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/lit/ - Literature

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9552780 No.9552780 [Reply] [Original]

Who will be the great defender of literature and literature studies when Bloom is gone?

>> No.9552793


>> No.9552797

You who would be the next idol of pseuds on /lit/ after this shitty memester croaks?

>> No.9552805
File: 839 KB, 1667x2500, 1495731968790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to meme him, but seriously, is there a better answer? If not him, then some perhaps yet-to-be-known grad student.

>> No.9552810

peterson is already memed about as hard

>> No.9552822
File: 120 KB, 1118x1280, SFlo73h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peterson related to literature in any way at all

>> No.9552844

>old testament

The guy is constantly shouting, Read Great Books. Read something written by someone great. And now, listen to great music, experience great architecture. This isn't literature? Really?

It's fine if you don't want to drink the koolaid, but it's definitely a literary koolaid.

>> No.9552857

>The guy is constantly shouting, Read Great Books

Is that really the bar for being "the defender of literature"?

>> No.9552891

Unironically, this board. Time we start taking our position in the discourse a bit more seriously. The craft is surely dying, and it's up to forums/the people to keep it afloat. Hopefully people come to realize this, instead of continuing the uniform degradation and meming of great works, and the writing off of women and minority authors as unworthy. There's some gold on this board, but most of the content (and the people perpetuating such garbage) need to be eviscerated, along with their families. In fact, I pray every night for 40 days and 40 nights for rain to kill most of us off. Imminent death would bring all of us NEETs and pseuds (98% of /lit/) a good sense of perspective.

Praise Trump, for he will bring in the Pale Horse. Praise ISIS, for they will usher in the apocalypse. Praise deregulation and the destruction of the EPA. I'm so excited! Let's get shocked backed to reality. Where is Bloom? What's he done? Wrote a goddamn list, sat for an eternity in a wicker chair forming his own opinions. forget him.

A mass extinction event is the only thing that will save literature.

>> No.9552892

Even Bloom himself thinks that the title of Defender of Literature may have to be retired.


Peterson's logging some serious time for the Logos. He's got enough credibility for me, I'm fine with him carrying the torch through the swamp.

*sips koolaid*

Here, you want some? Goes great with room-cleaning. And Beethoven.

>> No.9552898
File: 31 KB, 720x423, tumblr_mqs0jcpJTO1sqwpumo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically, this board.

I agree. Have an inspiring image, anon.

>> No.9552908

>this guy talks about several well-known authors and classic works
>he must be the defender of literature
Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.9552918

>are you mentally handicapped
Yes. I still might be right though.

>> No.9552927

You're wrong. Kys yourself for bringing up this shitty pol meme yet again for no good reason.

>> No.9552946

>Praise deregulation and the destruction of the EPA.
>muh environment
>muh global warming

oh please

>> No.9552950

That which has no life...cannot be killed.

>shitty /pol/ meme

I know that /lit/ is flooded with pointless Peterson shill threads that lead nowhere, but I've listened to enough of his stuff to know that he is no /pol/ meme. That would be the current POTUS. Peterson is the tits. Even *Nick Land* praises him, ffs, and Nick only gets out of bed in the morning hoping to see the West splintered into a thousand tiny nation-states. Credit where credit is due, that's all I'm saying. How could Literature be any more Defended except in the way that he's doing it?

*stirs koolaid bowl*

>> No.9552953


>> No.9552959

>>muh global warming

>> No.9552964

Hush now, child

>> No.9553008

>I watched his YouTube videos therefore he's not a meme
>even <another retarded meme> praises him!
Is this bait? Peterson is absolute and utter shit. I have no idea about his work in psychology or indeed psychology at large, so I don't presume to be able to judge his professional work, but whenever he tries to play philosopher it always ends up being a hysterically hilarious badly articulated mess. He's absolutely a pol idol, both coming to popularity through his analysis of Pepe Le Meme and stance on SJWs, and further strengthening his grip and increasing his financial gains by producing ""lectures"" where he basically provides a proper father figure for all those autistic insecure teenagers hating the world additionally playing on all those edgy worldview thousands of hours on pol have instilled in them. That being said I can at least understand bringing him up in philosophical context, because he actually tries to go into field. Saying he has any relation whatsoever to literature is just pure idiocy. "He likes Neetshoe, Memestoyevsky and Solzh hurr" so what? So do literally tens of millions of other people. Just fucking stop.

