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9559592 No.9559592 [Reply] [Original]

>writes a play so brazenly antisemitic that 400 years later people think it's a critique of antisemitism

Now I truly understand the genius of Shakespeare.

>> No.9559645
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are you seeing it now?

>> No.9559688

Shakespeare was gay, rigth?

>> No.9559693

No, boys were women too in those days.

>> No.9559695
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>writes a play
top meme

>> No.9559707


which one? merchant of venice? how is the ending not meant to evoke sympathy for shylock?
even at the beginning shylock is only a dick because the 'hero' had treated him like shit before the play began.

shakespeare wrote about people, not race or religion. you'll be saying othello is brazenly about black people being easy to manipulate next.

memory of names and exact scenes a little fuzzy sorry

>> No.9559717

>a white male author is racist
like clockwork

>> No.9559734

it seems that not just in paper.

>> No.9559753
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>"One would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to recognise that Shakespeare's grand, equivocal comedy The Merchant of Venice is nevertheless a profoundly anti-semitic work,” wrote literary critic Harold Bloom in his 1998 book Shakespeare and the Invention of the Human. In spite of his “Bardolatry,” Bloom admitted elsewhere that he’s pained to think the play has done “real harm … to the Jews for some four centuries now.”

>> No.9559754

I feel the same. Shylock is never an asshole, he just a prestamist (that it was the only job that judes could do in those times). The guy is mad because everyone hates judes because they don't believe in jesus and nothing more.

The assholes are the other guys, steal his money, kidnapp his daughter and don't let him to get his pay and/or revenge (well, maybe the last part is ok) and make him lost his possesion.

I don't get why Shylock is the bad guy in there

>> No.9559768
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>posts one quote of one mans opinion as fact
>doesnt even give examples from the play
>thinks he won the argument

>> No.9559782

>Bloom admitted elsewhere that he’s pained to think the play has done “real harm … to the Jews for some four centuries now

would also like to point out that what is read and what is written are not the same. even if the play has harmed jews for years (oh no what a tragedy) that isnt to say that is what shakespeare was trying to say about it. people are just too simple.

modern day example, blur's boys and girls holiday anthem was meant to be a huge critique of that whole scene.

>> No.9559787
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Yeah, I'm sure it was the play..

>> No.9559792

I am not trying to win an argument, I do not really have an opinion on the matter. My hope in starting this thread was to intice some passing /pol/fags to choose between raging against the practice of decrying everything as antisemitic and claiming the great Shakespeare as one of their own.

>> No.9559796

Are there people who actually believe this?

>> No.9559815

Say that something is real and people will believe.

Everybody is stupid. You believe some stupidity too.

>> No.9559961

Can I turn this into a post-ironic truth in a postmodern novel?

>> No.9559970

Can I push your post-ugly face in my post-anal device, a.k.a. post-butts? You could post-lick it a bit

>> No.9559978


>> No.9560003


>> No.9560011

Yes please, mock of the wuz

>> No.9560056

>Portrays group of people who engaged in usury against the greater community but not among themselves sympathetically

>> No.9560062

Jews don't like it when the goyim write about them.

>> No.9560065


>> No.9560069

get a life jews!

>> No.9560087

>Bloom logic:
>Make a play about the Crusades that's sympathetic to the Christians but portrays them as dicks at the same time.

Jews are just mad that a time in history where they were kind of being dicks got recorded into a timeless play. Shakespeare hardly wrote an anti-semetic hate tract, he just didn't water down the truth because he wasn't whipped into portraying them entirely positively because of the 6 gorillian!

Othello wasn't a racist play because it protrayed moors as capable of violence either.

>> No.9560110

I like Bloom but he always incorporated too much of his jewishness into his critique. His obviously personal contempt for Eliot is a good example.

>> No.9560125

Shakespeare was a Nazi
He hated Jews like every other rational and intelligent person

What can they do? Say he went "crazy" like Bobby Fischer

>> No.9560133

Afrocentric historical revisionists are ready to believe anything like this

>> No.9560135


>> No.9560286

Bobby Fischer legitimately did go fucking nuts though. He accused the soviets of rigging his chess game against Spassky by putting mind control devices in the chairs, and joined a radio based Apocalyptic sect of Christianity that didn't have their Apocalypse pan out.

