>> No.9566006

First post/first time on this board

>Just turned 20, out of my first year of college.
>not studying anything other than essentials for processing the adult world
>taking classes on managing my financial assets, social behavior, individual psychology, the
arts, and some specialized computer sciences
>me and my partner of 4 years split up a few days ago
>living at home with my folks (they're older) to help out around the house and study
>going to live in Colorado in a few months (the whole of our family is relocating).
>I smoke for fun (not really a stressful or unhappy person) and used to be a problem drinker but I've been alcohol free for 4 years (since my partner and I met)
>currently work two jobs, going to start a third soon (love both of them)

In all honesty Ive gone through the whole passion of the soul journey in a very fast paced and roundabout way; even wrote it all down over the course of 8 years so. I'm more or less content with life but I'm so early on I don't have a choice
But to do things till I die, so my biggest problem I've dealt with lately is, what do I wanna do until I'm dead? Other than that I'm pretty good

>> No.9566012

Thanks for the chart friend.
I already have a good grasp on greek myths, as they captivated me when I was young. I've also read the theban plays, The Illiad, and The Odyssey, but I'm going to read them again anyway with my (hopefully) more mature perspective, plus I have nothing but time. Giving up drinking and the growing tensions in my living situation mean my only real obligation, social and financial, is my full time job for the next year and a half, before I'll (again hopefully) feel ready for school.

>> No.9566021

>Trying to fix my life

>> No.9566146
File: 245 KB, 1064x1600, Trujillo-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. My shitpost has become pasta. This is a new achievement.

>> No.9566182

>Frequent bad mood and anxiety from getting away from cocaine.
>Haven't touched any coke since last year, but almost everyone i hang out with still do it and they offer me some at least once a week
>Have diagnosed arryhthmia so not risking a heart attack over getting high
>Still depressed as fuck because nothing will ever give me that kind of happiness
Literature for this feel?

>> No.9566208


>had a girlfriend

If you were expecting sympathy you have come to the wrong place.

>> No.9566263

>second year law student
>got a lot to learn, finals are approaching
>next semester is going to be hell
>content with my life at the moment
>been working out, currently on a diet
>no gf, but i'm not worked up about it

>> No.9566328

I love fit lit.

>> No.9566346


>> No.9566412
File: 79 KB, 509x509, Ikigai-EN-optimized-PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look if you don't know what to study. Find what you don't want to study.

No one ever really knows what their calling(s) are until they try them.

I don't have the downloads b/c computer got cooked but I'll sum up Ramit Sethi's "find your dreamjob" for you. with a few points from "Earn 1k" and a bit from Eben Pagan's "Self Made Wealth"
The only thing of real value is time.
First You must understand Value and decide how much Value you need to produce in your life. Money is not value its merely the medium of Desire. You need to figure out what you like essentially and also what other people Value.
You need to sort out how you wish to spend yours. Easy and fun for you is nightmarish to them. Typically the great successes are walking min/maxers, having a litany of acceptable flaws irrelevant to their mission.
Many people go through several careers/projects before they find Ikigai.
Many life missions do not generate much money, or require significant investments before they are viable, or are not viable in and of themselves. For such cases it is important to secure yourself financially must generate a Muse of some sorts. A business/service that generates money with minimal time investment or front loaded time investment. Say writing a book or Saving a massive investment fund that throws off enough cash to service your mission. Maslows hierarchy of needs is a good guide for this. Once you've secured most of the lower levels the higher levels open up much easier. Be brutal with yourself. Ask for help. and look to fix the fundamentals first. If you're having self esteem issues, its probably lack of sleep and poor diet in the end causing you to be a cranky pos and damaging your relationships.

So make a list of the projects you are going to TEST to secure your needs. If you need physical therapy and a trainer to break your opiate addiction so you can exist pain free you need to find them and price them. Its only blood, skin, bones, muscles or mental.