>> No.9553059

>great defener
Bloom the "wrong generation" manchild confirmed

>> No.9553082
File: 36 KB, 1950x1425, Hubbert_Upper-Bound_Peak_1956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so this is retardation of /lit/

They actually believe :
1) increased CO2 is overall bad
2) That a global phenomenon can be managed by a couple hundred bureaucrats


>> No.9553091

>the retardation of /lit/ is the retardation of the overwhelming majority of academics in fields with average iqs >100
>'retardation' even means something at that point

>> No.9553099


>I don't understand something, therefo and then it's false.

>is cold sometimes, therefore CO2 not bad.

>Picture of graph give me authority

>> No.9553105

i'm ready for the chinese century

>> No.9553110

>graph comparison of predicted and factual amount of oil produced in US
>global warming is a hoax
Keksimus maximus.

>> No.9553117

Is this actually a thing? Please explain

>> No.9553123
File: 243 KB, 449x471, 1494914874115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literature is dyyiinnngggg

please...saaavvveee iiiittttt

>> No.9553148

>So what?
So he thinks he should read those guys. And think about them. I do too.

As for financial gains, he earned those. His funding - which was rather mysteriously pulled, and then re-gifted to him through crowd funding - was for his graduate students. If people want to sign up for his self-authoring seminars, let them. If they don't, they won't. He makes a comfortable living as a professor, but eight months ago or whatever he had no idea if he was going to be out of a job or not because he didn't know if U of T was going to decide he was too much of a hassle. What I admire about him is that he didn't soften his tone for the sake of keeping his position. If anything, he became even more shrill. This tells me he's not in this for the money.

And what's wrong with analyzing Pepe the Frog? Those frogs memed Trump into the White House. I'm glad he looked at them! Why not?

We can disagree on this. That's fine. But the man thinks Great Books are important and he's convincing me that they are too. I don't know if that qualifies him for The great defender status, but the man gives a shit. I like people like that.

I can't even disagree with the Proper Father Figure thing either. As he says, most of the people who go to his lectures are men, and so are most of the people who watch his videos. He didn't set out to start a cult, he just wound up with a devoted following by defending himself and saying some really uncomplicated stuff that resonates with people.

Sort Yourself Out or Clean Your Room are, to me at least, better ways of occupying yourself intellectually than radical social justice - in either their left wing *or* their right-wing forms. The middle is a complicated place but I think Peterson has a good approach to it. Are his readings of Derrida uncharitable? Sure. But is blowing an air horn in Peterson's ear and calling him a transphobic piece of shit not even worse? Of course it is. But he doesn't stoop or become cruel and mean and vindictive. He goes up on stage, puts on his tie, and gives another lecture about dominance hierarchies or does a podcast with someone. I think that's a good look.

>> No.9553150

Apparently science is only what is agreed upon? nice. All of the people who disagreed with Galileo had high IQs.

Please explain to me how higher crop productivity and increased plant growth is a bad thing.

total meme

That was the whole "peak oil" scare which was (similarly) total nonsense. The bellcurve was the prediction on US oil production. even that data is manipulated because it excludes Alaskan oil production.

>> No.9553162

>All of the people who disagreed with Galileo had high IQs.
[citation need], but even if true, so what? Are you trying to imply that every single one of them were retarded? Again, what does mental retardation even mean at that point.
>Please explain to me how higher crop productivity and increased plant growth is a bad thing.
Please cite sources. Please explain to the Syrians how droughts are a good thing.

