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/lit/ - Literature

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9560262 No.9560262 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about this chart.

Independent of the controversy, does it have merit?

Infinite Jest on it at all makes me say no.
Infinite Jest lower than ever makes me want to say yes however.

Please don't shill your chat rooms on /lit/ I just want to talk about books.

>> No.9560277

I think it's better than the past 3, to be honest.
Also, you've never read IJ

>> No.9560293

Orwell and Huxley both fell off?

>> No.9560300

Better than the previous ones for sure.

>> No.9560305
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 20170526_212245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its about fucking time. When someone says 1984 or BNW is their favorite book, I know immediately that they're either 12 or have read <10 books in their life.

>> No.9560309
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The chart was a fake made by that chatroom and every new thread you make is an advert for that chatroom, whether intended or not

>> No.9560311

Huxley was really low on 2016 chart too, and had like a handful of votes. Not too weird to see it fall off.

1984 is probably viewed as too Reddit now.

>> No.9560316

>le book I don't like that's objectively well written is lower ranked so it must be legitxD
Kys. You are a fucking idiot who panders to fake list because you agree with it.

>> No.9560317

A better list, but also a list that appeals to tryhards and contrarians who are insecure to like books that others like. Not a valid list of /lit/'s books, but solid recs.

>> No.9560323

Defend Infinite Meme. Go on, try.

>> No.9560327
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And let's make sure this gets deleted
If you want to talk about books make a thread about books, not about your chatroom

>> No.9560329

Nah, it's better than you think it is though.

>> No.9560330
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>> No.9560340
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>> No.9560344
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>> No.9560348

1984 and BNW are my favorite books

>> No.9560353
File: 100 KB, 1300x867, 43880853-Young-woman-vomiting-into-the-toilet-bowl-in-the-early-stages-of-pregnancy-or-after-a-night-of-party-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joyce Shakespeare Tolstoy Pynchon Dostoevsky Melville listed before Dante

>> No.9560361

I hope you'll have read more than two books by the end of the year

>> No.9560368

Christfags get out

>> No.9560374

How come IJ passed from position 1 to position 42? Has all the shitposting worked so well?

>> No.9560384

It's a fake, see the real results here >>/lit/thread/S9553307

>> No.9560391

Has anyone read the three-body problem? I don't usually like hard sci fi but I've seen it everywhere so I was thinking about trying it

>> No.9560398

>Liking translated epic poetry more than Great American Novels

>> No.9560405

I just read Blindsight, which some people were lamenting it not making it but TBP making it. I've heard good things about both.

>> No.9560407

Shame it takes a fake list for Winesburg, Ohio to get some love.

>> No.9560412

even a fake could very easily have been both more convincing and have much better contents, so no, it doesn't have merit

>> No.9560413

I didn't like it, it's not really hard SF. The prose is bland in translation and the concepts it put across aren't terribly innovative. They might appeal if you haven't read a lot of SF or spent hours of your life reading about various fermi paradox theories on wikipedia.

>> No.9560422

It's really excellent, but the fetishization of the first book was probably political due to the emphasis on the Cultural Revolution, which plays well into the "evil chinks" narrative.

From a pure sci-fi/narrative/plotting perspective, Books 2 and 3 are better. 1 is decent, just not as good as people make it out to be.

>> No.9560426

Where's The Recognition by gaddis?

>> No.9560430

12? you blind senpai?

>> No.9560434

fugg, sometimes I really wish I wasn't stupid

>> No.9560435

>implying no one reads it in the original version

>> No.9560442

>young woman vomiting into the toilet bowl after the early stages of pregnancy or after a night of party stock photo.jpg
Top lel.

>> No.9560460

This list has more merit than the others if only for the fact that Women and Men finally made it on there.

>> No.9560462
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>women and men
>$106.50 hardcover
>$94.99 paperback
>$260.90 used&new (7 offers)

What the fuck?

>> No.9560475
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>tfw haven't read a single one of those

>> No.9560482

Supposedly a new print run coming soon.

>> No.9560594

stop reading burgerpomo

>> No.9560768

>he hasn't read it
Too intimidating anon?

>> No.9560792

Any torrents/mega with these?

>> No.9560872

Best of lists tend to be fairly poor at ranking artistic works due to the mathematics involved when lower-level, more accessible works have been consumed by several orders of magnitude more people.

I won't go into extensive detail as to why that is, but consider if you were making a list by having a bunch of normie readers submit their top 10. Almost all of those submissions will include The Great Gatsby because it's 'i need to teach these kids symbolism' the book, and yet very few of them will have The Great Gatsby in their top 3, which will be composed of whichever more advanced books their English teacher selected for them in their later years of school. Even if you were to weightings based on individual ranks, the sheer number of people who include The Great Gatsby somewhere will mean it should end up being number one, or very close to that.

/lit/ is slightly more well read the average person so you don't see The Great Gatsby at number 1, but you do see very similar things happening with The Bible, Shakespeare, Stoner (which has an unusually high readership on /lit/ thanks to a short-lived bookclub), and Frankenstein. Like 90% of people who've read both Frankenstein and In Search of Lost Time are going to rank the latter higher, but for everyone of these people there are going to be hundreds who've only read Frankenstein.

>> No.9560874


Looks the voters were a bunch of faggots who fell for the "German literatur", Japan, and Christ meme.

The only German language stuff that deserves to be on that list are Goethe, Kafka, and Hesse. Thomas Mann is such a fucking meme. Zettels Traum? Anyone here actually read that? If any of you ever met the typical German ""intellectual""/academic and discovered what a touchy, lame, effete piece of shit of it was, you might understand the sort of insipid trash it would produce. There's a reason Nietzsche hated Germans despite being one.