After you're comfy in your own skin, then you're okay to get out on your own and Try stuff. Just get out and ask people in careers you're interested in if you can have lunch or talk on the phone about their job. Linkedin will help find people who make themselves available. If you develop a good rapport you might be able to shadow them for a while.
The criterion for narrowing the search for a dreamjob are: dream role and dream company.
Find a specific job title probably associate role@ x company. Find a large midsize small and boutique company that has that position. Talk to people already in the role at the company and perhaps the roles they would transition into.
Do this for 3 job titles in different fields minimum and reassess after you've talked to your 12 people. Repeat if necessary
After you research it reverse engineer the degree path you need to take. Proceed with conviction.

>> No.9566424

adderal my man

>> No.9566442

>just finished the Iliad

I'm open for anything.

>> No.9566547

fear and loathing in las vegas

>> No.9566555

Stuff like this always makes me sad

After I had graduated high school I looked through a lot of find-your-career-advice and it really just make me realize that I would kill myself if I didn't think that was too cruel a thing to inflict upon my parents
>Alright so you look at this triangle of what you like, what you are good at and what is economically viable!
>Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, go out in the whole wide world and get it done, kiddo!

It all just makes me feel like I somehow ended up completely unfit for this entire situation, like there is no place for me

>> No.9566580

take out loans, study marxism

>> No.9566583

I got my current job through (((networking))), at the risk of sounding trite. I studied philosophy for two years, dropped out, moved around, and went back and got a degree in finance. It's a good industry since you get smart + competitive people there to sharpen your mind. I'm not the type to LARP as Patrick Bateman so I always felt somewhat alienated from the people around me but I don't regret my path. It's easy to leverage any "creative" impulse you may have in financial services since many of the senior people (at my firm at least) majored in history or classics during undergrad. It's not as dry as accounting or as directionless as "business administration" but just make sure you hustle for an internship or two so you can shoot the shit during interviews.

>> No.9566600

desu senpai I've noticed most people in this situation didn't listen to their parents advice, usually their fathers telling them to study engineering.

>> No.9566611

>I've noticed most people in this situation didn't listen to their parents advice, usually their fathers telling them to study engineering.

That's actually pretty funny because my dad didn't give me much advice at all, but after some of his input I ended up studying engineering
I absolutely hate, feel too dumb for pretty much all of this and will probably drop out

>> No.9566626
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>Just finished contract with the military
>Starting uni in a few months on the GI bill
>Deeply in love with someone
>She loves someone else but we are very close

It hurts every day and I can't help but feel like a cuck but I've never been more motivated to study and better myself. Complete heart break is imminent but I can take comfort in not being alone for a while. What should I read?

>> No.9566633

And you'll drop out and still have more employability than somebody with a philosophy degree.

>> No.9566638

Read a suicide manual if you really are dumb enough to fall for a roastie in 2017.

>> No.9566644


stop thinking of yourself as the protagonist and get over it

>> No.9566648

Appreciate the reply, but I've already read Catcher in the Rye... oh I'm well aware of the social implications of my attitudes. I fake my way through most social interactions, I play what ever character will best allow me to deal with a given scenario, but fitting in with normies hasn't changed how I feel inside

>> No.9566670
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You're not wrong. When this crashes and burns I'm instead going to turn inward for validation and laugh at the whores who hit 30 and lose all value to the world. What should I read though?

>> No.9566701

Not to put you down or anything, but how did reading books make you realize there's something to live for? And I'll try to answer your question as best I can, bildungsromans fit the self discovery one and Beneath the Wheel and Memoirs of Hadrian I have actually read and fit that theme I believe.

>> No.9566743

>always been really awful at dealing with people
>might have mild form of autism
>asked some of my friends that I'm pretty sure just got used to me about it
>told me not to worry about it and that everyone is on the spectrum somewhere
>now at uni studying something I'm not interested in
>fear of being outside too long so don't go to class
>cramming 4 months of work into half a week because time management is something I cannot do
>barely getting alright grades
>this fear also makes it really difficult when housemates want to go out
>boring guy who just stays inside
>still a narcissistic little shit tho
>always make shitty jokes that make me seem dumb as if I'm still a teenager
Got any recs that might help me get over myself and genuinely connect with people?

