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/lit/ - Literature

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9551433 No.9551433 [Reply] [Original]

Will classical art and literature make a comeback?

>> No.9551446

Yay we are going to be the cool guys

>> No.9551448

postmodernism is just getting started.

>> No.9551452

Why would you want contemporary artists to ape movements tied to their historic context? Let the dead bury the dead and move on.

>> No.9551484


problem with this post is that it assumes a measure of self-consciousness about what "we" are doing in postmodernism that was available in the renaissance. postmodernism happened much more organically than that. it's a broad, "full-spectrum" cultural reaction to globalized capitalism, the insulation of the middle classes from material production, and the disappearance of a proletariat culture from the imperial-capitalist metropoles. in such an environment simulation runs rampant because its "other," the concrete realities of necessity and production, have no opportunity to enter dialectical contest with them—middle class ideology starting in the 70s was completely encapsulated by the circuits of capital.

what you see in response is an anxiety over some unnameable "noise" that seems to enter into all communication—think derrida, whose celebrations of play really only seem to mask a basic impotence—or an upstart confidence that discourse, because it has finally detached itself from materiality, can be mapped in itself—think foucault and his archivist histories, which, it must be said, are really only elaborate simulations in their own right.

thats the theoretical side of things. in culture you see consumerist society, sitcoms, the retreat of the left into theoretical texts, and a new rise of nationalist-fascist movements—all of this can be traced back to the concrete alienation of middle classes from material production. the New Left in the 80s and 90s, for instance, detached itself completely from the labor movements to form a more ivory-tower idea of politics. left out to dry, the working classes were easy targets for right-wing ideology, 1. because its easy to believe you're the best and that you've been trampled on by The Blacks, 2. because there was no concerted leftist presence to agitate for labor movements, 3. the rise of cable news, i.e. fox, coupled with the overall trend of making production invisible, makes ideological indoctrination super easy.

so what this all means is that until there's some real political-economic shakeups, there is no "end" to "postmodernism." it's capitalism's superstructural end-game. its a logic of simulation that can always repeatedly simulate its own previous iteration. its just as inexhaustible as it is already dead.

>> No.9551492

no because all classic art reflects the society of its time

to imitate it would be hollow. it would have no relevancy and thus would be weak art

>> No.9551496

and as a caveat, im totally pessimistic about my marxism after the pattern of Adorno. i think all of these cultural ills are signs of decay in capitalist political economy, but i dont think that means revolution is on the horizon any time soon.

>> No.9551515

To root the present in an established past/reality that isn't entirely fiction, even if the story is.

The board is fucking dumb. A classical revival/pre-modern movement is more than what we are over due for. Not the growing triviality of existence given by the importance of fucking retarded topics addressed in post modern because "hurr imma person so my opinion is as important as everyone else's even if my reasoning is in the bottom 1%/ borderline mental illness."


>> No.9551706
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Yes but it will all be ironic.

>> No.9551715

there already is, but its a renaissance of a society people here reject anyway, so what does it matter

>> No.9551723

i mean, that's what the original renaissance was about

>> No.9551752

And it was a garbage heap.

>> No.9551757

>marxist retard spouts nonsensical prophetic gobbledygook, post #5434193

>> No.9551767


no, the original renaissance was the reintegration of byzantine, and by extention classic, values into western society with the fall of constantinople and the migration of its intellectual high class and wealth into medieval Europe. many of the books were already in circulation but were unappreciated/rejected

>> No.9551779

what did you think I meant

>> No.9551882

I doubt the general public will start buying any time soon.

>> No.9551928
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>it's a 'late stage capitalism' episode

>> No.9551985


Good try, but you've failed to understand everything that you've attempted to examine.

>> No.9551995

I agree, the people who post here longing for a revival of the revival of classicism are often mentally ill children living in a fantasy world, and their opinions should as such be ignored