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9552287 No.9552287 [Reply] [Original]

Stop being a Christian.

>> No.9552290

Nietzsche was a Christian. Sorry that radical Christianity goes way over your head.

>> No.9552292

typical slave morality

>> No.9552307


>> No.9552343

>I do not by any means know atheism as a result; even less as an event: it is a matter of course with me, from instinct. I am too inquisitive, too questionable, too exuberant to stand for any gross answer. God is a gross answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers -- at bottom merely a gross prohibition for us: you shall not think!
----Ecce Homo, §1

>> No.9552347

*Ecce Homo, "Why I Am So Clever," §1

>> No.9552352
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i liked it

>> No.9553189

i will
when you
stop being

>> No.9553208
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I still can't get over it actually being titled "Why I Am So Clever".

I'm not.

>> No.9553221

Hitler was so dumby dumb :) "my furer iur troops are freezing" "Ah! I forgot to pack the coats XDDDD"

>> No.9553233

He was just Schütze Arsch in WW1, what could you expect?

>> No.9553382

Could anybody explain why Nietzsche's criticism is so bad? despite being the son of a pastor he had next to zero understanding of the Philosophy of Christianity or Theology.

>> No.9554356


he's right in the most important points

>> No.9554362

>Could anybody explain why Nietzsche's criticism is so bad?
It's not.

>> No.9554366

He actually studied in theology in university and had a prior formal education given to him by his parents. I'm pretty sure no one here on /lit/ is as erudite in the atudy of the Bible as Nietzsche was.

>> No.9554379

which are?

>> No.9554390

What a fedora tipper

>hur dur every Christian philosopher ever wasn't a thinker
>anyone who believed in God for that matter too

>> No.9554411


- Men's main aim in life being the search for power
- Relativity of morals if religion is taken out of the table
- Christianity's weakness as a religion and as fuel to the first point forementioned

>> No.9554419

>relativity of morals

>transvaluating of morals
Proper reading

>> No.9554435

Its true though :^)

>> No.9554437

fair enough but my point in posting that quote was just to show that Nietzsche was indeed an atheist, as against the /lit/ meme that crops up sometimes that he was a "radical Christian"

>> No.9554445

>Descartes wasn't a thinker
>Aquinas wasn't a thinker
>Hegel wasn't a thinker
>Meister Eckhart wasn't a thinker

It can be argued that without Christianity and the individual's movement through it, Nietzsche's philosophy would be impossible

>> No.9554450

They were poopoo in the butthole hahahaha

>> No.9554455

>this is what high school Nietzscheans actually believe

>> No.9554465

>high school
I'm an scholar you swine

>> No.9554601

Fuck you, Mark Twain

>> No.9554634

Religion is slavery.

>> No.9554640

i'm reading stirner rn and i can't wait till it's over, it's ok but we got the point in the first ten pages now i have go on and on reading his random references to obscure 19th century german guys no one cares about

>> No.9554664

>all this atheism in this thread

My friends! My friends! My dearly, beloved friends!
Turn aside from your life of sin! I'm ashamed to say that I do not have the knowhow of scribes nor the Witt of Pharisees - but I have greater proof of God than all the philosophers and statistics that my religion has ever provided - PRAYER!

Pray before our dearly beloved lord, Jesus Christ who is God and the son of God, and the fulfilment of God's promise to the Kingdom of Isreal! He had come in the flesh to die for YOUR sins, and even now - forgives your trespasses against him, for his loves burns brighter than even the fires of hell - you need only reach him!

If you want proof of my lord, I ask you, I ask you if only for the sakes of a miracle which he will fulfill if you merely ask him where - GO TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, for which, there is no other baptism, for which no other water other than, will provide you a way into Heaven!

Go to the one, true, mother church and pray before a Eucharistic Adorition, and for those that don't know - simply pray before a statue of our blessed lord, Jesus and he shall make himself known to you. Ask ANYTHING and it SHALL be given - but you have to ask! Knock and it SHALL be OPENED - but you have to knock. Pray for something truly troubling in your heart and let Jesus - do the rest. I guarantee you he shall awnser :)

For any Catholics I implore you - ATTEND THE FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS and you shall be in the clear with Jesus, even unto death!