>> No.9566828
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>mid-twenties, 6'2, big dick, living with parents and jap wife
>about to enter a career in healthcare after a wasted foray into research
>most of my hobbies revolve around the outdoors
>eco-libertarian, want commies to be physically removed
>sorting myself out
>despise interacting with normies outside of work
>growing to hate technology
>stopped playing vidya several years ago, weaning myself off 4chan
>borderline autistic fixation on cold things

>> No.9566829

Thanks, same guy here. I have some vague, yet strong, desire to contribute post-undergrad. Something about taking advantage of my virile years, a sense of civic duty. I'm a British-American, so I guess I have a few options. Military, Peace Corps, scrape by in a non-English speaking country (might be harder with Brexit), TFA, etc.

Essentially: Do summer internships have an expiration date before they become irrelevant to banks and other financial groups? Would I likely need to get an MBA, especially with a non-finance major?

>> No.9566844

My bad, that piece of writing is a mess. Bit tired.

>> No.9566860

The Four Agreements by some self-proclaimed Toltec shaman guy

>> No.9566875

looks interesting
will give it a read and see if I can take anything from it

>> No.9566878

>almost a week without doing any drugs, they fucked up my life pretty well because i have no self-control
>i failed at 2 or 3 classes at uni by absence
>i'm feeling even more alone than before, since i can't just forget who i am without drugging myself out of reality
>i'm trying to get back on track

>> No.9566891

it's mostly a crock of shit but the general message is important and you have to read the whole think for it to sink in. I should probably reread it, it's been a while.

>> No.9566895

*whole thing

>> No.9566929

Literally me /10
Read Crime and Punishment

>> No.9566933
File: 148 KB, 1080x398, ut4hrrw9tawy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent the last two years spiraling into, and coming out of ADHD related depression.
>Dropped out of college and moved back in with parents because of it.
>Started taking meds a month ago, shit's working far better than I had any reason to hope.
>Finished a semester at community college, did better at school related shit than I ever have in my life.
>Have solid plans to transfer to a real university in a year.
>Have 0 luck with women, but fuck it; I wouldn't date me so why should anyone else?
>Eating better, slowly figuring out how the fuck to /fit/
>Mostly have shit together at this point, actually kind of enjoy life.
>Terrified that the upward trend will go down again because I finally have a life I don't want to lose.

>> No.9566987
File: 296 KB, 1483x2205, 1463177208196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Pic possibly related.

Also avoid uni, go to a technical institute instead and do nursing. All of academia is oversaturated.

>> No.9567017

Alright that's good, I'm jealous of you Americans because you can study anything at community college for a small tuition and still get a decent education from people in the field who are passionate about teaching.

>> No.9567051

>college drop out
>working at college bookstore
>trapped in a one-way relationship

>> No.9567073

I used to read and reread Meditations on especially bad days when I was depressed, hopefully I can get something out of it this time around.

As for uni, I'm planning on going back to finance. I know how cutthroat it is, especially since that's part of what caused me to lose it in the first place. On the other hand, it honestly seems like the best option for having no life but work for a few years, making sensible investments, and retiring as quickly as possible. Overall I'm just a lazy fuck, but I do realize that working my ass off now will result in more time to relax and enjoy shit later.

As for Nursing... I don't think I'm altruistic enough to get over my disgust and do that. Major respect for anyone who can, but somehow I get the feeling that's a kind of difficult I'm not really suited for.

>> No.9567075

>Just graduated high school
>barley getting any hours at my job
>have really no direction in life
>I'm constantly sad and only derive comfort through literature and vidya
>I'm working on a writing project with a buddy of mine, but it's being completed at a snails pace
>sleep most of the day
>scared my parents are gonna kick me out

Got anything for me, fellas?

>> No.9567085

Not the anon you were responding to, but I appreciate you posting this.
I've been trying to figure out where to start with Mishimas bibliography.

>> No.9567103

I wouldn't care about this but i know that your laziness and hedonism in turn harms your mother. so it sickens me to my core to read this. you hurt this woman who had so much expectations and hope for you. every day when you wake up and do nothing but eat and satisfy your whims you hurt her. im so enraged and disgusted by you

>> No.9567107
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Doing a quarter for raping 4 women.
Been in solitary for 6 months.
Stuck my phone in my anus and have been shitposting in here since they threw me in.
The guard charges my phone if I give him my jizz.