When he broke UN economic sanctions against Yugoslavia by playing a game there against Spassky, spat on the UN order not to play, and got arrested in Japan years later, he accused Japan of being in a cabal with George W Bush against him. In actuality nobody was conspiring against him and everybody felt sorry for the guy at that point because he was old, kind of batshit, his entire life story was kind of sad, and had been fleeing the law for years, and they let him live in Iceland until he died.

/pol/ just likes to pretend he was sane because he was anti-Semitic. Guy was more insane than most.

>> No.9560307


people will believe anything presented to them from any position of authority, to those exceptionally low on the social strata, even memes have authority

>> No.9560332

t. Kike

He really didn't go nuts, though. Listen to his interviews. He sounds perfectly sane just slightly on edge. He's not incoherent, he's not classically "mad".

You're full of shit and read some Wikipedia propaganda article and now he's a "nut" because you say so? Fuck no.
All of those things happen to people who aren't called crazy too, he was made a target and an example of.

Not saying there really was a conspiracy or whatever, but the guy had an insanely high IQ and as soon as he names the Jew, so to speak, he's immediately labelled a loon and articles are written everywhere along the lines of, "How The Greatest Chess Player lost it all and his mind", etc.

The guy wasn't making shit up, he wasn't crazy, he was just far too fucking outspoken and probably liked to go over the top because he didn't give a fuck

>> No.9560347

What's /pol/ got to do with anything anyway?

If a man calls out Jews and he's a nobody, people say "Ah, it's just another bitter loser anti-semite"... if a man calls out Jews and he's the worlds greatest chess player? ..."He's a fucking loon! He went mad!"

>> No.9560427

>You're full of shit and read some Wikipedia propaganda article and now he's a "nut" because you say so? Fuck no.

No, I used to be into chess big time, read into Fischers life story, and realised he was a bit batshit. Top chess players in general tend to be a bit batshit and even among them Fischer was unusually batshit.

This is a guy that didn't show up for his first two matches against Spassky and lost by default on both.

He called 9/11 a wonderful day.

He believed the Kasparov-Karpov matches were prearranged by the soviets and generally believed in a ton of conspiracies.

If the diagnosis existed then I have little doubt doctors would have called him a sperg as well based on his general obsessive personality and his not giving a fuck attitude.

The anti-semitism is part of what made him seem batshit. Here's a quote from a post-9/11 interview "I'm hoping for some kind of 'Seven Days in May' scenario, where the country (USA) will be taken over by the military, they'll close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders, and... you know... apologize to the Arabs, kill off all the Jews over there in the bandit state, you know, of Israel. I'm hoping for a totally new world."

I believe a lot of his batshit attitude was related to how his father left him and his mother was an active communist under FBI surveillance and left wing activist that left Fischer at home alone to be raised by his sister and family friends and himself. His mom just up and abandoned him to go into medicine at 16.

If you think Fischer was completely sane, you just don't know about the man, or you're a serious pseud.

I have no doubt his anti-semitism is part of why he is labeled mad, or that anti-semites aren't automatically labeled mad even if they aren't mad, but I'm calling him mad based on my own opinion of the issue, not anybody elses. He wasn't stark raving mad, but he was less than completely sane.

>> No.9560446

>>9560427 - samefagging

winning one world championship, disappearing for a bunch of years, reappearing briefly, and then disappearing again also helped build up his eccentric reputation.

>> No.9560464

>The anti-semitism is part of what made him seem batshit. Here's a quote from a post-9/11 interview "I'm hoping for some kind of 'Seven Days in May' scenario, where the country (USA) will be taken over by the military, they'll close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders, and... you know... apologize to the Arabs, kill off all the Jews over there in the bandit state, you know, of Israel. I'm hoping for a totally new world."

Yeah... this isn't doing anything to prove he is "batshit", you're just a Jew, aren't you?
>I believe a lot of his batshit attitude was related to how his father left him
Again, more propaganda you read on Wikipedia.
He wasn't even aware his dad wasn't his real dad until after his death.

Now I'm not claiming he was a "normie" or whatever, he was obviously extremely intelligent and that comes with a price, often some madness, but what he was saying wasn't deranged or necessarily "crazy" or unfounded.