>> No.9553170

Technically, he would put on the tie before he goes on stage, I suppose. But you get the idea.

>> No.9553191

No I mean to say, you can be very smart but still hold on to dumb belifs. Those earth-centric models of the universe were complicated as fuck. You had to be a genious to understand it let alone build one.

As for your second point:
1) are you trying to explain the refugee crisis as a result of bad weather? please son

2) the only reason the whole refugee crisis happened is the destruction of libya and the arab spring as a whole. Newsflash Africa has always been a shithole. It didn't happen in the last few years





>> No.9553210


Have another source "Mr. I let 'the experts' dictate my opinions, beliefs, and desires".

>> No.9553216

>you can be very smart but still hold on to dumb belifs
So why use the word retardation then.

Are you denying the Syrian Drought? please son

>> No.9553227

Please do tell me how you inferred that I let ''the experts'' dictate my desires.

>> No.9553250

The people can't save literature Anon, only great individuals.

>> No.9553256

He seems to have only read like five books in his life

>> No.9553259
File: 59 KB, 380x380, 5152719+_5b7a31230ba901cda2229559b845df88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyshit, settle down cultist. Save it for your blog

>> No.9553261

I sort of agree with all of this, but I aint buying ocean front property

>> No.9553319

Old canon not in jeopardy. Writers still read the same writers, carry on the tradition.

A new canon won't ever develop though. If there were 10k surviving greek plays nobody would give a shit

>> No.9553401

/lit/, duh.

google 'Finnegans Wake China'

>> No.9553561

What a reddit post

>> No.9553569

Bloom has lived long enough to become the Villain in that regard. When he dies it will open the way for fresher, more genuine literary scholarship.

>> No.9553570

Probably like Stephen King or jk Rowling or emma watson. Most likely emma watson.

>> No.9553641

Unironically Tao lin

>> No.9553649

this is the most disgusting thing that i have read, fucking spooked bro

>> No.9553779

On a slightly related note, what do people think of Bloom's list of books belonging to the canon? I know he disavowed it but it still seems like a fairly decent list.

>> No.9553795

Hory shit you are an absolute fucking cultist. Anyways, I'm tired of discussing Memerson. My point was that it's retarded to suggest him as 'Defender of Literature' (however idiotic this sounds in itself).
>he thinks he should read those guys. And think about them.
>the man thinks Great Books are important
So do literally millions of people, you absolute fucking brainlet. "Thinking great books are great" is not some unique feat or position. As far as literature concerned he's no different to any avid reader. Stop the retardation.

>> No.9553828

>libya and the arab spring as a whole. Newsflash Africa has always been a shithole
>The Arabian peninsula is African
wew lad

>> No.9554050

define "great" lmfao

there is no such thing as ""great"objectively

>> No.9554148

Fairly legit list, sure there's stuff that could be put on there and stuff taken off, especially in the democratic age, but as a general guide its pretty fucking good.

You've likely seen this already but another good resource is:


the lists he uses to make that list are all good.

Plus the site in general is kinda interesting, including the nabakov recs.

If you just want like, 20th century stuff, I guess just look on the time list, modern library list, and the larry mccaffery lists. Modern library probably the most shit of those three.

>> No.9554161

Why not? We regularly discuss Woolf, Plath, Orwell, DFW etc

>> No.9554184


>young pseud reductionist

you tell em, kid

>> No.9554224


>back to reality

Woop there goes gravity

>> No.9554240
File: 27 KB, 391x390, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We will never have early 2000s Eminem again

>> No.9554275

How was it a Reddit post you simplistic Neanderthal

>> No.9554812

>Bloom replaced with scum who even if namedrops Great Books™ only does so in didacitist manner, ie. he likes some concepts from them he can vaguely connect to his own work.

You people have never read a line from any of Bloom's books in your entire life, you are vermin, an utter vermin.