>> No.9567108
File: 23 KB, 358x499, po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or his seduction one if your /fit/ness gives you the confidence of knowing that you are worth dating.

>> No.9567110

at least you have buddies.

work harder on your writing project. put some damn effort into it.
also build a better relationship with your parents. unless some really serious shit happened, it's usually not too late to start connecting with them, no matter how unpleasant it may be. It really does help you in your adult life to have them on your side. no matter how much they've disappointed you, and no matter how much you think you may have disappointed them, so long as you inform them you're willing to change in the case of the latter

>> No.9567114

You don't need to be altruistic to be a nurse, I'd say it's often a hindrance. Being able to fake your emotions convincingly, compartmentalize and remember stuff under stress are probably more useful. I mostly do it because I'm interested in medicine. Also there's a trend towards replacing doctors with advance practice nurses and I didn't want to get cucked out of my job.

But yeah, I too have immense respect for your career choice and it's probably one of the safer ones where automation is concerned. Best of luck, mate.

no problem mate, glad I finally found a use for it

>> No.9567119

I'm working on other projects, but the one that I referenced is what I feel the most passion for. I conceptualize constantly for it.
The problem is I don't wanna totally take it over from my friend, despite him holding it up at times.
I probably should have provided more context around my parental situation: I have a pretty alright bond with them and I know they probably won't kick me out, but my anxiety regarding tha possibility won't subside.

Thank you for the advice, though. The bond can always be stronger and I know they truly love me. I gotta open up more to them.
I appreciate yah, anon.

>> No.9567121

Very genuine response.

>> No.9567127

"Jeez, that's harsh."
>reads what it was in reply to.
"Oh. Makes sense."

>> No.9567141
File: 19 KB, 326x454, 1495917775936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no friends
>only leave the house to walk to the gas station and buy junk food
>dick is only like 5.4 inches long

>> No.9567149

Raped you say?

>> No.9567150

Much appreciated, I'll probably hold off on the seduction stuff until after I've moved out and settled into my own place, but can't hurt to read more now.

>> No.9567241

>just got my master's in genetics, and got into my dream uni for my PhD
>severely overworked, and all free time is spent learning to code
>One (1) irl friend
>No time to read so the book needs to be in audiobook format
>My favorite authors are Herman Hesse, Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K Dick, and Asimov
>I also enjoy stoic philosophy, exercise, and mindfulness meditation

>> No.9567278


>> No.9567296
File: 203 KB, 680x644, 1495835160486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still a teenager

you are still starting off in life you stupid idiot. why would we even give a shit about your "problems"?

>> No.9567301

I thought my post made it clear that I'm a man of science. I don't buy into Jungian gobbledygook.

>> No.9567309


I'm sorry that was harsh. I've been having a rough month.
I'm looking on Audible for "INTP" and I'm only coming up with one title, a book by a Clayton Geoffreys. Is this what you're recommending or is it another book?

>> No.9567311

Jungian ideas are largely pretty academically valid.
You're showing off your own failure as an intellectual if you disregard Jung.
Meyers-Briggs is for autists though; about as valid as astrology

>> No.9567316

>live with mom
>dropped out of college multiple times
>had one or two serious girlfriends but wasn't mature enough to keep them
>experimented once with homosexuality but didn't like it
>no sex in several years
>cigarette smoker
>diagnosed with ADD as a child
>diagnosed schizoaffective as adult
>meds make me feel dull and lifeless
>rarely read
>get through one book a month
>try to listen to podcasts and watch youtube to stay informed
>spend most of my time chasing highs to escape the drudgery of lack of purpose
>moving soon and possibly re-attending college
>in love with greeks and romans
>studied philosophy briefly
>see the good life of virtue but character flaws prevent me from attaining it

>> No.9567329

How is life in Venezuela now?

>> No.9567349

>academically valid.

Please define your terms. It sounds like you're saying Jung is acceptable because the literati still discuss him. If that's the case, then I don't consider it to be a valid argument. If you're saying something else, I'm interested in hearing it. I've read a bit of Jung and consider his ideas to be interesting, and I guess they have some merit and gobbledygook is a bit harsh, but I don't consider his theories to map very well onto the reality. I think they're in a similar category to the theory of humors: neat, fun, but not really a scientific theory. But I recognize that not everything has to be science so I guess I will admit I am being unfair. Maybe I will read Jung again.