That guy isn't me idiot, and anyway that doesn't mean he was a crazy lunatic as they'd have you believe.
His IQ was probably top 0.01 percent... He called out Jews and suddenly he's a crazy schizo? Fuck off shill

>> No.9560491

Well, he wasn't wrong. Israel is a bandit state.

>> No.9560501

>He wasn't even aware his dad wasn't his real dad until after his death.

I'm referring to his adoptive father when I say talk about his father not being around, not his biological father.

I didn't read about Fischer from wiki, although apparently you did because you seem so familiar with the contents of Fischer's Wikipedia article.

I think we're agreeing more than you act like we are, you're just getting hung up on my use of the word "mad" meaning he has to be eating his own shit for breakfast or something to qualify.

>His IQ was probably top 0.01 percent

Probably. Memory and pattern recognition are tested by IQ tests and both are exceedingly important in chess.

>> No.9560518

>The anti-semitism is part of what made him seem batshit. Here's a quote from a post-9/11 interview "I'm hoping for some kind of 'Seven Days in May' scenario, where the country (USA) will be taken over by the military, they'll close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders, and... you know... apologize to the Arabs, kill off all the Jews over there in the bandit state, you know, of Israel. I'm hoping for a totally new world."
>Yeah... this isn't doing anything to prove he is "batshit", you're just a Jew, aren't you?

t. /pol/

>> No.9560527

You need to go back.

>> No.9560537

We probably do agree, I'm not saying we don't, he was probably "mad", in that, he's nothing like the ordinary man. He's far too smart for that. Maybe he was when he was a boy, then he moved past that continually, always evolving and progressing his outlook, etc.
But to simply label him "mad" is not just nor accurate.

I don't doubt he did a fucking lot of research before he started to claim "Send them all to camps", blah blah. The guy was a bit of an eccentric as well, which probably didn't help.

The man had a fucking clear gift in pattern recognition, perhaps the best in the world, and the pattern he noticed...well... isn't that telling?

Hardly /pol/, but I don't believe he was entirely wrong.

>> No.9560559

>Maybe he was when he was a boy,

Nope not even then, his mother wrote about how she gave up on interacting with him because he was insanely obsessed with chess, which is part of the reason I think he would be called an Aspie today.

>> No.9560615

I'd say Shylock is definitely a bad guy, but he is sympathetic

>> No.9560616

This thread is the shining example of /pol/ infesting other boards and then being wilfully ignorant of the fact that everyone else hates their retarded horseshit

>> No.9560623

Go back.

>> No.9560665
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>Someone from a containment board who probably migrated there from the Trump reddit telling a /lit/ user to "go back"

>> No.9560677

same with the nick land threads, some fucking retards on a alt-right discord were probably like "lit is too lefty, we need to enlighten them, lets spam nick land shit" i'm open to rightist ideas, it's just they're usually pretty stupid, only ones that hold any weight are basically mainstream capitalist stuff, not wack "neo-reactionary" junk

>> No.9560679

You sure do a lot of assuming.

>> No.9560700

point out the /pol/ posts faggot

>> No.9560708

>t. Jewish nu-male
I don't listen to people who let strangers fuck their wives

>> No.9560714


>> No.9560729

Both of those were me and they're highly accurate and succinct.

You're angry for no other reason than because you're a limp-wristed leftist who can't handle a genius being anti-Semitic

>> No.9560754

He's a Jew that denies he's a Jew to call out other Jews, even when he's being helped by Jews.

This fact alone should be enough to prove he's a mad Jew.

>> No.9560869

He didn't know he was a Jew for a start, you utter pleb.

Also, he wasn't mad, he was just right

>> No.9560918

no, the merchant of venice is a study in mercy-hypocrisy

shakespeare is entirely sympathetic to skylock

but because jews represented the things shakespeare disliked about finance, eg, charging interest etc people mistake merchant of venice as a play against jewish people
obviously not when shylock just wants his pound of flesh, not for evil purposes or some other means but only because it was promised to him
that's a very banal treatment of evil per se

so no you don't understand at all

>> No.9560941
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>> No.9560980

>this liberal revisionism
curious how every genius throughout history secretly shared you post industrialized liberal beliefs.

I'm sure Abraham Lincoln and Julius Caesar were free thinking friends of the little guy as well.