Japanese literature isn't bad per se, just overrepresented.

How come the only Camus novel is The Fall and it's placed at 51?

Joyce is GOAT but this board sucks his cock too much. I seriously doubt that many of you have read the Wake and even so it was probably more like chewing wood - it's time to get past this phase and try some other authors.

Good representation of Russian lit although Demons and some sort of compendium of Dosto's short stories would be nice.

Too many meme picks for American lit. Needs less postmodern doorstoppers and more 19th century and first half of the 20th century stuff (Hemingway, Jack London, Hawthorne). Although Pynch is good, Moby Dick should be ahead of GR.

>> No.9560903

transparent attempt at shilling your shit chart
fuck off

>> No.9560949

>the voters
>How come
It didn't have voters, the chart is a fake

>> No.9560952

i respect with and/or agree with most of your opinions here. even the ones i disagree with i can understand where you're coming from.

calling mann a meme is just fucking stupid though.

rest of your post is fine.

>> No.9561006

What's worse, the autist who made the chart or the fucking fag posting all the discord screenshots?

>> No.9561047

the autist, that was more effort than mere spamming and shitposting.

>> No.9561059

They both touch levels of autism and faggotry never thought possible

>> No.9561152

>not realizing it's the same person

>> No.9561171

The real scheme is obvious. The screenshots show that nobody in the chat even knew what was going on. How can a chat organize this if nobody knew what was happening?

Instead of actually faking the chart, they are faking that they faked the chart. They are posting these screenshots to make it look like the chart is fake, when in reality it's just a boring poll that got samefagged by a Japanese anon.

>> No.9561176

how many layers does this go?

>> No.9561187

Actually a good post

>> No.9561193 [DELETED] 

This entire thing is just recruiting for discord


>> No.9561198

What's this noise about controversy and chatrooms?

>> No.9561288

nobody gives a shit about your conspiracy, spend more time reading books and less time thinking /lit/ is important

>> No.9561296

I don't know but its fucking hilarious

>> No.9561297

>this embarrassing damage control

>> No.9561301

yeah, whatever you say mate

>> No.9561329

>lets define this 100 book long list by the place IJ has
what is this behaviour? do new people show of their knowledge of memes so lit thinks youre cool?

>> No.9561347
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>2 Nabokov novels
>Neither is Lolita

and there are still people who believe it's a real list?

>> No.9561355

are there still people who care?

>> No.9561357

it's called having some fucking respect for board culture, you would understand that if you weren't some newfag from reddit

>> No.9561639

desu im just glad gormenghast is on a lit chart even if its fake.

>> No.9561641


so its not actually a list of books?

>> No.9561650

even if its not an "official" lit chart or whatever.

>> No.9561677

each of the /lit/ top 100s are fake if you mean the creator choosing the books, I don't know why this one has so much controversy, I thought it was common knowledge here

>> No.9561686

I agree with everything this anon said about that anon.

>> No.9561734

>/lit/ will never like Emerson

Why do I even visit this place?

>> No.9561761

It's terrible and isn't official.

>> No.9561784

This chart can't be serious with Hesse in top-30

And i've totally lost my shit at a 90s Chechen rebel on the Hadji Murat's cover.
t. Caucasian native

>> No.9561843

>Orwell consists solely of 1984
Homage to Catalonia and/or Wigan Pier deserve to be on there desu

>> No.9561859
File: 3.05 MB, 1820x4352, top100 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last real chart

>> No.9562002

I would say this is believable if it weren't for Infinite Jest being in the top 10.

>> No.9562028

They're known for their vision of the future, not their story.

>> No.9562155

Obviously a fake list with too much too obscure stuff on (which doesnt mean it cant be good ofc, its just not popular enough).
But I honestly like that the focus is not entirely on anglo´lit:
>anglo: 37
>russian: 11
>german, japanese: 10
>french: 8
>spanish: 7
>italian: 6
>antique greek: 5
>skandinavian, chinese: 2
>g*d, hungarian: 1

>> No.9562210
File: 37 KB, 560x315, 1495228835319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a good chart, we will teach reddit well

hopefully angela nagle will see this

>> No.9562211

nobody gives a shit about your chatroom stop trying to get attention by spamming your stupid chat every thread
it's painfully obvious that you /soc/ fucks are trying to pull off an "epic raid xD"-tier shit here

>> No.9562246

>anglo: 54
>german: 10
>french: 7
>spanish: 5
>old greek: 4
>italian: 3
>japanese: 2
>roman, portuguese, skandinavian, g*d: 1

>> No.9562618

Women and Men is terrible. McElroy can't write for shit.

>> No.9562770

>didn't read it
>posts vague criticism to look cool for his internet friends

>> No.9562816

>Its another samefagging OP episode.

>> No.9563119

we've had multiple threads where people have posted mcelroy's writing. it's shit.

>> No.9563136

All me.

>> No.9563582


what did he mean by this?

>> No.9563648


the guy posting these is just a guy who got banned from the discord, so this is his way of getting epic revenge

>> No.9563654

Of course not. Finnegans Wake should not be on the list.

>> No.9563714

You probably overestimate how much whoever that was cared about you. It only takes a couple minutes for anyone to look into your server and screencap evidence of the rigging.

>> No.9563740
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>> No.9563778

I don't. You have to care quite a bit to be bothered to do autistic shit like this.

>> No.9564054

Every book after the top 50 have but a single vote, theses charts are useless.

>> No.9564173

they don't actually have a single vote since the chart is a fake
unless you count the person who made it, then even the top 50 have but a single vote