>You're showing off your own failure as an intellectual

I don't really consider myself to be an intellectual, in the sense that my career is not based on creating novel ideas. I'm a very practical man. I try to channel my energy into other things because I recognize that, from a market perspective, I would have more success as a technician/engineer type than a mover and shaker. I am interested in philosophy and literature mostly for self-knowledge, to help me be happy and effective.

>> No.9567374

>dropped out of college during sophomore year
>lived with my parents for two years while dealing with various health problems
>back in school, and will be a junior in computer science
>have been in loving relationships, but nothing has endured. my ex boyfriend didn't want to stay together since I plan on going to grad school on the west coast
>have dates scheduled with several older gentleman (I enjoy age-gap relationships)

>> No.9567383

>Just finished playing Tennis with my friend
>Tired as fuck

Any book to make me not feel tired?

>> No.9567385

Infinite Jest

>> No.9567389


>> No.9567399

Just Before the War with the Eskimos

>> No.9567411

lemme rape you

>> No.9567419

>community college in summer
>no friends
>/jp/ is my main board to lurk
>no drivers license
>never leave room
>dead older brother
>Have not seen any family but my mom in months
>jack off and cry all day

>> No.9567424

catcher in the rye

>> No.9567436

I don't know /lit/ has told me its dumb

>> No.9567441

I'd recommend Eileen by Otessa Moshfegh to everyone here. Y'all are quirky, socially inept, etc., much like the book's protagonist Eileen.

I'd almost liken it to a modern version of Catcher in the Rye, but it's actually good.

>> No.9567442


>> No.9567446

Catcher In The Rye is good though so your're' taste is suspect.

>> No.9567461

That was strangely heartwarming. Reminded me that I need to read Cather in the Rye though so I guess I'll read that soon

>> No.9567464


>> No.9567465

It's a lot of writing that says very little. When I first read the book, I was at an age where I really identified with Holden. But as I've reread it over the years, I've realize he's a dumbass agonizing over inconsequential bullshit. It's not a "bad" book, but there's much better literature out there (and you don't have to look far).

(Yes, I'm opinionated. And so are you.)

>> No.9567470

Even /lit/ can be fucking retarded sometimes. To younger readers Catcher in the Rye is eye opening and infinitely relatable, and to older people it's absolutely insufferable. Just give it a shot.

>> No.9567482

Holden kind of resembles Selena's brother. So if you tolerated him you will get through Catcher perfectly fine, unlike many people who cannot stand Holden.

>> No.9567488

it's a beautifully written book

are you asking for my consent?

>> No.9567519

I just recently finished watching the Ghost in the Shell anime and it made me want to read it, so even if he's annoying I'll get through it. Actually just read the Laughing Man cause I saw it was the story after the Eskimo one

>> No.9567530

>Actually just read the Laughing Man cause I saw it was the story after the Eskimo one
Might as well just finish the whole Nine Stories book, they're all great, "For Esme" being my favorite

>> No.9567568
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>22, about to start my fifth and final year of uni (double major)
>Researching artificial intelligence, finally getting to the really interesting stuff
>Really excited about the future
>Happily single for the past 2 years

Something fun/optimistic about the future might be nice. No real scifi though, I don't feel like reading Asimov.

>> No.9567590
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Hey you and I actually sound pretty similar. I only asked for no scifi cause I'm pretty burnt out on Asimov.
Have you read Flowers for Algernon? One of my favorites for sure, and it seems up your alley.
Also you would benefit from reading more philosophy, Stoicism is a bit of a meme on the internet, and I've found that while it helps me with how to live it doesn't guide me on what to live for.

>> No.9567609

hahahahahaha this is the best post on this thread

at least we have neetbux in australia anon. just try to get a job and hold it

>> No.9567649

Read the sticky. Follow the advice there, the whole board is allow about self improvement.

As for hobbies, read and start learning an instrument. Socialize, ya fucking troglodyte. Once you get /fit/ find a qt that actually appreciates you.