Hail the risen lord, and peace to people of good will, Hossanah in the highest!!!

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!!!! Hossanah in the highest!!!!

>> No.9554683
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When will Christians learn "le hat meme" has never invalidated any argument for atheism? Its such a idiotic, Tumblr-tier "rebuttal".

>> No.9554698

Descartes made like one good point

Whose only good point has been rebuked

An occulist weirdo that only Marx takes seriously

>It can be argued that without Christianity and the individual's movement through it, Nietzsche's philosophy would be impossible
That's like saying you are whoever you disagree with because it would be impossible for you to reject it because it didn't exist.

>> No.9554722

Please forgive him, friend, Im sure he dosen't know any better, if your unsatisfied for proof, turn to prayer dearly beloved.

My reply's up top

He's correct to concern your name-calling. I don't agree with his generalisation that ALL Christians respond with that rebuttal for the reasons he states, but he had a right to be troubled.
Pray for him instead brother :)
He may just become your brother in heaven, and isn't that a lovely thought? Shalom - Peace!

Hail to the Risen Lord!!!
And peace to people of GOOD will!!!

>> No.9554807

The hat is a symbol. Humans think in symbols. With one peculiar exception.

>> No.9554939

>the hat is a symbol
A Tumblr-tier, nonsensical symbol.

>> No.9554991


>It can be argued that without Christianity and the individual's movement through it, Nietzsche's philosophy would be impossible
That's like saying you are whoever you disagree with because it would be impossible for you to reject it because it didn't exist.

That statement would not make sense without an understanding of conciousness. Which Hegel made a great contribution to.

>> No.9554997

t. moron that doesn't understand Nieztsche
It goes over your head.
That's why he was Christian.
He was not an atheist. You do not seem to understand that he was not systematic, wholly sincere, or anything of the like. You cannot comprehend non-coherence. You are a weakness.

>> No.9555524

That placing any value in an afterlife is nihilism.

>> No.9555530

Christ is freedom.

>> No.9555540
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Holy shit it just never stops does it

Nietzsche doesn't just disagree with Christianity, his values are built on microscopic rejection of its entire framework, aesthetics, and morality.

>having such awful opinions
You should read more, pleb faggot

>> No.9555614
File: 166 KB, 500x500, lukacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a nietzschean

>> No.9555622

Stop counter-phobically lashing out at your mentors.

>> No.9555633

>Humans think in symbols. With one peculiar exception.

No sorry, Peterson isn't saying at all that autistic people don't think in symbols. Rather the symbols are disjointed and inflexible for them, that is, they have problems abstracting higher-order sets of similar symbols.

However, he obviously isn't speaking in the absolute or across all domains. The high functioning autist he references is necessarily using generalized sets when she is designing slaughter houses, so at least in some respect it is a soft limitation.

>> No.9555635

Probably around the same time that smug autists begin to grasp symbolism?

>> No.9555651


Lukacs is arguably the only famous philosopher who flatly rejected Nietzsche. His essay on Nietzsche is essential.

>> No.9555714

agreed. i used to find nietzsche "liberating" but then i realised that all he gave me was a chance to feel the moral relief of being "rebel" without actually changing shit (kind of "muh revolutionize yourself instead of the world")

>> No.9555748

>muh commie revolution
revolution is so linguistically close to revolting for a good reason

>> No.9555799
File: 13 KB, 220x333, Evola-RAtMw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>revolution is so linguistically close to revolting for a good reason

lukacs was a commie but i'm not necessarily one. in any case, it is a fact that what nietzsche defends is called a "revolution" (yes, a revolt). or at the very least pretends to be one. and it is also a fact that this "revolution" serves no need other than the moral comfort of the aristocracy of feeling "revolted" while preserving their dominant position.

by the way, if you hate "commies" so much you should know that the ressurection of nietzschean thought on the late 20th century has a lot to do with them, specially post-structuralism and post-modernism and etc. (which is one of the most toxic ideologies known to mankind)