>> No.9561005

To be fair, Bloom is right to bring up the question as to why Shakespeare has Shylock convert, when it seems quite out of character for him. And he's right to bring up the fact that the play doesn't function unless Shylock is seen as a villain.

Every now and then Bloom asks the right questions and sets up a good context for reading Shakespeare. Too bad he comes up wondrously short on Hamlet.

>> No.9561061

Othello was a moor you fucking American

>> No.9561083

this actually trumps the paradox of Shakespeare being able to write plays. An upper-class [white] woman educated in spoken lore trying to push her ideas through a hypothetical charlatan such as Shakespeare just to see how much praise they get, that would be more credible than a black person with aforementioned lore in 16th century England.

>> No.9561095

He does convert in the end to Christianity and gives up his Jewish ways.

>> No.9561100


>> No.9561105
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>He didn't know he was a Jew

>> No.9561161

>othello is brazenly about black people being easy to manipulate next

Not necessarily black people, as Othello isn't black anyway, but more that those who are foreign to a society are more prone to manipulation due to their insecurities and anxieties about fitting in with the native population. Everything Othello does is because he's afraid of getting cucked by Cassio, just like Iago is afraid of getting cucked by Othello.

>> No.9561174

M8, Iago is gay for Othello.

>> No.9561223

He didn't... it was only after his death that the Jewish media basically started a witch hunt and found out his real father was someone else, etc.

They basically went after him even after death to try and find some dirt on him to distract from what he said...

Listen to the Bobby Fischer tapes on Youtube and you tell me if he sounds crazy or not. To me he just sounds like a guy who doesn't give a fuck for the opinions of others, and is even quite funny at times

>> No.9561226

no he dies
after his forced conversion he is as good as dead never to be mentioned again

his judaism was his everything

>> No.9561269
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>> No.9561470

His mother was a Jewess, which makes him a Jew, according to pretty much everyone.

>> No.9561951

Othello fall's in love with a white chick, and then kills her in the end. But he is driven to it by a real villain in that play. It's a well written part that evokes sympathy. Shylock, on other hand, is just evil. There is no way around it. Stage allows flexibility, so he's often played as tragic part, but when you read it, there is nothing tragic about him. He wilfully and intentionally draws up a contract that would guarantee a gruesome death. He shows no remorse for it, all he cares is his own profit.

>> No.9562055

>Othello fall's in love with a white chick, and then kills her in the end. But he is driven to it by a real villain in that play. It's a well written part that evokes sympathy.

To be honest, Othello seemed so gullible it wasn't believable. It's a really well structured play but I couldn't stand Othello and part of it fails for me. And Eliot agrees.

>> No.9563606

He is black.

>> No.9563682

>the UN order not to play
What the hell?
>He accused the soviets of rigging his chess game against Spassky by putting mind control devices in the chairs
Well, most jews are paranoid schizos who talk of masturbation machines and gas chamber - showers.

>> No.9563773

> Moor

So is Othello black or arab?

>> No.9564399

>Listen to his interviews
>Nobody has single-handedly done more for the US than me. I really believe this.

>> No.9565276

That list is missing a lot. The whole Old Testament is about (((them))) getting kicked out of various places.

>> No.9566267

Lots of speculation on the issue, though he was likely Arab. Modern adaptions mainly have him as black now though because it's a memeplay and if he isn't black then people will cry racism.

>> No.9567498

Romeo= Roman Christian
Juliet= Jew

>> No.9567524


>> No.9567561

If you don't think Shylock got his just desserts, feel free to kill yourself

Antonio spat on Shylock and taunted him because Shylock lent money at ruinous rates to Antonio's friends and kinsmen. If you think Antonio is in the wrong here, then you're probably a warped pussy who thinks the Earl of Kent (from Lear) was bad as well. Kent called Oswald an action-taker as an insult; Shylock is a loser action-taker as well. If he wanted to spite Antonio, he had every right to resort to retributive physical force instead of weaseling his way into having the state enact his retribution for him (as the Jews still do to this very day).

Shylock's only remotely sympathetic moment is when he despairs his daughter's absconsion, yet even then it is a secondary concern (ducats come first). He was probably upset because of the injury to his pride, not because he had lost Jessica.

tl;dr JIDF pls.