Get a comfy internship as a programmer. Finish college. Then get a job.

Its not hard, Jesus.

>> No.9567650

>21, kissless hugless virgin
>only friends are a pothead loser and two r9k tier autists
>pretty good face, fit, not a manlet
>finally starting to improve my social anxiety, no longer stuttering when buying things at the store
>still have no idea where to find a girl
>a relationship comes to mind every single time I put my head on the pillow and close my eyes

>> No.9567701
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>living back at mums
>zero qualifications
>longest job held was a week
>drug abuse (mainly prescription)
>going outside feels like being carted round in a glass box while naked & screaming
>really getting somewhere with the layout of my room

>> No.9567733

I had similar interests as you, and after doing some research the best major for that kind of work is probably either international relations or anything government related (e.g. public policy if your uni offers that), but you could also study economics because you have more options if you don't get the career you want (since most of us probably won't be diplomats)

>> No.9567855
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>kissless virgin
>never been in a relationship
>work overnights, hardly see anyone
>stay in my room when I'm off
>only go out late when nobody is around
>finishing community college in December after 5 years
>too much of a pussy to hang myself

>> No.9567864

>i highly recommend reading books by dead european white males bonus points if the books are about christian theology
>Doesn't even try to recommend a woman or minority because knows they won't help any of you
Dude I would read the Tolstoy of the Zulus, but there is none.

>> No.9567868

Happy the room thing is working for ya'

Read Houllebecq

>> No.9567873

Welcome to the NHK, the book is pretty darn good.

>> No.9567876

Are you in Israel?

>> No.9567881


>> No.9567889


>> No.9567971

>about to start university
>only hobbies are reading and video games, sometimes playing music
>split up with my only bf and have no intention of dating anyone else again
>too fat, I weigh 75kg and am 170cm tall
>too lazy to do anything about it
>at the very least i have a great family
>been reading classics since primary school because my parents are a librarian and english teacher
>no friends
At least I got into the uni course I wanted.

>> No.9567983

What instrument do you play?

>> No.9567989

Saxophone and flute, and a little bit of piano and bass.

>> No.9567992

>be me 22 y/o
>finally found my worth as a person
>notice i think further and more detailed than most people, that my worth is higher than average
>working out for a few months now, my body is reacting really well
>dated a shizo for a year, taught me a lot about life
>got a few friends who are workingclass and am really happy to be accepted there, we have fun together
>have like 2-3 friends i can talk to for a good conversation
>gonna finish uni in a year, got quite a few opportunities
>joined a bookclub a few weeks ago, after being there once got told that they'd be happy if i'd come again
>good enough relation to my parents but really want to move out, going to soon
>one problem remains, if i can't talk to others about what i think about i feel very limited, if i do talk to someone about that sort of stuff i feel empty (talking for a few hours)
Also i still question myself to much and really want to find someone to share my time with as a friend and as a partner.

Feel empty at times, then just think why don't i smile, then i smile and i don't care anymore.

>> No.9568013


I believe that anyone who can play music can't be a loser in a true sense.

>> No.9568022


>> No.9568052

The retarded halfbrother intp

>> No.9568070

I learned flute and sax from a teacher from the age of 8, but taught myself bass and piano.

>> No.9568087

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is an essential fable by him, which is really hard to hate. Illusions is also a very good work

>> No.9568214

25, finishing up an English degree a class at a time (will finish at the end of this year), have worked in a mobile home community doing maintenance for two years, live in a dental hygienist's basement for cheap, in a long-distance relationship.

>> No.9568317


Hey, take it easy on the guy. My mother, for example, was a nice lady who somehow went fucking insane in her mid-life crises and divorce, so now she absolutely hates me and has to lie about it to keep getting 'dem payment from my Dad (who is a hardworking, honest man). I know her for what she is, but my Dad is too naive and blinded by the past, so in order to extract full payment from her I'm renting a room in my Mom's parent's nice little summer house. She moved out of the state after I made clear I had plans to stay.

