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/lit/ - Literature

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9556243 No.9556243 [Reply] [Original]

>he thinks that Homo Sapiens Sapiens can be Ubermensch

With Ubermensch Nietzsche was clearly talking about more evolved humans, who will slowly achieve perfection in tenths thousands of years from now. Our job is to guide and steer our evolution in that direction: we are but a bridge to the Overman.

>> No.9556247

wow dude that's like a freakin epic science fiction or something crazy!

>> No.9556309

Of course not, Dee! That's impossible!

>> No.9556352
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Threadly reminder that the ubermensch is merely an individual capable of creating his own values. If you can do this you are the/an ubermensch.

If there are any ubermenschen out there, please respond and provide us a new moral framework. The Judeo-christian system is crumbling, europe needs a new direction and new values if it is to survive and thrive. Save mother europa

>> No.9556404

It´s not only the judeo-christian morals that are crumbling, but the death of metaphisical morals. All morals are dying.

>> No.9556444


Islamic morals are dying across Islamic world, ISIS being the last attempt to change something. India and China are also throwing all moral systems in the gutter.

>> No.9556451
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I disagree. Christian morals are crumbling because it's target audience no longer believes in its requisite cosmology and lacks its societal structural reinforcement. As nietzsche said, Christianity was a reaction to the problem of living as a slave. We no longer live as slaves, so the Christian answer doesn't work anymore.

Muslim ethics are going strong. They have retained their cosmology/metaphysics and their structural carrots and sticks. Plus, they still live in such a way that the muslim answer is appealing.

Europe needs an answer that appeals/works for its current problems. Once it has this answer reinforcing system of ritual, myth, and tradition will develop around it as a scaffolding and support system.

I propose vitality as an answer, a goal, and a value for Europe. The west should concern itself with health, strength, dynamism, joy, beauty, prosperity, flourishing. This value always appeals to people, who doesn't want to be vital? Vitality accepts and encourages excellence, fun, industry, and catharsis. Meanwhile, it stands against degeneracy, cowardice, lack of self control, mediocrity, laziness, weakness, and temptation. Vitalism is the way forward.

>> No.9556553

Thank God they are, and may they stay dead for as long as I live.

>> No.9556578
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absolute perfect description of why we should strive towards vitality instead of more po-mo shenanigans or /pol/hack trash, and why we should shed Christianity as a moral framework

>> No.9557022

Thank you sir.
Obviously my vitalism is just rebranded Nietzschean Life-Affirmation, but my conception of it does a few sneaky things that I'm proud of. In no particular order:
>It has no contradictions with the predominant morality - vitalism doesn’t go into direct conflict with herd morality in the same way that something like objectivism or capitalism does. At face value one can be a vitalist and a Judeo-christian with no issues.
>It is an individual philosophy - However, vitalism is individualistic. It deals purely with the individual and his current state while approaching relationships as an afterthought. The preoccupation with personal health would put people in touch with their selfish or at least self concerned instincts. The more one adopts vitalism the less one identifies with and depends on the herd.
>It has a social doctrine - The doctrine of overflowing. As one grows in vitality (personal abundance and prosperity) then one will begin to overflow with goodness into the world. Think of bill gates fixing everything. The opposite is a mistake - think of putting on your oxygen before helping someone else. Again, makes people selfish and cuts their connection to the herd. They aren’t expected to help until they feel that they themselves are strong enough to lend a hand. Again, it’s compatible with herd mentality.
>[sneaky] It is master morality - Vitalism is clearly a subset of master morality. It seeks to introduce produce a relationship of superior/inferior, master/slave, winner/loser between the subject and the other. It wouldn’t happen overnight, but the structure of vitalism as a master morality would awaken in its holder the other instincts of a master morality, while dulling the user to the instincts of slave morality.
>[sneaky] Vitalism requires competition - Flourishing and prosperity can happen without engaging in competition, but given that the world has limited resources and that humans are organized into dominance hierarchies, a vitalist will inevitably be drawn towards and welcome conflict. Not only as a path towards vitality but as an expression of vitality. In this way vitalism again chips away at the malaise afflicting european morality and opens up a path to its preservation.

>> No.9557050

i love you, anon, you're clearly a human being who actually bothered to read the philosophical texts and actual thought about them slight homo

keep doing the good work

Regarding Nietzsche, i actually go more towards other classic pessimists like Schopie and Zapffe, although i think that Nietzsche's life affirming brand of pessimism has several important and helpful ideas on how to leave a full, thoughtful life in an increasingly nihilistic world

>> No.9557059

I'll continue, in case anyone else is interested. I wrote this all out in a fit yesterday, so I apologize for any grammatical/structural errors.

Doctrines of Vitalism:
>The highest good for an individual - robust vitality. In contrast with christian freedom from pain in salvation, the vitalist doesn’t even imagine pain for he has risen above it. Image - the galloping stallion.
>Overabundance - Your social obligations are largely limited to willing contributions from overflow, except for existential threats that require extra efforts at the expense of short term vitality.
>Expressionism/catharsis - Expressions of vitalism are allowed and encouraged. Expressions of other feelings are also allowed through the medium of tragedy to allow for catharsis and encourage/instill moral lessons.
>Vitalist ethics - those who embody and/or spread vitality are celebrated and heroic, those who fail to reach vitality are pitied or disdained (depending on whether they try and fail or rejected it outright), those who actively attempted to destroy vitality are held as absolutely revolting - they are zombie people spreading a pestilence.

I'm also working on developing a Vitalist cosmology that includes a lot of Jungian symbolism. It's my contention that symbolism/religious imagery gives people a way to embody and interact with abstract concepts and drives. Creating a cosmology allows for people's drives to be channeled in an appropriate direction. So far I have some conception of a vitalist afterlife.

>> No.9557246

Nah, he's making shit up.

God, I hate /lit/

>> No.9557350


why do you take pride in rehashing very basics nietzschean ideas while adding a little spin of yours which is basically emptying the former ideology of most of its subtleties ?