>> No.9568373

Never been a big reader, but stumbled across this thread and maybe reading would be a good start on self improvement

>Left school at 15 to move away and go to college to study computing
>Heavy autismo, but made friends with a couple of cool guys in their 20s - I was really just the twerp of the group, they'd have a laugh about me spilling spaghetti on a daily basis but it was all in good fun
>get plenty of chances to fuck some of their hot friends and girls I met in college, but I just laugh awkwardly and panic whenever there's even a scent of opportunity
>end of year I decide I wanna make bank, move back home and get an apprenticeship in IT support
>fucking hate it, realized the first day what a mistake I'd made and what I'd be missing out on, could've been partying and not caring about anything rather than dealing with my managers micro-peepee 5 days a week
>I know for a fact that my confidence and social skills have improved at work and I should really keep at it, but I'm at a crossroads trying to decide if I should take the job they're offering me (effectively doubling my shitty salary) or spunk my savings and move away to study IT again (a field I already have a secure job in) in the hopes I'll have some fun
>still trying to get a grip on reality, probably just teen angst and the side effect of sitting infront of a screen all my life but a lot of the time I don't feel real and that life is too much to cope with, makes it really difficult to go to parties and maintain relationships with people
>zero motivation, not sure if I should continue slaving away or run the risk of being a shut in at college again, pissing in bottles and playing vidya at 5am

Any recommendations?

>> No.9568391
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>working full time at an office job, good pay & position
>repetitive work that's easy to master and efficiently streamline
>find it amusing that my other co-hires have a hard time doing this process if they are
>make a lot of money compared to what I ever have, and I spent basically no money except on absolute necessities and sometimes the rare indulgence because I can
>results in me having large sum in savings
>in no debt
>look at bank account, the bank is paying ME interest on the money in MY savings account
>chuckle to myself about this fact every so often
>sometimes I think that I wasn't supposed to get this job and I'm just flying by the seat of my pants
>but hell, its a wild and fun ride
>have plans to use my accrued capital on something substantial
>have no concern for companionship, although it is a nice sentiment, it is ultimately a waste of resources in this crucial time where I must conserve and persevere to achieve my loftier goals
>days melt into weeks melt into months and here I am

I have a song for this feel, but I need a book rec. Anyone?

Here's the song btw:


>> No.9568408
File: 16 KB, 300x400, {AB57C3F3-3D79-4948-B192-C3DB5A80B0CD}Img400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Comfy song, I like it anon. As for your rec... hm.. I'd say this is probably dependent on what your inclinations are, but you seem pretty intelligent based upon your finance situation. Try out this one.

>pic related

>> No.9568454


You're 23 and have the banks paying YOU interest? Nice man.

>> No.9568997

go back to school. enjoy youth. found a startup on your own or with friends. make an app or something. be rich. enjoy the eternal bachelor lifestyle.

>> No.9569378
File: 2.39 MB, 448x252, 1444846316361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to search for a place to move into to get away from my psychotic family
>on the verge of a speed addiction (it's okay though because I'm supposed to take it)
>about to let the evil schizo I lost my virginity to become my dominatrix
>still feeling pretty positive about it all because of the speed, err, ritalin

>> No.9569621

The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie

>> No.9569712
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>29 year-old in southern Brazil
>spent 6 years in american prisons, became a christian during then, happily deported
>every guy my age and younger has a ridiculous haircut. Image absolutely related.
>i'm sporting the Dicaprio look.
>surrounded by grandfather, 6 aunts, 5 uncles, many cousins in this city, and half as many relatives in the next state over
>mother in America sending me money
>spending it frugally
>going to church
>looking for a job
>probably going to get one in teaching english
>am eligible for italian citizenship.
>watching younger people all around me working
>working on writing a sci-fi/fantasy
>interests include running, working on my pull ups, /out/doors, Finland, Norway, subsistence gardening, folk metal, viking metal, black metal, movies and books on medieval warfare, kalevala, poetic edda
>single, looking. Want to have children.
>plans: Get a first job in anything that doesn't involve masonry/tiling/construction/painting/demolition/janitor, make money, go to school for a class in pomiculture, get a career, marry, move to Finland, Norway, or some other /out/ country, travel parts of the world
>feeling so far behind from the rest of the crowd
>feeling at peace with the alternate idea of being a countryside hobo and dying if nothing goes right for me.
>but thinking, "God's got my back"